Vandals Defecate on Church’s Altar, Burn Cross & Dig Up a Slave Child’s Tombstone

Sad stuff, hopefully ppl don't connect these nutjobs to anyone else. That would downplay the acts of the sick individuals who did this.
how is it people can do things like this to others?
Well, TheBlaze is well known for it's inflammatory, biased media.

But the story itself is probably true and sad indeed.
how is it people can do things like this to others?

'Cause we're NOT all created equal nor are we created in any particular 'image', other than oxygen and water dependent.

The truth is that men are carnal and carnal needs feed.

Feel lucky you live in a place and time where mad men and their desires ARE for the most part accountable to the law, ass-u-me-ing they get caught.
There was a time when all a carnal bastard needed to take what he wanted was an army of carnal bastards - and they were a dime a dozen.
how is it people can do things like this to others?

Honestly, my first guess would be that it's bored, stupid teens. This is fairly extreme, true, but I committed an act of petty vandalism or two in my teenage years for no particularly good reason. I'm thinking this is likely a group of kids who worked themselves up to this, maybe drunk or high, and never really realized the consequences of their actions. They may even be freaking out right now, afraid they may get caught.

I'm not excusing the actions of whoever did this. I'm just saying this probably wasn't a well-thought-out action. It may not even be quite as malicious as it seems. It could be the result of stupidity more than anything else. Stupidity in thinking it was a good idea, and stupidity in not realizing the effects it would have.

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