USMB Poll: Who is in favor of war with Russia over Ukraine...

I'm in favor of war with Russia over Ukraine

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Thank you Neville Chamberlain.

Remember when conservatives were for strength and not cowardice?

Actually, Chamberlain made exactly the right call at Munich.

The Sudetenland wasn't Czech, it was German. Germans who had privileges under the Hapsburgs but not in the artificially cobbled together "Czechoslovakia".

The Slovaks didn't want to be in a union with the Czechs, and there was a sizable Hungarian population that wanted to be part of Hungary.

Furthermore, the region that was into it- Moravia/Bohemia - was surrounded on three sides by Germany after the union with Austria.

On a strategic level, the only ally the UK could count on was France, and they had dedicated all their military spending on defensive measures like the Maginot Line. They were incapable of taking the war to Germany.

The only way that they could do anything effective is if the USSR intervened on Czechoslovakia's behalf, and that would result in Stalin having more influence in Eastern Europe, which the West at that point feared more than Hitler.

So what Chamberlain did was postpone a war for another year. One could also argue that he erred in writing a blank check to the Polish Colonels, dragging the UK and France into a war they STILL weren't ready for, because the subsequent collapse of the rest of Czechoslovakia was blamed on Chamberlain (instead of the Slovaks, Hungarians and of course, the Germans.)

After the war, the problem was solved when the Russians restored Czechosolvakia to its 1938 borders (except the part they tacked onto the Ukraine) and ethnically cleansed the Germans and Hungarians. Even then, the Czechs and Slovaks couldn't wait to get away from each other when the Soviet Empire fell.

Now, how does this apply to the current Ukraine situation.

Like it or not, Russia has a legitimate beef. There are ethnic Russians in the Crimea, Donbass and other regions, who had some rights initially when the USSR broke up, but are now a disenfranchised minority. They really would be happier in as part of the Russian Federation.


The logical solution WOULD be a redrawing of the border, along with some ethnic relocations. It's fairly unlikely to happen as long as the west keeps writing the regime in Kyiv a blank check, though.

Politically, Putin is trying to distract from his own dissident movement, and this might be a deal breaker for him not to invade.

We aren't in a position to fight a war with Russia in the Ukraine. The best we can do is impose economic sanctions. If Putin decides he can weather those sanctions, we might be stuck with it.
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If it were Trump rattling the sabers, you'd be calling this a crusade against "evil".

Here's the reality- Russia has kind of a valid issue. The Ukraine has a substantial Russian minority whose rights and privileges are not being recognized by the Ukrainian majority.

The logical solution to this problem would be a redrawing of the borders along with some demographic relocation to represent where people actually live. i.e. cede Donbass and the Crimea to Russia.

It is unlikely that the Ukraine will agree to this, however.
Nothing to do with who's in power here.

It's just not apparent to me that there is anything about this conflict between Russia and Ukraine that affects our country enough to justify expending any of our resources or lives over it. This is their fight, not ours.
When are you going to quit relying on strawmen for replies and admit you don't have an argument against defending Ukraine from Russian imperialism?

It's not a question of if we're ever going to war, it's a question of when. Isolationists have no history of preventing war, they just have one of wringing their hands and crying until the belligerents are a lot better armed and it costs a lot more blood to defeat them.
It's not a strawman.

I won't support a war that I'm not willing to fight personally.
Do you really thing McConnel's Republican controlled Senate committee, just read the Mueller report. Dems and Reps rarely agree, but when they do, they are usually right.
No. I meant what I said, thank you very much.
Biden was the one that threatened to withhold money for Ukraine that Congress intended for them to have.
That's illegal, by the way. And Biden brags about it on video tape.
But at least his whoring, crack smoking son go to keep his "job".

Otherwise your post was so poorly written I don't know if you covered this or not.
But I doubt you have the 'nads to do so.
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Go on the record...

I voted no, but with a caveat--------------> It is up to the European community to decide, it is their continent. They are the ones constantly invaded over there, and if their heart isn't in this fight, then our military should be nowhere near it. I haven't followed the European nations response, but I do not see (could be wrong) Germany, the UK, or France clamoring for intervention. To my way of thinking, they have to fully commit to whatever the target is in Europe that will be placed under attack, before we commit, not vice-versa.

In total honesty, do not expect that kind of response from Germany unless things really go bad. If you are not aware, look at what Angela Merkel was when young, and it will explain my point easily. It is all over the internet, so it should take about a 5 second search!
This is one of the stupidest polls we have for a while...

Who the fuck actually favours a war..

Now if Ukraine is invaded, Thats when the real question is asked...

If Putin invades Ukraine I would make it clear that he will regret it...
  • Seizure of all Russian Billionaire owned assets world wide...
  • Immediate Cyber warfare with Russia with a bombardment of Social Media attacks..
  • Cyber attacks on all Russia government agencies
  • Deportation of all rich Russian family from ally countries around the world...
  • Increase Gas and Oil Supplies to Europe from US and ME (including Iran)
  • Trade embargo with Russia
Consider your tiresome comment ignored and disregarded from the second I saw it.

Just another idiotic reflexive "Trump is Putin's bitch" comment which should have died after the left pinned their hopes on Robert Mueller and came up empty.

Some lies, like this one, keep being recycled by fools anyway.
Somehow, clowns keep coming back to the empty well time after time.

Can I afford to buy the b.s. you are peddling? No. Not at all. Why would I want to?

Okay. Putin is criminal scum. Probably second globally to only the Chinese gangster, Xi Jinping.

Too bad you couldn't resist your inner childish prick and played the old worn out Trump and Putin card anyway. You wouldn't seem like such a moron otherwise.
"You wouldn't seem like such a moron otherwise."

That's his entire schtick on here. If he wasn't sounding like a moron trying to bash conservatives and Trump, he'd have zero posts.
All covered in detail in the Mueller report, no doubt. :rolleyes:

Off the top of my head I know for a fact the Russian bounty invention was bogus AF!
The rest of it all? More of the same, undoubtedly.

But I'm happy for you to get that all off your chest. And that your Don Quixote mission in life goes
on. Keep fighting those monsters.

Meanwhile Biden and the leftist enemies of freedom keep shoving America closer to the mountain's edge.
while you keep your little obsession going. What a pathetic dupe you are.

Btw,... you meant to say Quid Pro Joe Biden illegally withholding aide and putting himself over the
will of Congress to keep Hunter's sweetheart deal with Burisma going, didn't you?
I fixed it for you.

Exactly. Anyone repeating the Russian bounty bullshit that was exposed as a hoax loses all credibility. I also love how all these fakers are up in arms that Trump didn't unilaterally order a shootout with Turkey (a member of NATO) in Syria. I only happened to catch the post you quoted because I unmasked my ignore list temporarily, and it just reminded me why I have most of these Jokers on ignore.
I voted no, but with a caveat--------------> It is up to the European community to decide, it is their continent. They are the ones constantly invaded over there, and if their heart isn't in this fight, then our military should be nowhere near it. I haven't followed the European nations response, but I do not see (could be wrong) Germany, the UK, or France clamoring for intervention. To my way of thinking, they have to fully commit to whatever the target is in Europe that will be placed under attack, before we commit, not vice-versa.

In total honesty, do not expect that kind of response from Germany unless things really go bad. If you are not aware, look at what Angela Merkel was when young, and it will explain my point easily. It is all over the internet, so it should take about a 5 second search!
The problem is no EU country signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances... UK did but they left...
Angela Merkel is not there anymore BTW...

It was US with UK that started this... Does anyone want US word to be trusted anymore?
Exactly. Anyone repeating the Russian bounty bullshit that was exposed as a hoax loses all credibility. I also love how all these fakers are up in arms that Trump didn't unilaterally order a shootout with Turkey (a member of NATO) in Syria. I only happened to catch the post you quoted because I unmasked my ignore list temporarily, and it just reminded me why I have most of these Jokers on ignore.
I have other worthy candidates for my ignore list but the list is long already.
I don't want to put too many people on otherwise one misses most of the comments
that pop up as fodder for dissection and mockery.
And I spend too much time simply uncovering the dog turds every one else is blasting.

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