USMB Poll: Who is in favor of war with Russia over Ukraine...

I'm in favor of war with Russia over Ukraine

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Another one who was dying for a war with Russia guessed it.....the Devil in suit pants, Hillary Clinton.

What scum these people are.
We are not the Worlds Policeman
Bad shit happens….not our obligation to fix it

Slap crippling sanctions on Russia and turn them in to N Korea
We are not the Worlds Policeman
Bad shit happens….not our obligation to fix it

Slap crippling sanctions on Russia and turn them in to N Korea
Brandon attacked Fossils for higher gas prices. Russia is pleased.

Enjoy the show because that is all it is.
Consider your tiresome comment ignored and disregarded from the second I saw it.

Just another idiotic reflexive "Trump is Putin's bitch" comment which should have died after the left pinned their hopes on Robert Mueller and came up empty.

Some lies, like this one, keep being recycled by fools anyway.
Somehow, clowns keep coming back to the empty well time after time.

Can I afford to buy the b.s. you are peddling? No. Not at all. Why would I want to?

Okay. Putin is criminal scum. Probably second globally to only the Chinese gangster, Xi Jinping.

Too bad you couldn't resist your inner childish prick and played the old worn out Trump and Putin card anyway. You wouldn't seem like such a moron otherwise.
It is not for sale. It just exists. You know as well as I do, he sought to build there before election. Did not give up the idea until sure he had the nomination sewn up. You've hear the FBI, CIA, House Select Committee, and Senate Intelligence committees report (they came out the same whether under Democrat or Republican control) and are aware of the assistance in the campaign, the stolen and made public info from severs, computers, etc. You no doubt remember his first meeting with Putin after the election, so secret, he even tore up the interpreters note. I doubt you have forgotten him siding with Russia, while in Europe on the world stage against all the intelligence services of ours and anybody else, taking him at his word when nobody else would dream of taking the unsupported word of Putin, even in his own country, as they know better. Think of the request Turkey and Russia to move our troops off the Syrian border to, allow Turkey to attack our allies in arms, the lack of reaction to Russian troops harassment of our troops on the roads, the rumors of Russian bounties of American troops heads, and of course trump holding US Military aide to Ukraine for ransom to get dirt on Hunter Biden. Would have worked to, if people in his administration had not blow the whistle. I was a cold warrior. Not surprising I have a negative opinion of the designs of Russia and anyone I would see as pandering to Russia. No, I don't have to sell it. It is a reality that exists whether you buy it or not.
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Short one term days. With two impeachments.

Nobody. And only traitors are on Putins side.
I guarantee you if many in the swamp were executed, we would be in a much more peaceful world. Look at the destabilization in just one year.
A study of history shows we maybe drug into the conflict sooner or later if there is an all-out war. No matter what war is going on around the globe it will affect the U.S.A. and we need to be prepared to deal with it. To ignore and say it's not our problem will only keep us out for a short time and maybe to our detriment. Involvement in all going on in the world is our best defense.
It is not for sale. It just exists. You know as well as I do, he sought to build there before election. Did not give up the idea until sure he had the nomination sewn up. You've hear the FBI, CIA, House Select Committee, and Senate Intelligence committees report (they came out the same whether under Democrat or Republican control) and are aware of the assistance in the campaign, the stolen and made public info from severs, computers, etc. You no doubt remember his first meeting with Putin after the election, so secret, he even tore up the interpreters note. I doubt you have forgotten him siding with Russia, while in Europe on the world stage against all the intelligence services of ours and anybody else, taking him at his word when nobody else would dream of taking the unsupported word of Putin, even in his own country, as they know better. Think of the request Turkey and Russia to move our troops off the Syrian border to, allow Turkey to attack our allies in arms, the lack of reaction to Russian troops harassment of our troops on the roads, the rumors of Russian bounties of American troops heads, and of course trump holding US Military aide to Ukraine for ransom to get dirt on Hunter Biden. Would have worked to, if people in his administration had not blow the whistle. I was a cold warrior. Not surprising I have a negative opinion of the designs of Russia and anyone I would see as pandering to Russia. No, I don't have to sell it. It is a reality that exists whether you buy it or not.
All covered in detail in the Mueller report, no doubt. :rolleyes:

Off the top of my head I know for a fact the Russian bounty invention was bogus AF!
The rest of it all? More of the same, undoubtedly.

But I'm happy for you to get that all off your chest. And that your Don Quixote mission in life goes
on. Keep fighting those monsters.

Meanwhile Biden and the leftist enemies of freedom keep shoving America closer to the mountain's edge.
while you keep your little obsession going. What a pathetic dupe you are.

Btw,... you meant to say Quid Pro Joe Biden illegally withholding aide and putting himself over the
will of Congress to keep Hunter's sweetheart deal with Burisma going, didn't you?
I fixed it for you.
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War with Russia over Ukraine.
Nobody here wants it, including me. That does not mean it will not happen. Which country should be turned over, next? How many is enough for him or should the world be willing to donate to him to avoid it? We have kept the peace in Europe with the NATO alliance. Don't count it out yet. I certainly don't.
Nobody here wants it, including me. That does not mean it will not happen. Which country should be turned over, next? How many is enough for him or should the world be willing to donate to him to avoid it? We have kept the peace in Europe with the NATO alliance. Don't count it out yet. I certainly don't.
You're a no then...
All covered in detail in the Mueller report, no doubt. :rolleyes:

Off the top of my head I know for a fact the Russian bounty invention was bogus AF!
The rest of it all? More of the same, undoubtedly.

But I'm happy for you to get that all off your chest. And that your Don Quixote mission in life goes
on. Keep fighting those monsters.

Meanwhile Biden and the leftist enemies of freedom keep shoving America closer to the mountain's edge.
while you keep your little obsession going. What a pathetic dupe you are.

Btw,... you meant to say Quid Pro Joe Biden illegally withholding aide and putting himself over the
will of Congress to keep Hunter's sweetheart deal with Burisma going, didn't you?
I fixed it for you.
Do you really thing McConnel's Republican controlled Senate committee, just read the Mueller report. Dems and Reps rarely agree, but when they do, they are usually right.
No. I meant what I said, thank you very much.
I didn't hide...I enlisted after Gulf War One. 1991 to 1995.

When are you enlisting?

When are you going to quit relying on strawmen for replies and admit you don't have an argument against defending Ukraine from Russian imperialism?

It's not a question of if we're ever going to war, it's a question of when. Isolationists have no history of preventing war, they just have one of wringing their hands and crying until the belligerents are a lot better armed and it costs a lot more blood to defeat them.
WE need to restock Ukraine's nuclear arsenal. It was Bill Clinton's bullying that made them get rid of theirs, as if Russia would never violate the Budapest Memorandum. We have thousands to spare, so ship them a couple thousand. This shit wouldn't be happening if the Ukraine had kept them.
It's not at all apparent to me that anything about the fuss between Russia and Ukraine is anything in which the U.S. should be getting involved.

If it were Trump rattling the sabers, you'd be calling this a crusade against "evil".

Here's the reality- Russia has kind of a valid issue. The Ukraine has a substantial Russian minority whose rights and privileges are not being recognized by the Ukrainian majority.

The logical solution to this problem would be a redrawing of the borders along with some demographic relocation to represent where people actually live. i.e. cede Donbass and the Crimea to Russia.

It is unlikely that the Ukraine will agree to this, however.

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