vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

And I guarantee you that - by the time this is all over - most of them (especially Donald Trump) will probably wish they had never started the hype over Clinton's emails.

Karma is a bitch.

That's probably nonsense, and for two reasons. 1) As we've seen, the Trumpletons give Ivanka a pass under the "Bbbbut Hillary" doctrine, so it's likely the Trumpies won't lose much, if any, support over this. 2) More importantly, Democrats cannot investigate this aggressively without also shining a light on Hillary. Much as it pains me, that ship won't sail. In the end, they will remain quite content having brought down Hillary, in relevant part, by hyping the emails.

This whole thread is over a nothingburger (just as Hillary's emails were a nothingburger), and it serves at most to show our resident Goobers are bereft of integrity - not that this is in any way news worthy. Politically speaking, I'd hope the Dems just laugh at the dummy, and get on with important work, because Ivanka's emails aren't of any import whatsoever.

I did not say Ivanka would end up in jail...I HIGHLY doubt she will.

My point was that the Dems will milk this for EVERYTHING they can....they have already started in the House. And it will no doubt make Trump FURIOUS over his precious Ivanka - probably THE ONE person Trump seems to value more than anyone else (besides himself).

This will - quietly - make Trump and his minions regret that they ever tried to persecute Clinton for the same thing.

That is what I meant.
not the same thing. stop showing you are technically illiterate.
Face the facts Trumpanzees:

  • The Trump's all believe they are above the law
  • Hypocrisy is in their bones
  • The Trump's are a crime family.
  • If Trump really cared about our country, he would resign, apologize and move his entire family to Russia.

Will Mueller even mention Russia in his final report on Trumps conspiracy to collude to obstruct Hillary from destroying the country?

Gee Frank, too bad that is not within the purview of Mueller's contract. I'm so sure, as are you, that HRC wants to destroy America, the home of her daughter and grandchildren and many many friends.

Why do you posts such stuff? Are you desperate for attention Frank? I suggest you go outside naked, and get the attention you deserve - hysterical laughter.
Clinton doesn't want to destroy America, she just wants to convert it in to cash for herself, and then transform America in to a Globalist Socialist run Sheethole where people like her get to look down upon the dirty masses from their ivory towers and declare all the peasants as equally impoverished wards of the state.

Well Trump does want to destroy America, as well as the Republican Parties Leadership and people like you.

During the Ford Administration a new word needed to be coined - STAGFLATION - to describe the last great recession before the Great Recession of 2007 -2009.

What word, or a newly coined word best describes Trumpism?

Fascist and Plutocratic + Despotic leadership by insult and chaos ... hmmmm ...I don't think we need to coin a new word, a singular term has already been defined: TOTALITARIANISM.
Ask yourself why Hillary got away with running a server in her home, only to have it become public during an election year.

Answer: The fear that she might become president scared FBI Agents into leaking its existence to the press. She didn't pay a price other than losing the election. She should have done time, but that didn't happen thanks to James Comey among others.
Interesting concept, Olde! According to you...

The only thing interesting here is that you are the most clueless goof posting here (allowing for some stuffed into my iggy-hotel being even worse). Official State Department correspondence is being conducted by aides to the Secretary of State, on extra-secure lines. Look up '"mahogany row" America' to see how that really works. Moreover, the law Ivanka violated has been quoted ad nauseam on here, but you wouldn't listen. She violated it, but you can't admit it, and in pursuit of excuses you are exceeding everything by way of obsequiousness I have seen in a long time. You probably think this is somehow hidden from plain view. Rest assured, it isn't.

The rest of the non-pertinent pap you throw up to muddy the waters isn't even worth a mention.

"Ivanka Trump often discussed or relayed official White House business last year using a private email account with a domain that she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner."

Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year

Kushner's access to classified information probably rivals Clinton's; will Republicans man-up on this one?
Yes. We will insist she get the same treatment Hillary got. You guys set the precedent that national security doesn't matter.
aw hell you are not even smart enough to know the difference.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!

Biased Coyote strikes again. Ivanka was not the Secy of State nor was she running for President. Apples and oranges. Your leftist, biased, antisemitic POVs are laughable. You should be abashed.
and having 1 of 10000 accounts on a server is not the same as owning said server and controlling all 10000 accounts.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!

Biased Coyote strikes again. Ivanka was not the Secy of State nor was she running for President. Apples and oranges. Your leftist, biased, antisemitic POVs are laughable. You should be abashed.
and having 1 of 10000 accounts on a server is not the same as owning said server and controlling all 10000 accounts.

???? What in the BLUE HELL are you talking about ????
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!

Biased Coyote strikes again. Ivanka was not the Secy of State nor was she running for President. Apples and oranges. Your leftist, biased, antisemitic POVs are laughable. You should be abashed.
and having 1 of 10000 accounts on a server is not the same as owning said server and controlling all 10000 accounts.

???? What in the BLUE HELL are you talking about ????
i rest my case.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!

Biased Coyote strikes again. Ivanka was not the Secy of State nor was she running for President. Apples and oranges. Your leftist, biased, antisemitic POVs are laughable. You should be abashed.
and having 1 of 10000 accounts on a server is not the same as owning said server and controlling all 10000 accounts.

???? What in the BLUE HELL are you talking about ????
i rest my case.

OK rest it on your flat and empty head, Leftist.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!

Biased Coyote strikes again. Ivanka was not the Secy of State nor was she running for President. Apples and oranges. Your leftist, biased, antisemitic POVs are laughable. You should be abashed.
and having 1 of 10000 accounts on a server is not the same as owning said server and controlling all 10000 accounts.

???? What in the BLUE HELL are you talking about ????
i rest my case.

OK rest it on your flat and empty head, Leftist.

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business And as I said it was the WashPo...nothing but frothing at the mouth rabid Anti American Anti Trump leftist propaganda. The facts are out and as usual the fake news LIED!

The only triggered snowflakes here are you leftists. I am just amused so many morons still believe the lying leftist propaganda machine without waiting for the FACTS.
[Faux News link disabled]
Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business

And as I said it was the WashPo...nothing but frothing at the mouth rabid Anti American Anti Trump leftist propaganda. The facts are out and as usual the fake news LIED!

Dismissing the venerable Washington Post while quoting Faux News quoting Ivanka's lawyer alleging "misinformation" asserting ... "facts". That has to be top notch stupid.

All the while... after months, if not years, of hyperventilation about emails, and the rather goofy expectation that Republicans apply to themselves the same standards they applied to others, the result is in. So, we have Secretary of State Powell conducting government business via private email, dozens of White House officials during the Bush administration sending tens of millions of government emails over a private RNC server (all without so much as a peep from Republicans), and Ivanka sending government emails over a private server, we know now what we've known all along, don't we? The most ubiquitous thing about Republicans is their double standards and their addiction to hypocrisy.

If there's something new in all that, it's their mendacity while cooking up excuses being amped up to new levels. Goes with the Trumpy territory.
AKA I hate facts and need a long winded whining rant to say that.

"Ivanka Trump often discussed or relayed official White House business last year using a private email account with a domain that she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner."

Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year

Kushner's access to classified information probably rivals Clinton's; will Republicans man-up on this one?
Yes. We will insist she get the same treatment Hillary got. You guys set the precedent that national security doesn't matter.
aw hell you are not even smart enough to know the difference.
The fact that it's apples and oranges does not matter to a Dimocrap. They live in a fantasy world that the left has created for them and only exists in their collective minds. Being a liberal means never having to face reality.
Without the media creating false perceptions and spreading around socialist propaganda Democrats would never win an election.

"Ivanka Trump often discussed or relayed official White House business last year using a private email account with a domain that she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner."

Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year

Kushner's access to classified information probably rivals Clinton's; will Republicans man-up on this one?
Yes. We will insist she get the same treatment Hillary got. You guys set the precedent that national security doesn't matter.
aw hell you are not even smart enough to know the difference.
The fact that it's apples and oranges does not matter to a Dimocrap. They live in a fantasy world that the left has created for them and only exists in their collective minds. Being a liberal means never having to face reality.
Without the media creating false perceptions and spreading around socialist propaganda Democrats would never win an election.
they hear "email" and think it's the same thing.

only ivanka was using a "shared" computer / account which means the provider owns the server and by law, must back everything up. even if she deletes her entire account, still there for the feds to say "gimme". she simply can't permanently delete anything at all. in this case, she didn't has already turned everything over to the authorities. if they have reason to suspect anything, go get the rest from her provider, if any, and see. end of story.

with hillary, she owned the domain name, the server and all software on it and had hired her own people to maintain it. at any point in time she can make it all go away and apparently did for 33k mails in question. there is simply no technical way ivanka could have done the same thing as she didn't own the server.

for people to think it's the same thing only tells me they're simply not technical people with any grasp on how e-mail servers work.
Interesting concept, Olde! According to you...

The only thing interesting here is that you are the most clueless goof posting here (allowing for some stuffed into my iggy-hotel being even worse). Official State Department correspondence is being conducted by aides to the Secretary of State, on extra-secure lines. Look up '"mahogany row" America' to see how that really works. Moreover, the law Ivanka violated has been quoted ad nauseam on here, but you wouldn't listen. She violated it, but you can't admit it, and in pursuit of excuses you are exceeding everything by way of obsequiousness I have seen in a long time. You probably think this is somehow hidden from plain view. Rest assured, it isn't.

The rest of the non-pertinent pap you throw up to muddy the waters isn't even worth a mention.

Did you just accuse me of being clueless and then declare that Hillary Clinton's official State Department correspondence was conducted on "extra-secure lines"? Did you sleep through the hearings? It's been clearly established that Clinton conducted all of her State Department business on her private servers and then lied to Congress about their existence until she was caught red handed in that lie! Then she destroyed evidence that she knew Congressional investigators were asking to see and lied some more about what was on those servers! It's also been clearly established that numerous entities hacked into Clinton's emails because they were not secure AT ALL!

Ivanka on the other hand used her personal emails not to run a pay for play scheme in the shadows...hiding what she did...but to communicate with her staff about her schedule and to contact people about setting up meetings. Nothing that she did has been emails have been destroyed...and the number of emails is minute compared to the hundreds of thousands of emails that Clinton was pumping out. Ivanka has cooperated fully with anyone investigating this tempest in a tea pot and continues to do so.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!

Biased Coyote strikes again. Ivanka was not the Secy of State nor was she running for President. Apples and oranges. Your leftist, biased, antisemitic POVs are laughable. You should be abashed.
and having 1 of 10000 accounts on a server is not the same as owning said server and controlling all 10000 accounts.

???? What in the BLUE HELL are you talking about ????
i rest my case.
Once again, dipshit, a private server has nothing to do with the federal law Crooked Ivanka probably violated.

Why are you such a stuck record about an entirely irrelevant point? This is that willful blindness I am always talking about in you tards.
A former top official in President Donald Trump’s White House on Tuesday dragged Ivanka Trump’s private email use for government business, calling it “hypocritical,” given her family’s hysterical reaction to the Hillary Clinton email controversy.

“It’s hypocritical and certainly it looks bad,” Marc Short, Trump’s former legislative director, said on CNN’s “New Day.”

Ex-Trump Aide Marc Short Rips Ivanka Trump’s Private Email Use: ‘Hypocritical’

It's beyond hypocritical. The entire Trump family is callous and clueless.
After all of the massive howling in pseudocon circles about Clinton's emails, after all the outraged and flinging of spittle by her very own father about Clinton's emails for months and months and months and months, Crooked Ivanka used a personal email account in 2017 to conduct government business.

Just how unbelievably stupid is Crooked Ivanka?

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