USMC vet claims PTSD and demands "right" to have pet dog with him at work.

Service dog is NOT a silly euphemism as you stupidly say. Many human beings can live a normal daily life thanks to service dogs!

Seeing eye dogs are the only service dogs. THINK, hater.
My opinon is that PTSD is a manufactured pity pot. Men have been going to war since they lopped off one another's heads on the battlefield, come back, raised families, and went about their business until the next war.

That said. There is no earthly reason to deny the dog. The dog absolutley should be allowed in the work place. As long as it is not dangerous and the dog behaves, it doesn't matter whether it is a service dog or not. The dog stays. Whatever dog hater that complains is welcome to go.

These who are expert in the field of psychiatry recognize PTSD as a mental disorder. Their collective professional opinions render your uninformed opinion useless.

As for as the mental status of those ancient warriors returning from war, you don't have a clue. Did some of them go completely crazy? I don't know and neither do you. Did some of them suffer from some kind of mental disorder? I don't know and neither do you. Actually it is more likely than not that they did suffer in varying degrees. My evidence: men and women currently suffer from the effects of war and human nature has remained relatively unchanged over time.

Many of today's warriors may appear unphased by combat; however no one will ever know to what extent their exposure to combat has affected their ability to enjoy life. Just because they go through the motions doesn't men they are not suffering inside.

Now let's talk about those whose suffering is real and obvious. I have seen videos of combat vets around the world. I have seen them curled up on the fetal position: I have seen the fear in their eyes; I have seen the blank stares; I heard their histories and I know they are suffering. You can pretend it's all a put-on and when you do you prove to the world that you are delusional. I personally know of men who were institutionalized because of their battlefield experience. I know of many others who needed a few therapy sessions to get by. Most of all I remember my Uncle. He was wounded in the war but the wound healed well and didn't bother him; however, the injury to his mind was devastating. He witnessed his best friend being tied to a try. Then he watched as a Japanese soldier slashed him open with a bayonet so that his intestines hung out. When my uncle got back home he was never the same. He would sit for hours just staring into space, completely unresponsive. He would burst into tears for no apparent reason and without warning he would let out an ear-piercing scream. He was committed a few times and jailed a few times but nothing helped. He ended his suffering with a bullet to his head. He was only about 25 years old.

What bothers me about people like and pissmore, is that a person of average intelligence should intuitively know that some vets will suffer psychological injury because of their combat experience; however, you seem to think all those who claim they are suffering from PTSD are phonies.

PS: Here is a link where you can learn a little more about PTSD:

PTSD and DSM-5 - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
Service dog is NOT a silly euphemism as you stupidly say. Many human beings can live a normal daily life thanks to service dogs!

Seeing eye dogs are the only service dogs. THINK, hater.

Your definition of a service dog is far too restricted. Here is how a service animal is defined:

Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.

ADA Requirements: Service Animals

A dog that is trained to be able to calm an individual with PTSD in the event of an anxiety attack is a service dog.
Sure it was their business but the fact is that there was a great degradation in their lives due to being in a war at a very young ages. Like Koshergirl stated, actual service dogs are not mere pets. They are professionally trained to be adapt in any given situation around other people while being of service to their owners.
--------------------------------- never affected my Dad or Uncles negatively as far as i could see . Same thing regarding all the veterans that i grew up around as a kid . Veterans of ww2 or 'korea' were my teachers and the Dads of all my freinds throughout my life . As regards MOST 'ptsd' claimants . I say that its simply about some extra money or as i already said . Government gives more favors on sufferers by because they have the pretend [in most cases] ptsd problem Rod .
I disagree with you. Traumatic events shape peoples lives in ways you obviously cannot understand.

BTW, Grandpa Ernie hated being an alcoholic. He was the only one that was at the front in ww2 in his family and he was the only alcoholic in his family of 11 children.

We also have a nephew that spent two tours in Afghanistan and yes it has affected him and he attempts to deal with it daily.
-------------------------------------------------------- family is most usually always behind other family members in whatever they pursue and thats especially true when they pursue MORE money or Special favors . Of course , taxpayers pay the bills . --------------- ptsd sufferers are seen by me as just another special interest group getting something for free . Same thing for those that approve of or oppose Service , helpful animals on private property . The whole country is made up of Special Interest groups rather than just Plain old Americans Rod .
Well like I said we disagree on this issue. Our vets are not just a "special interest" lobbying group and I won't go along with dissing them for any reason. We are responsible as they did their part working for the public in service to the country so it is not a freebie to provide for their needs.
------------------------ volunteer military , no different than any other job in the USA in my opinion .
Any other employer is legally responsible for what their job does to the employees also when the employees health is affected.
--------------------------------- never affected my Dad or Uncles negatively as far as i could see . Same thing regarding all the veterans that i grew up around as a kid . Veterans of ww2 or 'korea' were my teachers and the Dads of all my freinds throughout my life . As regards MOST 'ptsd' claimants . I say that its simply about some extra money or as i already said . Government gives more favors on sufferers by because they have the pretend [in most cases] ptsd problem Rod .
I disagree with you. Traumatic events shape peoples lives in ways you obviously cannot understand.

BTW, Grandpa Ernie hated being an alcoholic. He was the only one that was at the front in ww2 in his family and he was the only alcoholic in his family of 11 children.

We also have a nephew that spent two tours in Afghanistan and yes it has affected him and he attempts to deal with it daily.
-------------------------------------------------------- family is most usually always behind other family members in whatever they pursue and thats especially true when they pursue MORE money or Special favors . Of course , taxpayers pay the bills . --------------- ptsd sufferers are seen by me as just another special interest group getting something for free . Same thing for those that approve of or oppose Service , helpful animals on private property . The whole country is made up of Special Interest groups rather than just Plain old Americans Rod .
Well like I said we disagree on this issue. Our vets are not just a "special interest" lobbying group and I won't go along with dissing them for any reason. We are responsible as they did their part working for the public in service to the country so it is not a freebie to provide for their needs.
------------------------ volunteer military , no different than any other job in the USA in my opinion .
Any other employer is legally responsible for what their job does to the employees also when the employees health is affected.
------------------------------------------------------------ and thats the way its going , as i said , USA military is just another job Rod .
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .
Actually, many many from WWI and WWII had PTSD or as they called it, "shell shock"...they were shuffled off to homes, hospitals, not talked about, became alcoholics, etc. Now we are actually trying to help them.....despite people like you.
My opinon is that PTSD is a manufactured pity pot. Men have been going to war since they lopped off one another's heads on the battlefield, come back, raised families, and went about their business until the next war.

That said. There is no earthly reason to deny the dog. The dog absolutley should be allowed in the work place. As long as it is not dangerous and the dog behaves, it doesn't matter whether it is a service dog or not. The dog stays. Whatever dog hater that complains is welcome to go.

Oh brother. Workplaces of any sort are not compelled to accept peoples pets.
A service dog is not just a pet.

There is a distinction between *service dog* and a *therapy dog*.

A service dog performs a particular service..they can open doors, for example, or pick up dropped items, or guide people around.

A therapy dog typically collects fleas, acts twitchy, and is compulsively stroked by disheveled 6'5" trannies in the line at Grocery Outlet, all while going leashless.
Another so-called Veteran supporter that pulls said support if veterans come back less than perfect.
I disagree with you. Traumatic events shape peoples lives in ways you obviously cannot understand.

BTW, Grandpa Ernie hated being an alcoholic. He was the only one that was at the front in ww2 in his family and he was the only alcoholic in his family of 11 children.

We also have a nephew that spent two tours in Afghanistan and yes it has affected him and he attempts to deal with it daily.
-------------------------------------------------------- family is most usually always behind other family members in whatever they pursue and thats especially true when they pursue MORE money or Special favors . Of course , taxpayers pay the bills . --------------- ptsd sufferers are seen by me as just another special interest group getting something for free . Same thing for those that approve of or oppose Service , helpful animals on private property . The whole country is made up of Special Interest groups rather than just Plain old Americans Rod .
Well like I said we disagree on this issue. Our vets are not just a "special interest" lobbying group and I won't go along with dissing them for any reason. We are responsible as they did their part working for the public in service to the country so it is not a freebie to provide for their needs.
------------------------ volunteer military , no different than any other job in the USA in my opinion .
Any other employer is legally responsible for what their job does to the employees also when the employees health is affected.
------------------------------------------------------------ and thats the way its going , as i said , USA military is just another job Rod .
"USA military is just another job"............really? :eusa_eh:
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .
Actually, many many from WWI and WWII had PTSD or as they called it, "shell shock"...they were shuffled off to homes, hospitals, not talked about, became alcoholics, etc. Now we are actually trying to help them.....despite people like you.
------------------------------------------------------- big deal , shell shocked or 'ptsd' . As i said , i was surrounded by veterans that were my friends Dads and my teachers in school , the cops and firemen and other workers were all veterans . Most went to work to support and families as the single money maker in their homes . Drunks and drunkard behaviour are fine until laws are broken . Lots of people like a legal alchohol buzz and thats a personal decision Bodecea .
-------------------------------------------------------- family is most usually always behind other family members in whatever they pursue and thats especially true when they pursue MORE money or Special favors . Of course , taxpayers pay the bills . --------------- ptsd sufferers are seen by me as just another special interest group getting something for free . Same thing for those that approve of or oppose Service , helpful animals on private property . The whole country is made up of Special Interest groups rather than just Plain old Americans Rod .
Well like I said we disagree on this issue. Our vets are not just a "special interest" lobbying group and I won't go along with dissing them for any reason. We are responsible as they did their part working for the public in service to the country so it is not a freebie to provide for their needs.
------------------------ volunteer military , no different than any other job in the USA in my opinion .
Any other employer is legally responsible for what their job does to the employees also when the employees health is affected.
------------------------------------------------------------ and thats the way its going , as i said , USA military is just another job Rod .
"USA military is just another job"............really? :eusa_eh:
------------------------------------------ yes , and they all VOLUNTEER for the military jobs Bodecea .
Well like I said we disagree on this issue. Our vets are not just a "special interest" lobbying group and I won't go along with dissing them for any reason. We are responsible as they did their part working for the public in service to the country so it is not a freebie to provide for their needs.
------------------------ volunteer military , no different than any other job in the USA in my opinion .
Any other employer is legally responsible for what their job does to the employees also when the employees health is affected.
------------------------------------------------------------ and thats the way its going , as i said , USA military is just another job Rod .
"USA military is just another job"............really? :eusa_eh:
------------------------------------------ yes , and they all VOLUNTEER for the military jobs Bodecea .
Amazing....when did you serve in the military to gain such knowledge?
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Service dog is NOT a silly euphemism as you stupidly say. Many human beings can live a normal daily life thanks to service dogs!

Seeing eye dogs are the only service dogs. THINK, hater.
wrong usual.....

A service dog is a type of assistance dog specifically trained to help people who have disabilities, such as visual impairment, hearing impairments, mental illnesses (such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)), seizure disorder, mobility impairment, and diabetes.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

You obviously never talked to any real Vietnam vets. The ones who fought in the jungles.

To this day those guys can't walk in the woods at night and have nightmares. I talked to a pilot who lost his wingman in 1968 and he broke down telling me that story in 2013 as if he'd lost him the day before. He recalled every detail, every radio transmission, every cloud in the sky, exactly where he was and exactly where he lost his wingman. His wingmans last words in his last transmission, etc. Fireworks still send chills down these guys spines 50 years later. They will never be CURED. But that doesn't mean PTSD magically appeared in the gulf war. It simply means it was finally diagnosed.

Vietnam vets had PTSD, they just didn't have anyone to help them. The new PTSD is probably known as "shell shock" from yesteryear.

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