USMB Official 2020 Debate Thread -- Round 2..

So would you have been fine with Sean Hannity as moderator?

Kristen is no Hammity. Hammity the Calamity is nothing but a bloviated windbag who sold his soul a long time ago.

Then why did she interrupt Trump 30 times and Biden 2?

they both could see a timer - & knew when it was counting down ... biden stopped talking when he saw his 2 minutes were up.

donny didn't cause donny couldn't.

it really was that simple.
Did anyone pay close attention to Bidens comments about how he said people are voting on "character" ?
I almost fell out of my seat.
Only people like democrats that vote based on feelings, rather than actions and results.

Never said I agree with the way Trump acts or some of the things he says, because I dont.
Again, this aint about feelings, but this is about America, its future, and RESULTS.
Where Biden really hurt himself is when he stated he wanted the U.S. to move away from the oil standard...

America is a major exporter of oil especially diesel, so the move would be impossible by 2025...

Also Biden failure to understand cost to convert from one source of energy to the next.

Also Biden need to understand that China does not play by anyone rules but their own!

North Korea is their ( China ) mini-me and Biden plan will just make North Korea more rogue and China will use them to make the Asia Region more unstable...

Finally, Trump hurt Biden with the reality that Biden has done little and the fact is Biden admitted he made too many mistakes in the past and I believe this debate hurt Biden and Biden is lucky this is the final debate because had this been the first one Biden would be losing in the polls...
So basically you're confessing that he was whooping up on Trump's ass all night, but slipped and bumped his head at the end w/that unfortunate statement, right?

No, that is what you want people to believe which is not reality...

Last night debate was basically a disaster for Biden and that ending hurt him terribly...

What might save Biden is the early voting and that many Americans hate Trump, but if anyone that is not blinded by their hate for Trump would clearly admit Biden did poorly compared to the first debate...

Biden mistake is thinking he is going to be the one in charge when it will be Harris, Pelosi, Warren and Cortez running the show if Biden win...

Let be clear Biden proposals on Healthcare and so on matter very little and whatever Pelosi, Harris, Warren and Cortez want will be his policies and if anyone for one damn moment believe Biden will have a say is fooling themselves!

So no Biden did not whip Trump ass last night and truthfully the format they had hurt Biden tremendously in my personal opinion...

A restrained Trump is more dangerous than the lunatic from the first debate!
Trump really won the presidency with the final debate with Crooked Hillary in 2016. He made her to look like the fool she was.

Trump secured his reelection in 2020 by making this Biden asshole look like an idiot in the debate last night

so i take it that you can't cough up a credible link that states donny won an award from the NAACP?
Yea right out of the gate the so called "non biased moderator" piles on the list of horrors, mentioning the number of people dead from the China virus and saying we're heading into a DANGEROUS NEW PHASE. What does that even mean? Does that sound non-biased to anyone but a leftie?
BREAKING: White House sources say President Trump walked off the debate stage *looked at staff* said "let's finish this" & walked off to the motorcade. (OANN)
— SV News \uD83D\uDEA8 (@SVNewsAlerts) October 23, 2020
No, that is what you want people to believe which is not reality...

What might save Biden is the early voting and that many Americans hate Trump, but if anyone that is not blinded by their hate for Trump would clearly admit Biden did poorly compared to the first debate...

People hating Trump is similar to people hating Clinton and that worked for Trump.

Almost every news outlet I've read said it was a nothing debate. Biden did nothing wrong, neither did Trump. Only partisans are saying their guy won and their opinion doesn't matter. Only the undecided and about six states matter in this election.

Probably the biggest take out is that Trump left his run too late and that he should have acted in the first debate like he did last night.
“You and Barack Obama are the reason I am the President of the United States today” - President Donald Trump
Yea right out of the gate the so called "non biased moderator" piles on the list of horrors, mentioning the number of people dead from the China virus and saying we're heading into a DANGEROUS NEW PHASE. What does that even mean? Does that sound non-biased to anyone but a leftie?

Sounds more than a reasonable question. That you don't, just shows how far down the track you are in terms of being a Deplorable.

If Trump can't answer the hard questions he shouldn't be in the WH. The fact you seem to think it is an unreasonable question says loads.
Did anyone pay close attention to Bidens comments about how he said people are voting on "character" ?
I almost fell out of my seat.
Only people like democrats that vote based on feelings, rather than actions and results.

Never said I agree with the way Trump acts or some of the things he says, because I dont.
Again, this aint about feelings, but this is about America, its future, and RESULTS.

i've seen donny in action for 40 years. so um ... ya... character... or in donny's case - the lack of it, certainly should be a factor.

the results so far under a trump administration?

a completely fractured society
a world embarrassment
hundreds of thousands of people dying from a virus - with no end in sight - that was preventable
people in food lines reminiscent of the great depression
20,000,000 could lose their healthcare in the middle of a pandemic
women could be forced back to using hangers
back to being exposed to filthy air, CONtaminated water,& cancer laden food.

& you want even more.
i've seen donny in action for 40 years. so um ... ya... character... or in donny's case - the lack of it, certainly should be a factor.

the results so far under a trump administration?

a completely fractured society
a world embarrassment
hundreds of thousands of people dying from a virus - with no end in sight - that was preventable
people in food lines reminiscent of the great depression
20,000,000 could lose their healthcare in the middle of a pandemic
women could be forced back to using hangers
back to being exposed to filthy air, CONtaminated water,& cancer laden food.

& you want even more.
Cry, cry, cry all you want, but crying dont change the facts.
With my wife and the good Lord as my witness, when Obama was elected, I wasnt happy, but I told my wife and others, that it was only fair to give him a chance, and "we the people" did.
Thats why Trump is president now.
Americans are tired of politicians, so why dont you understand that ?
Character, feelings ??? Ha !!! Not this time.
They had a mute button. It's not the fucking left wing moderators job to stop Trump from talking. Why stop him? Because she didn't like what he had to say. She felt bad for Biden, who got stomped last night.

Yet again, it was Trump vs the moderator and Biden.

Being a Deplorable you probably love bullies. Most normal people don't. Maybe Donnie just needs to shut the fuck up and hear the other point of view. Unfortunately he has spent his whole life around yes men and can't believe that not only is he NOT the smartest person in the room, that he doesn't have a monopoly on speaking.

The result of the debate is simply this...

If Biden's senility didn't bother you before, or you are willingly in denial about it - then it isn't a factor now either.
If Trump's boorish, off-the-cuff diatribe style of speaking didn't bother you before - it isn't bothering you now.

It changed nothing.

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