USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ewwwww.. This is so Only In California.

A friend of mine (we used to work together) is having a baby via a surrogate mother. At lunch yesterday, she told me about how she chose the surrogate mother. One of the ones she rejected was used by our former boss and his wife. Although the surrogate was quite nice, she thought it was just too weird to use the same one as somebody she knew.

I have no clue how I would go about finding a surrogate mother. I was blessed to conceive, carry, and deliver my kids. But, having done that, it amazes me that there are women who like being pregnant so much they do it as a business?

Apparently, there are bunches of them in Southern California, so that is the place to go in search of one.
Ewwwww.. This is so Only In California.

A friend of mine (we used to work together) is having a baby via a surrogate mother. At lunch yesterday, she told me about how she chose the surrogate mother. One of the ones she rejected was used by our former boss and his wife. Although the surrogate was quite nice, she thought it was just too weird to use the same one as somebody she knew.

Too bad more people don't adopt. Lots of kids need homes and parents. Imagine growing up with no parents?
Ewwwww.. This is so Only In California.

A friend of mine (we used to work together) is having a baby via a surrogate mother. At lunch yesterday, she told me about how she chose the surrogate mother. One of the ones she rejected was used by our former boss and his wife. Although the surrogate was quite nice, she thought it was just too weird to use the same one as somebody she knew.

I have no clue how I would go about finding a surrogate mother. I was blessed to conceive, carry, and deliver my kids. But, having done that, it amazes me that there are women who like being pregnant so much they do it as a business?

Apparently, there are bunches of them in Southern California, so that is the place to go in search of one.

Okay. I'll keep that in mind. Hombre doesn't even want to adopt a puppy these days though. I can just imagine his reaction if I suggested we hire a surrogate mother. :)
Another beautiful day in the neighborhood!
A lot cooler than yesterday. We should top out about 60 after seeing 76 about 2 yesterday afternoon.
It's February and I had the AC on at Doc's.

The poker gods continue to be unkind so I sat out the 2nd tournament last night. I'm playing well, just zero luck.

They say there is really no such thing as 'luck', but I don't believe it. We had those dry spells back in the days when we used to go to Laughlin and Vegas. Sometimes it was just uncanny that everything seemed to work--we never won really really big but we could have fun for a few days without losing a significant amount either and all in all it was a cheap vacation that included all the amenities. And then there are those times that nothing seemed to click and the money we had allocated to have fun with drained away steadily. It simply is not fun when it is that way.
There's a lot of luck in Texas Hold 'Em.
When you consider that everyone is building a hand off the same 5 cards plus just 2 unique ones, a seemingly unbeatable hand on the first 5 cards can die a horrible death.
Take for instance a hand I played about a year ago.
My down cards were Q, Q. Another player had A,K. The flop, (first 3 cards face up) were Q, 5, 5. I have a full house, right?
Ace King bets twice the minimum. I double his bet. He calls. The next card is a 5. I make a huge bet and he goes all in. Of course, I call.
The river card is the last 5. My full house looses to an ace.
The odds against 4 of a kind face up are astronomical, roughly 1,000,000:1 in a ten handed gam. In a 4 handed game. more like 3 million to one.
Another beautiful day in the neighborhood!
A lot cooler than yesterday. We should top out about 60 after seeing 76 about 2 yesterday afternoon.
It's February and I had the AC on at Doc's.

The poker gods continue to be unkind so I sat out the 2nd tournament last night. I'm playing well, just zero luck.

They say there is really no such thing as 'luck', but I don't believe it. We had those dry spells back in the days when we used to go to Laughlin and Vegas. Sometimes it was just uncanny that everything seemed to work--we never won really really big but we could have fun for a few days without losing a significant amount either and all in all it was a cheap vacation that included all the amenities. And then there are those times that nothing seemed to click and the money we had allocated to have fun with drained away steadily. It simply is not fun when it is that way.
There's a lot of luck in Texas Hold 'Em.
When you consider that everyone is building a hand off the same 5 cards plus just 2 unique ones, a seemingly unbeatable hand on the first 5 cards can die a horrible death.
Take for instance a hand I played about a year ago.
My down cards were Q, Q. Another player had A,K. The flop, (first 3 cards face up) were Q, 5, 5. I have a full house, right?
Ace King bets twice the minimum. I double his bet. He calls. The next card is a 5. I make a huge bet and he goes all in. Of course, I call.
The river card is the last 5. My full house looses to an ace.
The odds against 4 of a kind face up are astronomical, roughly 1,000,000:1 in a ten handed gam. In a 4 handed game. more like 3 million to one.

Yes. It does seem that Texas Hold-em is subject to a lot of improbabilities--more than in most gambling games. And those improbabilities show up a LOT when I am playing. :)

The other game that seems subject to that is Blackjack. While players will get a fair number of blackjacks, it is fairly rare that they get other combinations that add up to a perfect 21. But it is uncanny how often that happens for the dealer, most especially when there are a lot of otherwise winning hands on the table. And I am reasonably certain there is no hanky panky or slight of hand or whatever involved. It's just the luck of the draw.
Ewwwww.. This is so Only In California.

A friend of mine (we used to work together) is having a baby via a surrogate mother. At lunch yesterday, she told me about how she chose the surrogate mother. One of the ones she rejected was used by our former boss and his wife. Although the surrogate was quite nice, she thought it was just too weird to use the same one as somebody she knew.

I have no clue how I would go about finding a surrogate mother. I was blessed to conceive, carry, and deliver my kids. But, having done that, it amazes me that there are women who like being pregnant so much they do it as a business?

Apparently, there are bunches of them in Southern California, so that is the place to go in search of one.

Okay. I'll keep that in mind. Hombre doesn't even want to adopt a puppy these days though. I can just imagine his reaction if I suggested we hire a surrogate mother. :)

If anybody needs to hire a surrogate father, give me a call. I'll try to work you into my schedule if I can get approval from Mrs. BBD.
Ewwwww.. This is so Only In California.

A friend of mine (we used to work together) is having a baby via a surrogate mother. At lunch yesterday, she told me about how she chose the surrogate mother. One of the ones she rejected was used by our former boss and his wife. Although the surrogate was quite nice, she thought it was just too weird to use the same one as somebody she knew.
When i was younger I made a point of selecting "surrogate mothers" with the hopes that they would never be mothers...... until loooong after we were no longer involved with the "interview process".......... :eusa_whistle:
We've had temps in the upper 60s to upper 70s for a week, right now the next winter front is moving in, temps are dropping rapidly, it's windy and we're supposed to get one to three inches of snow. Gizzy, the part time cat has just showed up, is munching out and will spend the night as usual. I just hope she doesn't get too rambunctious and give Jasper a hard time........
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Good morning. Got up around 4:30 this morning been sucking down copious amounts of coffee ever since. So far it's borderline freezing outside and "raining" very wet snow flakes, almost like it's raining slush.
Good morning. Got up around 4:30 this morning been sucking down copious amounts of coffee ever since. So far it's borderline freezing outside and "raining" very wet snow flakes, almost like it's raining slush.

Weather much the same here except any precip that falls is rain because we're already into the 40's. But overcast, a few showers around, and high wind warnings in store for us today.
Good morning. Got up around 4:30 this morning been sucking down copious amounts of coffee ever since. So far it's borderline freezing outside and "raining" very wet snow flakes, almost like it's raining slush.

Weather much the same here except any precip that falls is rain because we're already into the 40's. But overcast, a few showers around, and high wind warnings in store for us today.
well here it's finally switched over to all snow but Accuweather says the snow will end in 7 minutes. It's currently 33 degrees and supposed to go up to the low 40s. Tomorrow back up into the 50s.
Good morning. Got up around 4:30 this morning been sucking down copious amounts of coffee ever since. So far it's borderline freezing outside and "raining" very wet snow flakes, almost like it's raining slush.

Weather much the same here except any precip that falls is rain because we're already into the 40's. But overcast, a few showers around, and high wind warnings in store for us today.
well here it's finally switched over to all snow but Accuweather says the snow will end in 7 minutes. It's currently 33 degrees and supposed to go up to the low 40s. Tomorrow back up into the 50s.

Lucky! :D It's 21 degrees here with mounds of snow everywhere you look. Lol.
I don't think I could ever be a surrogate parent. I would love my baby and not want to give it up to anyone. I don't know if I'd trust anyone else with my baby. I think it's kind of strange way to make money. Really strange. I don't like the fact that babies are treated as commodities. I wish more people would look to adoption to help children who don't have parents or a home to call their own.
Update: Ollie reports that Mrs. O, situation quite grave for the last five days, is back, responsive, and eating breakfast for the first time in five days. Keep those prayers and positive vibes going though folks until we're sure she's completely out of the woods.

Thanks Foxfyre
That's Wonderful News !!
She and Ollie will remain on our prayer list.
Good morning, y'all! Off in a few to open up.
It looks like we'll hit about 64 here today with crystal clear, deep blue skies, Tomorrow night we're looking at a brief return to our bitterly cold winter weather. Lows are predicted to be about 27. I'll need a light jacket.
Off soon to pick up the truck, had an oil change done. Dropped it off Monday, it was ready yesterday but I got busy with stuff around the house and completely gapped picking it up........ :lol:
At least it's around 40 degrees and everything that fell this morning is melting quickly.

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