VA hospital removes Trump and Shulkin portraits

Mutiny? VA Hospital in Florida Takes Down Portrait of President Trump
Photo removed hours after Congressman & local veterans installed it

I have nothing nice to say to this TRAITOR POS C...............................s!!!!
So....this VA hospital got the official pictures for their front lobby from the government already? Or was this a publicity stunt by a local congressman that you fell hook, line, & sinker for?
Read post #4. The VA Sec told all facilities to hang pictures and keep them up till official pictures arrive.
And you believed that?
Congressman who oversaw hanging of pictures was just on Fox News. VA Secretary told him an order was sent to all facilities to hang portraits of Pres and VA Sec immediately if not sooner. The Congressman is a double amputee war veteran and got results. Other Government agencies around the country pulled the same stunt but as we speak workmen are hanging pictures. Most of the bastards were quoted as saying "He's not my President." This was mostly Unions who learned a lesson today.

VA hospital removes Trump and Shulkin portraits | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If he's not your president don't hang his picture in your home. He's the president of the VA and that's where his picture hangs.

Official portrait from
Mutiny? VA Hospital in Florida Takes Down Portrait of President Trump
Photo removed hours after Congressman & local veterans installed it

I have nothing nice to say to this TRAITOR POS C...............................s!!!!
So....this VA hospital got the official pictures for their front lobby from the government already? Or was this a publicity stunt by a local congressman that you fell hook, line, & sinker for?
Read post #4. The VA Sec told all facilities to hang pictures and keep them up till official pictures arrive.
And you believed that?
Of course. I went to my VA clinic in Charlotte today and the pictures were hanging in the lobby.
A caller called into infowars today from South Carolina and he said their portraits were gone. So not all VA's are turning into Trump hating asses either.
Congressman who oversaw hanging of pictures was just on Fox News. VA Secretary told him an order was sent to all facilities to hang portraits of Pres and VA Sec immediately if not sooner. The Congressman is a double amputee war veteran and got results. Other Government agencies around the country pulled the same stunt but as we speak workmen are hanging pictures. Most of the bastards were quoted as saying "He's not my President." This was mostly Unions who learned a lesson today.

VA hospital removes Trump and Shulkin portraits | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If he's not your president don't hang his picture in your home. He's the president of the VA and that's where his picture hangs.

The price of freedom can be seen there. (At the VA)
Mutiny? VA Hospital in Florida Takes Down Portrait of President Trump
Photo removed hours after Congressman & local veterans installed it

I have nothing nice to say to this TRAITOR POS C...............................s!!!!

I just posted this to the FOX video page:

As a 100% disabled veteran I'm ashamed to have this pig as president and won't acknowledge him. As far as Mast's claim about what a VA employee told him (probably also a veteran), I call bullshit. Mast is lying.

Trump is doing nothing for veterans.
I guess Mast isn't much of a fan of Not My President after all...

“Reducing our debt alone is not enough. Improving our country for our children’s generation also means working to improve our schools, protect our environment, strengthen Social Security and Medicare and more. I am deeply alarmed by reports of severe, across-the-board cuts to the EPA and other agencies that are critical to our quality of life in Florida. On behalf of our community, I will continue working to hold the Administration accountable for any actions that threaten our environment and our way of life."
It took awhile for the VA to become the uncaring corrupt shithole it is.
Perhaps it'll take the new Perez more than a few short weeks to fix some fucking things that have been left to rot and fester for decades.
I'm willing to give him a wait and see.
It took awhile for the VA to become the uncaring corrupt shithole it is.
Perhaps it'll take the new Perez more than a few short weeks to fix some fucking things that have been left to rot and fester for decades.
I'm willing to give him a wait and see.

It took awhile for the Republicans to turn the VA into an uncaring corrupt shithole.
The only thing Not My President has done so far is nominate a Secretary of the VA who's there for the veterans. He'll fight Not My President all the way when he tries to destroy it further through privatization.
Turning the VA into a cesspool of inept corruption was a bipartisan effort. Don't kid yourself
Eventually, all government offices which are required to have them, will hang portraits of both Secretary Shulkin and Ronald McDonald.
I saw this story on a different message board a few hours ago, and I was wondering which poster would win the clown-shoe award for starting a thread on it here.

Looks like NaziBoy is tonight's first winner! Will there be more to come?
I wasn't aware Odium was a National Socialist. I guess you have special insight, being a mod and all.
I saw this story on a different message board a few hours ago, and I was wondering which poster would win the clown-shoe award for starting a thread on it here.

Looks like NaziBoy is tonight's first winner! Will there be more to come?
I wasn't aware Odium was a National Socialist. I guess you have special insight, being a mod and all.

Well, now you know.

No "special insight" required, though. Just have to read his posts.

Hell, I'm pretty sure he even had "National Socialist" as his screen name here, in one of his previous incarnations.
I saw this story on a different message board a few hours ago, and I was wondering which poster would win the clown-shoe award for starting a thread on it here.

Looks like NaziBoy is tonight's first winner! Will there be more to come?
I wasn't aware Odium was a National Socialist. I guess you have special insight, being a mod and all.

Well, now you know.

No "special insight" required, though. Just have to read his posts.

Hell, I'm pretty sure he even had "National Socialist" as his screen name here, in one of his previous incarnations.
Now Captain Snowflake is throwing around false accusations....ahhh the typical libtard.....This clown would be on ignore where he belongs if I could. Someone who is literally too STUPID to comprehend difference between a RACIAL socialist and a NATIONAL socialist doesn't belong in charge.
I saw this story on a different message board a few hours ago, and I was wondering which poster would win the clown-shoe award for starting a thread on it here.

Looks like NaziBoy is tonight's first winner! Will there be more to come?
I wasn't aware Odium was a National Socialist. I guess you have special insight, being a mod and all.
He like most of his bolshevik comrades failed COMPREHENSION part of English class. I am a Racial Socialist. I have nothing against National Socialists,I just don't adhere to their beliefs.

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