USMB Rightwingers: WHY do you think the dems will lose this election?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.
There will be many right wingers who say they don't like Hillary, but I doubt any will be able to give any rational reason to believe she won't win.
I'm leftwing and even I hate Shrillary.
I prefer Bernie, but she will probably win.
You prefer a 710 year old communist who farts every time he coughs? Tonight that lunatic stated that global warming is the most important issue of our time. LMFAO@ liberals.. Bwhahahaha.. You leftists are so far gone, ie nutcases that you don't see how absolutely insane you are.. We just had innocent peole slaughtered again in Paris and a DO NOTHING ODUMBO who won't even name the enemy- THERE IS BLOOD on the hands of all progressives.. you own this and your band of psychotic nitwits you call leaders. The next President will not be a democrat.. You've lost more seats since Obama has been President than any other sitting President in the history of this nation.. the only way you loons can win is to break the law and import illegals in.
....WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

Wrong question, it should be "WHY do you believe repubs will win this election?"

And that's also the answer, it's a faith based thingy....

Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

was your issue that you 'hate' w or that you disagreed with his policies?

I disagreed with his policies, but you claim to think positions are based on personal feelings about candidates rather then their policies
There will be many right wingers who say they don't like Hillary, but I doubt any will be able to give any rational reason to believe she won't win.

She's an arrogant, unpleasant woman. Even left wingers can't get a hard on unless she's h only Democrat candidate, which she is now.

Unfortunately, that's why she won't win, not because her policies suck, which they do. American voters are content challenged
GOP Policies suck they suck large...they are mindless...nothing they do works nothing...last time we had a GOP President inflicting that shit on America he almost crashed the economy into rubble...
After Strong Iowa Debate GOP Pollster Warns That Hillary Clinton Will Not Be Easy to Beat
Frank Luntz, the guy who crafts talking points for Republicans and does polls, has a warning for Republican candidates after Saturday night's Democratic debate: Hillary Clinton will not…
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Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.
Because they really really rrrreeeeaaallyyy want it!
Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Wasserman-Schultz, Reid...take your pick. Same reason they've only got 17 governors and a handful of very blue state houses.

Something more challenging next time, eh?
Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

1st you have to tell us WHO/WHOM the Republicans are. If in your eyes they are Bush and Kasich, then no, you are correct, they aren't going to win.
Well, I think the dems will win this election. Mainly due to brainwashed asshats like the OP. There are more than 47% of the morons who do not know or care the constitution protects we the people from those who govern us.

No, instead the morons on the left fall for the same stupid cliches that are nothing more than the victimology strategy that the democrats have used to seduce the naive minds for more than 50 years.

The morons on the left like the OP buy into the robinhood myth that evil republicans are ALL RICH and all of the democrats are ALL POOR and truly care.

Not sure how they get away with such bullshit. They buy into the utopia that the democrats sell and think "socialism" is this great answer. Not the free market that has given those snot nosed morons like the OP virtually all of the things they enjoy. Including the computer or Ipad that the OP is using his snot covered fingers on.

I have asked this before and I will ask it again. Name all of the things that socialism has given humanity? Name the medicines. I will be waiting for that.

Any of you morons know how much money it takes to develop drugs? Want to know why those "evil drug companies" spend they money they do to develop those? Yeah, the profit incentive. You dumb pieces of shit. Go ahead and explain to all of us ALL of the innovative products those socialist countries have developed.

You are all fucking morons and since there are more than 47% of you out there that are too brainwashed by Hollywood, the music industry and the mass socialist media, the democrats will win. Does not matter that the republicans won in 2010 and 2014. They do not represent me or the free market.

The country is done. You fucking left wingers are too stupid to know that you are all to blame. Fuck you, you ignorant morons.
Well, I think the dems will win this election. Mainly due to brainwashed asshats like the OP. There are more than 47% of the morons who do not know or care the constitution protects we the people from those who govern us.

No, instead the morons on the left fall for the same stupid cliches that are nothing more than the victimology strategy that the democrats have used to seduce the naive minds for more than 50 years.

The morons on the left like the OP buy into the robinhood myth that evil republicans are ALL RICH and all of the democrats are ALL POOR and truly care.

Not sure how they get away with such bullshit. They buy into the utopia that the democrats sell and think "socialism" is this great answer. Not the free market that has given those snot nosed morons like the OP virtually all of the things they enjoy. Including the computer or Ipad that the OP is using his snot covered fingers on.

I have asked this before and I will ask it again. Name all of the things that socialism has given humanity? Name the medicines. I will be waiting for that.

Any of you morons know how much money it takes to develop drugs? Want to know why those "evil drug companies" spend they money they do to develop those? Yeah, the profit incentive. You dumb pieces of shit. Go ahead and explain to all of us ALL of the innovative products those socialist countries have developed.

You are all fucking morons and since there are more than 47% of you out there that are too brainwashed by Hollywood, the music industry and the mass socialist media, the democrats will win. Does not matter that the republicans won in 2010 and 2014. They do not represent me or the free market.

The country is done. You fucking left wingers are too stupid to know that you are all to blame. Fuck you, you ignorant morons.

We certainly seem to have passed the tipping point.
Dems also can manufacture votes in big shithole urban areas in key swing states

More than anything else, I'd like to find out that the Democrats stole the election...and that there really aren't 65,915,796 total morons among my fellow Americans.

The main topic of the Democrat debate was defeating ISIS. All of the Democrat candidate took the same position of leading from behind, a position that has utterly failed. Hillary supported Obama's position of leading from behind and continues to do so. They all speak of creating a coalition with the Muslim nations taking responsibility. That has yet to work. We are the only ones who can get it done. We have armed everyone in the region and spent millions to no avail. There's not a Commander-in-Chief in the whole bunch.

Sander's tax and spend will only result in an additional $18 Trillion dollar expense on the taxpayer. That will never pass Congress. Raising the minimum wage is a jobs killer. Closing corporate tax loopholes will kill jobs and send even more corporations overseas. It will also hurt the elderly and anyone else who has invested in stocks.

Hillary is in the pocket of Wall Street. She's not about to piss off her donors. It is said that her campaign will spend $1.7 billion dollars getting her elected. Where do you think all that money came from?

I saw nothing to shout about in the debate. The Republicans actually have plans to grow the economy, cut taxes, and cut government.

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