Vanity Now Zimmerman is black/MSNBC guest

Can someone someone unarmed BEGGING for their life to someone pointing a gun at them be the "aggressor"? Clearly, if they are black, the answer is a resounding "YES!"

Sorry rdean, it's not that simple. While I have no doubt that Zimmerman initially was the instigator, I also think Martin turned the tables on him and was beating the shit out of him. At that point, it became self-defense. Bottom line is that there is no way Zimmerman will be convicted of second degree murder. Again, the prosecution went for a charge that is out of reach, just like they did with Casey Anthony. We know as much about this case as the jury is going to know when they are done trying the case. There is no smoking gun when it comes to evidence. All there is are a lot of questions. You can't convict someone when all you have are a lot of questions.

Where does "stand your ground" fit in. Seems that would have been the Trayvon's defense if he hadn't been chased down and shot at close range.

"Stand Your Ground" doesn't come into this case at all nit wit.
They might as well cut to the chase and let the riots begin.

Unlike LA, I hope they turn the dogs loose on the assholes


Korean shop owners in the vicinity: Board up your stores!
White truck drivers: Get a GPS and don't get lost!

Rest of us: See the past repeated.

Can't we just get along????
Talk about convicted before proven guilty:

Would it be too much to ask that she speak English and remove her stupid looking hat?
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