USMB Official 2020 Debate Thread -- Round 2..

All this thread tells me how much the Trump whackadoodle neocon losers are shitting bricks. Biden is gonna win and there is nothing you can do about it.

And Biden's not even that great. But the Orange Buffoon - easily the worst president the great country has ever had - is just so pathetic, tragic, and incompetent that Biden looks half decent.
How unpopular has coronavirus made the dishonest, unintelligent and unhinged Donald Trump?
A guy with Dementia just defeated him in a debate
And it isn't 3 times because Trump ran away from the second debate.

A racist that gets awards from the NAACP.

Grow up Moon Bat. Everybody gets tired of hearing your TDS afflicted hate and ignorance.

A racist who called for the execution of five innocent black boys.
A racist who was fined by the Nixon Administration for housing discrimination.

You are confused Moon Bat

That idiot Biden championed the crime bill that put millions of Black boys and girls in prison but yet you still say you will vote for him. He is a stupid Leftest asshole whose failed economic policy keeps them in poverty. During his administration with this Obama jerk poverty and family income for B;lacks increased. Also, more of them were put on welfare. Shame!

Why are you such a hypocrite? Is it because you didn't take your TDS medication this morning?

If I had a dime for every time one of you hate mongering Moon Bats called somebody a racist I would have enough money to buy a mega mansion on Martha's Vineyard like that worthless Obama shithead that is living large but he put many Blacks in poverty.
So much for a non-biased moderator.

The bitch interrupted Trump 30 times, Biden only twice.

Always a sign your guy lost, complaining about the moderator.

What made Trump look bad, all the goofy faces he made during the debate.

A racist that gets awards from the NAACP.

Grow up Moon Bat. Everybody gets tired of hearing your TDS afflicted hate and ignorance.

A racist who called for the execution of five innocent black boys.
A racist who was fined by the Nixon Administration for housing discrimination.

& endorsed by torch bearing, white hood wearing, CONfed flag flying racists...
That idiot Biden championed the crime bill that put millions of Black boys and girls in prison but yet you still say you will vote for him. He is a stupid Leftest asshole whose failed economic policy keeps them in poverty. During his administration with this Obama jerk poverty and family income for B;lacks increased. Also, more of them were put on welfare. Shame!

Uh, more people ended on welfare because Bush wrecked the economy... just like Trump did. Except Trump will be the first President to preside over a net job loss.

What I remember about the Crime Bill was not Republicans complaining about how many people it put in jail (which increased by 300% during the Reagan-Bush years) but that it had programs like Midnight basketball. Now you are upset about people in jail? Where were you during the rise of the Prison-Industrial Complex, mostly sponsored by Republicans?
A racist that gets awards from the NAACP.

Grow up Moon Bat. Everybody gets tired of hearing your TDS afflicted hate and ignorance.

A racist who called for the execution of five innocent black boys.
A racist who was fined by the Nixon Administration for housing discrimination.

You are confused Moon Bat

That idiot Biden championed the crime bill that put millions of Black boys and girls in prison but yet you still say you will vote for him. He is a stupid Leftest asshole whose failed economic policy keeps them in poverty. During his administration with this Obama jerk poverty and family income for B;lacks increased. Also, more of them were put on welfare. Shame!

Why are you such a hypocrite? Is it because you didn't take your TDS medication this morning?

If I had a dime for every time one of you hate mongering Moon Bats called somebody a racist I would have enough money to buy a mega mansion on Martha's Vineyard like that worthless Obama shithead that is living large but he put many Blacks in poverty.

& biden said it was a mistake.

humans make mistakes. good humans learn from their mistakes.

donny has never admitted to any fuck up he created.

donny's not human.
So would you have been fine with Sean Hannity as moderator?

I would be fine with Hannity in a re-education camp learning to be a decent human being...but most people would think that was harsh.

So you would have complained about a right wing righty being moderator.

No different than me bitching about a left wing bitch being moderator.

Thanks for playing.
All this thread tells me how much the Trump whackadoodle neocon losers are shitting bricks. Biden is gonna win and there is nothing you can do about it.

And Biden's not even that great. But the Orange Buffoon - easily the worst president the great country has ever had - is just so pathetic, tragic, and incompetent that Biden looks half decent.
As predicted, they can’t refer to a woman without calling her a bitch. They’re a lot like rappers in that regard.
Did anyone pay close attention to Bidens comments about how he said people are voting on "character" ?
I almost fell out of my seat.
Only people like democrats that vote based on feelings, rather than actions and results.
So you would have complained about a right righty being moderator.

No different than me bitching about a left wing bitch being moderator.

Thanks for playing.

I would have complained about a crazy person like Hannity being moderator.

You guys got your right wing moderator, in Chris Wallace. He completely lost control of the proceedings in the first debate

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