vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

After all of the massive howling in pseudocon circles about Clinton's emails, after all the outraged and flinging of spittle by her very own father about Clinton's emails for months and months and months and months, Crooked Ivanka used a personal email account in 2017 to conduct government business.

Just how unbelievably stupid is Crooked Ivanka?

F*CK why are you posts always so divisive? Just STFU already.
Vanka is SecState?


Hillarys wide open server likely got our Chinese spy network wiped out

She's a WH senior advisor with access to classified and secret information. If there is a possibility that there is classified material she's been passing on her personal account, it should be checked out, just like you guys wanted with Hillary.

But, even if she was found guilty, her daddy would pardon her.

By the way, do you have a link showing that our Chinese spy network was wiped out because of Hillary, or is this more crap you're pulling outta your ass?

Differences between Hillary and Ivanka:

Ivanka didn't send or receive any classified information. Hillary did and tried to hide it.
Ivanka didn't delete any emails she received. Hillary bleachbit 30,000.
Ivanka made all correspondence available for the archives. Hillary bleachbit everything.

While it certainly wasn't smart, they've already said all that she did was like scheduling of meetings and such. Nothing the least bit bad.
After all of the massive howling in pseudocon circles about Clinton's emails, after all the outraged and flinging of spittle by her very own father about Clinton's emails for months and months and months and months, Crooked Ivanka used a personal email account in 2017 to conduct government business.

Just how unbelievably stupid is Crooked Ivanka?

F*CK why are you posts always so divisive? Just STFU already.
I'm simply modeling Trump, dude.

Ain't it a bitch?
After all of the massive howling in pseudocon circles about Clinton's emails, after all the outraged and flinging of spittle by her very own father about Clinton's emails for months and months and months and months, Crooked Ivanka used a personal email account in 2017 to conduct government business.

Just how unbelievably stupid is Crooked Ivanka?

F*CK why are you posts always so divisive? Just STFU already.
I'm simply modeling Trump, dude.

Ain't it a bitch?

When you win the Presidency you can do whatever you like, until then you're being a bitch.
After all of the massive howling in pseudocon circles about Clinton's emails, after all the outraged and flinging of spittle by her very own father about Clinton's emails for months and months and months and months, Crooked Ivanka used a personal email account in 2017 to conduct government business.

Just how unbelievably stupid is Crooked Ivanka?

F*CK why are you posts always so divisive? Just STFU already.
it's what trolls do. say stupid shit to get people to react. i have to reel myself in at times and go back to ignoring him. or her. or whatever it is.
After all of the massive howling in pseudocon circles about Clinton's emails, after all the outraged and flinging of spittle by her very own father about Clinton's emails for months and months and months and months, Crooked Ivanka used a personal email account in 2017 to conduct government business.

Just how unbelievably stupid is Crooked Ivanka?

F*CK why are you posts always so divisive? Just STFU already.
it's what trolls do. say stupid shit to get people to react. i have to reel myself in at times and go back to ignoring him. or her. or whatever it is.

The gay clown? Yeah.
After all of the massive howling in pseudocon circles about Clinton's emails, after all the outraged and flinging of spittle by her very own father about Clinton's emails for months and months and months and months, Crooked Ivanka used a personal email account in 2017 to conduct government business.

Just how unbelievably stupid is Crooked Ivanka?

F*CK why are you posts always so divisive? Just STFU already.
it's what trolls do. say stupid shit to get people to react. i have to reel myself in at times and go back to ignoring him. or her. or whatever it is.

The gay clown? Yeah.
yep. i don't think even he believes 80% of what he says but he knows people will react.

kinda sad when that's your "life" really.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!

Were any of them classified and top secret like they were with Hillary?

Try again, Stalinists.
Let us know when she becomes Secretary of State. Starts an unsecured server. Then we will handle her in the same manner as Clinton was.
Good to know you are a hypocrite. We no longer care about the actions of our elected officials only wether they say they are an R or a D. Feel poroud!
First learn the English language.
Second the Dems have already set a precedent that no one need care about email accounts even if they are bleach bit.
Third if you care what she sent you can file a FOIA and request them to read for yourself. Unlike 30,000 emails that were not saved and deleted by bleach bit.
Lastly forget the fake outrage.
I get it. You are alllowd to freak out for 6 fucking years Chant "lock her up"

And when one of your own does it, everyone is supposed to be quiet.

YOU are the hypocrite.
No you idiots are making some crazy federal case about it. According to the reports no information of value was transmitted. It was not kept on a home brew server. None of it was bleach bit or destroyed in any way.

You demented fools are the ones that not only defended someone that did worse. Told us that it was no big deal. But you ran her for the highest office and were upset that not everyone voted for her. And then pretend we should not only be upset but call us hypocrites.

What server was it on?

Was it secure? Had it been hacked????
Since it was a server of Microsofts I don't think it was in a basement with the maid retrieving messages.
No matter what security clearance the Kushner's have , they should know better, lock them up. They have the most secret of info and Trump depends on them. HIs close family advisors.
Let us know when she becomes Secretary of State. Starts an unsecured server. Then we will handle her in the same manner as Clinton was.
Good to know you are a hypocrite. We no longer care about the actions of our elected officials only wether they say they are an R or a D. Feel poroud!

So Penelope is not a hypocrite but Max is? How do you figure?
No matter what security clearance the Kushner's have , they should know better, lock them up. They have the most secret of info and Trump depends on them. HIs close family advisors.
Let us know when she becomes Secretary of State. Starts an unsecured server. Then we will handle her in the same manner as Clinton was.
Good to know you are a hypocrite. We no longer care about the actions of our elected officials only wether they say they are an R or a D. Feel poroud!
First learn the English language.
Second the Dems have already set a precedent that no one need care about email accounts even if they are bleach bit.
Third if you care what she sent you can file a FOIA and request them to read for yourself. Unlike 30,000 emails that were not saved and deleted by bleach bit.
Lastly forget the fake outrage.
I get it. You are alllowd to freak out for 6 fucking years Chant "lock her up"

And when one of your own does it, everyone is supposed to be quiet.

YOU are the hypocrite.
There is a difference between what the two of them did. Can you not admit that?
It was dumb but still quite different
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!
Hitlery indeed.

Scrubbed servers? Check
Deleted emails? Check
Housed her own server? Check
Destroyed electronic devices? Check

But but HILLARY!
House To Investigate Ivanka Trump’s Use Of Personal Email For Official Business

Rep. Elijah Cummings, the incoming chairman of the House oversight committee, wants answers.

Great news!

Bad news. There is a myriad of issues worthy of investigating which are affecting American lives every day, like the Trumpy's deregulatory vandalism, for instance. Instead, Cummings seems determined to let pettiness rule the day, for all to see while most Americans couldn't care less. I thought, the old man is smart enough to see this. Catastrophic news, really.
Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are planning to look into Ivanka Trump’s use of a personal email account to determine whether she violated federal law.

A Democratic aide told The Hill on Tuesday that the committee is planning “to continue our investigation of the presidential records act and federal records act, and we want to know if Ivanka complied with the law.”

House Dems to investigate Ivanka Trump's email use
Crooked Ivanka! "But her emails!" We will not forget.


Lock her up!

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