USMB POLL: Repeal the 16th Amendment (Income Tax)

Repeal the 16th Amendment

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No the government works for me and the rest of this country, there is no change of ownership of our income when it moves to the treasury. The change of ownership is the transfer to your bank account.

So when you send that money to can still spend it? You can still head down to your local Walmart and buy your insta-grits and your grape Koolaid with the money you sent to the treasury?

You might want to check with your Walmart on that one. Because I think you may be in for a bit of a surprise.

When you get your EBT reloaded each month, you do at the expense to people like me.

Tell us more about the reloading your 'EBT'. As clearly you know more about it than I do.

I like to know where MY money goes when you spend it.

And when pray tell did I spend your money? Are you one of my many customers? If so, did you buy one of my stock pieces, or did I do a custom design for you? You know I retain rights for all original works I do, so I may have taken the original design and resold it by now.

Using the EBT card.
So when you send that money to can still spend it? You can still head down to your local Walmart and buy your insta-grits and your grape Koolaid with the money you sent to the treasury?

You might want to check with your Walmart on that one. Because I think you may be in for a bit of a surprise.

When you get your EBT reloaded each month, you do at the expense to people like me.

Tell us more about the reloading your 'EBT'. As clearly you know more about it than I do.

I like to know where MY money goes when you spend it.

And when pray tell did I spend your money? Are you one of my many customers? If so, did you buy one of my stock pieces, or did I do a custom design for you? You know I retain rights for all original works I do, so I may have taken the original design and resold it by now.

Using the EBT card.

I make original designs....with an EBT card? would that work exactly?
When you get your EBT reloaded each month, you do at the expense to people like me.

Tell us more about the reloading your 'EBT'. As clearly you know more about it than I do.

I like to know where MY money goes when you spend it.

And when pray tell did I spend your money? Are you one of my many customers? If so, did you buy one of my stock pieces, or did I do a custom design for you? You know I retain rights for all original works I do, so I may have taken the original design and resold it by now.

Using the EBT card.

I make original designs....with an EBT card? would that work exactly?

You buy your food with one.
Tell us more about the reloading your 'EBT'. As clearly you know more about it than I do.

I like to know where MY money goes when you spend it.

And when pray tell did I spend your money? Are you one of my many customers? If so, did you buy one of my stock pieces, or did I do a custom design for you? You know I retain rights for all original works I do, so I may have taken the original design and resold it by now.

Using the EBT card.

I make original designs....with an EBT card? would that work exactly?

You buy your food with one.

I don't design with food. I use Autocad, gouache and conte drawings, my trusty Wacom Cintiq, stained glass and the like. So how would I create one of my designs with an EBT card?
I like to know where MY money goes when you spend it.

And when pray tell did I spend your money? Are you one of my many customers? If so, did you buy one of my stock pieces, or did I do a custom design for you? You know I retain rights for all original works I do, so I may have taken the original design and resold it by now.

Using the EBT card.

I make original designs....with an EBT card? would that work exactly?

You buy your food with one.

I don't design with food. I use Autocad, gouache and conte drawings, my trusty Wacom Cintiq, stained glass and the like. So how would I create one of my designs with an EBT card?

Typical lefty response. Someone has you pegged and you make light of being a moron.
And when pray tell did I spend your money? Are you one of my many customers? If so, did you buy one of my stock pieces, or did I do a custom design for you? You know I retain rights for all original works I do, so I may have taken the original design and resold it by now.

Using the EBT card.

I make original designs....with an EBT card? would that work exactly?

You buy your food with one.

I don't design with food. I use Autocad, gouache and conte drawings, my trusty Wacom Cintiq, stained glass and the like. So how would I create one of my designs with an EBT card?

Typical lefty response. Someone has you pegged and you make light of being a moron.

Most 'lefty' speak of their Wacom Cintiq when replying?

Well color me surprised. Those things are fucking expensive.
Using the EBT card.

I make original designs....with an EBT card? would that work exactly?

You buy your food with one.

I don't design with food. I use Autocad, gouache and conte drawings, my trusty Wacom Cintiq, stained glass and the like. So how would I create one of my designs with an EBT card?

Typical lefty response. Someone has you pegged and you make light of being a moron.

Most 'lefty' speak of their Wacom Cintiq when replying?

Well color me surprised. Those things are fucking expensive.

Most lefties speak out of their ass when replying.
The Income Tax is immoral, and so is the IRS at this point. Both need to go as soon as possible.

How is the income tax 'immoral'?

It's unjust theft. We should never punish anyone for being successful in America. That goes against everything our Nation is about. Our Founding Fathers would call the Income Tax immoral and unjust as well. There are other ways to tax and collect taxes. And it's time to explore those other avenues.
The Income Tax is immoral, and so is the IRS at this point. Both need to go as soon as possible.

How is the income tax 'immoral'?

It's unjust theft.

Income tax specifically, or any form of taxation?

We should never punish anyone for being successful in America.

You're not punishing someone for being successful. You're applying taxation on the basis of one's ability to pay. The less you make, the less capable you are paying. The more you make, the more capable you are of paying.

Its a pretty moral and ethical system, as it doesn't kick you when you're down. And applies a tax burden when you're capable of paying it.

That goes against everything our Nation is about. Our Founding Fathers would call the Income Tax immoral and unjust as well. There are other ways to tax and collect taxes. And it's time to explore those other avenues.

Then why didn't the founders forbid direct taxes like income taxes?
I make original designs....with an EBT card? would that work exactly?

You buy your food with one.

I don't design with food. I use Autocad, gouache and conte drawings, my trusty Wacom Cintiq, stained glass and the like. So how would I create one of my designs with an EBT card?

Typical lefty response. Someone has you pegged and you make light of being a moron.

Most 'lefty' speak of their Wacom Cintiq when replying?

Well color me surprised. Those things are fucking expensive.

Most lefties speak out of their ass when replying.

I'm quite familiar with both my designs and the Wacom Cintiq. I'd go so far as to say I'm an expert on both.

The EBT card, not so much. Which is why I keep asking you to explain it to me. How you reload yours. How you could use it to make my designs, etc.
The Income Tax is immoral, and so is the IRS at this point. Both need to go as soon as possible.

How is the income tax 'immoral'?

It's unjust theft.

Income tax specifically, or any form of taxation?

We should never punish anyone for being successful in America.

You're not punishing someone for being successful. You're applying taxation on the basis of one's ability to pay. The less you make, the less capable you are paying. The more you make, the more capable you are of paying.

Its a pretty moral and ethical system, as it doesn't kick you when you're down. And applies a tax burden when you're capable of paying it.

That goes against everything our Nation is about. Our Founding Fathers would call the Income Tax immoral and unjust as well. There are other ways to tax and collect taxes. And it's time to explore those other avenues.

Then why didn't the founders forbid direct taxes like income taxes?

Our Founding Fathers would not have supported the Income Tax. In fact, there probably would have been another Revolution over it. No American should be punished for working hard and being successful. They have the human right to keep the fruits of their labor. It's time to overhaul the taxing structure. There are better ways. The time has come for revolutionary change.
Then why didn't the founders forbid direct taxes like income taxes?

Great question. According to many right wingers, the founders were so smart they wrote the Second amendment in such a way that it can't be questioned or restricted.

Wonder why they didn't have such "insight" as to the objections that would be raised concerning taking money from individuals to run the government?

Wonder why the founders didn't make the collection of taxes forbidden in the COTUS. That 16 amendment would have never passed. .
The Income Tax is immoral, and so is the IRS at this point. Both need to go as soon as possible.

How is the income tax 'immoral'?

It's unjust theft.

Income tax specifically, or any form of taxation?

We should never punish anyone for being successful in America.

You're not punishing someone for being successful. You're applying taxation on the basis of one's ability to pay. The less you make, the less capable you are paying. The more you make, the more capable you are of paying.

Its a pretty moral and ethical system, as it doesn't kick you when you're down. And applies a tax burden when you're capable of paying it.

That goes against everything our Nation is about. Our Founding Fathers would call the Income Tax immoral and unjust as well. There are other ways to tax and collect taxes. And it's time to explore those other avenues.

Then why didn't the founders forbid direct taxes like income taxes?

Our Founding Fathers would not have supported the Income Tax. In fact, there probably would have been another Revolution over it.

Says who?

And you never did answer my question. Is it just income tax that is 'theft'? Or is it any taxation?
Anyone ever notice that there's no topic like Income Tax for drawing out the most virulent liberal parasites on USMB and anywhere else on the internet?

And by 'virulent liberal parasites', you mean anyone who doesn't immediately agree with you on the issue without a single question?
No American should be punished for working hard and being successful.

You think it "punishment" for supporting the country that has given you the highest standard of living and the most opportunity of any country ever known?

Why don't you get the fuck out?There are a lot of people around the world that would take your place in a heartbeat and be GLAD to pay the taxes that gives them the country where they could succeed and prosper.

Just go on and get the fuck out.
Then why didn't the founders forbid direct taxes like income taxes?

Great question. According to many right wingers, the founders were so smart they wrote the Second amendment in such a way that it can't be questioned or restricted.

Wonder why they didn't have such "insight" as to the objections that would be raised concerning taking money from individuals to run the government?

Wonder why the founders didn't make the collection of taxes forbidden in the COTUS. That 16 amendment would have never passed. .

Our Founders weren't opposed to taxation all-together. They were opposed to immoral and unjust taxation. That's what the Revolutionary War was all about. And the Income Tax is immoral and unjust. Every person has the human right to keep what they've earned. No one should be punished for being more or less successful. It's time to explore other more just ways to tax the People.

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