USMB Official 2020 Debate Thread -- Round 2..

How unpopular has coronavirus made the dishonest, unintelligent and unhinged Donald Trump?
A guy with Dementia just defeated him in a debate
And it isn't 3 times because Trump ran away from the second debate.

It's a bad reflection on this country that Trump is even up there. It's just terribly frustrating that this is the best the Democrats could offer.

Oh, right. Joe the influence peddler is a good reflection on our country.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I think Mac was saying that it is frustrating that Joe is the best they could offer.

I agree.
whenever Trump called out Joe in one of his many lies, he closed his eyes and shook his head laughing- check it out. Lots of lies Joe.
Every time Joe laughed I knew he was caught in a lie. That on "come on man". 47 years of lying, graft, bribery, extortion, and pay to play will do that to a decrepit Senile Pedophile like Biden.
LOL!!!! you can't defend it.

no worries - i knew you couldn't.

embrace it since that's all you can do.

i bet you don't even need astro glide with all the ankle grabbing you do for yer chosen one!
Please stop crying.
It really doesnt look good, if youre trying to represent the Democratic party.
Why wont you except that Trump is going to be your president for 4 more years, after watching that debate last night ?
Joe Biden denied he called the President's Life Saving travel bans 'Xenophobic'.
He denied he opposed them only to agree with them later but to say they were 'late'

One member of a feedback group said it best by pointing out the Democrats opposed the travel bans, undermined and criticized the president's efforts - even now with the vaccines, initially told Americans there was nothing to worry about, gave Americans bad advice, and are now trying to re-write history while engaging in 'Monday Morning Quarterbacking'...too little too late.

Biden attempted to declare he never said he would end fracking....and then 'SHOT HIMSELF AND HIS CAMPAIGN IN THE FACE ON LIVE TV' BY ADMITTING HE PLANS ON ENDING / DESTROYING TRHE OIL / FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY here in the United States once elected.
-- Last debate Joe Biden said none of this was part of 'HIS' energy plan. Even Chris Wallace had to point out that all of it WAS his plan and was posted right on his campaign web site.....looks like the Leftists who own / control Joe brought him up to speed, that YES, all of this IS 'his' plan.

'HIS' Green New Deal Plan, that everyone knows now Biden and the Leftists so intend on carrying out, consists in part of OUTLAWING the use of ALL fossil fuels in the United States, ending our recently obtained ENERGY INDEPENDENT status, putting MILLIONS of Americans out of work. It includes OUTLAWING the internal combustion engine...all by 2025! Every current fossil fuel industry will be shut down, every gas station, tire business, and any business that relies on selling / manufacturing anything connected to fossil fuels will be gone. (Just curious - Is the govt going to pay for replacing every Americans' cars with new electric cars?)

Joes announcement that he plans on destroying / outlawing all fossil fuels and the oil / coal / natural gas industries should have sent a neutron bomb type shockwave through America last night, especially in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Pittsburgh, Kentucky, Oklahoma, & Texas. How many voters in those states who may have already voted sure as hell want their votes back / want to change their votes this morning?!

Biden may as well have just declared last night he was effectively destroying our economy, putting MILLIONS of US workers out of a job, and making this nation completely energy DEpendent.

THIS should scare the hell out of a lot of Americans and should have just destroyed Biden's chances to win in less than 2 weeks.
LOL!!!! you can't defend it.

no worries - i knew you couldn't.

embrace it since that's all you can do.

i bet you don't even need astro glide with all the ankle grabbing you do for yer chosen one!
Please stop crying.
It really doesnt look good, if youre trying to represent the Democratic party.
Why wont you except that Trump is going to be your president for 4 more years, after watching that debate last night ?
Whenever these DemNazis act like this it reminds me of a passage in The Bible where Jesus comes upon a demon possessed man. Jesus is about to cast out the demons and they cry, "send us in to the pigs" then the whole herd of pigs runs in to the lake and drowns themselves.
At one point Biden channeled his 'inner Obama', as he declared he would roll back immigration laws / policy to that during Obama's & his administration.

When he spoke about health care he referenced 'HIS' plan, which is almost exactly the same thing as Obamacare - except moving it farther to the left, more under government control - more Socialist. 'Under my plan no one will lose their health care coverage and costs will be lowered'
Sound familiar? Same Obama BS, same lies, same socialist plan being rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who never wanted Obamacare.
Biden said he would end the oil industry? Did you miss that? It’s balsy but just lost him TX and PA.

Nobody loves the oil industry, bud....

Biden lost that bad. He called the President “the most racist”?
What a low life.

Trump is racist.....
Trump does love Nascar.

Did you ever consider letting go of your hatred and repenting of your lies and seeking Jesus Christ? Or are you totally committed to spending eternity in Hell? It's not a nice place, and you aren't a nice person.
One of my favorite parts was when Joe Bide declared that the American people would have to WAIT for health care to be done right under Trump, would have to wait for infrastructure, would have to wait for solutions to all of the problems and issues we face...but that we won't have to wait under a Biden Presidency.

President Trump responded by pointing out that Joe Biden has been in politics for 47 years, than only 4 years ago he had been the Vice president for 8 of those years, and during all of those 47 years Joe Biden has not accomplished anything, had not addressed / resolved / solved / fixed ANYTHING...but he is telling the American people NOW - when he is old, suffering from Dementia, is being controlled by the Left and the foreign governments and entities he has sold himself and his office to - he is going to 'fix everything'.


Joe Biden, who has served 47 years and not accomplished ANYTHING in that time, telling Americans that they should trust HIM to get things done instead of the most successful President in DECADES - in some cases the most successful President in US history, who accomplished more in 4 years than ANY, not just Obama, president in DECADES - is HILARIOUS!
How unpopular has coronavirus made the dishonest, unintelligent and unhinged Donald Trump?
A guy with Dementia just defeated him in a debate
And it isn't 3 times because Trump ran away from the second debate.

Biden: "I'll have a plan."

So, what's that plan again? Oh, you WILL have one.

Yeah I just bet. :auiqs.jpg:


I get pop-up ads which say "Biden's Plan: Modern Infrastructure and American Jobs. A "win-win" for America."

But the ads contain not even a hint of how we might get there. Reading the blurb about it on his website is akin to my cousin who used to talk about having a pony.

That never happened, either...
That idiot Biden championed the crime bill that put millions of Black boys and girls in prison but yet you still say you will vote for him. He is a stupid Leftest asshole whose failed economic policy keeps them in poverty. During his administration with this Obama jerk poverty and family income for B;lacks increased. Also, more of them were put on welfare. Shame!

Uh, more people ended on welfare because Bush wrecked the economy... just like Trump did. Except Trump will be the first President to preside over a net job loss.

What I remember about the Crime Bill was not Republicans complaining about how many people it put in jail (which increased by 300% during the Reagan-Bush years) but that it had programs like Midnight basketball. Now you are upset about people in jail? Where were you during the rise of the Prison-Industrial Complex, mostly sponsored by Republicans?
Try next time in 2024 Mr. Looney Tunes Melty Melt!


How unpopular has coronavirus made the dishonest, unintelligent and unhinged Donald Trump?
A guy with Dementia just defeated him in a debate
And it isn't 3 times because Trump ran away from the second debate.

Not sure what you were watching there goofus but Biden just blathered on and on and on incoherently. As usual
The low point, of course, had to be when the Hunter/Joe Biden scandal that is unfolding came up.

Despite the DOJ, the State Department, the DNI, DHS, the FBI, and the Treasury Department ALL declaring none of this is in any was a foreign - especially not the Russians - dis-information campaign against the Bidens, that the laptop and the e-mails are genuine / real and that they have been substantiated / verified / confirmed through official testimony under oath, official government records, existing evidence, and 3 confirmed Whistle Blowers who have come forward with testimony and documents, JOE BIDEN STILL STOOD IN FRONT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BY DECLARING, "THERE IS NOITHING TO THIS SCANDAL."

I understand there is nothing more he could do than to deny it all. He sure couldn't confess all of this, as he had confessed on videotape to extorting the previous Ukraine PM. His denial, as disgusting as it was, then turned DESPERATE....and TRULY PATHETIC by attempting to resurrect his and Barry's proven faux, debunked, destroyed 'Russian Collusion', suggesting that it was the RUSSIANS and a RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN against him and his family.

Again, before the debate, the US DOJ, DNI, Senate Intel Committee, DHS, Treasury Department, and FBI ALL declared that categorically, irrefutably, undeniably Hunter's laptop and the e-mails off of that laptop were NOT the result of ANY disinformation campaign.

To see Joe Biden, after this...during the debate...feebly clinging to the already disproven / debunked 'Russian Collusion' Obama coup cover-story, to see Joe Biden attempting to claim the DOJ, DNI, DHS, US Treasury Department and others are lying / wrong and that it 'could be the Russians' was just hard to watch. It was old man pleading with people to believe his lies to save himself and his family from accountability / the repercussions of their already proven crimes....

Just sad.
No, that is what you want people to believe which is not reality...

What might save Biden is the early voting and that many Americans hate Trump, but if anyone that is not blinded by their hate for Trump would clearly admit Biden did poorly compared to the first debate...

People hating Trump is similar to people hating Clinton and that worked for Trump.

Almost every news outlet I've read said it was a nothing debate. Biden did nothing wrong, neither did Trump. Only partisans are saying their guy won and their opinion doesn't matter. Only the undecided and about six states matter in this election.

Probably the biggest take out is that Trump left his run too late and that

he should have acted in the first debate like he did last night.
First off you need to link your sources if you are going to claim a news source and if it is Huffington Post or DailyKos then you should know better than that.

Second, Biden made some blunders by initiating the Rudy G. conversation and should have left it alone but Biden most likely thought it would goad Trump into attacking Hunter Biden in another way and Trump did not take the bait.

Also Biden discussion about any plans or ideas of his is just nothing more than a used car salesmen selling you a lemon because anyone with a brain knows the people you need to listen to is Harris, Pelosi, Warren and Cortez and Biden ideas are not what they want...

Also, People hates Trump in 2016 and I hated him since the 1970’s, so no this is not the same as Clinton hate for Trump but reality is Biden is not hated as much as Clinton is!

Finally, the Oil Industry comment will haunt him because he open a can of worms that would have sunk him in a normal election year but this election cycle might have been decided and I have stated many times I believe Biden will win but last night debate did him no favors and anyone that believe it did not hurt them is lying to themselves...
It's not the fucking left wing moderators job to stop Trump from talking. Why stop him? Because she didn't like what he had to say. She felt bad for Biden, who got stomped last night.
It is the moderator's job to keep them to their time limits and Trump kept going over. She wasn't arguing with him; she was telling him his time was up. Biden did it a few times, too, but usually he requested rebuttal time instead of just yammering on. They would both still be arguing over the first question right now if the moderator didn't peel them away from it.

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