USMB Coffee Shop IV

The Master Suite renovation officially begins at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate this weekend. The custom chest of drawers might be delivered, if my cabinet maker's driveway ever thaws out. The bi-fold doors will be delivered next week. The new television and soundbar and all the connective gizmos have been delivered. Wallpaper and paint colors have been determined. The ultra cool lighting and all the cedar lining for the two new large closets are already at home.

That means this is destruction weekend. I will be sleeping in the Great Hall on the sleeper sofa. Daisy the Mutt will have to make an adjustment as the sleeper sofa is a twin size mattress, not affording her enough room to stretch out and find a comfortable spot in the center of the mattress.

I expect construction to begin next weekend and the Master Suite should be habitable sometime around the 25th. It will be messy and totally inconvenient for the duration, but once it's finished it should be spectacular!

I'll post 'before' pictures, putting the room in the worst possible condition. Look for after pictures, well, after.

Yup. I learned a long time ago that a sure fire way to generate postiive oohs and ahs were to show something at its worst in the 'before photos' before showing them the 'after'. :)

But I'm a little jealous Nosmo. We would dearly love to do some major remodeling, especially in the kitchen area and one of the back bedrooms, but alas, the funds just aren't there at this time. And neither of us is willing to go back to work to get them. :)
A sneek peek at the bed my cabinet maker is building:


Wow, that's beautiful. I don't know many guys who fancy a canopy bed, but it sure is pretty :)
The Master Suite renovation officially begins at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate this weekend. The custom chest of drawers might be delivered, if my cabinet maker's driveway ever thaws out. The bi-fold doors will be delivered next week. The new television and soundbar and all the connective gizmos have been delivered. Wallpaper and paint colors have been determined. The ultra cool lighting and all the cedar lining for the two new large closets are already at home.

That means this is destruction weekend. I will be sleeping in the Great Hall on the sleeper sofa. Daisy the Mutt will have to make an adjustment as the sleeper sofa is a twin size mattress, not affording her enough room to stretch out and find a comfortable spot in the center of the mattress.

I expect construction to begin next weekend and the Master Suite should be habitable sometime around the 25th. It will be messy and totally inconvenient for the duration, but once it's finished it should be spectacular!

I'll post 'before' pictures, putting the room in the worst possible condition. Look for after pictures, well, after.

Yup. I learned a long time ago that a sure fire way to generate postiive oohs and ahs were to show something at its worst in the 'before photos' before showing them the 'after'. :)

But I'm a little jealous Nosmo. We would dearly love to do some major remodeling, especially in the kitchen area and one of the back bedrooms, but alas, the funds just aren't there at this time. And neither of us is willing to go back to work to get them. :)
A sneek peek at the bed my cabinet maker is building:


Wow, that's beautiful. I don't know many guys who fancy a canopy bed, but it sure is pretty :)
The canopy part is optional, but all the versions of A Christmas Carol put a canopy bed in Ebenezer Scrooge's bed chamber.
SFC Ollie
A heads up to all the prayer warriors: Many of you who are Ollie's friends know that Mrs. Ollie has been seriously ill. She has been in rehab for some time and things were really looking up until this afternoon, when things have apparently taken a serious turn for the worse. All of us who know Ollie love him dearly, so please put Mrs. O on your prayer and positive vibes agenda today.
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Our Feb. Rain is almost here! Central coast is gonna get 2 to 3 inches of rain...YAY!! I have everything battened down and am eagerly awaiting the first onslaught. But, I KNOW the power is going to go poof cuz it always does. Got my candles prepped, got the ice machine in the freezer popping out some cubes to keep the fridge cold during the outage, got my books stacked and ready. I even got out some playing cards and the dominoes and put them by the candles. I is prepared!! Storm is supposed to hit tonight and go all the way thru to Sunday night. I hope it sticks around longer, then heads east to the mountains and it turns cold so we can have some snow pack for this spring and summer.
Our Feb. Rain is almost here! Central coast is gonna get 2 to 3 inches of rain...YAY!! I have everything battened down and am eagerly awaiting the first onslaught. But, I KNOW the power is going to go poof cuz it always does. Got my candles prepped, got the ice machine in the freezer popping out some cubes to keep the fridge cold during the outage, got my books stacked and ready. I even got out some playing cards and the dominoes and put them by the candles. I is prepared!! Storm is supposed to hit tonight and go all the way thru to Sunday night. I hope it sticks around longer, then heads east to the mountains and it turns cold so we can have some snow pack for this spring and summer.
2 to 3 inches? We call that Tuesday here.
SFC Ollie
A heads up to all the prayer warriors: Many of you who are Ollie's friends know that Mrs. Ollie has been seriously ill. She has been in rehab for some time and things were really looking up until this afternoon, when things have apparently taken a serious turn for the worse. All of us who know Ollie love him dearly, so please put Mrs. O on your prayer and positive vibes agenda today.

I don't know the poster, but I wish his wife the best. :)
SFC Ollie
A heads up to all the prayer warriors: Many of you who are Ollie's friends know that Mrs. Ollie has been seriously ill. She has been in rehab for some time and things were really looking up until this afternoon, when things have apparently taken a serious turn for the worse. All of us who know Ollie love him dearly, so please put Mrs. O on your prayer and positive vibes agenda today.

I don't know the poster, but I wish his wife the best. :)

Yes, Ollie left in protest of the new USMB software just about the time you came so ya'll missed each other. He still pops in just to say hi once in a blue moon and I'm hoping that will become more frequent over time. You would like each other. :)
Our Feb. Rain is almost here! Central coast is gonna get 2 to 3 inches of rain...YAY!! I have everything battened down and am eagerly awaiting the first onslaught. But, I KNOW the power is going to go poof cuz it always does. Got my candles prepped, got the ice machine in the freezer popping out some cubes to keep the fridge cold during the outage, got my books stacked and ready. I even got out some playing cards and the dominoes and put them by the candles. I is prepared!! Storm is supposed to hit tonight and go all the way thru to Sunday night. I hope it sticks around longer, then heads east to the mountains and it turns cold so we can have some snow pack for this spring and summer.

Sounds like you're nice and cozy!
You guys in the coastal states, especially in the southeast, protect yourselves from mosquito bites. Apparently a new and really vicious bug is being brought in there from the Caribbean: Caribbean blues Mosquito virus is sickening more travelers - Houston Chronicle

I protect myself from mosquitoes by not going outside. :lol:

LOL. Me too recently. But mosquitos are not a problem in Albuquerque. We frequently keep our unscreened front door wide open in the fall and spring and nary see a mosquito--maybe get one fly a year.

Lucky you, Foxy. We have tons of the little buggers here, feasting on us!
SFC Ollie
A heads up to all the prayer warriors: Many of you who are Ollie's friends know that Mrs. Ollie has been seriously ill. She has been in rehab for some time and things were really looking up until this afternoon, when things have apparently taken a serious turn for the worse. All of us who know Ollie love him dearly, so please put Mrs. O on your prayer and positive vibes agenda today.

Oh gosh no. I am thinking of them both this afternoon and into the evening. Lets hope things turn around.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Special prayers for Mrs. O and SFCOllie tonight,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
And...drumroll...WE HAVE RAIN! I am going to go out there and stand in it! Hell, it's almost tropical. Feels like 65 degrees out there. NICE!
Gonna sleep with my window wide open so I can listen to it. :spinner:
Just came in from out there to check the thermometer on the is 67! Love it. Going back out there and soak it in, then dry off, then crawl in my recliner that is conveniently right next to the window. Windchimes will sing me to sleep along with the rain. :thanks:

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