USMB Coffee Shop IV

SFC Ollie
A heads up to all the prayer warriors: Many of you who are Ollie's friends know that Mrs. Ollie has been seriously ill. She has been in rehab for some time and things were really looking up until this afternoon, when things have apparently taken a serious turn for the worse. All of us who know Ollie love him dearly, so please put Mrs. O on your prayer and positive vibes agenda today.

I don't know the poster, but I wish his wife the best. :)

Yes, Ollie left in protest of the new USMB software just about the time you came so ya'll missed each other. He still pops in just to say hi once in a blue moon and I'm hoping that will become more frequent over time. You would like each other. :)

I miss SFC OLLIE. He's one of the nicest guys you would ever want to know and a true friend of the military veteran. He has a great sense of humor and is an all-around terrific person. His only shortcoming, I suppose, is that he is a big Dallas Cowboy fan.
SFC Ollie
A heads up to all the prayer warriors: Many of you who are Ollie's friends know that Mrs. Ollie has been seriously ill. She has been in rehab for some time and things were really looking up until this afternoon, when things have apparently taken a serious turn for the worse. All of us who know Ollie love him dearly, so please put Mrs. O on your prayer and positive vibes agenda today.

I don't know the poster, but I wish his wife the best. :)

Yes, Ollie left in protest of the new USMB software just about the time you came so ya'll missed each other. He still pops in just to say hi once in a blue moon and I'm hoping that will become more frequent over time. You would like each other. :)

I miss SFC OLLIE. He's one of the nicest guys you would ever want to know and a true friend of the military veteran. He has a great sense of humor and is an all-around terrific person. His only shortcoming, I suppose, is that he is a big Dallas Cowboy fan.

I miss Ollie too, but being a Cowboys fan is a positive attribute don't ya know? :)

Good morning everybody. Continued springlike weather here with temps in high 60's, maybe even 70 for the next several days. Very un-February-ish. Way too soon and terrible for the snowpack we need to be building. But oh well. Nothing to be done about it.

Stayed up late again last night and slept in. Hombre and I are mulling what we want to fix for breakfast. It is the last day he can eat before he starts a colonscopy prep tomorrow and I won't eat tomorrow in solidarity with him--would be just too cruel to eat in front of him. :)

So what's everybody doing for fun this weekend?
SCORED!!!! Raining cats and dogs but I went to a yard sale anyway. She was closed due to rain but I rang the bell anyway. I got 2 half wine barrels, 2 park bences, oodles of HUGE clay pots, 3 HUGE garden frogs and last but not least...40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence....all for 50 bucks! And since Mr Gracie is not home, she is going to deliver the fencing, benches and wine barrels cuz between her and I we could not lift it into her truck. Good thing she lives behind me and down a ways the next block over so she is close. Those things will be delivered this afternoon. I gave her half the money, the rest when she delivers. And I will tip her too for doing it. I am SO excited! Wish I could have seen what else she had but she said was all buried in the garage. Bummer. But I'm happy with what I got!
SCORED!!!! Raining cats and dogs but I went to a yard sale anyway. She was closed due to rain but I rang the bell anyway. I got 2 half wine barrels, 2 park bences, oodles of HUGE clay pots, 3 HUGE garden frogs and last but not least...40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence....all for 50 bucks! And since Mr Gracie is not home, she is going to deliver the fencing, benches and wine barrels cuz between her and I we could not lift it into her truck. Good thing she lives behind me and down a ways the next block over so she is close. Those things will be delivered this afternoon. I gave her half the money, the rest when she delivers. And I will tip her too for doing it. I am SO excited! Wish I could have seen what else she had but she said was all buried in the garage. Bummer. But I'm happy with what I got!

Wow, that's quite a haul, Gracie. I'm curious though. What will you do with 40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence?
Off early tomorrow to head up to see great auntie Helen to spread grans ashes. Going out for lunch afterward. Hope I don't cry too much! I miss gran a lot.

Sending you a Mama Fox ((hug)) for comfort. The ash spreading ceremonies are emotional experiences for sure, but they also usually bring a measure of closure and peace too.
Yesterday we were discussing places to live including Pittsburgh. I inadvertently just ran across this article describing the most economical and retirement friendly places to retire. And Pittsburgh was among the top 10. Pittsburgh--you've come a long way baby.
10 Cheapest Places Where You ll Want to Retire - DailyFinance
Folks who have never been here seem to think of Pittsburgh as is was fifty years ago. I remember Mom mopping soot from my upper lip. I remember shopping for school clothes at a shopping center across the river from a steel mill. I loved watching them dump slag from the blast furnaces because it was all red and fiery and dangerous looking.

But today, the mills are gone, the rivers are clean to the point BassMasters held a bass fishing tournament here. Health care and technology workers now outnumber steel workers.

Come on up! You'll find a beautiful city located where three rivers meet. You'll find a community that is friendlier, more down to eart and passionately in love with our sports teams.

Come Lent and you'll gain ten pounds, even in the season of privation. Come summer and you'll find people playing on the rivers. Come autumn and you'll find folks wondering at the colors of the hardwood forests and marching bands at high school football games.

My real estate tax bill came in the mail yesterday. I owe the county less than $800.00! Our mixed housing stock has everything from garish McMansions to modest post war cottages. We never think of drought. But we get only sixty clear sunny days a year. We never think about forest fires because the rain falls here like clockwork. We don't have an earthquake fault anywhere near us. Sinkholes don't happen here because our geology is clay soil over limestone. We don't get anything but rain from wandering hurricanes because it's a long walk to the beach, about 450 miles.

Take away snowy, cold winters and Pittsburgh might be the best place in America
Yesterday we were discussing places to live including Pittsburgh. I inadvertently just ran across this article describing the most economical and retirement friendly places to retire. And Pittsburgh was among the top 10. Pittsburgh--you've come a long way baby.
10 Cheapest Places Where You ll Want to Retire - DailyFinance
Folks who have never been here seem to think of Pittsburgh as is was fifty years ago. I remember Mom mopping soot from my upper lip. I remember shopping for school clothes at a shopping center across the river from a steel mill. I loved watching them dump slag from the blast furnaces because it was all red and fiery and dangerous looking.

But today, the mills are gone, the rivers are clean to the point BassMasters held a bass fishing tournament here. Health care and technology workers now outnumber steel workers.

Come on up! You'll find a beautiful city located where three rivers meet. You'll find a community that is friendlier, more down to eart and passionately in love with our sports teams.

Come Lent and you'll gain ten pounds, even in the season of privation. Come summer and you'll find people playing on the rivers. Come autumn and you'll find folks wondering at the colors of the hardwood forests and marching bands at high school football games.

My real estate tax bill came in the mail yesterday. I owe the county less than $800.00! Our mixed housing stock has everything from garish McMansions to modest post war cottages. We never think of drought. But we get only sixty clear sunny days a year. We never think about forest fires because the rain falls here like clockwork. We don't have an earthquake fault anywhere near us. Sinkholes don't happen here because our geology is clay soil over limestone. We don't get anything but rain from wandering hurricanes because it's a long walk to the beach, about 450 miles.

Take away snowy, cold winters and Pittsburgh might be the best place in America

Actually I love cold, snowy winters. But you live in Pittsburg proper, Nosmo? I knew you were in Pennsylvania, but had you placed in a small town. I wonder if you and mdk know each other and don't know it?
Yesterday we were discussing places to live including Pittsburgh. I inadvertently just ran across this article describing the most economical and retirement friendly places to retire. And Pittsburgh was among the top 10. Pittsburgh--you've come a long way baby.
10 Cheapest Places Where You ll Want to Retire - DailyFinance
Folks who have never been here seem to think of Pittsburgh as is was fifty years ago. I remember Mom mopping soot from my upper lip. I remember shopping for school clothes at a shopping center across the river from a steel mill. I loved watching them dump slag from the blast furnaces because it was all red and fiery and dangerous looking.

But today, the mills are gone, the rivers are clean to the point BassMasters held a bass fishing tournament here. Health care and technology workers now outnumber steel workers.

Come on up! You'll find a beautiful city located where three rivers meet. You'll find a community that is friendlier, more down to eart and passionately in love with our sports teams.

Come Lent and you'll gain ten pounds, even in the season of privation. Come summer and you'll find people playing on the rivers. Come autumn and you'll find folks wondering at the colors of the hardwood forests and marching bands at high school football games.

My real estate tax bill came in the mail yesterday. I owe the county less than $800.00! Our mixed housing stock has everything from garish McMansions to modest post war cottages. We never think of drought. But we get only sixty clear sunny days a year. We never think about forest fires because the rain falls here like clockwork. We don't have an earthquake fault anywhere near us. Sinkholes don't happen here because our geology is clay soil over limestone. We don't get anything but rain from wandering hurricanes because it's a long walk to the beach, about 450 miles.

Take away snowy, cold winters and Pittsburgh might be the best place in America

Actually I love cold, snowy winters. But you live in Pittsburg proper, Nosmo? I knew you were in Pennsylvania, but had you placed in a small town. I wonder if you and mdk know each other and don't know it?
No, I don't live in Pottsburgh proper, but just across the state line. I live in East Liverpool, Ohio. Just where Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio collide, the very crotch of the Tri-State area. The city is about 30 miles up river from me. Or twenty miles as a crow flies.
Oh yes. Now I remember. That puts you pretty close to where Ollie lives and that allowed the two of you to meet. I remember now. (And I really hate that USMB deleted that photo of the two of you together when they destroyed the earlier Coffee Shops.)
SCORED!!!! Raining cats and dogs but I went to a yard sale anyway. She was closed due to rain but I rang the bell anyway. I got 2 half wine barrels, 2 park bences, oodles of HUGE clay pots, 3 HUGE garden frogs and last but not least...40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence....all for 50 bucks! And since Mr Gracie is not home, she is going to deliver the fencing, benches and wine barrels cuz between her and I we could not lift it into her truck. Good thing she lives behind me and down a ways the next block over so she is close. Those things will be delivered this afternoon. I gave her half the money, the rest when she delivers. And I will tip her too for doing it. I am SO excited! Wish I could have seen what else she had but she said was all buried in the garage. Bummer. But I'm happy with what I got!

Wow, that's quite a haul, Gracie. I'm curious though. What will you do with 40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence?

Last time I had a wrought iron fence project, it was so expensive, I had a local person build some. Two 8" sections and it was still $700. Of course it was built to my own design, so that was fun.
No, I don't live in Pottsburgh proper, but just across the state line. I live in East Liverpool, Ohio. Just where Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio collide, the very crotch of the Tri-State area. The city is about 30 miles up river from me. Or twenty miles as a crow flies.

Do all crows fly at the same speed? How is it they fly in straight lines form one spot to another? Can we use crows instead of GPS?
SCORED!!!! Raining cats and dogs but I went to a yard sale anyway. She was closed due to rain but I rang the bell anyway. I got 2 half wine barrels, 2 park bences, oodles of HUGE clay pots, 3 HUGE garden frogs and last but not least...40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence....all for 50 bucks! And since Mr Gracie is not home, she is going to deliver the fencing, benches and wine barrels cuz between her and I we could not lift it into her truck. Good thing she lives behind me and down a ways the next block over so she is close. Those things will be delivered this afternoon. I gave her half the money, the rest when she delivers. And I will tip her too for doing it. I am SO excited! Wish I could have seen what else she had but she said was all buried in the garage. Bummer. But I'm happy with what I got!

Wow, that's quite a haul, Gracie. I'm curious though. What will you do with 40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence?

Last time I had a wrought iron fence project, it was so expensive, I had a local person build some. Two 8" sections and it was still $700. Of course it was built to my own design, so that was fun.

Sounds like Gracie got a really REALLY good deal then. :)
No, I don't live in Pottsburgh proper, but just across the state line. I live in East Liverpool, Ohio. Just where Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio collide, the very crotch of the Tri-State area. The city is about 30 miles up river from me. Or twenty miles as a crow flies.

Do all crows fly at the same speed? How is it they fly in straight lines form one spot to another? Can we use crows instead of GPS?

I am maybe one of the world's most curious people. But I can honestly say I have never bothered to watch how much a crow deviates from the flight plan when flying from Point A to Point B. I may be too trusting, but I always trusted the theory that obviously they don't.
SCORED!!!! Raining cats and dogs but I went to a yard sale anyway. She was closed due to rain but I rang the bell anyway. I got 2 half wine barrels, 2 park bences, oodles of HUGE clay pots, 3 HUGE garden frogs and last but not least...40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence....all for 50 bucks! And since Mr Gracie is not home, she is going to deliver the fencing, benches and wine barrels cuz between her and I we could not lift it into her truck. Good thing she lives behind me and down a ways the next block over so she is close. Those things will be delivered this afternoon. I gave her half the money, the rest when she delivers. And I will tip her too for doing it. I am SO excited! Wish I could have seen what else she had but she said was all buried in the garage. Bummer. But I'm happy with what I got!

Wow, that's quite a haul, Gracie. I'm curious though. What will you do with 40 feet of wrought iron scalloped fence?

Last time I had a wrought iron fence project, it was so expensive, I had a local person build some. Two 8" sections and it was still $700. Of course it was built to my own design, so that was fun.

Sounds like Gracie got a really REALLY good deal then. :)
Not really. This woman is a flake. I gave her 40 bucks and said I would give her the other 10 when she delivered. I waited til 5pm and she never showed up. So hubby and I went back over there and loaded it all in his truck..or rather, HALF. We had to do two trips. And no fence. She changed her mind. So she STILL owes me 15 bucks. I got the stuff...minus the fence, but no money yet. She claims she will bring it over. Um hm. Just like her promise to deliver the stuff. Here is this gal, watching an old man and an old woman try to get it out of her truck and in to ours and she stands there jabbering about her sisters haircut and as soon as her sister gets back she will be over with the 15 bucks, sorry she didnt come sooner, blah blah blah. Yes, I got stuff. But it ain't 40 bucks worth. And one of the wine barrel bottoms fell out from rot. I will still use it but dayum. If you say you are going to do something, then DO IT. I have been waiting for her to drive half a block since my first post. If we hadn't have gone over there and got it, it would STILL be in her the dark..with two old people trying to unload.

I keep tellilng hubby that we have to be careful now. People see old folks and think "stupid".

And I am STILL pissed off about the fence.
Got news for her. If she does not bring me my 15 bucks tonight..tomorrow she is going to find a flat tire on her fancy truck.
No, I don't live in Pottsburgh proper, but just across the state line. I live in East Liverpool, Ohio. Just where Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio collide, the very crotch of the Tri-State area. The city is about 30 miles up river from me. Or twenty miles as a crow flies.

Do all crows fly at the same speed? How is it they fly in straight lines form one spot to another? Can we use crows instead of GPS?

I am maybe one of the world's most curious people. But I can honestly say I have never bothered to watch how much a crow deviates from the flight plan when flying from Point A to Point B. I may be too trusting, but I always trusted the theory that obviously they don't.


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