Values Voters Summit

Avatar, did you condemn your fellow reactionaries in the summer of 2009 at the town meetings when they heckled, yelled, protested their congress critters?

By resorting to just heckling and protesting all you've told me is you don't like him for some articulatable reason. Why on earth should anyone be persuaded to believe you are correct because of that? That's the equivalent of saying "You are a poopy face" and thinking that somehow makes you better than others

Oh Jake, don't be a "poopy face". I think Avatar is an 85-year-old woman with severe constipation, propped up on pillows in her Medicare nursing home room, just waiting for the nurse to come around with her bowl of Jello.
I hate these fake SOCON get togethers

They are thinly disguised fundraisers for the far right. The Exhibitors list plainly shows that....the Who's Who of Hucksters in the GOP with addresses on K Street in D.C.

• American Christian Tours
• American Family Association Action
• American Heritage Girls
• American Values
• Americans United for Life
• AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens)
• Christian Healthcare Ministries
• Christian Tours of America
• Concerned Women of America
• Eberle Associates, Inc.
• Ecclesia College
• Faith Family Freedom Fund
• Family Research Council
• FRC Action
• FRC Action PAC
• FRC State Family Policy Councils
• Generation Joshua
• GrassTops USA Inc
• The Heritage Foundation
• Kimbia, Inc.
• Leadership Institute
• Let Freedom Ring
• Liberty Counsel
• Liberty Counsel Action
• Liberty Institute
• Liberty University Helms School of Government
• Liberty University School of Law
• Manners of the Heart
• Media Research Center
• Morality in Media
• Movie to Movement
• National Organization for Marriage
• The Official American Standard Playing Card Company
• On Impact Strategies, LLC
• Patriot Voices
• PFOX Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays + Gays
• The Radiance Foundation
• Regent University Schools of Law + Government
• Religious Freedom Coalition
• Right-Wing Jewelry
• Samaritan Ministries
• 2nd Vote
• 60 Plus Association
• Students for Life Of America
• Susan B. Anthony List
• Timothy Plan Mutual Funds
• Total Outreach for Christ Ministries
• Tradition, Family, Property
• Trail Life USA
• Vision America Action
• Young America's Foundation
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Avatar, did you condemn your fellow reactionaries in the summer of 2009 at the town meetings when they heckled, yelled, protested their congress critters?

By resorting to just heckling and protesting all you've told me is you don't like him for some articulatable reason. Why on earth should anyone be persuaded to believe you are correct because of that? That's the equivalent of saying "You are a poopy face" and thinking that somehow makes you better than others

Oh Jake, don't be a "poopy face". I think Avatar is an 85-year-old woman with severe constipation, propped up on pillows in her Medicare nursing home room, just waiting for the nurse to come around with her bowl of Jello.

Don't act like a teabagger, please.

Avatar is a respectable member of the libertarian and reactionary wings. He does not swear, use foul language, or act like a Stephanie or the other tards.

Meet him on his own grounds.
I have not seen a liberal freakout over one person this bad since Sarah Palin I have never been able to figure out why people the left say are stupid, irrelevant, and don't matter take up so much of their attention and cause them such angst.
I watched that this morning on MSNBC.

Take note rw's - fux never shows any Dem event and they usually do not show our president speaking. Instead, they will show snippets and then lie about the real content.

MSNBC showed the ASSSinine Ted Cruz horse shit in its entirety so that their viewer could make a more informed decision.

Among the lies Cruz told this morning -

Ted Cruz Calls Birth Control 'Abortifacients'

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Friday repeated the misguided conservative talking point that the birth control coverage rule included in Obamacare forces employers to cover abortion-inducing pills.

Cruz told the crowd at the 2013 Values Voter Summit that the Obama administration is forcing Christian-owned businesses like Hobby Lobby to provide "abortifacients" or pay millions of dollars in fees. Hobby Lobby is one of several religious-owned businesses currently suing the administration over its requirement that most employers include contraception coverage in their health insurance plans.

The Affordable Care Act requires most employers to cover birth control, including emergency contraception -- also known as the morning-after pill or Plan B -- in their health insurance plans. But employers are not required to cover RU-486, an abortion-inducing medication that is sometimes confused with emergency contraception.

Ted Cruz lied.

Just like Joe Wilson lied when he said that ACA covers illegals.

And, the gullible rw's eat it up.
Protestors and hecklers are at the Values Voters Summit and Cruz is trying to speak. LMAO!

It's pretty telling that the ^^^Moron^^^ finds it funny that Values are heckled.
Is that all you have? Protesting and heckling? If that's the summit of your abilities to persuade, that you are not in good shape.

If you don't like what Cruz has to say there are much wiser things to do. You could ignore him. You could explain why you don't like what he has to say. You could explain why he is wrong about something and instead point out what is the real thing to do or what is the correct perspective.

By resorting to just heckling and protesting all you've told me is you don't like him for some articulatable reason. Why on earth should anyone be persuaded to believe you are correct because of that? That's the equivalent of saying "You are a poopy face" and thinking that somehow makes you better than others.

Learn to communicate with people in a healthy and persuasive way. And always remember it's better to be silent and look the fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

I've been posting links and references to Cruz, Demint, the Heritage Action group, the Koch brothers and Ed Meese. You're just waaaaay behind or else you choose not to read, but just blather crap like this.

"You are a poopy face"....Christ, you're insipidly stupid.

In other words, you dont have anything.
Avatar, did you condemn your fellow reactionaries in the summer of 2009 at the town meetings when they heckled, yelled, protested their congress critters?

By resorting to just heckling and protesting all you've told me is you don't like him for some articulatable reason. Why on earth should anyone be persuaded to believe you are correct because of that? That's the equivalent of saying "You are a poopy face" and thinking that somehow makes you better than others

Condemn? No. I don't condemn people.

Did I suggest they might want a better approach? Yes. Did I point out that those who accused them of doing such things were sometimes lying about them doing those things.

There is very little that is productive in heckling people regardless of their politics.
By the way--talking about people protesting....

Was there not "Patriots" protesting the town hall meetings when the dems rolled out Obamacare?

POT(conservatives) meet KETTLE(liberals)!
Avatar, did you condemn your fellow reactionaries in the summer of 2009 at the town meetings when they heckled, yelled, protested their congress critters?

By resorting to just heckling and protesting all you've told me is you don't like him for some articulatable reason. Why on earth should anyone be persuaded to believe you are correct because of that? That's the equivalent of saying "You are a poopy face" and thinking that somehow makes you better than others

Oh Jake, don't be a "poopy face". I think Avatar is an 85-year-old woman with severe constipation, propped up on pillows in her Medicare nursing home room, just waiting for the nurse to come around with her bowl of Jello.

Don't act like a teabagger, please.

Avatar is a respectable member of the libertarian and reactionary wings. He does not swear, use foul language, or act like a Stephanie or the other tards.

Meet him on his own grounds.

I would if he had any.
I have not seen a liberal freakout over one person this bad since Sarah Palin I have never been able to figure out why people the left say are stupid, irrelevant, and don't matter take up so much of their attention and cause them such angst.

And thank god Palin became totally irrelevant, too.

At least I will say that Cruz knows the difference between North and South Korea, understands the function of the Federal Reserve Bank and isn't parading an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter on the stage with him.
Avatar, did you condemn your fellow reactionaries in the summer of 2009 at the town meetings when they heckled, yelled, protested their congress critters?

By resorting to just heckling and protesting all you've told me is you don't like him for some articulatable reason. Why on earth should anyone be persuaded to believe you are correct because of that? That's the equivalent of saying "You are a poopy face" and thinking that somehow makes you better than others

Condemn? No. I don't condemn people.

Did I suggest they might want a better approach? Yes. Did I point out that those who accused them of doing such things were sometimes lying about them doing those things.

There is very little that is productive in heckling people regardless of their politics.

Oh give me a break. You weasel and waffle. And don't have anything to contribute besides wordy posts like this that end up saying nothing. Take a stand. Show some spine. Grow a pair.
Protestors and hecklers are at the Values Voters Summit and Cruz is trying to speak. LMAO!

He can speak but he's lying like heck. He said Obama isn't answering questions, at his news conference the other day, Obama answered around 20 questions. Boehner answered one or two at his. They're lying about everything.

Again, we all have the right to speak and also the right to protest. Just tell the truth for god's sake.

That's all they got at this point -- LIES.

They can't go near the truth which is WE F-ed UP big time.

Ted Cruz, like Jim Jones, handed out the Kool Aide and the TeaBrains in the House drank it up. Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!!
I have not seen a liberal freakout over one person this bad since Sarah Palin I have never been able to figure out why people the left say are stupid, irrelevant, and don't matter take up so much of their attention and cause them such angst.

And thank god Palin became totally irrelevant, too.

At least I will say that Cruz knows the difference between North and South Korea, understands the function of the Federal Reserve Bank and isn't parading an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter on the stage with him.

Nice to see your over freaking out about Palin sheesh. A couple of other things Cruz knows the correct number of states and that there is no such thing as a navy corpseman.
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