USMB Official 2020 Debate Thread -- Round 2..

Just reported: CNN poll, evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, shows Biden the winner of the debate - Biden 53%, Trump 39%. That seems reasonable based on what I saw.
CNN....LOL let’s ask people in Ohio, PA and TX. Biden will end the oil and gas industry. His words not mine. You dumb leftist.

You lie! I watched the entire debate - and that is NOT what Biden said. You Trump NaziCons always like to ignore the "context".
he said 'transition from oil'. his words?
It's not the fucking left wing moderators job to stop Trump from talking. Why stop him? Because she didn't like what he had to say. She felt bad for Biden, who got stomped last night.
It is the moderator's job to keep them to their time limits and Trump kept going over. She wasn't arguing with him; she was telling him his time was up. Biden did it a few times, too, but usually he requested rebuttal time instead of just yammering on. They would both still be arguing over the first question right now if the moderator didn't peel them away from it.
It's not the fucking left wing moderators job to stop Trump from talking. Why stop him? Because she didn't like what he had to say. She felt bad for Biden, who got stomped last night.
It is the moderator's job to keep them to their time limits and Trump kept going over. She wasn't arguing with him; she was telling him his time was up. Biden did it a few times, too, but usually he requested rebuttal time instead of just yammering on. They would both still be arguing over the first question right now if the moderator didn't peel them away from it.
Just reported: CNN poll, evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, shows Biden the winner of the debate - Biden 53%, Trump 39%. That seems reasonable based on what I saw.

I think both sides will be pretty happy with their candidate's performance.

Only one thing left now. Vote.
STFU you leftist troll. 49ers suck. Vote? Really?
she is a condescending demofk. she'll tell you to remember to wash your hands as well. you know, they aren't happy if they ain't barking out orders.
That idiot Biden championed the crime bill that put millions of Black boys and girls in prison but yet you still say you will vote for him. He is a stupid Leftest asshole whose failed economic policy keeps them in poverty. During his administration with this Obama jerk poverty and family income for B;lacks increased. Also, more of them were put on welfare. Shame!

Uh, more people ended on welfare because Bush wrecked the economy... just like Trump did. Except Trump will be the first President to preside over a net job loss.

What I remember about the Crime Bill was not Republicans complaining about how many people it put in jail (which increased by 300% during the Reagan-Bush years) but that it had programs like Midnight basketball. Now you are upset about people in jail? Where were you during the rise of the Prison-Industrial Complex, mostly sponsored by Republicans?
Try next time in 2024 Mr. Looney Tunes Melty Melt!


I bet Trump will get 20% of the Black vote. Big change from the 5% that other Republicans got.

Without the core Black votes the filthy ass Democrats will never win another election.
Joe Biden LIED his ass off:

Biden claims he never called for end to fracking, here's what he actually said

Biden claims he never called for end to fracking, here's what he actually said

"During a 2019 Democratic primary debate, Biden was asked whether there would be "any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden administration?"
-- Biden's response: "No"

"Biden has also endorsed the 'GREEN NEW DEAL'.

Harris has also endorsed the Green New Deal, declared Biden and she would end Fracking, and would put an end to fossil fuel use.

Joe Biden denied he called the President's Life Saving travel bans 'Xenophobic'.
He denied he opposed them only to agree with them later but to say they were 'late'

One member of a feedback group said it best by pointing out the Democrats opposed the travel bans, undermined and criticized the president's efforts - even now with the vaccines, initially told Americans there was nothing to worry about, gave Americans bad advice, and are now trying to re-write history while engaging in 'Monday Morning Quarterbacking'...too little too late.

Biden attempted to declare he never said he would end fracking....and then 'SHOT HIMSELF AND HIS CAMPAIGN IN THE FACE ON LIVE TV' BY ADMITTING HE PLANS ON ENDING / DESTROYING TRHE OIL / FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY here in the United States once elected.
-- Last debate Joe Biden said none of this was part of 'HIS' energy plan. Even Chris Wallace had to point out that all of it WAS his plan and was posted right on his campaign web site.....looks like the Leftists who own / control Joe brought him up to speed, that YES, all of this IS 'his' plan.

'HIS' Green New Deal Plan, that everyone knows now Biden and the Leftists so intend on carrying out, consists in part of OUTLAWING the use of ALL fossil fuels in the United States, ending our recently obtained ENERGY INDEPENDENT status, putting MILLIONS of Americans out of work. It includes OUTLAWING the internal combustion engine...all by 2025! Every current fossil fuel industry will be shut down, every gas station, tire business, and any business that relies on selling / manufacturing anything connected to fossil fuels will be gone. (Just curious - Is the govt going to pay for replacing every Americans' cars with new electric cars?)

Joes announcement that he plans on destroying / outlawing all fossil fuels and the oil / coal / natural gas industries should have sent a neutron bomb type shockwave through America last night, especially in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Pittsburgh, Kentucky, Oklahoma, & Texas. How many voters in those states who may have already voted sure as hell want their votes back / want to change their votes this morning?!

Biden may as well have just declared last night he was effectively destroying our economy, putting MILLIONS of US workers out of a job, and making this nation completely energy DEpendent.

THIS should scare the hell out of a lot of Americans and should have just destroyed Biden's chances to win in less than 2 weeks.

The 2025 timeline was stunning. Biden wants to mandate masks and keep the country shut down and is disputing the safety of a COVID vaccine, saying it will be over another year 2021 before we can have a safe vaccine and another year 2022 before it's available to the mass public...and the MSM is covering for Joe ignoring the press, who are asking him about milkshakes.
It's not the fucking left wing moderators job to stop Trump from talking. Why stop him? Because she didn't like what he had to say. She felt bad for Biden, who got stomped last night.
It is the moderator's job to keep them to their time limits and Trump kept going over. She wasn't arguing with him; she was telling him his time was up. Biden did it a few times, too, but usually he requested rebuttal time instead of just yammering on. They would both still be arguing over the first question right now if the moderator didn't peel them away from it.
funny. pee wee. just isn't true. both candidates exceeded the two minutes because they couldn't see a timer most likely. and sleepy creepy got ten seconds for every time after trump talked. pathetic. Now go back playing in the street.
How unpopular has coronavirus made the dishonest, unintelligent and unhinged Donald Trump?
A guy with Dementia just defeated him in a debate
And it isn't 3 times because Trump ran away from the second debate.

Well let's be fair here. He lost the first debate by default. Because he couldn't control himself. Biden didn't win it. In hindsight, that was Trump's best opportunity to get his message across. Instead, he got the fact that he was unhinged across. He decided to pick a fight with the moderator. He threw a temper tantrum about the second debate and pulled out. A good call because he sucks at an actual debate. He knows nothing about policy. Period. So he had a town hall all to himself..and still lost. In content and ratings. Before the third debate, he and his supporters pulled out every last stop including picking a fight with the moderator in advanced and putting forth a debunked scandal about his opponent. But last night, he was forced to come be a good boy and engage in a debate. And he got smoked. Just like I thought would happen. No interest in being President, no grasp of policy issues beyond what he spouts at his pep rallies, no empathy, no introspection, no being humble. Just plain old narcissism and incompetence.

Spot on.
Joe Biden LIED his ass off:

Biden claims he never called for end to fracking, here's what he actually said's what he actually said

Biden claims he never called for end to fracking, here's what he actually said

"During a 2019 Democratic primary debate, Biden was asked whether there would be "any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden administration?"
-- Biden's response: "No"

"Biden has also endorsed the 'GREEN NEW DEAL'.

Harris has also endorsed the Green New Deal, declared Biden and she would end Fracking, and would put an end to fossil fuel use.

he said he'd end oil.
Joe Biden LIED his ass off:

Biden claims he never called for end to fracking, here's what he actually said's what he actually said

Biden claims he never called for end to fracking, here's what he actually said

"During a 2019 Democratic primary debate, Biden was asked whether there would be "any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden administration?"
-- Biden's response: "No"

"Biden has also endorsed the 'GREEN NEW DEAL'.

Harris has also endorsed the Green New Deal, declared Biden and she would end Fracking, and would put an end to fossil fuel use.

I don't know if Biden was blatantly lying or if he simply forgot that was his position.

He gets confused about a lot of things.

Terrible candidate.
Biden said he would end the oil industry? Did you miss that? It’s balsy but just lost him TX and PA.

Nobody loves the oil industry, bud....

Biden lost that bad. He called the President “the most racist”?
What a low life.

Trump is racist.....
Nobody? Ha ha ha ha ha just millions of people depending on it, “buddy”. Only assholes play the race card. You’re an antisemite and should be banned from this site. See I can make ridiculous statements too. You fat fuck.
Here is another excellent video by Body Language Experts that show Joe Biden is a polished liar.

He never talks off the cuff. Everything he says is practiced (over practiced) but his body language still gives him away.

He is deceptive and this is why he rambles, at times when something slightly unexpected is said to him. He is searching his mind for "practiced statements" or he is trying to create a narrative while talking, rather than straight forward answering a question.

there was only 1 commander in chief on the stage last night and that was President Joe Biden!

47 years and this 'Presidente' accomplished NOTHING...but to enrich himself and his family.

He has never been right on anything regarding Foreign Policy, never accomplished legislatively except to write and pass a disastrous crimes bill that destroyed lives - he even failed at his and Barry's coup attempt....

Yet NOW...when he is old, feeble, suffering from dementia, and about to go to jail....he wants to do something for the country and its citizens....?!

CNN....LOL let’s ask people in Ohio, PA and TX. Biden will end the oil and gas industry. His words not mine. You dumb leftist.

Most people want a planet to live on... we don't have a second planet we can go to...
Nope. You’re just stating stupid shit again. I have Young kids and they don’t give a flying rats ass. The planet is perfectly fine. You just believe the fake news hype because you’re gullible.

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