⚫ USMB Dark Skin/Style Available for testing.


Platinum Member
Staff member
Jan 23, 2009
A lot of our members have asked for a darker skin. I've made one available. This skin however may have bugs, it is in testing mode. I will not be taking requests to change little things on this skin as I just don't have the time to maintain 3 different skins for the site.

If something is genuinely broken, I'll try my best to fix it. But if you want some tiny little thing tweaked, etc... not going to happen.

You can test it by selecting USMB Dark from the style selector or in the User CP here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/account/preferences
A lot of our members have asked for a darker skin. I've made one available. This skin however may have bugs, it is in testing mode. I will not be taking requests to change little things on this skin as I just don't have the time to maintain 3 different skins for the site.

If something is genuinely broken, I'll try my best to fix it. But if you want some tiny little thing tweaked, etc... not going to happen.

You can test it by selecting USMB Dark from the style selector or in the User CP here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/account/preferences
What is this?

Is this darker skin intended to open up a section of the forum in which anything goes?

If so, then I can see some value in it if it's meant to forbid those extreme abuses in the other half of the forum.
A lot of our members have asked for a darker skin. I've made one available. This skin however may have bugs, it is in testing mode. I will not be taking requests to change little things on this skin as I just don't have the time to maintain 3 different skins for the site.

If something is genuinely broken, I'll try my best to fix it. But if you want some tiny little thing tweaked, etc... not going to happen.

You can test it by selecting USMB Dark from the style selector or in the User CP here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/account/preferences
Oh yes! Thank you!!! Now I don't have to wear sunglasses to view the board. :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
A lot of our members have asked for a darker skin. I've made one available. This skin however may have bugs, it is in testing mode. I will not be taking requests to change little things on this skin as I just don't have the time to maintain 3 different skins for the site.

If something is genuinely broken, I'll try my best to fix it. But if you want some tiny little thing tweaked, etc... not going to happen.

You can test it by selecting USMB Dark from the style selector or in the User CP here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/account/preferences
Hey, elchorizo. This isn't a once you go black you can never go back kind of thing, is it?
Finally, something useful...."Old V2 dark" would be nice....TY.
Hey, elchorizo. This isn't a once you go black you can never go back kind of thing, is it?

The software will let you go back. Whether you want to or not, well, that's up to you?
The background color picker setting can be changed, too, in case anyone doesn't notice.

But I think the settings icon to do it are only available in the dark theme. It's the one on the left, inside the circled area...the icon on the right, inside the red circle, changes the theme back to light mode/default theme...

Screen Shot 25.jpg
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Bold fonts aren't really bold in the dark theme.

They're a tiny bit bigger, but not actually bold.

But...I like it better this way.
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A lot of our members have asked for a darker skin. I've made one available. I just don't have the time to maintain 3 different skins for the site.

I'd be happier to see basic things fixed like accurate tracking of reaction scores and points and a few other glitches than worry about skins.
I'd be happier to see basic things fixed like accurate tracking of reaction scores and points and a few other glitches than worry about skins.
It's pretty important to be able to improve the readability for probably 30%-40% of our members.
The bright backgrounds are a plague for many of us. This is awesome.
A lot of our members have asked for a darker skin. I've made one available. This skin however may have bugs, it is in testing mode. I will not be taking requests to change little things on this skin as I just don't have the time to maintain 3 different skins for the site.

If something is genuinely broken, I'll try my best to fix it. But if you want some tiny little thing tweaked, etc... not going to happen.

You can test it by selecting USMB Dark from the style selector or in the User CP here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/account/preferences
Thanks, removing my now extraneous shell covering helps make the browsing refresh speedier. :thup:
Did you script it yourself?

No, I use a 'reality shaping' template and modify it. There's no need for me to go back to the egg and waste my time.

I remember working with HTML and notepad /w browser refresh in the early days and still can weed out the errors.

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