USMC vet claims PTSD and demands "right" to have pet dog with him at work.

---------------------------------------------------------- thats the thing with me , i think that Agent Orange maladies can be seen and Proven over and over again . PTSD , not so much as i think all thats being done is some fool head doktor working for money and his client claiming terror or other emotional damage that can never be proven Hossfly .

Agent Orange is a herbicide, PTSD is a disorder.

Why compare the two?
----------------------------------------------------------------- because Agent Orange maladies can be seen and proven . PTSD is simply a claim that some 'head doktor ' practicing 'bs' for a paycheck can never prove AMechanic .

Please list your professional qualifications to come to that conclusion.
Last edited:
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

A lot of these gulf war vets have served multiple tours, I think on a scale we have never done before. I sure can't claim to be any kind of expert but this guy doesn't seem like the type who would just frivolously want to bring a pet to work. That doesn't make sense. He served in Iraq and Afghanistan over 10 years so that was at least two tours or maybe more. I think that has an accumulative effect. I really couldn't pass judgement against this guy without knowing more about his case in detail.
---------------------------------------------------------- thats the thing with me , i think that Agent Orange maladies can be seen and Proven over and over again . PTSD , not so much as i think all thats being done is some fool head doktor working for money and his client claiming terror or other emotional damage that can never be proven Hossfly .

Agent Orange is a herbicide, PTSD is a disorder.

Why compare the two?
----------------------------------------------------------------- because Agent Orange maladies can be seen and proven . PTSD is simply a claim that some 'head doktor ' practicing 'bs' for a paycheck can never prove AMechanic .

Please list your professional qualifications to come to that conclusion.
------------------------------------------------ just common sense but then i have little use for 'head doctors' as i mostly think they are 'fos' and do their work simply for the money . As i already said , maladies caused by Agent Orange can be seen and observed and that is not the case with 'ptsd' that is all emotional talk and feeling AMechanic .
i mean , give this , guess he's a soldier of some sort but give him a dog and then he is all fine and dandy . Then force his possible employer to accomodate his weirdness of having his doggy on the job when the employer doesn't want it and thats good . Doesn't sound good to me AMechanic ,
---------------------------------------------------------- thats the thing with me , i think that Agent Orange maladies can be seen and Proven over and over again . PTSD , not so much as i think all thats being done is some fool head doktor working for money and his client claiming terror or other emotional damage that can never be proven Hossfly .

Agent Orange is a herbicide, PTSD is a disorder.

Why compare the two?
----------------------------------------------------------------- because Agent Orange maladies can be seen and proven . PTSD is simply a claim that some 'head doktor ' practicing 'bs' for a paycheck can never prove AMechanic .

Please list your professional qualifications to come to that conclusion.
------------------------------------------------ just common sense but then i have little use for 'head doctors' as i mostly think they are 'fos' and do their work simply for the money . As i already said , maladies caused by Agent Orange can be seen and observed and that is not the case with 'ptsd' that is all emotional talk and feeling AMechanic .
When did you serve and in what branch of the Armed Forces?
Hell with these idiots who try and bring their pets to work with them.

USMC Vet: Employer Won't Let Me Come to Work With PTSD Service Dog

july 8 2017 A United States Marine Corps veteran who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder said his employer won't let him come to work with his service dog.

Yauncey Long said Cincinnati Bell, a Midwest telecom company, refused to let him work in the company of his service dog, C4.

Long said he's gotten pushback from the company, including "unsatisfactory" responses from management, after he applied for reasonable accommodations.
Really? A vet with PTSD deserves to have his companion dog with him, he earned that. Big fat thumbs DOWN to this thread.
you sure as hell always you just never seem to be able to back your bullshit up..

You're a democrat, nothing else needs to be said. I don't need to back anything up. You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.

Actually, your a pothead. A hard core drug addict. Anyone that opposes drugs is your nightmare. Just go take your drugs, suck your thumb and find a peaceful coloring book.
You're a democrat
i am?.....ask some of the lefties here if they think i am....
You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.
you mean like what you do?....
A hard core drug addict.
and you are a hard core just go suck on your bottle and piss yourself,someone will be along....
See, this is the way it is. I don't justifiy alcohol. You do justify drugs. In fact, you oppose any attempt to stop drug use whereas I don't care if drunks are lined up in the park and shot right along with the potties.

Admit that the ONLY reason why you find opposition to drug use so painful is because you use. It's not hard. You will feel the better for the honesty.
i justify drugs?....really?....the only thing i have ever argued with you about is pot....and yet you are saying i justify 'drugs" when i never this the alcohol talking or just more tipsy talk?....
There you go. Admitting you justify pot. Arguing over pot. Really? Have you ever seen me argue about alcohol? Line up the alkies with the potties. Right between the eyes. See how many you can get with one bullet.

It's rehab that works. Now you can stop trying to hijack this thread into your favorite subject - me.
well at least you admit you pull turds out of your ass.....and yes i have seen you argue about alcohol.....
Hell with these idiots who try and bring their pets to work with them.

USMC Vet: Employer Won't Let Me Come to Work With PTSD Service Dog

july 8 2017 A United States Marine Corps veteran who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder said his employer won't let him come to work with his service dog.

Yauncey Long said Cincinnati Bell, a Midwest telecom company, refused to let him work in the company of his service dog, C4.

Long said he's gotten pushback from the company, including "unsatisfactory" responses from management, after he applied for reasonable accommodations.

Are we talking about a pet, or are we talking about a legitimate service dog? If this is a real, recognized-in-medical-circles thing and the dog fulfills some actual purpose that allows the owner to function where he otherwise would not, then I'd call this a violation of the ADA.

That being said, I don't have a lot of patience with people who just insist on taking their pets everywhere and make up bullshit excuses why the rest of us should put up with it.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

No, SOME of the survivors came home, got jobs, got married, etc. Many of them came home with what was then known as "shell shock" or "battle fatigue" and spent the rest of their lives unable to function or even in institutions, because the psychiatric profession wasn't prepared to treat them effectively.

If you think the idea that war can fuck someone up mentally is "BS", then you don't know much about psychiatry OR war.

Again, if the dog performs some sort of genuine, vital function and the guy has medical documentation to that effect from his doctors, then this is a violation of the ADA.
My opinon is that PTSD is a manufactured pity pot. Men have been going to war since they lopped off one another's heads on the battlefield, come back, raised families, and went about their business until the next war.

That said. There is no earthly reason to deny the dog. The dog absolutley should be allowed in the work place. As long as it is not dangerous and the dog behaves, it doesn't matter whether it is a service dog or not. The dog stays. Whatever dog hater that complains is welcome to go.
------------------------------------------ gotta disagree on the dog but i agree on the 'ptsd' . Workplace is no place for a pet of any type , employer should have his rules obeyed .
Thanks to insane insurance laws and liability, if you have a dog at your business, you have to pay through the nose.

Yes and no. Businesses are already required to make provisions to accommodate seeing-eye dogs, for example, and this would simply fall under the same heading . . . again, assuming that such service dogs are a legitimate thing with similar training, etc.
My opinon is that PTSD is a manufactured pity pot. Men have been going to war since they lopped off one another's heads on the battlefield, come back, raised families, and went about their business until the next war.

That said. There is no earthly reason to deny the dog. The dog absolutley should be allowed in the work place. As long as it is not dangerous and the dog behaves, it doesn't matter whether it is a service dog or not. The dog stays. Whatever dog hater that complains is welcome to go.

Oh brother. Workplaces of any sort are not compelled to accept peoples pets.
A service dog is not just a pet.

There is a distinction between *service dog* and a *therapy dog*.

A service dog performs a particular service..they can open doors, for example, or pick up dropped items, or guide people around.

A therapy dog typically collects fleas, acts twitchy, and is compulsively stroked by disheveled 6'5" trannies in the line at Grocery Outlet, all while going leashless.

And that would be where I've been drawing the line. I know people who insist that their pets are "emotional support animals" for their various psychological quirks and hiccups, and I'm not especially patient with that notion. My cat snuggles with me when I'm depressed and makes me feel better, but I'm not going to insist that other people tolerate me taking her everywhere with me.

I would honestly have to know whether PTSD service dogs are a legitimate thing like seeing-eye dogs, and exactly what function they perform.
My opinon is that PTSD is a manufactured pity pot. Men have been going to war since they lopped off one another's heads on the battlefield, come back, raised families, and went about their business until the next war.

That said. There is no earthly reason to deny the dog. The dog absolutley should be allowed in the work place. As long as it is not dangerous and the dog behaves, it doesn't matter whether it is a service dog or not. The dog stays. Whatever dog hater that complains is welcome to go.
I second this, although I can't help but wonder who would win if the person who complains is complaining at all because they are allergic to dogs.

God bless you and them always!!!


So what does that allergic person do when confronted with a seeing-eye dog? I'm assuming they don't expect the blind person to do without to accommodate their allergy.
My opinon is that PTSD is a manufactured pity pot. Men have been going to war since they lopped off one another's heads on the battlefield, come back, raised families, and went about their business until the next war.

That said. There is no earthly reason to deny the dog. The dog absolutley should be allowed in the work place. As long as it is not dangerous and the dog behaves, it doesn't matter whether it is a service dog or not. The dog stays. Whatever dog hater that complains is welcome to go.
------------------------------------------ gotta disagree on the dog but i agree on the 'ptsd' . Workplace is no place for a pet of any type , employer should have his rules obeyed .
Thanks to insane insurance laws and liability, if you have a dog at your business, you have to pay through the nose.

Yes and no. Businesses are already required to make provisions to accommodate seeing-eye dogs, for example, and this would simply fall under the same heading . . . again, assuming that such service dogs are a legitimate thing with similar training, etc.
For the state of Oregon, the only time they are allowed in public offices is when they are trained to do a specific job. If they aren't, they're a no-go. And we can ask, "what task does your dog perform". If their answer is "oh I have to have him because of anxiety" sayonara pup.

Homeless people and ssi fruitloops and yes, trannies, are famous for bringing their mangy, schizo dogs to the front desks and into stores claiming "therapy dog" and insisting that we have to accomodate them.

No we don't.

Kids come into these stores and offices, too. The pets are a liability, particularly in dhs offices where you have kids ,who may or may not have adequate supervision and who can't be trusted not to run up to one of these dogs and who can contract the diseases and vermin that the dogs are packing.
Service dog is NOT a silly euphemism as you stupidly say. Many human beings can live a normal daily life thanks to service dogs!

Seeing eye dogs are the only service dogs. THINK, hater.

No, they aren't. As time has passed, we have discovered that dogs can be trained to assist with a variety of health conditions. There are stone-deaf people who have hearing-ear dogs, which are trained to alert their owners to specific sounds. For example, a deaf mother with an infant might have a dog trained to alert her to the baby crying. The dogs are usually trained to recognize a variety of important sounds, such as fire alarms or someone speaking their owner's name. There are also mobility dogs, who are trained to perform certain manual functions for the handicapped. And dogs can be trained to recognize things like the onset of epileptic seizures before they take effect, which can be invaluable to the sufferer.
Service dog is NOT a silly euphemism as you stupidly say. Many human beings can live a normal daily life thanks to service dogs!

Seeing eye dogs are the only service dogs. THINK, hater.

No, they aren't. As time has passed, we have discovered that dogs can be trained to assist with a variety of health conditions. There are stone-deaf people who have hearing-ear dogs, which are trained to alert their owners to specific sounds. For example, a deaf mother with an infant might have a dog trained to alert her to the baby crying. The dogs are usually trained to recognize a variety of important sounds, such as fire alarms or someone speaking their owner's name. There are also mobility dogs, who are trained to perform certain manual functions for the handicapped. And dogs can be trained to recognize things like the onset of epileptic seizures before they take effect, which can be invaluable to the sufferer.
---------------------------------------- and what feckheads they are Cecille !! [chuckle]
Service dog is NOT a silly euphemism as you stupidly say. Many human beings can live a normal daily life thanks to service dogs!

Seeing eye dogs are the only service dogs. THINK, hater.

Your definition of a service dog is far too restricted. Here is how a service animal is defined:

Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.

ADA Requirements: Service Animals

A dog that is trained to be able to calm an individual with PTSD in the event of an anxiety attack is a service dog.

This is true. And in service of this thread, I have done a bit more research on the subject.

Apparently, PTSD dogs ARE legitimately recognized service dogs, with specialized training and prescribed by doctors. They apparently serve several functions. Like epilepsy dogs, they are trained to recognize the onset of symptoms before a human would do so, allowing the owner to get assistance before a crisis can happen. They are trained to recognize night terrors and wake them immediately (and no, night terrors are not "just nightmares" and they are no joke). Because people with PTSD generally have an over-developed "startle" response, paranoia, and can even suffer from hallucinations, service dogs also serve to leverage their more powerful natural senses to counteract these problems.

I have also read up on this particular story, and apparently, the dog in question IS a trained PTSD service dog, not just a pet that this guy likes to have around wherever he goes.
Service dog is NOT a silly euphemism as you stupidly say. Many human beings can live a normal daily life thanks to service dogs!

Seeing eye dogs are the only service dogs. THINK, hater.

No, they aren't. As time has passed, we have discovered that dogs can be trained to assist with a variety of health conditions. There are stone-deaf people who have hearing-ear dogs, which are trained to alert their owners to specific sounds. For example, a deaf mother with an infant might have a dog trained to alert her to the baby crying. The dogs are usually trained to recognize a variety of important sounds, such as fire alarms or someone speaking their owner's name. There are also mobility dogs, who are trained to perform certain manual functions for the handicapped. And dogs can be trained to recognize things like the onset of epileptic seizures before they take effect, which can be invaluable to the sufferer.
---------------------------------------- and what feckheads they are Cecille !! [chuckle]

Was I supposed to understand what you meant?
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.

I got a chill reading your account. It is almost word for word from Catch-22. All that's missing are the words "Help the bombadier".

Viet Nam is my era. I remember it quite well and know many men who saw combat in those days. I have ended their marriages, taken their children and put them in prison. To the last one, and I can't think of any that were different. They used their experiences as excuses to beat their wives and children almost to death take enormous amounts of drugs, and get drunk every night. Military service became a license to be an ass. But, when faced with someone that says "Don't try that crap on me, it doesn't work. I have no sympathy for you", they will shape up.

We live in violent times. Do you think these gang members have PTSD? Do they complain when their fellow Blood, Crip, or MS-13 got decapitated right beside them? Do they cry out for help when their children are killed in their cribs from a drive by? Well, no. They don't. They get sentenced to prison and shank someone in the prison yard.

If in fact, PTSD is real, and it is doubtful that it is, All it means is that men today are pitifully, pathetically weak. Over the years, their backbones became of jelly. See, when men went to war, they did it in hand to hand combat. They fought with swords, axes, morning stars, lances and bows. Friends were disembowled right next to them. When heads got lopped off, the blood fountained all over the other fighters.

The survivors who lopped off heads faster than the other guy lopped off heads, went home, they raised their families, they took care of their children, they plowed fields, they protected their women. They did NOT curl up into a fetal position sucking their thumbs asking for a bong and a puppy.

You are wasting peoples air.
Stop breathing
Service dog is NOT a silly euphemism as you stupidly say. Many human beings can live a normal daily life thanks to service dogs!

Seeing eye dogs are the only service dogs. THINK, hater.

Your definition of a service dog is far too restricted. Here is how a service animal is defined:

Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.

ADA Requirements: Service Animals

A dog that is trained to be able to calm an individual with PTSD in the event of an anxiety attack is a service dog.

This is true. And in service of this thread, I have done a bit more research on the subject.

Apparently, PTSD dogs ARE legitimately recognized service dogs, with specialized training and prescribed by doctors. They apparently serve several functions. Like epilepsy dogs, they are trained to recognize the onset of symptoms before a human would do so, allowing the owner to get assistance before a crisis can happen. They are trained to recognize night terrors and wake them immediately (and no, night terrors are not "just nightmares" and they are no joke). Because people with PTSD generally have an over-developed "startle" response, paranoia, and can even suffer from hallucinations, service dogs also serve to leverage their more powerful natural senses to counteract these problems.

I have also read up on this particular story, and apparently, the dog in question IS a trained PTSD service dog, not just a pet that this guy likes to have around wherever he goes.

If people are so severe that they can't go out in public without their dog, then probably they shouldn't be working in the first place. The whole idea of expecting employers to accommodate every whim of employees is ridiculous, as is the idea that they must take on the liability of having someone with such severe ptsd that they need an animal to work...the liability is double..the person with ptsd and the animal.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .
Actually, many many from WWI and WWII had PTSD or as they called it, "shell shock"...they were shuffled off to homes, hospitals, not talked about, became alcoholics, etc. Now we are actually trying to help them.....despite people like you.
------------------------------------------------------- big deal , shell shocked or 'ptsd' . As i said , i was surrounded by veterans that were my friends Dads and my teachers in school , the cops and firemen and other workers were all veterans . Most went to work to support and families as the single money maker in their homes . Drunks and drunkard behaviour are fine until laws are broken . Lots of people like a legal alchohol buzz and thats a personal decision Bodecea .

You know, people like you, with your sadly archaic ignorance and idealized blanket view of the world are the reason that medical science, and particularly psychiatric medicine, have such difficulty advancing sometimes.

Amazingly enough, there were a lot more veterans of WW2 than just your dad and his buddies that you knew, and anecdotal "evidence" isn't evidence. The fact is, there have been a lot of men who returned from every war in history who were so psychologically damaged that they were never able to function again. They wound up institutionalized or as a burden on their families or even homeless.

This is in no way to belittle the sacrifices and accomplishments of any generation that shouldered the responsibility of fighting for their country. But this rosy-glasses view you have of them just "manning up and handling it" is utter crap.

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