USPS Paycheck Program Favored By AOC & Sanders Starts Up Without Congressional Approval

Being a taxpayer funded operation I doubt they can just branch off into new business ventures without congressional approval. Who’s going to cover the losses they undoubtedly will be racking up.
The USPS is not a tax funded operation
ok so what? asked me when the bill came out,i showed you when.....and stamps have been non lickers for quite a while now..

There is nothing in that law that has to do with the topic at hand. Are you really that stupid? The stamps have been "non-lickers" for some time, but that wouldn't stop a moron like you from licking them anyway! BTW, I believe the correct term is self-adhesive.
There is nothing in that law that has to do with the topic at hand. Are you really that stupid? The stamps have been "non-lickers" for some time, but that wouldn't stop a moron like you from licking them anyway! BTW, I believe the correct term is self-adhesive.
yea no shit asked me when that bill that we were talking about came out i showed you...are really that stupid?....wait dont answer that,we already know....
yea no shit asked me when that bill that we were talking about came out i showed you...are really that stupid?....wait dont answer that,we already know....
I asked you what law applied to the post offices servings as banks and your brain obviously seized up like a NASCAR engine without oil.
I am so sorry that you cannot stay on topic. All you did was throw shit in the game that had NOTHING to do with the topic.
yet i dont see you getting on your buddy lesh for bringing up the topic about the 06 bill that was ongoing before you stuck your nose into it and picked the wrong poster to the way its called a conversation ....i know its a big word....
yet i dont see you getting on your buddy lesh for bringing up the topic about the 06 bill that was ongoing before you stuck your nose into it and picked the wrong poster to the way its called a conversation ....i know its a big word....
Lesh has been on ignore since forever. His IQ would have to go up to get to room temperature.

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