Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age

No you stupid shit. What I am saying is that a 12 year old, with a miniscule risk of death, is more likely to be unvaccinated than a 59 year old with COPD. Yet the claim that the unvaccinated suffer death at lower rate than the vaccinated ignores that reality. The footnote I quoted clearly points that out. It is like a flashing neon light, "Look here you dumbasses, don't misrepresent this data", and what do you dumbfucks do, misrepresent the data.
The contradiction is that age may very well matter depending on which Brit took mRNA instead of the chimp-human based vaccines, automatically complicating the age argument. The mRNA will likely be shown as problematic in younger immune systems that have not matured, because it’s the presentation of a virus fragment rather than the whole virus. This will probably show up in other countries, there’s not much sense getting amnesia about stats for vaccinated/unvaccinated in India.
The mRNA will likely be shown as problematic in younger immune systems that have not matured, because it’s the presentation of a virus fragment rather than the whole virus.
Completely made up nonsense. As usual. I mean... complete and utter horseshit, made up out of thin air, with no basis in reality.
Pfizer has applied for a modification to their vaccine for children so they can add a drug (which has serious side effects) that is used in heart attack patients.
So what? How much of it is in there? What dosage causes side effects? Do you ever have any thoughts that aren't shallow and half baked?
I want you to check the footnotes on table three, I will quote.

9. For the 10-59 age group, the vaccinated population will on average be older than the unvaccinated population due to age-based prioritisation in the vaccine roll-out. As mortality rates are higher for older people, this will increase the mortality rates for the vaccinated population compared to the unvaccinated population.

I mean this is not rocket science. First, as the footnote stated, the average age of the unvaccinated population is lower than the average age of the vaccinated population. But it goes deeper than that. Individuals with chronic conditions are more likely to have been vaccinated. I mean do you really think the risk of death for a healthy 12 year old male is the same as a 59 year old male with COPD? Which one is most likely to be vaccinated?

Looking at table four it becomes pretty obvious, check out column H, "age specific death rate per 100,000". I mean I could do some manipulation of the spreadsheet and determine rather unvaccinated verses vaccinated deaths were outside the norm, but just a quick glance of the data shows a lower age specific mortality rate of the unvaccinated deaths. I have a friend that is an actuary, I bet he could really give you some numbers but suffice it to say, rather one is vaccinated or not might soon be a question on a life insurance application and answering no, based on this set of data, is going to result in a higher rate because of a higher mortality risk.

But the real numbers are in table 6, deaths from Covid. For the unvaccinated, it was 40,966. For the vaccinated, but with only one dose, it was 12,018. For those with two doses, it was 5,104 but only 196 of those deaths were from people that had the second dose less than 21 days ago. If anything, this study confirms that being vaccinated significantly reduces the risk of death from Covid and clearly supports a third booster shot for high risk individuals.
You make a legit point in that the parameters are too broad. That people closer to the 59 age will be more likely to be vaxxed than those in the younger ages and age alone will skew the results.
However, the graph is about all causes and not just covid. Which means that the older groups should be closer in death rate but ironically the vaxxed group is higher. That process of elimination makes the vaccines a circumstantial culprit.
The vaccines are a disaster and thus a "booster" within months of two shots.

And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it's correct, based on weekly data from the British government.

The brown line represents weekly deaths from all causes of vaccinated people aged 10-59, per 100,000 people.
The blue line represents weekly deaths from all causes of unvaccinated people per 100,000 in the same age range.
I have checked the underlying dataset myself and this graph is correct. Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal.
I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality.
The basic data is available here, download the Excel file and see table 4:

if you think vaccines are causing deaths, you need to investigate the deaths to see if the vaccine was the cause. Because in UK, vaccination rates are very high, especially as age goes up, the vaccination rate exceeds 90% in England. This means alot of all-cause deaths among vaccinated because most people are vaccinated.

If you really want to know how man vaccine caused deaths there are in UK, you can read about it here.

if you really want to know about vaccination problem, read about "needle aspiration", which is an injection technique to prevent injecting directly into blood vessel, Which has nothing to do with vaccine, but instead the person injecting it. You can read about it here. If somebody dies from vaccination, its gonna be soon after vaccination, and it would be easy enough for doctors to know the cause.
You make a legit point in that the parameters are too broad. That people closer to the 59 age will be more likely to be vaxxed than those in the younger ages and age alone will skew the results.
However, the graph is about all causes and not just covid. Which means that the older groups should be closer in death rate but ironically the vaxxed group is higher. That process of elimination makes the vaccines a circumstantial culprit.
No it doesn't. How absurd. Billions of doses given. Noisy data, extremely small sampe, and plenty of other reasons possible. And we already know the title is a lie.


Yet you claim that a 12 year old will die more often than a 59 year old suffering from COPD.....just because of this shot that only lasts a few months at best.

Bull Shit.
Obviously, if you don't have the intelligence level to understand basic statistics you probably just need to stay out of the thread. I said nothing of the sort.
Obviously, if you don't have the intelligence level to understand basic statistics you probably just need to stay out of the thread. I said nothing of the sort.
I know you're trying to convince everyone of something that flat out makes no sense.....because you're able to fiddle with numbers......but the fact're full of shit. You don't even know enough about the science to explain why I'm wrong, you just resort to name calling.
You seem to think you can get away with claiming high risk patients that got the jab are dying at a lower rate than patients that don't get the jab and have almost zero risk.
Go ahead and pull the other leg.
I know you're trying to convince everyone of something that flat out makes no sense.....because you're able to fiddle with numbers......but the fact're full of shit. You don't even know enough about the science to explain why I'm wrong, you just resort to name calling.
You seem to think you can get away with claiming high risk patients that got the jab are dying at a lower rate than patients that don't get the jab and have almost zero risk.
Go ahead and pull the other leg.

I am saying the exact opposite. From the OP, and I will try to go real slow so you can understand.

Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age.​

Got that, under 60. But when you look at the data set, well under 60 is everyone from 10 - 59. So a ten year old, in perfectly good health, is probably not vaccinated. And a 59 year old, with one or more chronic health conditions, is vaccinated. But the study considers them both the same, until you break the numbers down by evaluating the data bit by bit through the several tables. What the OP is claiming is that more of those 59 years olds, that have been vaccinated, are dying than those ten year olds that have not. Like, DU HUH. No shit. And the poster just throws that shit out there as if he is actually doing something, and all you nutcases pile on without even examining the data. Oh, the vaccination is killing people, what utter horseshit. But indicative of just how you guys think, how you have no critical reading skills, and you don't even bother to question anything that fits with your preconceived notions.
I am saying the exact opposite. From the OP, and I will try to go real slow so you can understand.

Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age.​

Got that, under 60. But when you look at the data set, well under 60 is everyone from 10 - 59. So a ten year old, in perfectly good health, is probably not vaccinated. And a 59 year old, with one or more chronic health conditions, is vaccinated. But the study considers them both the same, until you break the numbers down by evaluating the data bit by bit through the several tables. What the OP is claiming is that more of those 59 years olds, that have been vaccinated, are dying than those ten year olds that have not. Like, DU HUH. No shit. And the poster just throws that shit out there as if he is actually doing something, and all you nutcases pile on without even examining the data. Oh, the vaccination is killing people, what utter horseshit. But indicative of just how you guys think, how you have no critical reading skills, and you don't even bother to question anything that fits with your preconceived notions.
It would be more informative if the age group was broken down to between 50 and 60.
I have a feeling that the disparity would not be too dissimilar because all-cause deaths in both groups are already heavily weighted in that same older category. Which would indicate that the vaccines are problematic.
Obviously, if you don't have the intelligence level to understand basic statistics you probably just need to stay out of the thread. I said nothing of the sort.
333 deaths per million India
2385 deaths per million U.S.

13.96% of deaths per million ...........THE WINNER IS INDIA

Cheap drugs early on for free. Including EVIL DRUGS THAT MAKE LIBS GO POSTAL

And a vaccine that uses the WHOLE VIRUS.

I want you to check the footnotes on table three, I will quote.

9. For the 10-59 age group, the vaccinated population will on average be older than the unvaccinated population due to age-based prioritisation in the vaccine roll-out. As mortality rates are higher for older people, this will increase the mortality rates for the vaccinated population compared to the unvaccinated population.

I mean this is not rocket science. First, as the footnote stated, the average age of the unvaccinated population is lower than the average age of the vaccinated population. But it goes deeper than that. Individuals with chronic conditions are more likely to have been vaccinated. I mean do you really think the risk of death for a healthy 12 year old male is the same as a 59 year old male with COPD? Which one is most likely to be vaccinated?

Looking at table four it becomes pretty obvious, check out column H, "age specific death rate per 100,000". I mean I could do some manipulation of the spreadsheet and determine rather unvaccinated verses vaccinated deaths were outside the norm, but just a quick glance of the data shows a lower age specific mortality rate of the unvaccinated deaths. I have a friend that is an actuary, I bet he could really give you some numbers but suffice it to say, rather one is vaccinated or not might soon be a question on a life insurance application and answering no, based on this set of data, is going to result in a higher rate because of a higher mortality risk.

But the real numbers are in table 6, deaths from Covid. For the unvaccinated, it was 40,966. For the vaccinated, but with only one dose, it was 12,018. For those with two doses, it was 5,104 but only 196 of those deaths were from people that had the second dose less than 21 days ago. If anything, this study confirms that being vaccinated significantly reduces the risk of death from Covid and clearly supports a third booster shot for high risk individuals.
Let the conspiracy nut jobs keep thinking what they want at this point. Who cares.

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