vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

Just how retarded do you have to be to use a personal email account for government business during a period when Fox News and the rube herd are losing their collective shit on a daily basis about Hillary's emails?

Seriously. Just how unbelievably retarded is Crooked Ivanka?

"It's Okay When A Trump Does It!"

Sounds like Crooked Ivanka has an entitlement mentality.
It's pretty much been determined that any violation of the law (if any) by Clinton would not rise to the level that a reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.

It can also be reasonably determined that Ivanka Trump has to be the stupidest person on the earth.
It's pretty much been determined that any violation of the law (if any) by Clinton would not rise to the level that a reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.

It can also be reasonably determined that Ivanka Trump has to be the stupidest person on the earth.
says someone who just said the most stupid thing in this thread.
The hilarious thing about this is obvious (at least to me).

Trump/Trumpbots were screaming for Hillary's blood over this exact same thing (though they will desperately try and say it is different - it isn't).

I don't think Ivanka will (nor should) go to jail for this. But when the Dems get through raking her over the coals for it, Trump will probably be FURIOUS for them daring to try and harm his beloved Ivanka.

And I bet you that - by the time this is all over - most of them (especially Donald Trump) will probably wish they had never started the hype over Clinton's emails.

Karma is a bitch.
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It's pretty much been determined that any violation of the law (if any) by Clinton would not rise to the level that a reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.

It can also be reasonably determined that Ivanka Trump has to be the stupidest person on the earth.
says someone who just said the most stupid thing in this thread. accurately say what you just did...that means you have read every, single word of every, single post in this thread. 356 of them before you typed the above.

Man...your life must be MEGA empty and your obsession over Donald ManChild must be immense to have read every, single word of every single one of the 356 posts in this thread.

I suggest a new hobby. Maybe exercise?

Have a wonderful day.
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The hilarious thing about this is obvious (at least to me).

Trump/Trumpbots were screaming for Hillary's blood over this exact same thing (though they will desperately try and say it is different - it isn't).

And I guarantee you that - by the time this is all over - most of them (especially Donald Trump) will probably wish they had never started the hype over Clinton's emails.

Karma is a bitch.
sorry eyore.

having a Gmail account is not the same as owning Google.

"Ivanka Trump often discussed or relayed official White House business last year using a private email account with a domain that she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner."

Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year

Kushner's access to classified information probably rivals Clinton's; will Republicans man-up on this one?
Yes. We will insist she get the same treatment Hillary got. You guys set the precedent that national security doesn't matter.
Face the facts Trumpanzees:

  • The Trump's all believe they are above the law
  • Hypocrisy is in their bones
  • The Trump's are a crime family.
  • If Trump really cared about our country, he would resign, apologize and move his entire family to Russia.

Will Mueller even mention Russia in his final report on Trumps conspiracy to collude to obstruct Hillary from destroying the country?

Gee Frank, too bad that is not within the purview of Mueller's contract. I'm so sure, as are you, that HRC wants to destroy America, the home of her daughter and grandchildren and many many friends.

Why do you posts such stuff? Are you desperate for attention Frank? I suggest you go outside naked, and get the attention you deserve - hysterical laughter.
Clinton doesn't want to destroy America, she just wants to convert it in to cash for herself, and then transform America in to a Globalist Socialist run Sheethole where people like her get to look down upon the dirty masses from their ivory towers and declare all the peasants as equally impoverished wards of the state.

Well Trump does want to destroy America, as well as the Republican Parties Leadership and people like you.

During the Ford Administration a new word needed to be coined - STAGFLATION - to describe the last great recession before the Great Recession of 2007 -2009.

What word, or a newly coined word best describes Trumpism?

Fascist and Plutocratic + Despotic leadership by insult and chaos ... hmmmm ...I don't think we need to coin a new word, a singular term has already been defined: TOTALITARIANISM.
Face the facts Trumpanzees:

  • The Trump's all believe they are above the law
  • Hypocrisy is in their bones
  • The Trump's are a crime family.
  • If Trump really cared about our country, he would resign, apologize and move his entire family to Russia.

Will Mueller even mention Russia in his final report on Trumps conspiracy to collude to obstruct Hillary from destroying the country?

Gee Frank, too bad that is not within the purview of Mueller's contract. I'm so sure, as are you, that HRC wants to destroy America, the home of her daughter and grandchildren and many many friends.

Why do you posts such stuff? Are you desperate for attention Frank? I suggest you go outside naked, and get the attention you deserve - hysterical laughter.

I thought The Mule was looking at Putin colluding with Trump to hack the election like he was Brenda Snipes?
Face the facts Trumpanzees:

  • The Trump's all believe they are above the law
  • Hypocrisy is in their bones
  • The Trump's are a crime family.
  • If Trump really cared about our country, he would resign, apologize and move his entire family to Russia.
Yup, and Trump knows a bunch of people that have committed suicide too.
The retards are stuck on the server thing. That has nothing to do with the federal law, and so they are struck with their usual willful blindness.

The law is very clear. If you use a personal email account, you are required by law to transfer your emails to a government server within 20 days.


It has nothing to do with a personal SERVER. It has to do with a personal EMAIL account.

All caught up now, tards?
They'll pretend they never saw that
And I guarantee you that - by the time this is all over - most of them (especially Donald Trump) will probably wish they had never started the hype over Clinton's emails.

Karma is a bitch.

That's probably nonsense, and for two reasons. 1) As we've seen, the Trumpletons give Ivanka a pass under the "Bbbbut Hillary" doctrine, so it's likely the Trumpies won't lose much, if any, support over this. 2) More importantly, Democrats cannot investigate this aggressively without also shining a light on Hillary. Much as it pains me, that ship won't sail. In the end, they will remain quite content having brought down Hillary, in relevant part, by hyping the emails.

This whole thread is over a nothingburger (just as Hillary's emails were a nothingburger), and it serves at most to show our resident Goobers are bereft of integrity - not that this is in any way news worthy. Politically speaking, I'd hope the Dems just laugh at the dummy, and get on with important work, because Ivanka's emails aren't of any import whatsoever.
Face the facts Trumpanzees:

  • The Trump's all believe they are above the law
  • Hypocrisy is in their bones
  • The Trump's are a crime family.
  • If Trump really cared about our country, he would resign, apologize and move his entire family to Russia.

Will Mueller even mention Russia in his final report on Trumps conspiracy to collude to obstruct Hillary from destroying the country?

Gee Frank, too bad that is not within the purview of Mueller's contract. I'm so sure, as are you, that HRC wants to destroy America, the home of her daughter and grandchildren and many many friends.

Why do you posts such stuff? Are you desperate for attention Frank? I suggest you go outside naked, and get the attention you deserve - hysterical laughter.
Hillary is rich and has protection.
We don't.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!

Biased Coyote strikes again. Ivanka was not the Secy of State nor was she running for President. Apples and oranges. Your leftist, biased, antisemitic POVs are laughable. You should be abashed.
I can go in my personal email account and delete all my emails.

If you can't see that, then you are a technical idiot.
but google still has the backups they take daily if not more often. if the gov wants your e-mails, they supeona google and done. they got 'em. hillary could take backups, not take 'em, destroy the server in a 1 room fire - and the like. the gov could ask for them (and they did) and she can make it difficult (you mean, like with a cloth).

you simply don't understand this - stop digging, china doesn't want you either.

like i said - you have some undying desire to be a bitter asshole so you'll let yourself believe whatever you need to in order to carry that out.
Just keep on moving those goalposts and narrowing your benchmarks, rube. It's all you can do. :lol:

She used a personal email account for federal business. That's illegal. And that's all you need to know.

to be fair, Hillary could probably understand the law .... Ivanka, not unless it was explained, and even they she wouldn't know whether to believe what she was told.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Crooked Ivanka violated federal law if she did not transfer ALL of her government business emails to a server within 20 days.

I bet you right now her lawyers are scrambling to do just that to cover up Crooked Ivanka's violation of federal law.
of course, but the Trumpbots see no double standard because they need to believe Trump is serving their interests against "the establishment" even though his "policies" benefit capital over workers. And that's not to say Hillary was a fan of the folks raising two kids on two incomes totaling less than 95K
You would kind of have a point IF Hillary had received punishment for what she did, but that didn't happen.

The fact is there is nothing illegal here. Unlike Hillary, destroying evidence in an FBI investigation is a crime.
And I guarantee you that - by the time this is all over - most of them (especially Donald Trump) will probably wish they had never started the hype over Clinton's emails.

Karma is a bitch.

That's probably nonsense, and for two reasons. 1) As we've seen, the Trumpletons give Ivanka a pass under the "Bbbbut Hillary" doctrine, so it's likely the Trumpies won't lose much, if any, support over this. 2) More importantly, Democrats cannot investigate this aggressively without also shining a light on Hillary. Much as it pains me, that ship won't sail. In the end, they will remain quite content having brought down Hillary, in relevant part, by hyping the emails.

This whole thread is over a nothingburger (just as Hillary's emails were a nothingburger), and it serves at most to show our resident Goobers are bereft of integrity - not that this is in any way news worthy. Politically speaking, I'd hope the Dems just laugh at the dummy, and get on with important work, because Ivanka's emails aren't of any import whatsoever.

Interesting concept, Olde! According to you...Clinton running the State Department's official business through servers hidden in her house...something that she knew was totally illegal...hiring professionals to scrub those servers when they were discovered during the Benghazi investigation...and lying to Congressional investigators about first having any other emails and then about what they consisted of...all of THAT is the same thing as Ivanka using a private email account to update her staff on her schedule? Really? That's REALLY what you're going with?
Face the facts Trumpanzees:

  • The Trump's all believe they are above the law
  • Hypocrisy is in their bones
  • The Trump's are a crime family.
  • If Trump really cared about our country, he would resign, apologize and move his entire family to Russia.

Will Mueller even mention Russia in his final report on Trumps conspiracy to collude to obstruct Hillary from destroying the country?

Gee Frank, too bad that is not within the purview of Mueller's contract. I'm so sure, as are you, that HRC wants to destroy America, the home of her daughter and grandchildren and many many friends.

Why do you posts such stuff? Are you desperate for attention Frank? I suggest you go outside naked, and get the attention you deserve - hysterical laughter.
Clinton doesn't want to destroy America, she just wants to convert it in to cash for herself, and then transform America in to a Globalist Socialist run Sheethole where people like her get to look down upon the dirty masses from their ivory towers and declare all the peasants as equally impoverished wards of the state.

Well Trump does want to destroy America, as well as the Republican Parties Leadership and people like you.

During the Ford Administration a new word needed to be coined - STAGFLATION - to describe the last great recession before the Great Recession of 2007 -2009.

What word, or a newly coined word best describes Trumpism?

Fascist and Plutocratic + Despotic leadership by insult and chaos ... hmmmm ...I don't think we need to coin a new word, a singular term has already been defined: TOTALITARIANISM.
That must explain why since Trump was elected the markets have gone up up up up.

Since the Democrats took back the House the markets have gone down down down.....
And I guarantee you that - by the time this is all over - most of them (especially Donald Trump) will probably wish they had never started the hype over Clinton's emails.

Karma is a bitch.

That's probably nonsense, and for two reasons. 1) As we've seen, the Trumpletons give Ivanka a pass under the "Bbbbut Hillary" doctrine, so it's likely the Trumpies won't lose much, if any, support over this. 2) More importantly, Democrats cannot investigate this aggressively without also shining a light on Hillary. Much as it pains me, that ship won't sail. In the end, they will remain quite content having brought down Hillary, in relevant part, by hyping the emails.

This whole thread is over a nothingburger (just as Hillary's emails were a nothingburger), and it serves at most to show our resident Goobers are bereft of integrity - not that this is in any way news worthy. Politically speaking, I'd hope the Dems just laugh at the dummy, and get on with important work, because Ivanka's emails aren't of any import whatsoever.

I did not say Ivanka would end up in jail...I HIGHLY doubt she will.

My point was that the Dems will milk this for EVERYTHING they can....they have already started in the House. And it will no doubt make Trump FURIOUS over his precious Ivanka - probably THE ONE person Trump seems to value more than anyone else (besides himself).

This will - quietly - make Trump and his minions regret that they ever tried to persecute Clinton for the same thing.

That is what I meant.

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