Vagina? Not in this house!!

When did the leftists and radical feminists (pardon my redundancy) decide that ABORTION was just another method of BIRTH CONTROL?

Does anybody else think that putting an unborn baby in the same "category" as a condom, or birth control pills, or IUDs, or diaphragms, is really SICK?
When did the leftists and radical feminists (pardon my redundancy) decide that ABORTION was just another method of BIRTH CONTROL?

Does anybody else think that putting an unborn baby in the same "category" as a condom, or birth control pills, or IUDs, or diaphragms, is really SICK?
I don't believe many women use abortion for birth control. It's legal so I don't get how the subject is relevant to anythign.
Conservatives want government so small it can fit into your uterus.

now you're getting it (size aspect atleast). Unfortunately the uterus part is lame. People can choose not to have sex, it's not that hard, just look at a photo of Rosie O'Donell of say "Margaret Thatcher, naked on a cold day"

Thanks for that image... :puke3:

This is the very essence of intrusive government. When conservatives talk about small government, they definitely aren't talking about people's day to day lives. They are only talking about letting big business and monied interests do whatever it is they want to do. They are perfecty happy to butt into everyone's private affairs, whether it be women's reproductive health, people's sex lives, who can marry who, etc, etc, etc.
Similar to how that rude reporter interrupted Obama during a press conference, the women were out of order Robert's Rules and all that nonsense!

Uh, no. Not at all similar. This woman didn't interrupt anyone. She was recognized to speak.

The women's censure had nada to do with them saying Vagina.

Are you on the same planet as the rest of us? Get your facts straight.
[ame=]hilarious porky's scene - YouTube[/ame]​
Similar to how that rude reporter interrupted Obama during a press conference, the women were out of order Robert's Rules and all that nonsense!

Uh, no. Not at all similar. This woman didn't interrupt anyone. She was recognized to speak.

The women's censure had nada to do with them saying Vagina.

Are you on the same planet as the rest of us? Get your facts straight.
Ahhh love the insult, TY!
Perhaps she was recognized to speak before she ditched ROR edition and parliamentary procedure.
Prove me wrong and I will quad pos rep you.

Robert's Rules of Order Online - Parliamentary Procedure and Parliamentarians

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