Vanity Now Zimmerman is black/MSNBC guest

So, are we about the invoke the idiocy of all idiocies, that the racial make-up of any and all entity must reflect the racial make-up society as a whole?

Why do they care so much about race? That seems rather racist. :doubt: How about having a fair and well thought out trail???

The libturd lynch mob has already convicted Zimmerman. They don't give a damn about a "fair trial." That doesn't support the narrative of the gun controllers and the race pimps. They have already branded Zimmerman as the villain, and he has to pay, or all their sanctimonious speeches will be for naught.

Bingo! They don't want the black community wanting better as they must keep up the hatred to keep them voting democrat!
Can someone someone unarmed BEGGING for their life to someone pointing a gun at them be the "aggressor"? Clearly, if they are black, the answer is a resounding "YES!"

There's no evidence the Treyvon the homeboy was begging for his life.

No evidence besides audio tape Martin begging for his life

Define "evidence".

First of all, the alleged "expert" has not established his credentials, and it remains to be seen whether he will be allowed to testify. If he is allowed, you can be certain that the defense will also have their own "experts" to contradict him. It is important to note that the purported expert opinion you refer to is contrary to several established facts: (1) an eyewitness testified that Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating him as Zimmerman was crying for help; and (2) when first presented with the audio of the voice, Martin's own father said it was not his son's voice.

[ame=]Trayvon's Murder: Father Says Voice's Not Trayvon's - YouTube[/ame]

The evidence considered in its entirety tends to show that Zimmerman is the one calling for help. In my opinion, there is simply not enough evidence to show the voice was Martin's as opposed to Zimmerman's. But we shall see.
We know that Zimmerman clearly said on the tape I linked to that Trayvon "ran off". Zimmerman, got out of his car and chased that kid. That's not stand your ground. At least not for Zimmerman.
When Zimmerman, who was NOT part of any street patrol, said they always get away, does anyone believe he was talking about white kids?
Can someone someone unarmed BEGGING for their life to someone pointing a gun at them be the "aggressor"? Clearly, if they are black, the answer is a resounding "YES!"

Sorry rdean, it's not that simple. While I have no doubt that Zimmerman initially was the instigator, I also think Martin turned the tables on him and was beating the shit out of him. At that point, it became self-defense. Bottom line is that there is no way Zimmerman will be convicted of second degree murder. Again, the prosecution went for a charge that is out of reach, just like they did with Casey Anthony. We know as much about this case as the jury is going to know when they are done trying the case. There is no smoking gun when it comes to evidence. All there is are a lot of questions. You can't convict someone when all you have are a lot of questions.
Can someone someone unarmed BEGGING for their life to someone pointing a gun at them be the "aggressor"? Clearly, if they are black, the answer is a resounding "YES!"

Sorry rdean, it's not that simple. While I have no doubt that Zimmerman initially was the instigator, I also think Martin turned the tables on him and was beating the shit out of him. At that point, it became self-defense. Bottom line is that there is no way Zimmerman will be convicted of second degree murder. Again, the prosecution went for a charge that is out of reach, just like they did with Casey Anthony. We know as much about this case as the jury is going to know when they are done trying the case. There is no smoking gun when it comes to evidence. All there is are a lot of questions. You can't convict someone when all you have are a lot of questions.

Where does "stand your ground" fit in. Seems that would have been the Trayvon's defense if he hadn't been chased down and shot at close range.
We know that Zimmerman clearly said on the tape I linked to that Trayvon "ran off". Zimmerman, got out of his car and chased that kid. That's not stand your ground. At least not for Zimmerman.
When Zimmerman, who was NOT part of any street patrol, said they always get away, does anyone believe he was talking about white kids?

Speculation, but one question right wingers don't want answered.
There's no evidence the Treyvon the homeboy was begging for his life.

No evidence besides audio tape Martin begging for his life

Define "evidence".

First of all, the alleged "expert" has not established his credentials, and it remains to be seen whether he will be allowed to testify. If he is allowed, you can be certain that the defense will also have their own "experts" to contradict him. It is important to note that the purported expert opinion you refer to is contrary to several established facts: (1) an eyewitness testified that Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating him as Zimmerman was crying for help; and (2) when first presented with the audio of the voice, Martin's own father said it was not his son's voice.

[ame=]Trayvon's Murder: Father Says Voice's Not Trayvon's - YouTube[/ame]

The evidence considered in its entirety tends to show that Zimmerman is the one calling for help. In my opinion, there is simply not enough evidence to show the voice was Martin's as opposed to Zimmerman's. But we shall see.

The judge has ruled that the prosecution's voice analysis "experts" will not be allowed to testify for the prosecution. The court determined that methods used by the experts were not shown to be reliable.

Judge Rules Speech Experts Who Say it Was Trayvon Martin Screaming in 911 Call Can?t Testify in Zimmerman Trial |

I was rather surprised that so many people believe that Martin was the one calling for help based upon the opinions of these alleged experts. Months ago, I took the time to research the experts and and I knew that their methods were questionable.
Isn't turning around from being chased and standing your ground the very essence of "stand your ground"? If that isn't what Trayvon did, then what is?
Isn't turning around from being chased and standing your ground the very essence of "stand your ground"? If that isn't what Trayvon did, then what is?

Still waiting for an answer.
Isn't turning around from being chased and standing your ground the very essence of "stand your ground"? If that isn't what Trayvon did, then what is?

Still waiting for an answer.

Zimmerman is the one on trial, not Trayvon. The later was a thug who was pounding Zimmerman's head against the pavement. Perp's don't get to use the "stand your ground" rule.
Obama inserted himself into the Zimmerman/Trayvon case as a way to exploit racial division during an election cycle. When it became clear that Zimmerman was from hispanic heritage then the press (i.e the president) invented the phrase "white hispanic". This term had never been used before. If the term "white hispanic" has now been adopted by the left to legitimize racial accusations then certainly Pres. Obama is a "white African American". The idiocy of the left to justify there own bigotry for political advantageousness is just sad and pathetic.
Now Zimmerman is Black via MSNBC

Just heard some black female say on MSNBC that the jury isn't of his peers because there are no blacks. Now we will in invoke the bi-racial card! Since the moment the trigger was pulled as far as MSNBC and all the guests were concerned Z's bi racial make up was a mute point. Now he's got some black in him…Got to Love It
Yes, indeedy!

The question now is, will it become Sharpton v. Sharpton? Or does Sharpton disavow those of mixed racial descent? Oops! That might be Sharpton! Decisions, decisions.

The Zimmerman family tree of sorts:


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    $Zimmerman family men.jpg
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They might as well cut to the chase and let the riots begin.

Unlike LA, I hope they turn the dogs loose on the assholes


Roughly 10 million more AK's and AR's in the hands of the people now, than when the King riots happened.

I doubt we get riots, but, it is hot as hell.

I remember the heat being considered a contributing factor to riots in the '60s.

Massive civil disturbance today will lead to hundreds if not thousands of deaths, IMNSHO.
The goal was to portray Zimmerman as white, because if Zimmerman was considered hispanic and blacks threatened them, hispanics wouldn't wait for the police to restore peace. Hispanics are just boiling for an excuse.
We know that Zimmerman clearly said on the tape I linked to that Trayvon "ran off". Zimmerman, got out of his car and chased that kid. That's not stand your ground. At least not for Zimmerman.
When Zimmerman, who was NOT part of any street patrol, said they always get away, does anyone believe he was talking about white kids?

Love how you don't pay any attention to the case and still spout off.

What an idiot.

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