USMC vet claims PTSD and demands "right" to have pet dog with him at work.

as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .
Maybe we can more fully describe what "survivor" entails. Many of those vets couldn't cope very well even though they did function through some places at a work setting. Grandpa Ernie survived if that is what you can call it but the moment he came through the door at the end of the day he had to have his whiskey and beer. The weekends were all whiskey and beer. He was so shell shocked if he fell asleep on the couch and you needed to wake him up and just speaking loud wouldn't do it, you wouldn't dare reach out to nudge him or he may unintentionally take your head off. Fact is everyone I knew that was in those wars suffered similar effects and the tragedies that followed. Most all were alcoholics. I think those who have been sent off to wars need to be given a little grace in certain areas if that helps them survive with a bit more dignity than being a stone alcoholic the rest of their days. Maybe the leaders around the globe can just get over this warring crap and then at least we wouldn't purposely be putting young people into a situation where "surviving" becomes such an arduous task.
--------------------------------------------- Ernie did his job as Dad , husband and whatever else , the fact that he liked to Legally drink was his business in my opinion ROD .
Sure it was their business but the fact is that there was a great degradation in their lives due to being in a war at a very young ages. Like Koshergirl stated, actual service dogs are not mere pets. They are professionally trained to be adapt in any given situation around other people while being of service to their owners.
--------------------------------- never affected my Dad or Uncles negatively as far as i could see . Same thing regarding all the veterans that i grew up around as a kid . Veterans of ww2 or 'korea' were my teachers and the Dads of all my freinds throughout my life . As regards MOST 'ptsd' claimants . I say that its simply about some extra money or as i already said . Government gives more favors on sufferers by because they have the pretend [in most cases] ptsd problem Rod .
I disagree with you. Traumatic events shape peoples lives in ways you obviously cannot understand.

BTW, Grandpa Ernie hated being an alcoholic. He was the only one that was at the front in ww2 in his family and he was the only alcoholic in his family of 11 children.

We also have a nephew that spent two tours in Afghanistan and yes it has affected him and he attempts to deal with it daily.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

While I can't fault those who have a hard time when they return, I share your sentiments completely. The fact that those WW2 soldiers came home fully functional after going through what they did is remarkable. They truly are the greatest generation on earth. The whole world was in awe of them. And once they were done over there, they came home and knocked it out of the park here.
I have never walked a mile in a soldier's boots, but the guts of those who have is to be greatly admired.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .
Maybe we can more fully describe what "survivor" entails. Many of those vets couldn't cope very well even though they did function through some places at a work setting. Grandpa Ernie survived if that is what you can call it but the moment he came through the door at the end of the day he had to have his whiskey and beer. The weekends were all whiskey and beer. He was so shell shocked if he fell asleep on the couch and you needed to wake him up and just speaking loud wouldn't do it, you wouldn't dare reach out to nudge him or he may unintentionally take your head off. Fact is everyone I knew that was in those wars suffered similar effects and the tragedies that followed. Most all were alcoholics. I think those who have been sent off to wars need to be given a little grace in certain areas if that helps them survive with a bit more dignity than being a stone alcoholic the rest of their days. Maybe the leaders around the globe can just get over this warring crap and then at least we wouldn't purposely be putting young people into a situation where "surviving" becomes such an arduous task.
--------------------------------------------- Ernie did his job as Dad , husband and whatever else , the fact that he liked to Legally drink was his business in my opinion ROD .
Sure it was their business but the fact is that there was a great degradation in their lives due to being in a war at a very young ages. Like Koshergirl stated, actual service dogs are not mere pets. They are professionally trained to be adapt in any given situation around other people while being of service to their owners.
---------------------------------- you don't know that , maybe the Grandpaw Gent liked being Drunk and that should be his choice in a Free Country . And , in my opinion , dogs, pets , animals , service or otherwise on a private business owners property should be the Business owners business and no one elses Rod .
I can agree with that "private business owners property should be the Business owners business and no one elses", so why does government have a right to regulate whether a person can have a pet or service dog with them at an outside eatery or any other business?
------------------------------------------------------- if i understand the question i answer by saying that gov doesn't have the Right but they do have well armed employees . --------------------------- And as i have said in numerous threads on this board . USA gov should have nothing to say to cake bakers , hotel owners , restaurants , business owners regarding dogs , yada , yada or any other Private business owner about who they will service or not service or employ Rod .
Maybe we can more fully describe what "survivor" entails. Many of those vets couldn't cope very well even though they did function through some places at a work setting. Grandpa Ernie survived if that is what you can call it but the moment he came through the door at the end of the day he had to have his whiskey and beer. The weekends were all whiskey and beer. He was so shell shocked if he fell asleep on the couch and you needed to wake him up and just speaking loud wouldn't do it, you wouldn't dare reach out to nudge him or he may unintentionally take your head off. Fact is everyone I knew that was in those wars suffered similar effects and the tragedies that followed. Most all were alcoholics. I think those who have been sent off to wars need to be given a little grace in certain areas if that helps them survive with a bit more dignity than being a stone alcoholic the rest of their days. Maybe the leaders around the globe can just get over this warring crap and then at least we wouldn't purposely be putting young people into a situation where "surviving" becomes such an arduous task.
--------------------------------------------- Ernie did his job as Dad , husband and whatever else , the fact that he liked to Legally drink was his business in my opinion ROD .
Sure it was their business but the fact is that there was a great degradation in their lives due to being in a war at a very young ages. Like Koshergirl stated, actual service dogs are not mere pets. They are professionally trained to be adapt in any given situation around other people while being of service to their owners.
---------------------------------- you don't know that , maybe the Grandpaw Gent liked being Drunk and that should be his choice in a Free Country . And , in my opinion , dogs, pets , animals , service or otherwise on a private business owners property should be the Business owners business and no one elses Rod .
I can agree with that "private business owners property should be the Business owners business and no one elses", so why does government have a right to regulate whether a person can have a pet or service dog with them at an outside eatery or any other business?
------------------------------------------------------- if i understand the question i answer by saying that gov doesn't have the Right but they do have well armed employees . --------------------------- And as i have said in numerous threads on this board . USA gov should have nothing to say to cake bakers , hotel owners , restaurants , business owners regarding dogs , yada , yada or any other Private business owner about who they will service or not service or employ Rod .
Like I said I agree with you when it comes to private property and private businesses. I do limit that private business part when it is an openly traded stock business owned by a multitude it is no longer a private business. As long as it is a closely held business enterprise it is private as far as I am concerned.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .
Maybe we can more fully describe what "survivor" entails. Many of those vets couldn't cope very well even though they did function through some places at a work setting. Grandpa Ernie survived if that is what you can call it but the moment he came through the door at the end of the day he had to have his whiskey and beer. The weekends were all whiskey and beer. He was so shell shocked if he fell asleep on the couch and you needed to wake him up and just speaking loud wouldn't do it, you wouldn't dare reach out to nudge him or he may unintentionally take your head off. Fact is everyone I knew that was in those wars suffered similar effects and the tragedies that followed. Most all were alcoholics. I think those who have been sent off to wars need to be given a little grace in certain areas if that helps them survive with a bit more dignity than being a stone alcoholic the rest of their days. Maybe the leaders around the globe can just get over this warring crap and then at least we wouldn't purposely be putting young people into a situation where "surviving" becomes such an arduous task.
--------------------------------------------- Ernie did his job as Dad , husband and whatever else , the fact that he liked to Legally drink was his business in my opinion ROD .
Sure it was their business but the fact is that there was a great degradation in their lives due to being in a war at a very young ages. Like Koshergirl stated, actual service dogs are not mere pets. They are professionally trained to be adapt in any given situation around other people while being of service to their owners.
--------------------------------- never affected my Dad or Uncles negatively as far as i could see . Same thing regarding all the veterans that i grew up around as a kid . Veterans of ww2 or 'korea' were my teachers and the Dads of all my freinds throughout my life . As regards MOST 'ptsd' claimants . I say that its simply about some extra money or as i already said . Government gives more favors on sufferers by because they have the pretend [in most cases] ptsd problem Rod .

If you watch the ww2 vets, now in the winter of their lives, you can see how effected they actually were. All these years later, they cry at memorials and over the loss of their friends. They were traumatized. You can't storm a beach in Normandy and not be. The likes of their intestinal fortitude had never been seen on this earth before. They came home, had nightmares and then got up and went to work to support their families. They just refused to accommodate ptsd. They were the whole package.
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as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .
Maybe we can more fully describe what "survivor" entails. Many of those vets couldn't cope very well even though they did function through some places at a work setting. Grandpa Ernie survived if that is what you can call it but the moment he came through the door at the end of the day he had to have his whiskey and beer. The weekends were all whiskey and beer. He was so shell shocked if he fell asleep on the couch and you needed to wake him up and just speaking loud wouldn't do it, you wouldn't dare reach out to nudge him or he may unintentionally take your head off. Fact is everyone I knew that was in those wars suffered similar effects and the tragedies that followed. Most all were alcoholics. I think those who have been sent off to wars need to be given a little grace in certain areas if that helps them survive with a bit more dignity than being a stone alcoholic the rest of their days. Maybe the leaders around the globe can just get over this warring crap and then at least we wouldn't purposely be putting young people into a situation where "surviving" becomes such an arduous task.
--------------------------------------------- Ernie did his job as Dad , husband and whatever else , the fact that he liked to Legally drink was his business in my opinion ROD .
Sure it was their business but the fact is that there was a great degradation in their lives due to being in a war at a very young ages. Like Koshergirl stated, actual service dogs are not mere pets. They are professionally trained to be adapt in any given situation around other people while being of service to their owners.
--------------------------------- never affected my Dad or Uncles negatively as far as i could see . Same thing regarding all the veterans that i grew up around as a kid . Veterans of ww2 or 'korea' were my teachers and the Dads of all my freinds throughout my life . As regards MOST 'ptsd' claimants . I say that its simply about some extra money or as i already said . Government gives more favors on sufferers by because they have the pretend [in most cases] ptsd problem Rod .
I disagree with you. Traumatic events shape peoples lives in ways you obviously cannot understand.

BTW, Grandpa Ernie hated being an alcoholic. He was the only one that was at the front in ww2 in his family and he was the only alcoholic in his family of 11 children.

We also have a nephew that spent two tours in Afghanistan and yes it has affected him and he attempts to deal with it daily.
-------------------------------------------------------- family is most usually always behind other family members in whatever they pursue and thats especially true when they pursue MORE money or Special favors . Of course , taxpayers pay the bills . --------------- ptsd sufferers are seen by me as just another special interest group getting something for free . Same thing for those that approve of or oppose Service , helpful animals on private property . The whole country is made up of Special Interest groups rather than just Plain old Americans Rod .
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .
Maybe we can more fully describe what "survivor" entails. Many of those vets couldn't cope very well even though they did function through some places at a work setting. Grandpa Ernie survived if that is what you can call it but the moment he came through the door at the end of the day he had to have his whiskey and beer. The weekends were all whiskey and beer. He was so shell shocked if he fell asleep on the couch and you needed to wake him up and just speaking loud wouldn't do it, you wouldn't dare reach out to nudge him or he may unintentionally take your head off. Fact is everyone I knew that was in those wars suffered similar effects and the tragedies that followed. Most all were alcoholics. I think those who have been sent off to wars need to be given a little grace in certain areas if that helps them survive with a bit more dignity than being a stone alcoholic the rest of their days. Maybe the leaders around the globe can just get over this warring crap and then at least we wouldn't purposely be putting young people into a situation where "surviving" becomes such an arduous task.
--------------------------------------------- Ernie did his job as Dad , husband and whatever else , the fact that he liked to Legally drink was his business in my opinion ROD .
Sure it was their business but the fact is that there was a great degradation in their lives due to being in a war at a very young ages. Like Koshergirl stated, actual service dogs are not mere pets. They are professionally trained to be adapt in any given situation around other people while being of service to their owners.
--------------------------------- never affected my Dad or Uncles negatively as far as i could see . Same thing regarding all the veterans that i grew up around as a kid . Veterans of ww2 or 'korea' were my teachers and the Dads of all my freinds throughout my life . As regards MOST 'ptsd' claimants . I say that its simply about some extra money or as i already said . Government gives more favors on sufferers by because they have the pretend [in most cases] ptsd problem Rod .

If you watch the ww2 vets, now in the winter of their lives, you can see how effected they actually were. All these years later, they cry at memorials and over the loss of their friends. They were traumatized. You can't storm a beach in Normandy and not be. The likes of their intestinal fortitude had never been seen on this earth before. They came home, had nightmares and then got up and went to work to support their families. They just refused to accommodate ptsd. They were the whole package.
It is really a simple answer as to why they coped better, they weren't as brain damaged as the current generation. Look at all the toxins in the entire environment now. Throughout history modern cities and empires fell when their environments became toxic with lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, etc. also. The proof is in the history and the corpses that have been excavated and tested.
Maybe we can more fully describe what "survivor" entails. Many of those vets couldn't cope very well even though they did function through some places at a work setting. Grandpa Ernie survived if that is what you can call it but the moment he came through the door at the end of the day he had to have his whiskey and beer. The weekends were all whiskey and beer. He was so shell shocked if he fell asleep on the couch and you needed to wake him up and just speaking loud wouldn't do it, you wouldn't dare reach out to nudge him or he may unintentionally take your head off. Fact is everyone I knew that was in those wars suffered similar effects and the tragedies that followed. Most all were alcoholics. I think those who have been sent off to wars need to be given a little grace in certain areas if that helps them survive with a bit more dignity than being a stone alcoholic the rest of their days. Maybe the leaders around the globe can just get over this warring crap and then at least we wouldn't purposely be putting young people into a situation where "surviving" becomes such an arduous task.
--------------------------------------------- Ernie did his job as Dad , husband and whatever else , the fact that he liked to Legally drink was his business in my opinion ROD .
Sure it was their business but the fact is that there was a great degradation in their lives due to being in a war at a very young ages. Like Koshergirl stated, actual service dogs are not mere pets. They are professionally trained to be adapt in any given situation around other people while being of service to their owners.
--------------------------------- never affected my Dad or Uncles negatively as far as i could see . Same thing regarding all the veterans that i grew up around as a kid . Veterans of ww2 or 'korea' were my teachers and the Dads of all my freinds throughout my life . As regards MOST 'ptsd' claimants . I say that its simply about some extra money or as i already said . Government gives more favors on sufferers by because they have the pretend [in most cases] ptsd problem Rod .
I disagree with you. Traumatic events shape peoples lives in ways you obviously cannot understand.

BTW, Grandpa Ernie hated being an alcoholic. He was the only one that was at the front in ww2 in his family and he was the only alcoholic in his family of 11 children.

We also have a nephew that spent two tours in Afghanistan and yes it has affected him and he attempts to deal with it daily.
-------------------------------------------------------- family is most usually always behind other family members in whatever they pursue and thats especially true when they pursue MORE money or Special favors . Of course , taxpayers pay the bills . --------------- ptsd sufferers are seen by me as just another special interest group getting something for free . Same thing for those that approve of or oppose Service , helpful animals on private property . The whole country is made up of Special Interest groups rather than just Plain old Americans Rod .
Well like I said we disagree on this issue. Our vets are not just a "special interest" lobbying group and I won't go along with dissing them for any reason. We are responsible as they did their part working for the public in service to the country so it is not a freebie to provide for their needs.
I didn't think it was legal to disallow service dogs.
PTSD can be every bit as disabling as blindness.

BS. Anyone can claim they have PTSD and millions of americans do just to get disability and other benefits.
[ actual service dogs are not mere pets. They are professionally trained to be adapt in any given situation around other people while being of service to their owners.

THEY ARE PETS. And your silly euphemism "service dog" isn't fooling anyone.
While I can't fault those who have a hard time when they return, I share your sentiments completely. The fact that those WW2 soldiers came home fully functional after going through what they did is remarkable.

The WW2 vets had no choice since the welfare state didn't exist back then and they had to get on with their life. Nowadays all you have to do is say "I'm sad and I demand society give me all sorts of special treatment."
It's called training, and both SS and RIH are correct.
They are both. Service and pet. There is a strong enough bond between the two for that man to rely on the dog to get him through the day. And if it helps him, then I suppose. It couldn't do any harm, and the one with the disorder might be pulled back to the path to normalcy by interacting with all those who drop by to say hi to the dog. Beats dragging your therapist around on a leash all day...
My Dad was a vet, a wonderful parent, and went to work every day without our dog. Back then they healed themselves. They acted normal until they were normal again. Some weren't able to though, so if this guy was willing to give his life for this country, and in return needs to cling to his best friend for awhile, then let him. Just like my Daddy, he is also a vet.
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My opinon is that PTSD is a manufactured pity pot. Men have been going to war since they lopped off one another's heads on the battlefield, come back, raised families, and went about their business until the next war.

That said. There is no earthly reason to deny the dog. The dog absolutley should be allowed in the work place. As long as it is not dangerous and the dog behaves, it doesn't matter whether it is a service dog or not. The dog stays. Whatever dog hater that complains is welcome to go.
I second this, although I can't help but wonder who would win if the person who complains is complaining at all because they are allergic to dogs.

God bless you and them always!!!

as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

I don't know that I would go as far as to say it's bullshit in the majority of cases, but I do think some veterans take advantage of it. I wouldn't let this guy bring his dog either. If he's that dependent that he feels he can't go to work without him then he's not mentally healthy. Not everybody came back from those wars in tact. PTSD existed back then, but it was called shellshock. A lot of guys came back from Vietnam seriously fucked up in the head too.
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

I don't know that I would go as far as to say it's bullshit in the majority of cases, but I do think some veterans take advantage of it. I wouldn't let this guy bring his dog either. If he's that dependent that he feels he can't go to work without him then he's not mentally healthy. Not everybody came back from those wars in tact. PTSD existed back then, but it was called shellshock. A lot of guys came back from Vietnam seriously fucked up in the head too.
They didn't come cack fucked up in the head. They came back with an excuse. They have PTSD they can beat their wives and children. They can stay fucked up on drugs. They can wallow in self pity. The victims just have to take it. Feel sorry. Where's your sympathy, He risked his life. Even if he was a paper pusher in a stateside base for four years.
--------------------------------------------- Ernie did his job as Dad , husband and whatever else , the fact that he liked to Legally drink was his business in my opinion ROD .
Sure it was their business but the fact is that there was a great degradation in their lives due to being in a war at a very young ages. Like Koshergirl stated, actual service dogs are not mere pets. They are professionally trained to be adapt in any given situation around other people while being of service to their owners.
--------------------------------- never affected my Dad or Uncles negatively as far as i could see . Same thing regarding all the veterans that i grew up around as a kid . Veterans of ww2 or 'korea' were my teachers and the Dads of all my freinds throughout my life . As regards MOST 'ptsd' claimants . I say that its simply about some extra money or as i already said . Government gives more favors on sufferers by because they have the pretend [in most cases] ptsd problem Rod .
I disagree with you. Traumatic events shape peoples lives in ways you obviously cannot understand.

BTW, Grandpa Ernie hated being an alcoholic. He was the only one that was at the front in ww2 in his family and he was the only alcoholic in his family of 11 children.

We also have a nephew that spent two tours in Afghanistan and yes it has affected him and he attempts to deal with it daily.
-------------------------------------------------------- family is most usually always behind other family members in whatever they pursue and thats especially true when they pursue MORE money or Special favors . Of course , taxpayers pay the bills . --------------- ptsd sufferers are seen by me as just another special interest group getting something for free . Same thing for those that approve of or oppose Service , helpful animals on private property . The whole country is made up of Special Interest groups rather than just Plain old Americans Rod .
Well like I said we disagree on this issue. Our vets are not just a "special interest" lobbying group and I won't go along with dissing them for any reason. We are responsible as they did their part working for the public in service to the country so it is not a freebie to provide for their needs.
------------------------ volunteer military , no different than any other job in the USA in my opinion .
as i've said before , my Dad and 2 Uncle- went to war , ww2 , stormed beaches , 1 died in France . The survivors came home , got jobs , got married , raised families and died natural deaths in beds in the USA . ------------------- in my OPINION , ptsd and similar is 'bs' in the majority of cases . In this particular case , i do not support this particular guy .

I don't know that I would go as far as to say it's bullshit in the majority of cases, but I do think some veterans take advantage of it. I wouldn't let this guy bring his dog either. If he's that dependent that he feels he can't go to work without him then he's not mentally healthy. Not everybody came back from those wars in tact. PTSD existed back then, but it was called shellshock. A lot of guys came back from Vietnam seriously fucked up in the head too.
They didn't come cack fucked up in the head. They came back with an excuse. They have PTSD they can beat their wives and children. They can stay fucked up on drugs. They can wallow in self pity. The victims just have to take it. Feel sorry. Where's your sympathy, He risked his life. Even if he was a paper pusher in a stateside base for four years.

Why else would people go to war, Tipsy - X- Mod edit?

I hope your tiny brain can comprehend the sarcasm.
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