Va. And Md. Governors Demand Garland Ban Protests Outside Justices Homes

You can continue to repeat over and over what has been covered all you want, it changes nothing.

People have a constitutional right to protest, even Supreme Court rulings.
IT is limited by the law because they have no right to intimidate the court in the discharge of their duties.. This is very like yelling fire in crowded movie theater, when there is none. Its intent is to cause fear and panic.

You have nothing to stand on..
IT is limited by the law because they have no right to intimidate the court in the discharge of their duties.. This is very like yelling fire in crowded movie theater, when there is none. Its intent is to cause fear and panic.

You have nothing to stand on..

It is legal to yell fire in a movie theater.
Oliver Wendell Holmes made the analogy during a controversial Supreme Court case that was overturned more than 40 years ago.

It’s Time to Stop Using the ‘Fire in a Crowded Theater’ Quote

You are the one ignorant of the facts but you feel a need to call me names. I have found the two go hand in hand.
Feel free to try it and see how fast you end up in jail. You will also be charged with any injuries and damages to the establishment. But feel free to be stupid.
Feel free to try it and see how fast you end up in jail. You will also be charged with any injuries and damages to the establishment. But feel free to be stupid.

You changed the parameters of your argument. I never argued that people could damage property. That's what got people in trouble Jan 6.
The Republican governors of Maryland and Virginia are calling on Attorney General Merrick Garland to ban protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices living in those states.

Youngkin actually tried to make Alito’s entire neighborhood sacred, or at least heavily restricted, ground. He asked local authorities to set up a perimeter around the area, limiting who could enter, and offered the state police to help. Fairfax County officials essentially told him to shove it.

People going into clinics for legal medical care are routinely harassed and threatened by anti-abortion protesters. Abortion providers live under constant threat. But a few candlelight vigils and peaceful protests directed at Supreme Court justices who hold power over the lives of everyone in this country and we’re supposed to be shocked and deeply concerned.

The Supreme Court has never been as insulated from politics as its defenders would have us believe, but now? The Supreme Court of Kavanaugh and Alito and Barrett? Of Clarence Thomas and his insurrectionist wife? A Supreme Court with five justices nominated by men who got into the White House after losing the popular vote? Spare me the pieties about the sanctity of the institution.

Yep, conservatives can dish it out, but they can’t take it. Good for Fairfax county.
Fuck off.
Protesting should be illegal in any residential area regardless of what it's about. You don't go to someone's private residence and hassle them. A person's home is the one place that belongs to them and can shut out the outside world.

Supreme court judges or a stage citizens. No one should be allowed to stage protests at their homes.

But for supporters of liberals the rules seem to change. They allow people to harass judges at home and let blm riot, block streets, take over entire city blocks, paint graffiti allover, harass others and so on.

It angers me quite a bit to see them allow so much illegal shit and act like it isn't happening just because it supports their agenda. Letting criminals get away with crimes because they want them to do it. Yet will go to insane lengths going after anyone that does it that isn't on their side.
It all happened under Trump.
Gee, I wonder why.

The FBI was lying about Trump before he even took office.

The BLM riots wouldn't have happened AT ALL if Trump wasn't president.

THAT is why you saw the fucktard Democratic mayors endangering the lives of their constituents
This is not protest, this is mob rule trying to influence the judge's decision by threatening his family's safety..
That's your claim. We heard you the first 100 times.

You seem to be missing the important part:

That isn't decided on the squeals and crybabying of a Trumper on a message board. It is decided by a court.

A prosecutor has to prove that in court. And they need better argument and evidence than anything you have presented.
For the most part, people on the other side are nowhere near as proactive as Progressives. If they start doing this at the level of Progs will you be the same? Jan. 6 was not an Insurrection but Progs brought that into the everyday word usage. It was more about Progs using the building the protesters were in as sacrosanct to get away with their childish politics when it is not.
Nobody who has watched the hearings and accounts for the facts would agree with any of that.

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