vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!
Only counts if it's the Clintons.
so only ok if it's the turmps? back at you!
it's annoying as fuck. they keep saying the right is violent but they're the ones who keep wishing people dead.

Hillary, the DNC's hand-picked 2016 Felon candidate, was caught paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies...

Democrats inspired the attempted assassination of GOP politicians with their violent rhetoric.....

Democrats called for the President's son to be ripped from the 1st Lady's arms, kidnapped, and raped over and over by pedophiles....

Democrats called for women on the Trump team to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, & raped ... on camera 'for posterity'....yet Conservatives hate women / wage a 'war on women'....

Over and over the despicable Left accuses others of doing what they have done and of being who they are.....the evidence...and repeated process...speaks for itself.
shit, one democrat held trump's severed head in her hand. They have no boundaries.




It's all the poor saps can do when their own benchmarks bitch slap them in their own faces. They can only stand there and blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaammmmmmaaaaaaaa!" or "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but HiLIARyyyyyyyy!"

"We need to move the goalposts, narrow our benchmarks, add qualifiers we didn't have before!"

All to avoid admitting to themselves they have been hoaxed and have hired someone more evil and more corrupt than we have had in a very, very long time.
Isnt this what Mrs Clinton did that got everyone so agitated ?
not even close. if you don't get this then you simply don't understand the rage against hillary and what she did.

in e-mail, you can have an account on a server or you can own / run the server itself.

ivanka had an account on a public server. however she could not control the server itself so she couldn't delete evidence. she couldn't turn off the server. she couldn't remove hard drives from it. all she could do is log into her own account to send / receive mail. also, she's turned over all e-mails in question to the authorities.

anything she deletes, well her provider has backups they must keep for a year i believe so it can be retrieved.

hillary had her own domain, server and account in her house. she could turn the power off of the server at any time and/or remove the drive and put bullets in it to keep people from seeing what was on it. she deleted 33k mails and said "oops". she could just toss the server in the river and bury it next to jimmy hoffa and no one could pull a thing.

if you can honestly say you don't see a difference, then you're pretty much a technical idiot.
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It's Okay When A Trump Does It!

And that's all you faggot pro-terrorist America haters need to know, dammit.
ivanka had an account on a public server. however she could not control the server itself so she couldn't delete evidence.
I can go in my personal email account and delete all my emails.

If you can't see that, then you are a technical idiot.
It's all the poor saps can do when their own benchmarks bitch slap them in their own faces. They can only stand there and blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaammmmmmaaaaaaaa!" or "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but HiLIARyyyyyyyy!"

this is not even the same "benchmark". again all ivanka had was an account on someone elses server. she could not control said server, she could not destroy said server and all on it. it would be like you having an "[email protected]" account and thinking you have the same control as someone who owns a domain of where they can do whatever they want to a server running in her own home.

i swear you've got to be intentionally stupid sometimes just to give your extreme bitterness a place to play.
Face the facts Trumpanzees:

  • The Trump's all believe they are above the law
  • Hypocrisy is in their bones
  • The Trump's are a crime family.
  • If Trump really cared about our country, he would resign, apologize and move his entire family to Russia.

Will Mueller even mention Russia in his final report on Trumps conspiracy to collude to obstruct Hillary from destroying the country?

Gee Frank, too bad that is not within the purview of Mueller's contract. I'm so sure, as are you, that HRC wants to destroy America, the home of her daughter and grandchildren and many many friends.

Why do you posts such stuff? Are you desperate for attention Frank? I suggest you go outside naked, and get the attention you deserve - hysterical laughter.
It's Okay When A Trump Does It!

And that's all you faggot pro-terrorist America haters need to know, dammit.
It's just a waste of time. They view Trump as somehow "sticking it to the other side," which excuses anything in the Trumpland, and the "other side" seems to be either the gop establishment (whom trump serviced with two pro corp Justices and two tax cuts for corp owners) and progressives, who just took the House.
ivanka had an account on a public server. however she could not control the server itself so she couldn't delete evidence.
I can go in my personal email account and delete all my emails.

If you can't see that, then you are a technical idiot.
but google still has the backups they take daily if not more often. they also must keep them for a year or longer, i believe for these situations. if the gov wants your e-mails, they supeona google and done. they got 'em. hillary could take backups, not take 'em, destroy the server in a 1 room fire - and the like. the gov could ask for them (and they did) and she can make it difficult (you mean, like with a cloth).

you simply don't understand this - stop digging, china doesn't want you either.

like i said - you have some undying desire to be a bitter asshole so you'll let yourself believe whatever you need to in order to carry that out.
ivanka had an account on a public server. however she could not control the server itself so she couldn't delete evidence.
I can go in my personal email account and delete all my emails.

If you can't see that, then you are a technical idiot.
but google still has the backups they take daily if not more often. if the gov wants your e-mails, they supeona google and done. they got 'em. hillary could take backups, not take 'em, destroy the server in a 1 room fire - and the like. the gov could ask for them (and they did) and she can make it difficult (you mean, like with a cloth).

you simply don't understand this - stop digging, china doesn't want you either.

like i said - you have some undying desire to be a bitter asshole so you'll let yourself believe whatever you need to in order to carry that out.
Just keep on moving those goalposts and narrowing your benchmarks, rube. It's all you can do. :lol:

She used a personal email account for federal business. That's illegal. And that's all you need to know.

ivanka had an account on a public server. however she could not control the server itself so she couldn't delete evidence.
I can go in my personal email account and delete all my emails.

If you can't see that, then you are a technical idiot.
but google still has the backups they take daily if not more often. if the gov wants your e-mails, they supeona google and done. they got 'em. hillary could take backups, not take 'em, destroy the server in a 1 room fire - and the like. the gov could ask for them (and they did) and she can make it difficult (you mean, like with a cloth).

you simply don't understand this - stop digging, china doesn't want you either.

like i said - you have some undying desire to be a bitter asshole so you'll let yourself believe whatever you need to in order to carry that out.
The fact that government e-mails are sitting on a google server for any hacker to grab is not exactly something you want to use as a defense
Face the facts Trumpanzees:

  • The Trump's all believe they are above the law
  • Hypocrisy is in their bones
  • The Trump's are a crime family.
  • If Trump really cared about our country, he would resign, apologize and move his entire family to Russia.

Will Mueller even mention Russia in his final report on Trumps conspiracy to collude to obstruct Hillary from destroying the country?

Gee Frank, too bad that is not within the purview of Mueller's contract. I'm so sure, as are you, that HRC wants to destroy America, the home of her daughter and grandchildren and many many friends.

Why do you posts such stuff? Are you desperate for attention Frank? I suggest you go outside naked, and get the attention you deserve - hysterical laughter.
Clinton doesn't want to destroy America, she just wants to convert it in to cash for herself, and then transform America in to a Globalist Socialist run Sheethole where people like her get to look down upon the dirty masses from their ivory towers and declare all the peasants as equally impoverished wards of the state.
Any emails used in a personal account for federal business are required by federal law to be transferred to government servers within 20 days.
We're going to have to see EVERY e-mail Ivanka has sent on any server or phone now in order to determine what was and was not classified and we will need to retroactively classify or label top secret any that apply...

Why can't libtards and snowflakes ever come up with anything original instead of simply accusing others of what evidence shows they have done?
ivanka had an account on a public server. however she could not control the server itself so she couldn't delete evidence.
I can go in my personal email account and delete all my emails.

If you can't see that, then you are a technical idiot.
but google still has the backups they take daily if not more often. if the gov wants your e-mails, they supeona google and done. they got 'em. hillary could take backups, not take 'em, destroy the server in a 1 room fire - and the like. the gov could ask for them (and they did) and she can make it difficult (you mean, like with a cloth).

you simply don't understand this - stop digging, china doesn't want you either.

like i said - you have some undying desire to be a bitter asshole so you'll let yourself believe whatever you need to in order to carry that out.
Just keep on moving those goalposts and narrowing your benchmarks, rube. It's all you can do. :lol:

She used a personal email account for federal business. That's illegal. And that's all you need to know.

there is nothing at all to move asshole. NOTHING.

ivanka used a public server and if she needs to get LOCKED UP for this then hell, hillary would be strapped to a dead cow and thrown into shark infested waters to match "crime for crime".

the more you yap the more you show how much you simply don't understand how e-mail works. you just want to whine and cry foul and tell everyone THEY are wrong but you have no idea IF they are or why.

fucking moron.
If Crooked Ivanka did not transfer ALL of her official government business emails to a government server within 20 days, she is in violation of federal law.



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