Vaccines? Here you his own words.

You were warned.

Yeah, how dare they call for all Americans to be vaccinated? Don't they realize Covid doesn't exist and that we have the right to fuck up all plans to save fellow Americans' lives. It's in the Constitution!!

No one has to light themselves on fire to save you.

That is what you are requiring if you want to demand someone else take a vaccine that can damage their health, alter their DNA, etc.

She has no idea what an mRNA vaccine is. She has no idea that it contains aborted fetal cells, she has no idea about it containing nano particles.

Many think 5G and SMART meters are fine and dandy too.

They are.

No they aren't but hey if you want a SMART meter in your house I don't have a problem with that. If you don't mind that excess EMF that is your problem but do not make it mine.

I like 5G and it doesnt matter to me that you have an unwarranted fear of it. I suggest moving to the mountains because, we arent getting rid of 5G.

You were warned.

Yeah, how dare they call for all Americans to be vaccinated? Don't they realize Covid doesn't exist and that we have the right to fuck up all plans to save fellow Americans' lives. It's in the Constitution!!

No one has to light themselves on fire to save you.

That is what you are requiring if you want to demand someone else take a vaccine that can damage their health, alter their DNA, etc.

Alter their DNA? Will we have one eyed babies now?

Covid can damage your health, too, and not just yours but your neighbors and coworkers and friends. Stop with the madness! If you ever want life to return to normal for ALL of us, for godssake cooperate for once.

My health choices are mine alone and not yours or our government's. I don't work with anyone, I do not live close to anyone either and the few friends we see frequently feel the same way we do. I will not be coerced into believing lies; and I do not believe any pharma executive has anyone's best health at heart when they are pushing their medicine. I will trust that God leads me to make the proper choices for my health and well being and I do not need you, the government or anyone else trying to take God's place in my heart or my mind.

If you want life to return to normal and you are in a state that has fascist running it I suggest getting rid of them for yourself and your co-citizens sake.

Never saw or heard God say or do anything about anything, so there.

Totally understandable. Doubt you know that studies already have proven that the the main component of Licorice (glycyrrhizin or glycyrrhizinic acid) inhibits all influenza's virus replication. You just keep on taking those shots if you like but leave the rest of us to our own devises and we can all get along okay then.

Not into licorice. FDA warning.

"So is black licorice bad for you? When consumed in high amounts, glycyrrhizin, a sweet compound found in licorice root, causes potassium levels to temporarily drop, which in turn may cause abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, swelling, lethargy and, in extreme cases, even heart failure. These issues normally go away once consumption stops."


You were warned.

Yeah, how dare they call for all Americans to be vaccinated? Don't they realize Covid doesn't exist and that we have the right to fuck up all plans to save fellow Americans' lives. It's in the Constitution!!

No one has to light themselves on fire to save you.

That is what you are requiring if you want to demand someone else take a vaccine that can damage their health, alter their DNA, etc.

Alter their DNA? Will we have one eyed babies now?

Covid can damage your health, too, and not just yours but your neighbors and coworkers and friends. Stop with the madness! If you ever want life to return to normal for ALL of us, for godssake cooperate for once.

My health choices are mine alone and not yours or our government's. I don't work with anyone, I do not live close to anyone either and the few friends we see frequently feel the same way we do. I will not be coerced into believing lies; and I do not believe any pharma executive has anyone's best health at heart when they are pushing their medicine. I will trust that God leads me to make the proper choices for my health and well being and I do not need you, the government or anyone else trying to take God's place in my heart or my mind.

If you want life to return to normal and you are in a state that has fascist running it I suggest getting rid of them for yourself and your co-citizens sake.

Never saw or heard God say or do anything about anything, so there.

Totally understandable. Doubt you know that studies already have proven that the the main component of Licorice (glycyrrhizin or glycyrrhizinic acid) inhibits all influenza's virus replication. You just keep on taking those shots if you like but leave the rest of us to our own devises and we can all get along okay then.

Not into licorice. FDA warning.

"So is black licorice bad for you? When consumed in high amounts, glycyrrhizin, a sweet compound found in licorice root, causes potassium levels to temporarily drop, which in turn may cause abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, swelling, lethargy and, in extreme cases, even heart failure. These issues normally go away once consumption stops."

You don't take it all the time but hey if you prefer being injected with Go knows what and trust big pharma then do it.

You were warned.

Yeah, how dare they call for all Americans to be vaccinated? Don't they realize Covid doesn't exist and that we have the right to fuck up all plans to save fellow Americans' lives. It's in the Constitution!!

No one has to light themselves on fire to save you.

That is what you are requiring if you want to demand someone else take a vaccine that can damage their health, alter their DNA, etc.

She has no idea what an mRNA vaccine is. She has no idea that it contains aborted fetal cells, she has no idea about it containing nano particles.

Many think 5G and SMART meters are fine and dandy too.

They are.

No they aren't but hey if you want a SMART meter in your house I don't have a problem with that. If you don't mind that excess EMF that is your problem but do not make it mine.

I like 5G and it doesnt matter to me that you have an unwarranted fear of it. I suggest moving to the mountains because, we arent getting rid of 5G.

Thankfully we already live in a very rural area.

You were warned.

Yeah, how dare they call for all Americans to be vaccinated? Don't they realize Covid doesn't exist and that we have the right to fuck up all plans to save fellow Americans' lives. It's in the Constitution!!

No one has to light themselves on fire to save you.

That is what you are requiring if you want to demand someone else take a vaccine that can damage their health, alter their DNA, etc.

Alter their DNA? Will we have one eyed babies now?

Covid can damage your health, too, and not just yours but your neighbors and coworkers and friends. Stop with the madness! If you ever want life to return to normal for ALL of us, for godssake cooperate for once.

My health choices are mine alone and not yours or our government's. I don't work with anyone, I do not live close to anyone either and the few friends we see frequently feel the same way we do. I will not be coerced into believing lies; and I do not believe any pharma executive has anyone's best health at heart when they are pushing their medicine. I will trust that God leads me to make the proper choices for my health and well being and I do not need you, the government or anyone else trying to take God's place in my heart or my mind.

If you want life to return to normal and you are in a state that has fascist running it I suggest getting rid of them for yourself and your co-citizens sake.

Never saw or heard God say or do anything about anything, so there.

Totally understandable. Doubt you know that studies already have proven that the the main component of Licorice (glycyrrhizin or glycyrrhizinic acid) inhibits all influenza's virus replication. You just keep on taking those shots if you like but leave the rest of us to our own devises and we can all get along okay then.

Not into licorice. FDA warning.

"So is black licorice bad for you? When consumed in high amounts, glycyrrhizin, a sweet compound found in licorice root, causes potassium levels to temporarily drop, which in turn may cause abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, swelling, lethargy and, in extreme cases, even heart failure. These issues normally go away once consumption stops."

I wonder how many black jellybeans someone would need to eat to drop dead? The Easter Bunny knew I hated black jellybeans, but was too lazy to take them out before dumping a sack of them in my Easter basket. Fortunately, I had this weird neighbor who liked them, so we'd swap.

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