USMC vet claims PTSD and demands "right" to have pet dog with him at work.

as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everyone has a story eh AMechanic .
Its not a story. Its very real. It sends chills down MY spine thinking about that conversation I had with him. You will NEVER know what its like to be in war, youve never done it so you have no room to talk.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everyone has a story eh AMechanic .

Yes they do and I have a story. But I only discuss it with buddies who were with me.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everyone has a story eh AMechanic .

Yes they do and I have a story. But I only discuss it with buddies who were with me.
So...what do you think of someone who says that the military is just another job?
Veterans who collect disability for PTSD collect because they are disabled, meaning unable to work or hold a job for any length of time. Needing a service dog to work is confirmation of the disability. Now the debate becomes one of whether a person who works and proves they are able to earn a living through employment should also collect a disability check for not being able to earn a living through employment. How does one justify that? You prove you can not earn a living through employment, win a lifetime disability and go out and get a job so you can basically get free money every month.
Veterans who collect disability for PTSD collect because they are disabled, meaning unable to work or hold a job for any length of time. Needing a service dog to work is confirmation of the disability. Now the debate becomes one of whether a person who works and proves they are able to earn a living through employment should also collect a disability check for not being able to earn a living through employment. How does one justify that? You prove you can not earn a living through employment, win a lifetime disability and go out and get a job so you can basically get free money every month.

People who get disability for PTSD and other disabling illnesses have been thoroughly examined and tested by the VA, sometimes for years. And during that time and for the rest of your life will be taking very strong and dangerous medicines. From my own personal experience it's no picnic. Having PTSD and Agent Orange damage is bad on the veteran but it's the families that suffer the most. Many, many families have been destroyed since Vietnam started up to the present time.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everyone has a story eh AMechanic .

Yes they do and I have a story. But I only discuss it with buddies who were with me.
So...what do you think of someone who says that the military is just another job?

Only for certain people. It was for me but not everyone is suited for combat.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.

I got a chill reading your account. It is almost word for word from Catch-22. All that's missing are the words "Help the bombadier".

Viet Nam is my era. I remember it quite well and know many men who saw combat in those days. I have ended their marriages, taken their children and put them in prison. To the last one, and I can't think of any that were different. They used their experiences as excuses to beat their wives and children almost to death take enormous amounts of drugs, and get drunk every night. Military service became a license to be an ass. But, when faced with someone that says "Don't try that crap on me, it doesn't work. I have no sympathy for you", they will shape up.

We live in violent times. Do you think these gang members have PTSD? Do they complain when their fellow Blood, Crip, or MS-13 got decapitated right beside them? Do they cry out for help when their children are killed in their cribs from a drive by? Well, no. They don't. They get sentenced to prison and shank someone in the prison yard.

If in fact, PTSD is real, and it is doubtful that it is, All it means is that men today are pitifully, pathetically weak. Over the years, their backbones became of jelly. See, when men went to war, they did it in hand to hand combat. They fought with swords, axes, morning stars, lances and bows. Friends were disembowled right next to them. When heads got lopped off, the blood fountained all over the other fighters.

The survivors who lopped off heads faster than the other guy lopped off heads, went home, they raised their families, they took care of their children, they plowed fields, they protected their women. They did NOT curl up into a fetal position sucking their thumbs asking for a bong and a puppy.
The man should STILL have been allowed to have his dog with him. Not because he has PTSD, but because everyone should, as long as it is safe.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.

I got a chill reading your account. It is almost word for word from Catch-22. All that's missing are the words "Help the bombadier".

Viet Nam is my era. I remember it quite well and know many men who saw combat in those days. I have ended their marriages, taken their children and put them in prison. To the last one, and I can't think of any that were different. They used their experiences as excuses to beat their wives and children almost to death take enormous amounts of drugs, and get drunk every night. Military service became a license to be an ass. But, when faced with someone that says "Don't try that crap on me, it doesn't work. I have no sympathy for you", they will shape up.

We live in violent times. Do you think these gang members have PTSD? Do they complain when their fellow Blood, Crip, or MS-13 got decapitated right beside them? Do they cry out for help when their children are killed in their cribs from a drive by? Well, no. They don't. They get sentenced to prison and shank someone in the prison yard.

If in fact, PTSD is real, and it is doubtful that it is, All it means is that men today are pitifully, pathetically weak. Over the years, their backbones became of jelly. See, when men went to war, they did it in hand to hand combat. They fought with swords, axes, morning stars, lances and bows. Friends were disembowled right next to them. When heads got lopped off, the blood fountained all over the other fighters.

The survivors who lopped off heads faster than the other guy lopped off heads, went home, they raised their families, they took care of their children, they plowed fields, they protected their women. They did NOT curl up into a fetal position sucking their thumbs asking for a bong and a puppy.
lets see you are an expert on people who smoke pot,even though you claim you have never done any,and now you are an expert on people who have been in combat,and i know you have never done that either.....what else are you an expert on?.....
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.

I got a chill reading your account. It is almost word for word from Catch-22. All that's missing are the words "Help the bombadier".

Viet Nam is my era. I remember it quite well and know many men who saw combat in those days. I have ended their marriages, taken their children and put them in prison. To the last one, and I can't think of any that were different. They used their experiences as excuses to beat their wives and children almost to death take enormous amounts of drugs, and get drunk every night. Military service became a license to be an ass. But, when faced with someone that says "Don't try that crap on me, it doesn't work. I have no sympathy for you", they will shape up.

We live in violent times. Do you think these gang members have PTSD? Do they complain when their fellow Blood, Crip, or MS-13 got decapitated right beside them? Do they cry out for help when their children are killed in their cribs from a drive by? Well, no. They don't. They get sentenced to prison and shank someone in the prison yard.

If in fact, PTSD is real, and it is doubtful that it is, All it means is that men today are pitifully, pathetically weak. Over the years, their backbones became of jelly. See, when men went to war, they did it in hand to hand combat. They fought with swords, axes, morning stars, lances and bows. Friends were disembowled right next to them. When heads got lopped off, the blood fountained all over the other fighters.

The survivors who lopped off heads faster than the other guy lopped off heads, went home, they raised their families, they took care of their children, they plowed fields, they protected their women. They did NOT curl up into a fetal position sucking their thumbs asking for a bong and a puppy.
lets see you are an expert on people who smoke pot,even though you claim you have never done any,and now you are an expert on people who have been in combat,and i know you have never done that either.....what else are you an expert on?.....
Is this your answer for my being absolutely correct?
and my attitude concerning 'ptsd' and other so called disease was partly influenced by Uncles , Dad and others like my friends Dads that did world way 2 storming of the beaches or were in Korea . My Dad was deferred from Korea because he was in WW2 storming the beaches and as far as Korea went he was deferred because he had 3 kids out of a total of 5 . I even knew a guy that scaled 'point duhoc' after Dad told me what 'point duhoc' was and this Gent was a gas station operator . And Dad told me about the Paratroopers that were shot dead and were left hanging from trees in some French towns that he went through with soldiers that he teamed up with after his Higgins boat [Dad was Navy] was blown up while landing at the beach on D-DAY . ---------------------------------- and in closing , Dad never said much but i knew him for a lotta years and he did say a few things that i remember and i mention above . Uncles never said anything , friends Dads never said anything , veterans turned teachers never said much unless it was a part of class and then it was mostly 'nazi' , concentration camps , atrocities and the Nuremberg Trials that i read about as current news of the time in the Newspapers . ----------------------- as far as Vietnam , i know all about Vietnam as hey , Vietnam is my generation man !!
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.

I got a chill reading your account. It is almost word for word from Catch-22. All that's missing are the words "Help the bombadier".

Viet Nam is my era. I remember it quite well and know many men who saw combat in those days. I have ended their marriages, taken their children and put them in prison. To the last one, and I can't think of any that were different. They used their experiences as excuses to beat their wives and children almost to death take enormous amounts of drugs, and get drunk every night. Military service became a license to be an ass. But, when faced with someone that says "Don't try that crap on me, it doesn't work. I have no sympathy for you", they will shape up.

We live in violent times. Do you think these gang members have PTSD? Do they complain when their fellow Blood, Crip, or MS-13 got decapitated right beside them? Do they cry out for help when their children are killed in their cribs from a drive by? Well, no. They don't. They get sentenced to prison and shank someone in the prison yard.

If in fact, PTSD is real, and it is doubtful that it is, All it means is that men today are pitifully, pathetically weak. Over the years, their backbones became of jelly. See, when men went to war, they did it in hand to hand combat. They fought with swords, axes, morning stars, lances and bows. Friends were disembowled right next to them. When heads got lopped off, the blood fountained all over the other fighters.

The survivors who lopped off heads faster than the other guy lopped off heads, went home, they raised their families, they took care of their children, they plowed fields, they protected their women. They did NOT curl up into a fetal position sucking their thumbs asking for a bong and a puppy.
lets see you are an expert on people who smoke pot,even though you claim you have never done any,and now you are an expert on people who have been in combat,and i know you have never done that either.....what else are you an expert on?.....
Is this your answer for my being absolutely correct?
you are once again....full of shit.....
My Dad hit the beach at Normandy. He never said a word about it. Never. But he wrote it down after he came home. After he died, his journal was copied and send to the children. My Dad was not a very articulate man. He was a taciturn indian who never had much to say. His account was of the small boats making their way up and down just off shore scooping body parts out of the ocean.

I've known people who got out of concentration camps, some horribly disfigured. I have known a bunch of guys from Viet Nam. Over the years, you just have to ask the hard questions like how come our fighting men are disabled from PTSD, but the Viet Namese AREN'T. The Viet Namese women who were beaten, raped, and watched their children killed run nail salons. What the FUCK happened?

The question isn't how to provide for these men that have PTSD but why they have it in the first place. The gang bangers, the career criminals never get PTSD and they see more combat than the average serviceman.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.

I got a chill reading your account. It is almost word for word from Catch-22. All that's missing are the words "Help the bombadier".

Viet Nam is my era. I remember it quite well and know many men who saw combat in those days. I have ended their marriages, taken their children and put them in prison. To the last one, and I can't think of any that were different. They used their experiences as excuses to beat their wives and children almost to death take enormous amounts of drugs, and get drunk every night. Military service became a license to be an ass. But, when faced with someone that says "Don't try that crap on me, it doesn't work. I have no sympathy for you", they will shape up.

We live in violent times. Do you think these gang members have PTSD? Do they complain when their fellow Blood, Crip, or MS-13 got decapitated right beside them? Do they cry out for help when their children are killed in their cribs from a drive by? Well, no. They don't. They get sentenced to prison and shank someone in the prison yard.

If in fact, PTSD is real, and it is doubtful that it is, All it means is that men today are pitifully, pathetically weak. Over the years, their backbones became of jelly. See, when men went to war, they did it in hand to hand combat. They fought with swords, axes, morning stars, lances and bows. Friends were disembowled right next to them. When heads got lopped off, the blood fountained all over the other fighters.

The survivors who lopped off heads faster than the other guy lopped off heads, went home, they raised their families, they took care of their children, they plowed fields, they protected their women. They did NOT curl up into a fetal position sucking their thumbs asking for a bong and a puppy.
lets see you are an expert on people who smoke pot,even though you claim you have never done any,and now you are an expert on people who have been in combat,and i know you have never done that either.....what else are you an expert on?.....
Is this your answer for my being absolutely correct?
you are once again....full of shit.....

What a brilliant retort. Who could possibly argue with that!

Call of Duty: Black Ops Causing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in War Veterans?

Someone quick, bring out the bong and the puppies.
I didn't think it was legal to disallow service dogs.
PTSD can be every bit as disabling as blindness.

I was going to respond to the OP but thanks to you I don't have to. Dear lady, you said it all.

The Professor: Former USMC radio-telegraph operator and member of Second ANGLICO (Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company), Camp Lejeune, NC.

Semper Fi.
You did respond..
The man should STILL have been allowed to have his dog with him. Not because he has PTSD, but because everyone should, as long as it is safe.
It's up to the guy writing the paychecks. His business, his rules.
I have no problem with vet's collecting disability checks. I just don't understand the part about being able to work while they are collecting funds for not being able to work. Perhaps there is an explanation, but I don't know what it is.

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