USMB Coffee Shop IV


:lol: That's so hilarious!
[QUOTE="Gracie, post: 10709769, member: 42649"]
She is dead. :(

Ok. I did a quick mental count in my head. I gave the ho 40 bucks. 10 bucks each for the 2 benches comes to 20. All the pots I got, plus some garden art (frogs and a cute little elf cabin thingy not very big but adorable), a plant stand, two wine barrels...another 20 bucks. So I spent 40 bucks and didn't get the fence. Ok. I still got a deal.
I hope she chokes on the 15 bucks and karmic justice smacks her upside the head but it won't be by my hand.

However, from this day forward, I will be very wary of ANYONE I do business with and consider them all crooks.

Considering your previous posts, are you trying to give us all a heart attack??:lol:

Focus on the important stuff Sherry! I"M NOT HER FAVORITE CAT!!!

I haz a sad.[/QUOTE]

Will you be my new kitty? Will you purrrrrr for me? Ok. C'mere lil kitty. I hug you and kiss you and call you George.

hello friends,
Mrs O has had a rough time since October. SHe's been in and out of the hospital 3 times and finally was admitted to a short term rehab facility, she had been there 2 weeks and doing great, almost ready to come home when she became confused and sort of shut down.
So far they have ruled out high ammonia levels and stroke. They think she has a slight case of pneumonia, but that doesn't cause all her problems. Today they did a full CT Scan and they poured some dye into her stomach and were doing a second one when I left the hospital about an hour ago.
hopefully they will figure out what is wrong so they can treat it.

So far she has had our family Doctor, a gastroenterologist, An neurology specialist, a cardiologist,a pulmonary specialist, and a podiatrist working on her....

Thanks for the prayers.....
hello friends,
Mrs O has had a rough time since October. SHe's been in and out of the hospital 3 times and finally was admitted to a short term rehab facility, she had been there 2 weeks and doing great, almost ready to come home when she became confused and sort of shut down.
So far they have ruled out high ammonia levels and stroke. They think she has a slight case of pneumonia, but that doesn't cause all her problems. Today they did a full CT Scan and they poured some dye into her stomach and were doing a second one when I left the hospital about an hour ago.
hopefully they will figure out what is wrong so they can treat it.

So far she has had our family Doctor, a gastroenterologist, An neurology specialist, a cardiologist,a pulmonary specialist, and a podiatrist working on her....

Thanks for the prayers.....

Prayers and good vibes sent for Mrs O...Ollie, please make sure that you're taking care of yourself as well.:smiliehug:
hello friends,
Mrs O has had a rough time since October. SHe's been in and out of the hospital 3 times and finally was admitted to a short term rehab facility, she had been there 2 weeks and doing great, almost ready to come home when she became confused and sort of shut down.
So far they have ruled out high ammonia levels and stroke. They think she has a slight case of pneumonia, but that doesn't cause all her problems. Today they did a full CT Scan and they poured some dye into her stomach and were doing a second one when I left the hospital about an hour ago.
hopefully they will figure out what is wrong so they can treat it.

So far she has had our family Doctor, a gastroenterologist, An neurology specialist, a cardiologist,a pulmonary specialist, and a podiatrist working on her....

Thanks for the prayers.....
Hopefully they're looking at what medications she takes, as we age the liver can get less efficient at removing "toxins" from our bodies, this is true with medications which can build up, become toxic and create confusion (dementia like problems).
The ash spreading ceremony for gran was hilarious, I have to say. Normally such events would be sad, but something happened to day that made everyone laugh, and I have such great memories of today.

When we arrived at the church, a black and white cat was wandering around. Apparently, this cat was a stray who often hung around the church - and no wonder, the number of people who stopped to pet him!

In the church, halfway during the service, the cat entered, and padded up the aisle. He stopped in the middle of aisle and flopped onto his belly before proceeding to lick his paws with vigor. Then he jumped up and bounded onto the wooden alter where the candles were burning.

He came a little too close to one of the candles, and his tail started to smoulder. Smoke started to billow, and the congregation, who were singing a hymn at the time, all stopped and gasped as the misfortune of this poor moggy. The assistant priest had to stop what she was doing and remove the cat, carrying him outside.


Then, while we were outside, ready for the ceremony to scatter grans ashes into the hole prepared in the memorial garden, the cat decided it would drink the Holy water:


He then proceeded over to the hole (as shown in pic) and stick a curious paw into it, before trying to crawl into it. I had to step forward and grab the cat before he did his business in the hole!

The cat was okay, though. No burns to his tail, but he did spend the rest of the morning purring like a mad thing with all the cuddles he was given!

And who knows. Maybe your Gran had a hand in all that. I like to think so anyway. :)

My mum is convinced it was gran come back to say goodbye.
hello friends,
Mrs O has had a rough time since October. SHe's been in and out of the hospital 3 times and finally was admitted to a short term rehab facility, she had been there 2 weeks and doing great, almost ready to come home when she became confused and sort of shut down.
So far they have ruled out high ammonia levels and stroke. They think she has a slight case of pneumonia, but that doesn't cause all her problems. Today they did a full CT Scan and they poured some dye into her stomach and were doing a second one when I left the hospital about an hour ago.
hopefully they will figure out what is wrong so they can treat it.

So far she has had our family Doctor, a gastroenterologist, An neurology specialist, a cardiologist,a pulmonary specialist, and a podiatrist working on her....

Thanks for the prayers.....

We'll keep them coming Ollie. And you take care of you too.
hello friends,
Mrs O has had a rough time since October. SHe's been in and out of the hospital 3 times and finally was admitted to a short term rehab facility, she had been there 2 weeks and doing great, almost ready to come home when she became confused and sort of shut down.
So far they have ruled out high ammonia levels and stroke. They think she has a slight case of pneumonia, but that doesn't cause all her problems. Today they did a full CT Scan and they poured some dye into her stomach and were doing a second one when I left the hospital about an hour ago.
hopefully they will figure out what is wrong so they can treat it.

So far she has had our family Doctor, a gastroenterologist, An neurology specialist, a cardiologist,a pulmonary specialist, and a podiatrist working on her....

Thanks for the prayers.....

How sad. I wish you and your wife the best and hope she makes a full recovery.
BBD's story reminded me not only did the wife get to see what the Oklahoma plains look like....... (flat......) she got to see her first road runner, it cut across the road in front of us on rte 160 in Colorado........ Didn't expect to see one that far north but the habitat maps show a sliver of area going up into southeastern Colorado where we drove through.

All I can think of is the Road Runner cartoon. Meep-meep! :D
hello friends,
Mrs O has had a rough time since October. SHe's been in and out of the hospital 3 times and finally was admitted to a short term rehab facility, she had been there 2 weeks and doing great, almost ready to come home when she became confused and sort of shut down.
So far they have ruled out high ammonia levels and stroke. They think she has a slight case of pneumonia, but that doesn't cause all her problems. Today they did a full CT Scan and they poured some dye into her stomach and were doing a second one when I left the hospital about an hour ago.
hopefully they will figure out what is wrong so they can treat it.

So far she has had our family Doctor, a gastroenterologist, An neurology specialist, a cardiologist,a pulmonary specialist, and a podiatrist working on her....

Thanks for the prayers.....

Dear Friend Ollie -
I will continue to pray for Mrs. Ollie's condition to improve and for her complete recovery. I will also continue to pray for you to have the strength, wisdom and support you need during this difficult time. Both of you are in our hearts and our best wishes go out to you, Mrs. Ollie and your family. May God bless.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Sitting here drinking my second cup of coffee this morning and giving some thought about Valentine's Day, which is this coming Saturday. It's the day we set aside once a year to bestow romance upon all of those we hold dear in our hearts. I have decided on what I shall give Mrs. BBD for a Valentine's Day present. She has been talking about wanting a new vacuum cleaner for several months now. I'm thinking that nothing could sing out "I Love You" better and louder than a new vacuum cleaner. Sometimes I amaze myself with the thoughts of how romantic I can be... I'm thinking I should score pretty big with this idea. What do you think, Coffee Shop crew?
Sitting here drinking my second cup of coffee this morning and giving some thought about Valentine's Day, which is this coming Saturday. It's the day we set aside once a year to bestow romance upon all of those we hold dear in our hearts. I have decided on what I shall give Mrs. BBD for a Valentine's Day present. She has been talking about wanting a new vacuum cleaner for several months now. I'm thinking that nothing could sing out "I Love You" better and louder than a new vacuum cleaner. Sometimes I amaze myself with the thoughts of how romantic I can be... I'm thinking I should score pretty big with this idea. What do you think, Coffee Shop crew?

I think a better plan might be to ask her to pick her Valentine's Day gift of choice unless she is one who really likes surprises. :) (I personally much prefer to anticipate getting something I really really want rather than being surprised with something I would not have chosen for myself.)

Valentine's Day is also our wedding anniversary, and in later years we generally celebrate by getting ourselves something we both want. This year it may be a new household phone system.
Bought my Ex a washer and a drier for Valentine's Day once. Spent big bucks and it was a total surprise, but she is still my ex wife.

70 degrees and clear in Foley. Spring has sprung! We should top out about 74.
We're looking at highs of 65 to 70 through next Monday and no rain through next Tuesday. Might just get out the tiller and get the garden ready for some taters.
Okay, off to get cleaned up and in an hour we will leave to go get Hombre's colonoscopy over with. Alas, this is probably the last one he'll ever get to have, and hecky darn, they're so much fun too. :)

So ya'll hold the fort and we'll catch you later.
hello friends,
Mrs O has had a rough time since October. SHe's been in and out of the hospital 3 times and finally was admitted to a short term rehab facility, she had been there 2 weeks and doing great, almost ready to come home when she became confused and sort of shut down.
So far they have ruled out high ammonia levels and stroke. They think she has a slight case of pneumonia, but that doesn't cause all her problems. Today they did a full CT Scan and they poured some dye into her stomach and were doing a second one when I left the hospital about an hour ago.
hopefully they will figure out what is wrong so they can treat it.

So far she has had our family Doctor, a gastroenterologist, An neurology specialist, a cardiologist,a pulmonary specialist, and a podiatrist working on her....

Thanks for the prayers.....

Our prayers continue for her and you Ollie.
Be sure and take care of yourself too, because we all care and love both of you.
I know It's hard to do especially when we worry about our loved ones, but you must keep yourself well, in order to continue to be the caregiver.
Colonel needs you well for him too.
Sitting here drinking my second cup of coffee this morning and giving some thought about Valentine's Day, which is this coming Saturday. It's the day we set aside once a year to bestow romance upon all of those we hold dear in our hearts. I have decided on what I shall give Mrs. BBD for a Valentine's Day present. She has been talking about wanting a new vacuum cleaner for several months now. I'm thinking that nothing could sing out "I Love You" better and louder than a new vacuum cleaner. Sometimes I amaze myself with the thoughts of how romantic I can be... I'm thinking I should score pretty big with this idea. What do you think, Coffee Shop crew?

It depends on the woman, but you know her best.;)

I think a lot of men have the best of intentions when they get their wife something that they see as helping make life easier in performing the duties of a Domestic Goddess. Some women would certainly be appreciative, while others would prefer a more "romantic" gift. Also, many men would love items such as electric saws, drills, etc which they use in performing their handyman duties, so they assume women would get just as excited about a new "tool".:D
Going back to when I was old enough to begin buying birthday and Christmas presents for my brothers and parents, I was inducted into a tradition among male family members whereby we'd buy each other a proper present and a joke present. Such was the competitive spirit encouraged by my father - and the warped sense of humour that's been handed down through generation to generation - we'd often find ourselves looking forward to opening what we all knew would be an outrageously inappropriate gift. Like the when I gave my father a book covering the heinous murders perpetrated by Fred and Rose West for Christmas. Or the time my brother Gavin bought our uncle a pair of Nike Air Force 1s for his eightieth birthday. Anyway, seeing as Jenna harbours a rather dark sense of humour herself, I inducted her into the tradition on our first Valentine's Day by buying her a seed catalogue. She hasn't really got the hang of it, but I know she appreciates the effort I go to towards making her laugh before throwing whatever daft or inappropriate novelty back at me. This year she's getting a Haynes Owners' Manual on the '87 - '92 production run of the Volvo 440.

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