USMB Coffee Shop IV

SCORED!!!! Raining cats and dogs but I went to a yard sale anyway. She was closed due to rain but I rang the bell anyway. I got 2 half wine barrels, 2 park bences, oodles of HUGE clay pots, 3 HUGE garden frogs and last but not least...40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence....all for 50 bucks! And since Mr Gracie is not home, she is going to deliver the fencing, benches and wine barrels cuz between her and I we could not lift it into her truck. Good thing she lives behind me and down a ways the next block over so she is close. Those things will be delivered this afternoon. I gave her half the money, the rest when she delivers. And I will tip her too for doing it. I am SO excited! Wish I could have seen what else she had but she said was all buried in the garage. Bummer. But I'm happy with what I got!

Wow, that's quite a haul, Gracie. I'm curious though. What will you do with 40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence?

Last time I had a wrought iron fence project, it was so expensive, I had a local person build some. Two 8" sections and it was still $700. Of course it was built to my own design, so that was fun.
Right now I am using lattice. We got that free from some guy here in town that was putting up new fence and had 8 panels. So...we went and got it and that is my fence in the back yard. Had to cut the whole yard in half due to water moratorium, plus mowing sucks. So now I have half a yard.
It's Saturday night... Kind of quiet. Mrs. BBD is watching tv. Taco, naturally, is in her lap. The other two dogs are asleep and so are the cats. I want to party. Nobody else is interested. Mrs. BBD tells me to be quiet and not make so much noise cause she wants to watch some mushy movie on tv. The other living things here are all in a coma. Don't they know it's Saturday night???????????
SCORED!!!! Raining cats and dogs but I went to a yard sale anyway. She was closed due to rain but I rang the bell anyway. I got 2 half wine barrels, 2 park bences, oodles of HUGE clay pots, 3 HUGE garden frogs and last but not least...40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence....all for 50 bucks! And since Mr Gracie is not home, she is going to deliver the fencing, benches and wine barrels cuz between her and I we could not lift it into her truck. Good thing she lives behind me and down a ways the next block over so she is close. Those things will be delivered this afternoon. I gave her half the money, the rest when she delivers. And I will tip her too for doing it. I am SO excited! Wish I could have seen what else she had but she said was all buried in the garage. Bummer. But I'm happy with what I got!

Wow, that's quite a haul, Gracie. I'm curious though. What will you do with 40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence?

Last time I had a wrought iron fence project, it was so expensive, I had a local person build some. Two 8" sections and it was still $700. Of course it was built to my own design, so that was fun.

Sounds like Gracie got a really REALLY good deal then. :)
Not really. This woman is a flake. I gave her 40 bucks and said I would give her the other 10 when she delivered. I waited til 5pm and she never showed up. So hubby and I went back over there and loaded it all in his truck..or rather, HALF. We had to do two trips. And no fence. She changed her mind. So she STILL owes me 15 bucks. I got the stuff...minus the fence, but no money yet. She claims she will bring it over. Um hm. Just like her promise to deliver the stuff. Here is this gal, watching an old man and an old woman try to get it out of her truck and in to ours and she stands there jabbering about her sisters haircut and as soon as her sister gets back she will be over with the 15 bucks, sorry she didnt come sooner, blah blah blah. Yes, I got stuff. But it ain't 40 bucks worth. And one of the wine barrel bottoms fell out from rot. I will still use it but dayum. If you say you are going to do something, then DO IT. I have been waiting for her to drive half a block since my first post. If we hadn't have gone over there and got it, it would STILL be in her the dark..with two old people trying to unload.

I keep tellilng hubby that we have to be careful now. People see old folks and think "stupid".

And I am STILL pissed off about the fence.

Ugh. And you have no legal recourse either because it would be your word against hers that you paid the money. Instead of vandalizing her truck though--if you got caught it could cost you a bunch more than a bit of satisfaction--I would put up a sign advising people not to pay for anything until they had it in their possession.
It's Saturday night... Kind of quiet. Mrs. BBD is watching tv. Taco, naturally, is in her lap. The other two dogs are asleep and so are the cats. I want to party. Nobody else is interested. Mrs. BBD tells me to be quiet and not make so much noise cause she wants to watch some mushy movie on tv. The other living things here are all in a coma. Don't they know it's Saturday night???????????

I've got a war game on my computer for situations like that BBD. It allows me to take out my frustration blowing things up and stuff. Plus its fun to play. Good therapy. :)
Mr Gracie said he is going over there tomorrow to get the money. It isn't the money anyway. It's the principle. If she gives him a song and dance, then her tire gets poked. Fact. Maybe two tires, since it took us 2 trips and two lies about her not having change.
Hopefully you are simply the victim of poor timing and a misunderstanding. Tomorrow will hopefully bring a happy resolution to the entire event.
Mr Gracie said he is going over there tomorrow to get the money. It isn't the money anyway. It's the principle. If she gives him a song and dance, then her tire gets poked. Fact. Maybe two tires, since it took us 2 trips and two lies about her not having change.

I'm confused... In one post you say you gave her "half of the $50.00" which to me means $25.00. In another post you say you gave her $40.00. Then you say she owes you $15.00. Maybe I need some more coffee or a math class. It doesn't seem to add up for me. Anyway, I highly recommend you not damage her vehicle in any way. That would cause nothing but trouble for you. Surely it would cost you more than the $15.00 you say she owes you to get yourself clear of the on-coming troubles you would encounter if you damaged her vehicle. My advice is to just stay away and see if she brings you the money you say she owes you. If not, write it off as a bad day. I see more than $15.00 in "neighbor hassles" in your future if it all gets ugly.
Total for all the stuff AND the fence was 50 bucks. I thought I gave her half. I looked in my purse and I actually gave her 40. When she didn't show up as promised, we went over there to get the first load of stuff...mainly the fence. She said she changed her mind on the fence. I said "I gave you 40 bucks and when you brought it over, I would give you the other 10. Right?" and she said yes, I was correct. I know we talked of giving her half up front the other half when delivered but I didn't have change and neither did she. Not at that time anyway. Second trip was a few hours later because she said she WAS coming to deliver it. When she didn't show by 5pm, I knew she wasn't planning on doing a damn thing. So we went to get the rest of it. I asked for the 15 bucks since there was no fence (total purchase for everything was 25.00..and I gave her my change would have been 15.00)...and when I asked for the 15 bucks since it was the last load and she did NOT deliver, she said her sister was getting a haircut and when she gets back she would bring over the 15 bucks. Um hm. She has no plans on doing a damn thing.
The iron fence was not given in the transaction BBD, so I think that explains most of it. Vent to us Gracie, not on the neighbor please.

Maybe I overlooked that. BTW, did I ever mention that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer?

I doubt that, Mrs. BBD seems like a good knife sharpener.

Mrs. BBD keeps a close eye on me because I require "adult supervision" almost all of the time.
The iron fence was not given in the transaction BBD, so I think that explains most of it. Vent to us Gracie, not on the neighbor please.

Maybe I overlooked that. BTW, did I ever mention that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer?

I doubt that, Mrs. BBD seems like a good knife sharpener.

Mrs. BBD keeps a close eye on me because I require "adult supervision" almost all of the time.

I thought that was Taco's job?
Mr Gracie is PISSED. I'm trying not to be.

Some serious food for though:
. . .the California crime of vandalism includes a number of activities that you might not immediately think of. Some examples are:
  • During a fight with your husband, breaking some fine china that you own together;
  • "Keying" the car of someone you know as an act of revenge for something awful they've done to you; and
  • Writing your name in wet cement on a city sidewalk
. . .If the damage is worth less than four hundred dollars ($400), vandalism is still punishable by misdemeanor penalties of up to one (1) year in county jail, and/or a maximum one thousand dollar ($1,000) fine.4. . .
California Vandalism Laws Penal Code 594 pc

Really not worth the risk for $15.
Also, pretty easy to figure out who did it, given the length of time between incident and retaliation.
I guess luck is on my side cuz I just got back. I got in the car and drove over there to get my change. Either she was not there (her truck was in the driveway but her sisters car was gone) cuz nobody answered the door. I did not poke her tires. If the money is not in an envelope on my front door when I wake up tomorrow, I will muse on the best paybacks I can do. Maybe craiglist with her address and say she is a skanky thieving ho.
Gotta vent a sec. Gotta.

When I was much younger, I worked at a place similar to a 7/11. I worked the night shift. Boss said if anyone steals, let them because it is not worth me getting hurt over a stupid product. I nodded and said ok. But FUCK THAT SHIT. One day, two guys came in and then ran out the door with a case of beer. I jumped the counter and was after them before you could utter Jack Shit. I caught up with one of he dropped the case. The beer cans went everywhere when the box opened up. I pelted the mutha with them. Then I went back to the store. By then, the other gal that worked there called the boss. He came down and said NEVER do that again. I said fire me then, because its the PRINCIPLE. Two girls working alone at night, assholes think they can get away with shit cuz we are GIRLS. Wrong.

Same thing now. That bitch thinks I am an old woman that has a hard time lifting heavy shit. I do. But I can still bite off a fucking nose and protect myself...and I am not to be taken advantage of. It's the PRINCIPLE. I'm achy, but I ain't dead yet. I trusted her, and she fucked me. Now I'm gonna fuck HER.

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