USMB Coffee Shop IV

Is that good or bad? :)
Kind of an unknown, El Paso is undisguisedly desert country, it's only 3500 feet above sea level and the highest peak is around 7200 feet. El Paso has been listed as one of the safest cities to live in four years in a row. As for the interview it almost sounds like a technicality as they also want to give her a tour of the city and are offering to reimburse us for the trip to the interview. Yes, the cost of living (housing) is very low, the house we're in right now in Trinidad (cheap rent) would be about 20% less in El Paso so definitely more bang for the buck. With the extra income we could seriously enlarge our nest egg while living in a larger home with a pool......... :D
Kinda leaning in that direction.

That sounds great. I hope it all works out for you. :)

Gosh, if you could see the prices here in Massachusetts. Even just to rent, it is outrageous. I pay $1200 a month and that is the going rate for just an apartment in my location. My townhouse is two floors with an attic but very small. I've been checking out prices on Craig's List down south, like Tennessee, and I cannot believe how cheap! It blows my mind! :ack-1:
Here in South Alabama, you can buy a house with 3 or 4 acres and pay half of your current rent as a mortgage payment.
My house has nearly doubled in value in the 4 years I've owned it and I pay under $300/year in property taxes.
Of course, employment opportunities are not exactly Boston, but there are jobs and I believe the unemployment rate is comparable. (5.5% Mass. 5.8% Alabama)

I can live anywhere in the country and keep my job. :) As long as there is internet access, I am set up.
We do have and 8% sales tax on everything but prescription meds, but gasoline is running $1.85 here and lower in Mobile. Some areas in Mobile are a bit iffy and Birmingham ad Montgomery have higher than normal crime, but small towns like Foley are pretty quiet.
That and the fact that you're friends with the owner at Doc Holliday's makes Foley a damned nice place to live.

Oh! If you were to move this way, leave your show shovel behind. We haven't needed one here since the late 60's.

We did get some snow 40 miles west of here Tuesday.
This was taken at Spring Hill College in Mobile, Ala.:

Wow, that looks like Anchorage.
Good morning everybody. Blue skies and sunshine for us today. Temp at this hour 32 degrees but we'll warm to the mid to high 40's today with a forecast for lots of sunshine and springlike temps for the rest of the week. All the snow is gone now.

Off to church and brunch in a few and then get ready for the Super Bowl. I've been wavering on my last pick-ems of the season--Patriots are favored by 1 on the line so we might as well say it's even. But I guess I'll probably stay with Seattle--changing horses at the last minute hasn't gone well for me this year. But all of our favorite teams are out of it so I'll be happy for whomever wins. The only one of us who really REALLY has a favorite today is probably Chris. :)
Blue skies and sunshine here, too. But the temps are in the single-digits. Cold as all get out, worse when the wind kicks up. But the moon was beautiful last night, and as long as I dress for the weather, it isn't all that bad. Layer, upon layer, I think I gain 20 lbs when I'm geared up for this cold.
Sorry, I'm a little out of it today, guys. I'm pretty sure I have the flu. I feel absolutely rotten and out of it. :cheeky-smiley-018: I'll be sick as a dog tomorrow for the Superbowl. Yay. :rolleyes-41:
This is my idea of a superbowl:

Ohhh...kaayyy...but, what the heck are those?
Mongolian BBQ before it goes on the grill. :thup:
I love Mongolian BBQ. For years, my dad took up to the local Mongolian BBQ whenever we visited. The food was GREAT! This was in Carson City, NV.
Sorry, I'm a little out of it today, guys. I'm pretty sure I have the flu. I feel absolutely rotten and out of it. :cheeky-smiley-018: I'll be sick as a dog tomorrow for the Superbowl. Yay. :rolleyes-41:
This is my idea of a superbowl:

Ohhh...kaayyy...but, what the heck are those?
Mongolian BBQ before it goes on the grill. :thup:
I love Mongolian BBQ. For years, my dad took up to the local Mongolian BBQ whenever we visited. The food was GREAT! This was in Carson City, NV.
I was first introduced to it in Taipei, Taiwan. I only found on place that made it correctly and that was in China Town, downtown DC.
Kind of an unknown, El Paso is undisguisedly desert country, it's only 3500 feet above sea level and the highest peak is around 7200 feet. El Paso has been listed as one of the safest cities to live in four years in a row. As for the interview it almost sounds like a technicality as they also want to give her a tour of the city and are offering to reimburse us for the trip to the interview. Yes, the cost of living (housing) is very low, the house we're in right now in Trinidad (cheap rent) would be about 20% less in El Paso so definitely more bang for the buck. With the extra income we could seriously enlarge our nest egg while living in a larger home with a pool......... :D
Kinda leaning in that direction.

That sounds great. I hope it all works out for you. :)

Gosh, if you could see the prices here in Massachusetts. Even just to rent, it is outrageous. I pay $1200 a month and that is the going rate for just an apartment in my location. My townhouse is two floors with an attic but very small. I've been checking out prices on Craig's List down south, like Tennessee, and I cannot believe how cheap! It blows my mind! :ack-1:
Here in South Alabama, you can buy a house with 3 or 4 acres and pay half of your current rent as a mortgage payment.
My house has nearly doubled in value in the 4 years I've owned it and I pay under $300/year in property taxes.
Of course, employment opportunities are not exactly Boston, but there are jobs and I believe the unemployment rate is comparable. (5.5% Mass. 5.8% Alabama)

I can live anywhere in the country and keep my job. :) As long as there is internet access, I am set up.
We do have and 8% sales tax on everything but prescription meds, but gasoline is running $1.85 here and lower in Mobile. Some areas in Mobile are a bit iffy and Birmingham ad Montgomery have higher than normal crime, but small towns like Foley are pretty quiet.
That and the fact that you're friends with the owner at Doc Holliday's makes Foley a damned nice place to live.

Oh! If you were to move this way, leave your show shovel behind. We haven't needed one here since the late 60's.

We did get some snow 40 miles west of here Tuesday.
This was taken at Spring Hill College in Mobile, Ala.:

Wow, that looks like Anchorage.
Many palm trees or Live Oaks in Anchorage? Here's another shot of the building in the background.


This is Spring Hill Ave which is directly behind the camera in the first image and way in the background in the second:

The time out with the ball on the 1/2 yard line was the play of the game. Brady comes back and says to his center, just move your elbow a quarter inch and they got 5 yards to play with. The 15 yard penalty was icing on the cake.
Well congrats to Chris and the Patriots. It was a good game despite probably the dumbest call in the history of the Super Bowl. But oh well. Next year. . .

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Pogo's aunt,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's student/friend Sean, his injured brother, and their family,
Tresha and hubby,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Well congrats to Chris and the Patriots. It was a good game despite probably the dumbest call in the history of the Super Bowl. But oh well. Next year. . .

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Pogo's aunt,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's student/friend Sean, his injured brother, and their family,
Tresha and hubby,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Well thank you, and that's football. The better team took advantage of the other team's bad calls. :D Coaching counts. Play calls count. Everything counts.
It's snowing like crazy here right now. We're supposed to get like 8 inches out of this one. *sigh* Another chance of snow on Thursday. I don't know WHERE they are going to put it all!
They could do what they did in the old days........ wait for it to melt.......
It's snowing like crazy here right now. We're supposed to get like 8 inches out of this one. *sigh* Another chance of snow on Thursday. I don't know WHERE they are going to put it all!
They could do what they did in the old days........ wait for it to melt.......

Yeah, but that last storm dumped a LOT of snow. I mean, we don't usually get that much snow all at one time. They just got rid of a huge snow bank in my parking lot, and now there's another one. We'll have flooding come spring time for sure.
Tried it, didn't work.

I've already got the network extender on order. Might as well just use it. That works like my own little personal tower in my home. I don't think anything is going to beat that. I will let ya know how well it works.
My neighbor has one, he's a forestry ranger so he's on call 24/7, they paid for it, he has no idea what it cost.
Well since I was rather irritated when I spoke with Verizon this morning, and was threatening dropping them, they quickly arranged $75 off, but off of $250 that was still $175 I really wasn't happy about having to dish out. They said if that didn't work I could return it for a full refund, and get out of my contra no charge. I'm hoping it works, because I basically talk over my internet on the extender. All it does is sense calls and then routes them over the internet through Verizon, no extra charge. Sounds good to me.
The wife just got a call from the job in El Paso....... they want her to come down for a panel interview at the hospital basically doing what she was doing here. Uummmmm, El Paso......... Ummmmmm.........

Is that good or bad? :)
Depends I guess. El Paso is right on the border with Mexico. If you don't mind kind of like in the middle of nowhere and illegal aliens, it's OK.

I doubt even El Paso has as many illegals as Albuquerque. :( (New Mexico is a sanctuary state with a number of sanctuary cities.) But it doesn't affect quality of life all that much in either place if you are careful where you buy.
El Paso cop in hot pursuit of a car-jacker. Who gets stopped and arrested at the border by the Mexican cops? The El Paso cop, because he's carrying a firearm. The car-jacker...just drives right through. Mexican women with their legs tied together, ready to deliver a kid, dropped on the portico of the Catholic figure it out. Truckloads of adults dropped at the top of the street, can buy your candy back in Juarez the next weekend from some little kid. Not to mention, it's desert, desert, landscape your yard with landscaping fabric and rocks...cactus in containers are optional.
Hey, I lived outside of DC........ ya didn't go into Soauf East even during the day unless you were driving a Mad Max mobile....... El Paso's got nothing on that.........
Besides, I like rock, ya don't have to feed, water or mow it......... Esto es no problemo. :D
It's snowing like crazy here right now. We're supposed to get like 8 inches out of this one. *sigh* Another chance of snow on Thursday. I don't know WHERE they are going to put it all!
They could do what they did in the old days........ wait for it to melt.......

Yeah, but that last storm dumped a LOT of snow. I mean, we don't usually get that much snow all at one time. They just got rid of a huge snow bank in my parking lot, and now there's another one. We'll have flooding come spring time for sure.

Then for spring:


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