USMB Official 2020 Debate Thread -- Round 2..

So you would have complained about a right righty being moderator.

No different than me bitching about a left wing bitch being moderator.

Thanks for playing.

I would have complained about a crazy person like Hannity being moderator.

You guys got your right wing moderator, in Chris Wallace. He completely lost control of the proceedings in the first debate

An anti-Trumper being right wing?

You're too stupid to be funny.
Did anyone pay close attention to Bidens comments about how he said people are voting on "character" ?
I almost fell out of my seat.
Only people like democrats that vote based on feelings, rather than actions and results.
No, they vote on a range of things. Character is definitely one of them.

What are Trump's results? Just carrying off where Obama left off is not an achievement. He fucked off the Chinese and fucked your farmers up the arse. He also gave tax cuts to those that don't need them, and those tax cuts are going to have to be paid for some time because your country can't afford them. Like Obama and Clinton before him, no doubt the Dems will clean up the Repub mess.
So would you have been fine with Sean Hannity as moderator?

Kristen is no Hammity. Hammity the Calamity is nothing but a bloviated windbag who sold his soul a long time ago.

Then why did she interrupt Trump 30 times and Biden 2?

Probably because he wouldn't shut his big, fat gob. Plus he has previous history. Biden doesn't. If you're the owner of a jewelry shop and you have two customers, an average Joe and a known kleptomaniac, who are you keeping an eye on?
An anti-Trumper being right wing?

You're too stupid to be funny.

Lot's of right wingers are against Trump.

The problem is, your whole movement has boiled down to, "We have to protect our mistake no matter what."

Trump has gotten Christians to rationalize paying off porn stars while your Third Wife is having your Fifth child.

Security conservatives have supported dismantling NATO and selling out our allies while sucking up to our enemies.

Fiscal Conservatives have defended Six Trillion in new debt and a massive social welfare program.

So what does it mean to be "conservative" anymore?
So would you have been fine with Sean Hannity as moderator?

Kristen is no Hammity. Hammity the Calamity is nothing but a bloviated windbag who sold his soul a long time ago.

Then why did she interrupt Trump 30 times and Biden 2?

Probably because he wouldn't shut his big, fat gob. Plus he has previous history. Biden doesn't. If you're the owner of a jewelry shop and you have two customers, an average Joe and a known kleptomaniac, who are you keeping an eye on?

They had a mute button. It's not the fucking left wing moderators job to stop Trump from talking. Why stop him? Because she didn't like what he had to say. She felt bad for Biden, who got stomped last night.

Yet again, it was Trump vs the moderator and Biden.
Prior to the Virus, how did Trump wreck the economy ?

Prior to hitting the iceberg, what mistake did the Captain of the Titanic make?

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Trump's response to the virus wrecked the economy. His unnecessary trade war with China, his disruption of supply chains, and his running up the national debt by another six trillion didn't help, either.

anyone who would vote for a candidate that had numerous failed business', several which were bankrupted casinos - a business where they are purposely designed to WIN - bragged about ' loving debt & being the 'king' of debt' & was so bad with money management, that wall street had to put him on an allowance, has no sense of reality.
No, they vote on a range of things. Character is definitely one of them.

What are Trump's results? Just carrying off where Obama left off is not an achievement. He fucked off the Chinese and fucked your farmers up the arse. He also gave tax cuts to those that don't them, and those tax cuts are going to have to be paid for some time because your country can't afford them. Like Obama and Clinton before him, no doubt the Dems will clean up the Repub mess.
I figured most of the Dems would act differently this morning, but I was wrong.
Instead, I see some really blatant hate filled responses.
That tells me that Trump did his job last night and shored up all the votes he will need for victory.
It also tells me that after Trump resumes, he will completely wipe out the remnants of whats left of the Obama / Dems destructive legacy, and fully return America to its rightful owner...WE THE PEOPLE !!!

I read a recent report out of Europe. Stated that Saudi Arabia will never extract all of its oil because from now until whenever the need will decrease every year - exponentially - as electric cars take over. In parts of Europe - London - new rules are being written that state no petrol-powered cars will allowed in the city in about 5 years/ Don't even get me started on driverless cars which will be coming to a city near you, sooner than you think.

Now, how they are going to produce all this electricity is going to be key. Dunno if solar and wind can produce enough. Oil is yesterday's news...get used to it. And I think it's fantastic.
I figured most of the Dems would act differently this morning, but I was wrong.
Instead, I see some really blatant hate filled responses.
That tells me that Trump did his job last night and shored up all the votes he will need for victory.
It also tells me that after Trump resumes, he will completely wipe out the remnants of whats left of the Obama / Dems destructive legacy, and fully return America to its rightful owner...WE THE PEOPLE !!!

Get ready for your revolution you've been gagging for. Trump is beyond toast this election. 50 million Yanks have already voted. And most are Dems. I think it will be a lot closer than the Dems think, but Trump is a gone-burger.
So you would have complained about a right righty being moderator.

No different than me bitching about a left wing bitch being moderator.

Thanks for playing.

I would have complained about a crazy person like Hannity being moderator.

You guys got your right wing moderator, in Chris Wallace. He completely lost control of the proceedings in the first debate

An anti-Trumper being right wing?

You're too stupid to be funny.

lincoln project

republican voters against trump

& b4 you even say it .... they aren't 'RINOs' ... they just exited the methane filled (R) bubble, breathed in some fresh oxygen, & cleared their heads.
Trump really won the presidency with the final debate with Crooked Hillary in 2016. He made her to look like the fool she was.

Trump secured his reelection in 2020 by making this Biden asshole look like an idiot in the debate last night
Did anyone pay close attention to Bidens comments about how he said people are voting on "character" ?
I almost fell out of my seat.
Only people like democrats that vote based on feelings, rather than actions and results.

They had a mute button. It's not the fucking left wing moderators job to stop Trump from talking. Why stop him? Because she didn't like what he had to say. She felt bad for Biden, who got stomped last night.

Yet again, it was Trump vs the moderator and Biden.

Being a Deplorable you probably love bullies. Most normal people don't. Maybe Donnie just needs to shut the fuck up and hear the other point of view. Unfortunately he has spent his whole life around yes men and can't believe that not only is he NOT the smartest person in the room, that he doesn't have a monopoly on speaking.
So would you have been fine with Sean Hannity as moderator?

Kristen is no Hammity. Hammity the Calamity is nothing but a bloviated windbag who sold his soul a long time ago.

Then why did she interrupt Trump 30 times and Biden 2?

Probably because he wouldn't shut his big, fat gob. Plus he has previous history. Biden doesn't. If you're the owner of a jewelry shop and you have two customers, an average Joe and a known kleptomaniac, who are you keeping an eye on?

They had a mute button. It's not the fucking left wing moderators job to stop Trump from talking. Why stop him? Because she didn't like what he had to say. She felt bad for Biden, who got stomped last night.

Yet again, it was Trump vs the moderator and Biden.

'she' didn't have any control of the mute button. 'she' laid out the rule re: the mute button which both candidates agreed to b4 the debate.
Trump really won the presidency with the final debate with Crooked Hillary in 2016. He made her to look like the fool she was.

Trump secured his reelection in 2020 by making this Biden asshole look like an idiot in the debate last night

Was there some sort of Bizarro Seinfeld-type debate on last night that only Deplorables could see?

WATCH: L.A. Times ‘Undecided’ Focus Group Chooses Trump After Last Debate

A focus group of “undecided voters” convened by pollster Frank Luntz for the Los Angeles Times chose President Donald Trump overwhelmingly after watching the final debate of the presidential election on Thursday night.

Though many participants complained about Trump’s “personality” in general, many also felt he had been more “presidential” on the night. And many complained that Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden seemed vague and elusive in his answers.


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