vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

and since when does this pos with 5 deferments give his low life criticism to a hero? Trump is slime and republicans are wallowing in it
and since when does this pos with 5 deferments give his low life criticism to a hero? Trump is slime and republicans are wallowing in it

It should not have taken 10 years to get him.
Maybe we should have killed him when he was fighting trumps friends the Russians?
there you go wanting to kill people again.

is it time to alert the FBI???
it's a lefturd's ich.
it's annoying as fuck. they keep saying the right is violent but they're the ones who keep wishing people dead.

i don't want people dead but growing up and realizing life isn't all about THEM would be nice.
A dead Bin Ladin is a bad thing?
As for locking both Ivanka and Hillary Clinton for this? Fine with me.
There's just a few little problems with that - Ivanka complied with all existing laws, her e-mails were archived as per the FOIA and Federal Records Act, her e-mails were never subpoenaed, and she never deleted any of her documents or tried to bleach bit her server to destroy documents that had been subpoenaed like Hillary did.
but google still has the backups they take daily if not more often. if the gov wants your e-mails, they supeona google and done. they got 'em. hillary could take backups, not take 'em, destroy the server in a 1 room fire - and the like. the gov could ask for them (and they did) and she can make it difficult (you mean, like with a cloth).

you simply don't understand this - stop digging, china doesn't want you either.

like i said - you have some undying desire to be a bitter asshole so you'll let yourself believe whatever you need to in order to carry that out.
Just keep on moving those goalposts and narrowing your benchmarks, rube. It's all you can do. :lol:

She used a personal email account for federal business. That's illegal. And that's all you need to know.

to be fair, Hillary could probably understand the law .... Ivanka, not unless it was explained, and even they she wouldn't know whether to believe what she was told.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Crooked Ivanka violated federal law if she did not transfer ALL of her government business emails to a server within 20 days.

I bet you right now her lawyers are scrambling to do just that to cover up Crooked Ivanka's violation of federal law.
of course, but the Trumpbots see no double standard because they need to believe Trump is serving their interests against "the establishment" even though his "policies" benefit capital over workers. And that's not to say Hillary was a fan of the folks raising two kids on two incomes totaling less than 95K
there's no double standard cause many people use private accounts on public server. colin powell - remember hillary trying to say she got the idea from him? that backfired now didn't it?

it has nothing to do with trump but rather fucking technical idiots who simply have zero clue about the control ivanka has vs. what hillary had *at a minimum*. ivanka could do NOTHING to stop the feds from getting all the mail from her provider cause it must be backed up. she could delete her account and she could delete all her mail locally, but it would still be on the providers backups. period. end of story.

hillary could simply make her server disappear and go "what server" and then what?

if you don't get that difference you need to get the fuck out of the convo cause you will never understand. it has NOTHING to do with trump or hillary when it gets to the control level she had. it's all about what that control offers ANYONE who has their own server vs. someone who simply has 1 account level access to it.


The double standard is staring Trumpbots like you right in the face, pal.

And it is quite amusing.

We are done here...for now.

Have a wonderful day.
there's no double standard cause many people use private accounts on public server. colin powell - remember hillary trying to say she got the idea from him? that backfired now didn't it?

Snowflakes continue to try to claim there is no double-standard and that Hillary broke no laws because Colin Powel and Condoleezza Rice used personal e-mails.

What a crock of shit. Unlike them:

-- STORED TOP SECRET+ DATA on an 'Un-Classified' Server

-- Violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act with every single e-mail of the 15k subpoenaed, she tried to destroy, and that was recovered by the FBI

Obama, as usual, got caught lying his ass off by saying he learned of her illegal server use through the media....then it was revealed he had been using an alias to e-mail her.
its just funny as hell to me to watch g500 and others get so bent out of shape when they simply don't understand the difference between having an account on a server vs owning the server/domain itself.

it's like trying to tell someone how to fix a car when that person sees a skateboard as the same thing.
Just keep on moving those goalposts and narrowing your benchmarks, rube. It's all you can do. :lol:

She used a personal email account for federal business. That's illegal. And that's all you need to know.

to be fair, Hillary could probably understand the law .... Ivanka, not unless it was explained, and even they she wouldn't know whether to believe what she was told.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Crooked Ivanka violated federal law if she did not transfer ALL of her government business emails to a server within 20 days.

I bet you right now her lawyers are scrambling to do just that to cover up Crooked Ivanka's violation of federal law.
of course, but the Trumpbots see no double standard because they need to believe Trump is serving their interests against "the establishment" even though his "policies" benefit capital over workers. And that's not to say Hillary was a fan of the folks raising two kids on two incomes totaling less than 95K
there's no double standard cause many people use private accounts on public server. colin powell - remember hillary trying to say she got the idea from him? that backfired now didn't it?

it has nothing to do with trump but rather fucking technical idiots who simply have zero clue about the control ivanka has vs. what hillary had *at a minimum*. ivanka could do NOTHING to stop the feds from getting all the mail from her provider cause it must be backed up. she could delete her account and she could delete all her mail locally, but it would still be on the providers backups. period. end of story.

hillary could simply make her server disappear and go "what server" and then what?

if you don't get that difference you need to get the fuck out of the convo cause you will never understand. it has NOTHING to do with trump or hillary when it gets to the control level she had. it's all about what that control offers ANYONE who has their own server vs. someone who simply has 1 account level access to it.


The double standard is staring Trumpbots like you right in the face, pal.

And it is quite amusing.

We are done here...for now.

Have a wonderful day.
dude - with your lack of comprehension you never even stepped into the ring. the only double standard is the one you and some other jackoffs are trying hard to sell but failing miserably so instead you get mad and cry louder like children do.
there's no double standard cause many people use private accounts on public server. colin powell - remember hillary trying to say she got the idea from him? that backfired now didn't it?

Snowflakes continue to try to claim there is no double-standard and that Hillary broke no laws because Colin Powel and Condoleezza Rice used personal e-mails.

What a crock of shit. Unlike them:

-- STORED TOP SECRET+ DATA on an 'Un-Classified' Server

-- Violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act with every single e-mail of the 15k subpoenaed, she tried to destroy, and that was recovered by the FBI

Obama, as usual, got caught lying his ass off by saying he learned of her illegal server use through the media....then it was revealed he had been using an alias to e-mail her.
its just funny as hell to me to watch g500 and others get so bent out of shape when they simply don't understand the difference between having an account on a server vs owning the server/domain itself.

it's like trying to tell someone how to fix a car when that person sees a skateboard as the same thing.
The law is the law, dipshit. If the owner of a personal email account does not transfer their emails to a government server within 20 days, they are in violation of federal law.


No matter how much you squirm and scream, it is a fact. Nothing you can say or do will change the fact that Crooked Ivanka violated federal law if she did not transfer those emails to a government server.

As for locking both Ivanka and Hillary Clinton for this? Fine with me.
There's just a few little problems with that - Ivanka complied with all existing laws, her e-mails were archived as per the FOIA and Federal Records Act, her e-mails were never subpoenaed, and she never deleted any of her documents or tried to bleach bit her server to destroy documents that had been subpoenaed like Hillary did.
other than this and some technical impossibilities, job titles, history and the like, hell...same thing.
there's no double standard cause many people use private accounts on public server. colin powell - remember hillary trying to say she got the idea from him? that backfired now didn't it?

Snowflakes continue to try to claim there is no double-standard and that Hillary broke no laws because Colin Powel and Condoleezza Rice used personal e-mails.

What a crock of shit. Unlike them:

-- STORED TOP SECRET+ DATA on an 'Un-Classified' Server

-- Violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act with every single e-mail of the 15k subpoenaed, she tried to destroy, and that was recovered by the FBI

Obama, as usual, got caught lying his ass off by saying he learned of her illegal server use through the media....then it was revealed he had been using an alias to e-mail her.
its just funny as hell to me to watch g500 and others get so bent out of shape when they simply don't understand the difference between having an account on a server vs owning the server/domain itself.

it's like trying to tell someone how to fix a car when that person sees a skateboard as the same thing.
So it's ok to do govt biz on a private domain? Is that your final answer? LOL

but it's not really about that. McConnell and the gop establishment accepted Trump because they knew he'd sign their bills, and he has.
In November 2014 President Barack Obama signed the Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments, which require government officials to forward any official correspondence to the government within 20 days.

Clinton emails - what's it all about?
there's no double standard cause many people use private accounts on public server. colin powell - remember hillary trying to say she got the idea from him? that backfired now didn't it?

Snowflakes continue to try to claim there is no double-standard and that Hillary broke no laws because Colin Powel and Condoleezza Rice used personal e-mails.

What a crock of shit. Unlike them:

-- STORED TOP SECRET+ DATA on an 'Un-Classified' Server

-- Violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act with every single e-mail of the 15k subpoenaed, she tried to destroy, and that was recovered by the FBI

Obama, as usual, got caught lying his ass off by saying he learned of her illegal server use through the media....then it was revealed he had been using an alias to e-mail her.
its just funny as hell to me to watch g500 and others get so bent out of shape when they simply don't understand the difference between having an account on a server vs owning the server/domain itself.

it's like trying to tell someone how to fix a car when that person sees a skateboard as the same thing.
The law is the law, dipshit. If the owner of a personal email account does not transfer their emails to a government server within 20 days, they are in violation of federal law.


No matter how much you squirm and scream, it is a fact. Nothing you can say or do will change the fact that Crooked Ivanka violated federal law if she did not transfer those emails to a government server.

not the law. and if this is the case hillary has a lot she never turned over. share the LOCK HER UP love or just be a fucking hypocrite. at this point i simply don't care and you can take your clown ass back to where ever it is you like to go.
A dead Bin Ladin is a bad thing?
Besides making him somewhat of a martyr? No.

What was a master F*-UP was Obama spiking the political football immediately after his death, announcing to the world that the US military had seized a 'treasure-trove' of Intel from UBL's hideout, to include locations of other terrorist cells / leaders, cell phones and the cell phone numbers other terrorists were using.....

....resulting in every single one of those terrorists bugging out / leaving their hideouts, ditching their cell phones, and rendering all of that newly acquired Intel useless.

Obama could not have warned his terrorist buddies any better even if he had come right out and stated on world-wide TV, "The US Military now has the locations of your cells and the ability to listen in on your conversations and track you through your phones - ditch them immediately!"

Just like the rest of his time as President, Obama aided and abetted terrorists....
there's no double standard cause many people use private accounts on public server. colin powell - remember hillary trying to say she got the idea from him? that backfired now didn't it?

Snowflakes continue to try to claim there is no double-standard and that Hillary broke no laws because Colin Powel and Condoleezza Rice used personal e-mails.

What a crock of shit. Unlike them:

-- STORED TOP SECRET+ DATA on an 'Un-Classified' Server

-- Violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act with every single e-mail of the 15k subpoenaed, she tried to destroy, and that was recovered by the FBI

Obama, as usual, got caught lying his ass off by saying he learned of her illegal server use through the media....then it was revealed he had been using an alias to e-mail her.
its just funny as hell to me to watch g500 and others get so bent out of shape when they simply don't understand the difference between having an account on a server vs owning the server/domain itself.

it's like trying to tell someone how to fix a car when that person sees a skateboard as the same thing.
So it's ok to do govt biz on a private domain? Is that your final answer? LOL

but it's not really about that. McConnell and the gop establishment accepted Trump because they knew he'd sign their bills, and he has.
again - you simply don't get it.

overall answer is "depends" colin powell and others do it all the time and simply follow process and protocol.

now - to directly address your glaring stupidity - where did i say it was ok to conduct gov biz on a private domain?

nevermind - fucktarded levels are full for the day.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!
Hitlery indeed.

Scrubbed servers? Check
Deleted emails? Check
Housed her own server? Check
Destroyed electronic devices? Check

Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 - Wikipedia

Passed by the Republican House and Democratic Senate. Signed by President Obama.

20 days. That's the law Crooked Ivanka probably violated.

Guess who sponsored the House version?

Elijah Cummings.

Guess who is going to be the new chair of the House Oversight Committee in January?

Elijah Cummings.

Guess which committee will investigate whether or not Crooked Ivanka violated the law?

House Democrats plan to investigate Ivanka Trump’s use of personal email for government business

The House Oversight Committee plans to investigate whether Ivanka Trump violated federal law by using a personal email account for government business, a Democratic staffer on the committee said Tuesday.

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!
Hitlery indeed.

Scrubbed servers? Check
Deleted emails? Check
Housed her own server? Check
Destroyed electronic devices? Check

ivanka -

scrubbed server: couldn't she didn't own it or control it.
deleted mails: no. while she could have deleted her account, those who control the server have full backups required by law. would do her no good.
hosted her own server? maybe but not for this.
Destroyed electronic devices? maybe, but not for this. :)
The double standard is staring Trumpbots like you right in the face, pal.
As usual, snowflakes continue to make false accusations without evidence to back it up.

What do you not understand about Ivanka complying with the law while Obama's entire administration had to cover for Hillary breaking the law?

It's sorta like how snowflakes say Trump is guilty of illegal collusion because Trump Jr attended a meeting with a Russian lawyer who had been banned from entering the US, a meeting made possible by Obama, for 7 minutes resulting in no information exchanging hands while Hillary was illegally colluding with and paying foreign spies (working for Obama's FBI and with Mueller before he was named Special Counsel) and Russians for their help in 2016 in the form of a Russian-authored document illegally used by Hillary and Obama's NIA, CIA, DOJ, and FBI.

Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 - Wikipedia

Passed by the Republican House and Democratic Senate. Signed by President Obama.

20 days. That's the law Crooked Ivanka probably violated.

Guess who sponsored the House version?

Elijah Cummings.

Guess who is going to be the new chair of the House Oversight Committee in January?

Elijah Cummings.

Guess which committee will investigate whether or not Crooked Ivanka violated the law?

House Democrats plan to investigate Ivanka Trump’s use of personal email for government business - The Washington Post

One of the ones led by democratic race pimps?
The double standard is staring Trumpbots like you right in the face, pal.
As usual, snowflakes continue to make false accusations without evidence to back it up.

What do you not understand about Ivanka complying with the law while Obama's entire administration had to cover for Hillary breaking the law?

It's sorta like how snowflakes say Trump is guilty of illegal collusion because Trump Jr attended a meeting with a Russian lawyer who had been banned from entering the US, a meeting made possible by Obama, for 7 minutes resulting in no information exchanging hands while Hillary was illegally colluding with and paying foreign spies (working for Obama's FBI and with Mueller before he was named Special Counsel) and Russians for their help in 2016 in the form of a Russian-authored document illegally used by Hillary and Obama's NIA, CIA, DOJ, and FBI.

they think hate is a punishable offense but it's not so they hate that and now don't know what to do with double hate except scream stupid shit in here that shows they're clueless as to differences between an account on a computer vs. the computer itself.
The retards are stuck on the server thing. That has nothing to do with the federal law, and so they are struck with their usual willful blindness.

The law is very clear. If you use a personal email account, you are required by law to transfer your emails to a government server within 20 days.


It has nothing to do with a personal SERVER. It has to do with a personal EMAIL account.

All caught up now, tards?

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