USMC vet claims PTSD and demands "right" to have pet dog with him at work.

The man should STILL have been allowed to have his dog with him. Not because he has PTSD, but because everyone should, as long as it is safe.
It's up to the guy writing the paychecks. His business, his rules.
I have no problem with vet's collecting disability checks. I just don't understand the part about being able to work while they are collecting funds for not being able to work. Perhaps there is an explanation, but I don't know what it is.

It's all explained in here.

Compensation Home
You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.

I got a chill reading your account. It is almost word for word from Catch-22. All that's missing are the words "Help the bombadier".

Viet Nam is my era. I remember it quite well and know many men who saw combat in those days. I have ended their marriages, taken their children and put them in prison. To the last one, and I can't think of any that were different. They used their experiences as excuses to beat their wives and children almost to death take enormous amounts of drugs, and get drunk every night. Military service became a license to be an ass. But, when faced with someone that says "Don't try that crap on me, it doesn't work. I have no sympathy for you", they will shape up.

We live in violent times. Do you think these gang members have PTSD? Do they complain when their fellow Blood, Crip, or MS-13 got decapitated right beside them? Do they cry out for help when their children are killed in their cribs from a drive by? Well, no. They don't. They get sentenced to prison and shank someone in the prison yard.

If in fact, PTSD is real, and it is doubtful that it is, All it means is that men today are pitifully, pathetically weak. Over the years, their backbones became of jelly. See, when men went to war, they did it in hand to hand combat. They fought with swords, axes, morning stars, lances and bows. Friends were disembowled right next to them. When heads got lopped off, the blood fountained all over the other fighters.

The survivors who lopped off heads faster than the other guy lopped off heads, went home, they raised their families, they took care of their children, they plowed fields, they protected their women. They did NOT curl up into a fetal position sucking their thumbs asking for a bong and a puppy.
lets see you are an expert on people who smoke pot,even though you claim you have never done any,and now you are an expert on people who have been in combat,and i know you have never done that either.....what else are you an expert on?.....
Is this your answer for my being absolutely correct?
you are once again....full of shit.....

What a brilliant retort. Who could possibly argue with that!
you sure as hell always you just never seem to be able to back your bullshit up..
I got a chill reading your account. It is almost word for word from Catch-22. All that's missing are the words "Help the bombadier".

Viet Nam is my era. I remember it quite well and know many men who saw combat in those days. I have ended their marriages, taken their children and put them in prison. To the last one, and I can't think of any that were different. They used their experiences as excuses to beat their wives and children almost to death take enormous amounts of drugs, and get drunk every night. Military service became a license to be an ass. But, when faced with someone that says "Don't try that crap on me, it doesn't work. I have no sympathy for you", they will shape up.

We live in violent times. Do you think these gang members have PTSD? Do they complain when their fellow Blood, Crip, or MS-13 got decapitated right beside them? Do they cry out for help when their children are killed in their cribs from a drive by? Well, no. They don't. They get sentenced to prison and shank someone in the prison yard.

If in fact, PTSD is real, and it is doubtful that it is, All it means is that men today are pitifully, pathetically weak. Over the years, their backbones became of jelly. See, when men went to war, they did it in hand to hand combat. They fought with swords, axes, morning stars, lances and bows. Friends were disembowled right next to them. When heads got lopped off, the blood fountained all over the other fighters.

The survivors who lopped off heads faster than the other guy lopped off heads, went home, they raised their families, they took care of their children, they plowed fields, they protected their women. They did NOT curl up into a fetal position sucking their thumbs asking for a bong and a puppy.
lets see you are an expert on people who smoke pot,even though you claim you have never done any,and now you are an expert on people who have been in combat,and i know you have never done that either.....what else are you an expert on?.....
Is this your answer for my being absolutely correct?
you are once again....full of shit.....

What a brilliant retort. Who could possibly argue with that!
you sure as hell always you just never seem to be able to back your bullshit up..

You're a democrat, nothing else needs to be said. I don't need to back anything up. You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.

Actually, your a pothead. A hard core drug addict. Anyone that opposes drugs is your nightmare. Just go take your drugs, suck your thumb and find a peaceful coloring book.
My Dad hit the beach at Normandy. He never said a word about it. Never. But he wrote it down after he came home. After he died, his journal was copied and send to the children. My Dad was not a very articulate man. He was a taciturn indian who never had much to say. His account was of the small boats making their way up and down just off shore scooping body parts out of the ocean.

I've known people who got out of concentration camps, some horribly disfigured. I have known a bunch of guys from Viet Nam. Over the years, you just have to ask the hard questions like how come our fighting men are disabled from PTSD, but the Viet Namese AREN'T. The Viet Namese women who were beaten, raped, and watched their children killed run nail salons. What the FUCK happened?

The question isn't how to provide for these men that have PTSD but why they have it in the first place. The gang bangers, the career criminals never get PTSD and they see more combat than the average serviceman.
a drive by shooting is just a little different then being in a firefight with multiple shooters and maybe bombs dropping and seeing your buddies get blown apart in front of you.....try it some time dumbass.....
My Dad hit the beach at Normandy. He never said a word about it. Never. But he wrote it down after he came home. After he died, his journal was copied and send to the children. My Dad was not a very articulate man. He was a taciturn indian who never had much to say. His account was of the small boats making their way up and down just off shore scooping body parts out of the ocean.

I've known people who got out of concentration camps, some horribly disfigured. I have known a bunch of guys from Viet Nam. Over the years, you just have to ask the hard questions like how come our fighting men are disabled from PTSD, but the Viet Namese AREN'T. The Viet Namese women who were beaten, raped, and watched their children killed run nail salons. What the FUCK happened?

The question isn't how to provide for these men that have PTSD but why they have it in the first place. The gang bangers, the career criminals never get PTSD and they see more combat than the average serviceman.

PTSD is real but the biggest killer was Agent Orange. My original company from 65-66 in Vietnam of about 160 returnees is down to 28 survivors. All of us had cancer of 3 types: Brain, Pancreas and Prostate. None of us had PTSD but we're all disabled.
lets see you are an expert on people who smoke pot,even though you claim you have never done any,and now you are an expert on people who have been in combat,and i know you have never done that either.....what else are you an expert on?.....
Is this your answer for my being absolutely correct?
you are once again....full of shit.....

What a brilliant retort. Who could possibly argue with that!
you sure as hell always you just never seem to be able to back your bullshit up..

You're a democrat, nothing else needs to be said. I don't need to back anything up. You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.

Actually, your a pothead. A hard core drug addict. Anyone that opposes drugs is your nightmare. Just go take your drugs, suck your thumb and find a peaceful coloring book.
You're a democrat
i am?.....ask some of the lefties here if they think i am....
You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.
you mean like what you do?....
A hard core drug addict.
and you are a hard core just go suck on your bottle and piss yourself,someone will be along....
Is this your answer for my being absolutely correct?
you are once again....full of shit.....

What a brilliant retort. Who could possibly argue with that!
you sure as hell always you just never seem to be able to back your bullshit up..

You're a democrat, nothing else needs to be said. I don't need to back anything up. You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.

Actually, your a pothead. A hard core drug addict. Anyone that opposes drugs is your nightmare. Just go take your drugs, suck your thumb and find a peaceful coloring book.
You're a democrat
i am?.....ask some of the lefties here if they think i am....
You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.
you mean like what you do?....
A hard core drug addict.
and you are a hard core just go suck on your bottle and piss yourself,someone will be along....
See, this is the way it is. I don't justifiy alcohol. You do justify drugs. In fact, you oppose any attempt to stop drug use whereas I don't care if drunks are lined up in the park and shot right along with the potties.

Admit that the ONLY reason why you find opposition to drug use so painful is because you use. It's not hard. You will feel the better for the honesty.
My Dad hit the beach at Normandy. He never said a word about it. Never. But he wrote it down after he came home. After he died, his journal was copied and send to the children. My Dad was not a very articulate man. He was a taciturn indian who never had much to say. His account was of the small boats making their way up and down just off shore scooping body parts out of the ocean.

I've known people who got out of concentration camps, some horribly disfigured. I have known a bunch of guys from Viet Nam. Over the years, you just have to ask the hard questions like how come our fighting men are disabled from PTSD, but the Viet Namese AREN'T. The Viet Namese women who were beaten, raped, and watched their children killed run nail salons. What the FUCK happened?

The question isn't how to provide for these men that have PTSD but why they have it in the first place. The gang bangers, the career criminals never get PTSD and they see more combat than the average serviceman.

PTSD is real but the biggest killer was Agent Orange. My original company from 65-66 in Vietnam of about 160 returnees is down to 28 survivors. All of us had cancer of 3 types: Brain, Pancreas and Prostate. None of us had PTSD but we're all disabled.
Agent Orange is real. PTSD is made up.

Have you ever wondered how this country got settled if men really suffered from PTSD?

It's made up to deal with feeeellllings.
My Dad hit the beach at Normandy. He never said a word about it. Never. But he wrote it down after he came home. After he died, his journal was copied and send to the children. My Dad was not a very articulate man. He was a taciturn indian who never had much to say. His account was of the small boats making their way up and down just off shore scooping body parts out of the ocean.

I've known people who got out of concentration camps, some horribly disfigured. I have known a bunch of guys from Viet Nam. Over the years, you just have to ask the hard questions like how come our fighting men are disabled from PTSD, but the Viet Namese AREN'T. The Viet Namese women who were beaten, raped, and watched their children killed run nail salons. What the FUCK happened?

The question isn't how to provide for these men that have PTSD but why they have it in the first place. The gang bangers, the career criminals never get PTSD and they see more combat than the average serviceman.

PTSD is real but the biggest killer was Agent Orange. My original company from 65-66 in Vietnam of about 160 returnees is down to 28 survivors. All of us had cancer of 3 types: Brain, Pancreas and Prostate. None of us had PTSD but we're all disabled.
---------------------------------------------------------- thats the thing with me , i think that Agent Orange maladies can be seen and Proven over and over again . PTSD , not so much as i think all thats being done is some fool head doktor working for money and his client claiming terror or other emotional damage that can never be proven Hossfly .
you are once again....full of shit.....

What a brilliant retort. Who could possibly argue with that!
you sure as hell always you just never seem to be able to back your bullshit up..

You're a democrat, nothing else needs to be said. I don't need to back anything up. You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.

Actually, your a pothead. A hard core drug addict. Anyone that opposes drugs is your nightmare. Just go take your drugs, suck your thumb and find a peaceful coloring book.
You're a democrat
i am?.....ask some of the lefties here if they think i am....
You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.
you mean like what you do?....
A hard core drug addict.
and you are a hard core just go suck on your bottle and piss yourself,someone will be along....
See, this is the way it is. I don't justifiy alcohol. You do justify drugs. In fact, you oppose any attempt to stop drug use whereas I don't care if drunks are lined up in the park and shot right along with the potties.

Admit that the ONLY reason why you find opposition to drug use so painful is because you use. It's not hard. You will feel the better for the honesty.
i justify drugs?....really?....the only thing i have ever argued with you about is pot....and yet you are saying i justify 'drugs" when i never this the alcohol talking or just more tipsy talk?....
---------------------------------------------------------- thats the thing with me , i think that Agent Orange maladies can be seen and Proven over and over again . PTSD , not so much as i think all thats being done is some fool head doktor working for money and his client claiming terror or other emotional damage that can never be proven Hossfly .

Agent Orange is a herbicide, PTSD is a disorder.

Why compare the two?
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

Well good for your dad and uncle. But not everyone is so fortunate. You'd have to be a fool to think fighting in a war doesn't have an effect on someone's mental state. During a war you see the worse sides of humanity. Many or those things are traumatic. Many soldiers suffer from it but use alcohol and drugs to cope with it. That's why we have so many homeless vets.

PTSD is very real and many soldiers have it. No one makes up PTSD.
American men should not feel too badly about their weakness. It's an affliction of men all over the western world and parts of the east as well.

Look at poor pathetic Germany. Who would ever believe that the German men standing by while their women are beaten and raped by muslim invaders are the descendants of the men that intended goose stepping over the world. It's 1938, a German woman is beaten and raped. Are the German men of 1938 going to give her a bracelet and say "Just show this you won't be assaulted"? Hell no.

The British today are not the British that defied the Luftwaffe. The Brits today cower from muslim pedophiles. Don't hurt their feelings. It's the culture.

Who would EVER connect the Japanese Samurai with the make up wearing Grass Eaters of today?

American men are not alone is becoming weak and ineffective.
Service dog is NOT a silly euphemism as you stupidly say. Many human beings can live a normal daily life thanks to service dogs!

Seeing eye dogs are the only service dogs. THINK, hater.

Your definition of a service dog is far too restricted. Here is how a service animal is defined:

Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.

ADA Requirements: Service Animals

A dog that is trained to be able to calm an individual with PTSD in the event of an anxiety attack is a service dog.

That is absolutely correct! ^^^^^

Thank you The Professor! :thup:
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

Well good for your dad and uncle. But not everyone is so fortunate. You'd have to be a fool to think fighting in a war doesn't have an effect on someone's mental state. During a war you see the worse sides of humanity. Many or those things are traumatic. Many soldiers suffer from it but use alcohol and drugs to cope with it. That's why we have so many homeless vets.

PTSD is very real and many soldiers have it. No one makes up PTSD.
We have homeless vets because they use alcohol and drugs. Their exasperated families throw them out rather than suffer their widdle temper tantrums.

Suck it up buttercup. Go to work, come home, be a dad to your kids, a husband to your wife. and build.

Every man that EVER came home from a war has seen the worst of humanity. It's just that men before built great nations. Can you picture one of these PTSD vets with the Vikings? Or Hannibal's legions crossing the Alps? How about putting one of these wilting flowers in the Battle of Actium, Agincourt, Thermopolye. Really, these pathetic puppies would be keelhauled for cowardice, from Charles Vane's ship.
---------------------------------------------------------- thats the thing with me , i think that Agent Orange maladies can be seen and Proven over and over again . PTSD , not so much as i think all thats being done is some fool head doktor working for money and his client claiming terror or other emotional damage that can never be proven Hossfly .

Agent Orange is a herbicide, PTSD is a disorder.

Why compare the two?
----------------------------------------------------------------- because Agent Orange maladies can be seen and proven . PTSD is simply a claim that some 'head doktor ' practicing 'bs' for a paycheck can never prove AMechanic .
PTSD is remarkable for those who have the same experiences, but DON'T have PTSD. The Chinese comfort women provided to the Japanese soldiers never got PTSD. The gang bangers that fill mass graves don't get it. The British children living through the Blitz never got it.

Of course, no one ever told them that they would suffer from PTSD. They aren't MEN. When men act like normal men, they are said to be suffering from toxic masculinity. Now they have PTSD as a side effect.

Cut the crap. Dig in. Be man, stop handing your balls off to the 10 year old training to cut your head off.
PTSD is remarkable for those who have the same experiences, but DON'T have PTSD. The Chinese comfort women provided to the Japanese soldiers never got PTSD. The gang bangers that fill mass graves don't get it. The British children living through the Blitz never got it.

Of course, no one ever told them that they would suffer from PTSD. They aren't MEN. When men act like normal men, they are said to be suffering from toxic masculinity. Now they have PTSD as a side effect.

Cut the crap. Dig in. Be man, stop handing your balls off to the 10 year old training to cut your head off.
says prof tipsy.....Phd in bullshit....
What a brilliant retort. Who could possibly argue with that!
you sure as hell always you just never seem to be able to back your bullshit up..

You're a democrat, nothing else needs to be said. I don't need to back anything up. You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.

Actually, your a pothead. A hard core drug addict. Anyone that opposes drugs is your nightmare. Just go take your drugs, suck your thumb and find a peaceful coloring book.
You're a democrat
i am?.....ask some of the lefties here if they think i am....
You just pull turds out of your ass and call it an argument.
you mean like what you do?....
A hard core drug addict.
and you are a hard core just go suck on your bottle and piss yourself,someone will be along....
See, this is the way it is. I don't justifiy alcohol. You do justify drugs. In fact, you oppose any attempt to stop drug use whereas I don't care if drunks are lined up in the park and shot right along with the potties.

Admit that the ONLY reason why you find opposition to drug use so painful is because you use. It's not hard. You will feel the better for the honesty.
i justify drugs?....really?....the only thing i have ever argued with you about is pot....and yet you are saying i justify 'drugs" when i never this the alcohol talking or just more tipsy talk?....
There you go. Admitting you justify pot. Arguing over pot. Really? Have you ever seen me argue about alcohol? Line up the alkies with the potties. Right between the eyes. See how many you can get with one bullet.

It's rehab that works. Now you can stop trying to hijack this thread into your favorite subject - me.

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