vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

Unlike Hillary, there are no sensitive state e-mails.
Last time I checked, Ivanka was not the Secretary of State.
So blow it out yer collective arses...

We don't know what the Princess sent with her personal emails yet? The Dem House will find out though....

Ivanka is clean. She doesn't even have to use bleachbit, you wanker.
Dem house isn't in session yet. But if they want to waste their time, then have at it.
Especially since the upcoming Dem House doesn't know what else to do except resist Trump.
Dems, a true visionless party.
Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are planning to look into Ivanka Trump’s use of a personal email account to determine whether she violated federal law.

A Democratic aide told The Hill on Tuesday that the committee is planning “to continue our investigation of the presidential records act and federal records act, and we want to know if Ivanka complied with the law.”

House Dems to investigate Ivanka Trump's email use

Then they better investigate Clinton.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Republicans had their turn.

Now it's karma's turn.

Ain't that a bitch?

The entire problem is Democrats to stupid..

I bet you this will be like 2006 zzzzzzz

And they will just play with themselves.

Unlike Hillary, there are no sensitive state e-mails.
Last time I checked, Ivanka was not the Secretary of State.
So blow it out yer collective arses...

We don't know what the Princess sent with her personal emails yet? The Dem House will find out though....

Princess? Botox Barbie? The new House Democrats will grill her hard.

They might ride her harder than daddy does....:21::21:
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!
Hitlery indeed.

Scrubbed servers? Check
Deleted emails? Check
Housed her own server? Check
Destroyed electronic devices? Check

But but HILLARY!

Unlike Hillary, there are no sensitive state e-mails.
Last time I checked, Ivanka was not the Secretary of State.
So blow it out yer collective arses...

We don't know what the Princess sent with her personal emails yet? The Dem House will find out though....

Princess? Botox Barbie? The new House Democrats will grill her hard.

They might ride her harder than daddy does....:21::21:

While calling her Megyn Kelly...?
Unlike Hillary, there are no sensitive state e-mails.
Last time I checked, Ivanka was not the Secretary of State.
So blow it out yer collective arses...

We don't know what the Princess sent with her personal emails yet? The Dem House will find out though....

Princess? Botox Barbie? The new House Democrats will grill her hard.

They might ride her harder than daddy does....:21::21:

A typical comment from a member of the moral Dems.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!
Hitlery indeed.

Scrubbed servers? Check
Deleted emails? Check
Housed her own server? Check
Destroyed electronic devices? Check

But but HILLARY!
been proven not same scenario.

stop being intelluctually dishonest cause you hate trump.
Ivanka Didn’t Come Close to Doing What FELONIOUS Hillary Did!

RUSH: No! No! I am not. I’m not gonna talk about Ivanka Trump’s email until it is proven that she created a secret email server and put it in her home (preferably in the bathroom) to hide a pay-for-play scheme, and then tried to destroy it when subpoenaed. I’m not gonna talk about Ivanka Trump and her emails until somebody shows me that what she did got anywhere even close to what Hillary Clinton did — and Hillary Clinton has been exonerated.


The FBI and James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton for trafficking in classified data over an unprotected server with the president of the United States (and everybody else) who lied to the American people about when he knew that Hillary was using that server. He said he only found out about it when everybody else did in the news, which was a lie and rooted in hate, because Obama was emailing back and forth with her via her private server that was unprotected.

So, you know, to hell with this Democrat dream of a two-tier justice system. We can talk about Ivanka Trump after Hillary Clinton’s trial. But I’m not gonna get sucked into this. That was my whole point in the first hour. These two situations have nothing in common, and I’m not gonna get sucked into treating whatever Ivanka Trump done as somehow similar to what Hillary which is what the Obama Media is trying to do out there. They’re trying to exonerate Hillary a second time while convicting Ivanka, who hasn’t done anywhere near.

So no. I’m not talking about it!!!
Another day another liberal lie.... Go figure...

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business


"To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules," Mirijanian said."

Once AGAIN snowflakes & Liberals try accusing others of what THEY have done and of being who THEY are...
And I guess trumshittes are fine with the moron bashing the guys who captured and killed bin ladin and Ivanka personal EMAIL for gov't business

He did neither, dumbass.
Oh? and what do you call "he should have caught him faster" What does that say to you dumkoff?
The general didn't kill bin Laden, moron. He only gave the order to someone else to do it.
The whole thing is all in the end agree. It's like reality tv. Great viewing.
Another day another liberal lie.... Go figure...

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business


"To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules," Mirijanian said."

Once AGAIN snowflakes & Liberals try accusing others of what THEY have done and of being who THEY are...
And I guess trumshittes are fine with the moron bashing the guys who captured and killed bin ladin and Ivanka personal EMAIL for gov't business

He did neither, dumbass.
Oh? and what do you call "he should have caught him faster" What does that say to you dumkoff?

It's called criticism, not severe criticism (bashing).
and since when does this pos with 5 deferments give his low life criticism to a hero? Trump is slime and republicans are wallowing in it
Since where does some ass-kissing admiral get off attacking the president?
Unlike Hillary, there are no sensitive state e-mails.
Last time I checked, Ivanka was not the Secretary of State.
So blow it out yer collective arses...

We don't know what the Princess sent with her personal emails yet? The Dem House will find out though....

Princess? Botox Barbie? The new House Democrats will grill her hard.

They might ride her harder than daddy does....:21::21:

While calling her Megyn Kelly...?

and she doesn't say it....for fear of her daddy....but she is think....PLEASE BUBBA.....PLEASE!
Another day another liberal lie.... Go figure...

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business


"To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules," Mirijanian said."

Once AGAIN snowflakes & Liberals try accusing others of what THEY have done and of being who THEY are...
And I guess trumshittes are fine with the moron bashing the guys who captured and killed bin ladin and Ivanka personal EMAIL for gov't business

He did neither, dumbass.
Oh? and what do you call "he should have caught him faster" What does that say to you dumkoff?
The general didn't kill bin Laden, moron. He only gave the order to someone else to do it.
You speaking to me is like that moron Trump talking to the seal
This is like everything dimshits post here baseless drivel. If their idiots want to go there, Okay then how many shitpiles on the investigating team have personal email accounts to hide their treasonous activity? Go ahead mofos The door closed behind every dimshit in DC. Stupid murdering trash.
Another day another liberal lie.... Go figure...

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business


"To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules," Mirijanian said."

Once AGAIN snowflakes & Liberals try accusing others of what THEY have done and of being who THEY are...
And I guess trumshittes are fine with the moron bashing the guys who captured and killed bin ladin and Ivanka personal EMAIL for gov't business

He did neither, dumbass.
Oh? and what do you call "he should have caught him faster" What does that say to you dumkoff?
The general didn't kill bin Laden, moron. He only gave the order to someone else to do it.
You speaking to me is like that moron Trump talking to the seal
Let me get this straight: You believe you are smart?
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!
/----/ Ivanka is not gubmint employee

Then why is she in email communication with cabinet members?

Not an employee, that would be illegal, but still a member of the team.

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