USMB Official 2020 Debate Thread -- Round 2..

Yea right out of the gate the so called "non biased moderator" piles on the list of horrors, mentioning the number of people dead from the China virus and saying we're heading into a DANGEROUS NEW PHASE. What does that even mean? Does that sound non-biased to anyone but a leftie?

Sounds more than a reasonable question. That you don't, just shows how far down the track you are in terms of being a Deplorable.

If Trump can't answer the hard questions he shouldn't be in the WH. The fact you seem to think it is an unreasonable question says loads.
Hard questions? Like banning fracking?
Yea right out of the gate the so called "non biased moderator" piles on the list of horrors, mentioning the number of people dead from the China virus and saying we're heading into a DANGEROUS NEW PHASE. What does that even mean? Does that sound non-biased to anyone but a leftie?

Sounds more than a reasonable question. That you don't, just shows how far down the track you are in terms of being a Deplorable.

If Trump can't answer the hard questions he shouldn't be in the WH. The fact you seem to think it is an unreasonable question says loads.
Hard questions? Like banning fracking?
Take it up with Airplane. He's the one complaining.
Yea right out of the gate the so called "non biased moderator" piles on the list of horrors, mentioning the number of people dead from the China virus and saying we're heading into a DANGEROUS NEW PHASE. What does that even mean? Does that sound non-biased to anyone but a leftie?

Sounds more than a reasonable question. That you don't, just shows how far down the track you are in terms of being a Deplorable.

If Trump can't answer the hard questions he shouldn't be in the WH. The fact you seem to think it is an unreasonable question says loads.
Hard questions? Like banning fracking?
Take it up with Airplane. He's the one complaining.
Your stupid statement. You can’t stand by it.
Joe likes NY response to the ChiCom flu. Great news. If you like killing people.
i've seen donny in action for 40 years. so um ... ya... character... or in donny's case - the lack of it, certainly should be a factor.

the results so far under a trump administration?

a completely fractured society
a world embarrassment
hundreds of thousands of people dying from a virus - with no end in sight - that was preventable
people in food lines reminiscent of the great depression
20,000,000 could lose their healthcare in the middle of a pandemic
women could be forced back to using hangers
back to being exposed to filthy air, CONtaminated water,& cancer laden food.

& you want even more.
Cry, cry, cry all you want, but crying dont change the facts.
With my wife and the good Lord as my witness, when Obama was elected, I wasnt happy, but I told my wife and others, that it was only fair to give him a chance, and "we the people" did.
Thats why Trump is president now.
Americans are tired of politicians, so why dont you understand that ?
Character, feelings ??? Ha !!! Not this time.

you seem to misCONstrue my giving facts to 'crying'.

ummmm...... you gave obama a chance, because you had no clue as to what kind of person he was.

that is waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy differant than knowing EXACTLY what kind of person donny was, is, & will always be based on decades of experience seeing it.

& even during the campaigning & nomination process - it was crystal clear he was exactly what he has always been with zero chance of changing - only to get worse once he had the power of the oval office.

it has all come to fruition.
This is the clown these stupid uneducated Moon Bats will vote for


How unpopular has coronavirus made the dishonest, unintelligent and unhinged Donald Trump?
A guy with Dementia just defeated him in a debate
And it isn't 3 times because Trump ran away from the second debate.

It's a bad reflection on this country that Trump is even up there. It's just terribly frustrating that this is the best the Democrats could offer.

Who would you want?

Of the people who threw their hats into the ring, I would love to have seen Yang/Tulsi. It's hard to say, because we could probably come up with a dozen who didn't run.

Mr. Guaranteed Income and Ms. Good Looking but brain dead?
you seem to misCONstrue my giving facts to 'crying'
Didnt misconstrue anything.
What you posted are opinions, not facts.
Hurts doesnt it ?


he defrauded people outa their hard earned cash enrolled in his fake university.

he used his charity as his own personal piggy bank instead of dispersing CONtributions to the needy.

he tried to sue & force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze & pave over so his casino buddies can park their limos closer to it.

he has humiliated his first wife & 3 young spawn by purposely traipsing around NYC with his whore & made sure it was splashed all over the tabloids.

he has bragged about grabbing women ( with over 20 accusations of sexual assault )

bragged about going into the dressing rooms of his miss universe pageant contestants unannounced, having them line up & 'inspecting' them in various stages of undress. ( confirmed by past contestants )

forced a contestant winner who gained some weight - shaming her & making her work out at a gym in front of the press ( youtube it )

had to be put on an allowance like a child who had no self control

banged a porn star just a few months after his 5th spawn was born to his 3rd wife - putting them both at risk for some pretty nasty cooties

acts like a playground bully - using childish nicnames for those he has disagreements with & made 'fun' of a disabled reporter

& you are on board with it all. that's why you are part of his 'base'.
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How unpopular has coronavirus made the dishonest, unintelligent and unhinged Donald Trump?
A guy with Dementia just defeated him in a debate
And it isn't 3 times because Trump ran away from the second debate.

Well let's be fair here. He lost the first debate by default. Because he couldn't control himself. Biden didn't win it. In hindsight, that was Trump's best opportunity to get his message across. Instead, he got the fact that he was unhinged across. He decided to pick a fight with the moderator. He threw a temper tantrum about the second debate and pulled out. A good call because he sucks at an actual debate. He knows nothing about policy. Period. So he had a town hall all to himself..and still lost. In content and ratings. Before the third debate, he and his supporters pulled out every last stop including picking a fight with the moderator in advanced and putting forth a debunked scandal about his opponent. But last night, he was forced to come be a good boy and engage in a debate. And he got smoked. Just like I thought would happen. No interest in being President, no grasp of policy issues beyond what he spouts at his pep rallies, no empathy, no introspection, no being humble. Just plain old narcissism and incompetence.
......Biden lost the debate....not Mr Trump...and you lost your mind in 2016
Scientific polls vs. a conservative message board troll typing "hahaha" in uppercase.
Gee, tough choice.
1. polls - hahahhahahahaha
2. opinion only
3. you have to be a DUMBASS to believe not only the polls, but also the MSM
Polls are not opinion, Hahaboy.
Unlike Progs, most Repubs do not say they are leaving the nation or the country is going to be blown up like Progs do if they do not get their way. What you guys are now is revolutionary in agendas. The oldest of you should be a shame of yourselves. The whole main issue is liberty. We have had flaws but where you are headed is not that.
Trump's Inauguration speech was a groaner...really? He needed to take a breath and relax and tell people he us turning the country back over to the People
you seem to misCONstrue my giving facts to 'crying'
Didnt misconstrue anything.
What you posted are opinions, not facts.
Hurts doesnt it ?


he defrauded people outa their hard earned cash enrolled in his fake university.

he used his charity as his own personal piggy bank instead of dispersing CONtributions to the needy.

he tried to sue & force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze & pave over so his casino buddies can park their limos closer to it.

he has humiliated his first wife & 3 young spawn by purposely traipsing around NYC with his whore & made sure it was splashed all over the tabloids.

he has bragged about grabbing women ( with over 20 accusations of sexual assault )

bragged about going into the dressing rooms of his miss universe pageant contestants unannounced, having them line up & 'inspecting' them in various stages of undress. ( confirmed by past contestants )

forced a contestant winner who gained some weight - to work out at a gym in front of the press ( youtube it )

had to be put on an allowance like a child who had no self control

banged a porn star just a few months after his 5th spawn was born to his 3rd wife - putting them both at risk for some pretty nasty cooties

acts like a playground bully - using childish nicnames for those he has disagreements with & made 'fun' of a disabled reporter

& you are on board with it all. that's why you are part of his 'base'.
Again, feelings.
Maybe this will help you...
you seem to misCONstrue my giving facts to 'crying'
Didnt misconstrue anything.
What you posted are opinions, not facts.
Hurts doesnt it ?


he defrauded people outa their hard earned cash enrolled in his fake university.

he used his charity as his own personal piggy bank instead of dispersing CONtributions to the needy.

he tried to sue & force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze & pave over so his casino buddies can park their limos closer to it.

he has humiliated his first wife & 3 young spawn by purposely traipsing around NYC with his whore & made sure it was splashed all over the tabloids.

he has bragged about grabbing women ( with over 20 accusations of sexual assault )

bragged about going into the dressing rooms of his miss universe pageant contestants unannounced, having them line up & 'inspecting' them in various stages of undress. ( confirmed by past contestants )

forced a contestant winner who gained some weight - to work out at a gym in front of the press ( youtube it )

had to be put on an allowance like a child who had no self control

banged a porn star just a few months after his 5th spawn was born to his 3rd wife - putting them both at risk for some pretty nasty cooties

acts like a playground bully - using childish nicnames for those he has disagreements with & made 'fun' of a disabled reporter

& you are on board with it all. that's why you are part of his 'base'.
Again, feelings.
Maybe this will help you...

LOL!!!! you can't defend it.

no worries - i knew you couldn't.

embrace it since that's all you can do.

i bet you don't even need astro glide with all the ankle grabbing you do for yer chosen one!
How unpopular has coronavirus made the dishonest, unintelligent and unhinged Donald Trump?
A guy with Dementia just defeated him in a debate
And it isn't 3 times because Trump ran away from the second debate.

I don't know what debate you were watching last night, but it was NOT the one between the President and China Joe.

Before the debate even started, the major Fake News surrogate media entrusted with protecting Joe's ass refused to cover the presser / announcement made by Hunter's old business partner and up until recently Hunter and Joe Biden financial confidante now-turned Whistle Blower'. CNN ABC....they all refused to cover the biggest documented criminal / corruption political scandal since a President of the United States and his proven criminal administration were caught illegally colluding with foreign ex-spies and the Russians to obtain Russian propaganda they used to perpetrate a failed political coup against the Govt of the US and the newly elected President.

Hunter's former partner told the nation how the Bidens have engaged in taking bribes, extortion, money laundering, and how Joe Biden compromised himself and our national security by selling himself and his office to the Russians and Chinese. He told what the DOJ, GHS, FBI, and US Treasury Department have all already declared as FACT - that the laptop and e-mails are legit, that NONE of it is 'Russian Dis-Information, and that he personally witnessed Hunter and Joe Biden discuss the unethical / illegal activities Hunter was involved in. Getting this information out - especially about how those official US govt agencies have declared the laptop and e-mails are NOT Dis-Information Propaganda - BEFORE the debate because Joe Biden had to follow this proven fact and face the American people about it during the debate.

Faced with painful, glaring TRUTHS, Biden was forced to LIE over and over. He attempted to claim he never opposed President Trump's life-saving travel bans, never called them 'Xenophobic', and never attempted to defend China during the pandemic, all of which are easily debunked by pulling the video and transcripts of his own rallies and speeches on this thing called 'the internet. Maybe Joe has heard of it?! By the lies he told, obviously he hasn't and does not know in this technological age everything he does and says is kept around matter how much Democrats, the Fake News surrogates, and Big Tech Social media tries to ignore them, Censor them, black them out, and / or refuse to cover them.

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