USMB Poll: Who is in favor of war with Russia over Ukraine...

I'm in favor of war with Russia over Ukraine

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Thank you Neville Chamberlain.

Remember when conservatives were for strength and not cowardice?
They still are ; it's the GOP who favors cowardice, always has. The Russians should have been pounded into worm food in 1961 over Berlin.
Putin should have been erased over violating the Budapest Memorandum and Crimea. There is way more than enough cause without the Ukraine.
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The Donny comment was just in passing. Pay it no mind, as I doubt you can afford it.
Consider your tiresome comment ignored and disregarded from the second I saw it.

Just another idiotic reflexive "Trump is Putin's bitch" comment which should have died after the left pinned their hopes on Robert Mueller and came up empty.

Some lies, like this one, keep being recycled by fools anyway.
Somehow, clowns keep coming back to the empty well time after time.

Can I afford to buy the b.s. you are peddling? No. Not at all. Why would I want to?
The real comment was Putin. Just Putin and his supporters, whoever they may be. Screw him. Screw them, whoever they may be, including his supporters on here, that troll for him.
Okay. Putin is criminal scum. Probably second globally to only the Chinese gangster, Xi Jinping.

Too bad you couldn't resist your inner childish prick and played the old worn out Trump and Putin card anyway. You wouldn't seem like such a moron otherwise.
We need to get Ukraine back its nukes. We can spare a couple thousand of them. If they hadn't been strongarmed by Clinton into giving them up in 1994 they wouldn't be bullied by Putin now.
They still are ; it's the GOP who favors cowardice, always has. The Russians should have been pounded into worm food in 1961 over Berlin.
Putin should have been erased over violating the Budapest Memorandum and Crimea. There is way more than enough cause without the Ukraine.
So... When are you enlisting?
I voted a BIG NO.

like it was said:

"The Biden cabal seem to be hitting all their targets.

First they stole the Election to install an anti-American government......then they open the border to flood the country with illegals and render national sovereignty meaningless ...

Now they are trying to start a war with Russia."

Hell has a place to each and everyone who are committing these crimes to America.

NO to war with Russia.
Who is in favor of going to War over Ukraine? Vlad Putin, obviously. Maybe Donny. He usually went along with whatever Vlad wanted.

Nope. Trump would have sanctioned the living shit out of Russia and armed Ukraine to the teeth. He ruined Russia's petro-dollar economy when he took the brakes off our oil and gas industry. Russia was selling their oil and gas for less than the cost of production.

The fact is that Russia's aggression is now being paid for by the Russian pipeline President Biden gave his blessings to. he was the one who removed the sanctions on it.
Real strength is not going to war. Peace through strength means that everyone else won't pay the consequences of going to war with you.

This means, for you clowns who are Ukraine's bitches, that the US doesn't need to get involved because neither participant is capable of harming us.

We need to secure our own border before we begin to think about someone else's border and take care of our own problems before we take care of other people's problems.

It's fine to want to help your friends, but you can't help others when you can't even help yourself.
I've no interest in protecting the dems new personal and family graft machine.....Let "the big man" work a deal with Putin for his fuckin' 10%.
Absolutely not.

On 23 June 2011, two emissaries of the Obama Administration — the head of Google, Eric Schmidt, and his aide, and former subordinate to Hillary Clinton in the U.S. State Department, Jared Cohen — visited Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, pretending to be on his side, while deceiving him to reveal to them ways to reach out online to members of Ukraine’s pro-nazi organizations in order to generate mobs for the demonstrations which were to be organized on Kiev’s Maidan Square to overthrow Ukraine’s President.

On 1 March 2013, the U.S. Embassy in Kiev held its first “Tech Camp” to teach Ukraine’s leading pro-nazis how to reach out to their followers so as to get as many people as possible trained and prepared to follow their instructions on what to do when those demonstrations would be held.

In June 2013, the Obama Administration quietly put out for bid to American contractors their planned project to renovate a school in Sevastopol, in Crimea, in Ukraine, in the location where Russia since 1783 had (and still has) its largest naval base


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