Various Thoughts on the Issues of Homosexuality

Think again!! 40 MILLION DEAD FROM AIDS another 40,000,000 HIV positive and you "can't think of a single incident where gays negatively affected my life or anyone else's." oh really????????????????? BUT THEIR WORST EVIL IS THEY DENY THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD AND clame their sin is not sin!!!= COMPOUND SIN!!!

Dear Gismys: how many crimes, abuses, sins, killing and even mass genocide
have been caused by UNFORGIVENESS of past conflicts repeated or projected to harm others? (including but not limited to just issues with homosexuality).

Isn't it telling that the same "divine forgiveness" that brings healing of the anger and conflicts
that cause all sin to escalate from individual abuse to mass murder,
ALSO heals the causes of unnatural homosexuality caused by sexual abuse, AND heal AIDS and other diseases?

Doesn't this show that forgiveness that heals
is more powerful than unforgiveness that kills?
Which do you want to draw attention to by your example and words?

I appreciate your speaking out against ignoring wrongs to raise awareness.
How can the same energy in your thoughts and words
be better directed toward the process of healing and correcting the cause of all wrongs?

Do your words promote forgiveness to bring healing?
Or more unforgiveness and division? Which are you trying to promote more?
focus on the sin, or focus on correction and healing the root causes of all sins?
Some bigots need to be slapped a few times, literally, figuratively, or by being the target of bigotry before they will take the time to give a shit about the plight of others. You can't win em all over with kindness every time for every situation...

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,...

Thanks RKMB

Dear Gismys: is this correct? if you prefer to berate and slap people around verbally,
does this mean that is the only way to communicate with you?

Gismys, is this how you came to your understanding of God, Jesus and the Bible?
Was it slapped in your face, and were you verbally blamed and berated until you changed your mind?

Is this how you want all things to be like?

For everyone in the world to think this way, and communicate by yelling, judging,
forcing and screaming?

Please let me know, Gismys, if "screaming and yelling" at you is what works best.

It is strange to me that the people I know who have the MOST experience healing people, of all manner of sickness, never judge or condemn anyone. Never speak an ill word!

Gismys if you have really healed anyone of homosexuality or AIDS by screaming judgments at them, you will be the first I ever heard of!

Sorry for not screaming at you, if this is what you need.
HEAR THE WORD OF GOD===Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. 11 Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 1 corinthians 6:9-11
It's not so much an issue of the homosexuality per se, but of forgiveness.

The people with the least "forgiveness" project the loudest.
This is true on any issue, but how the unforgiveness is expressed (and what issue
it is PROJECTED onto) is NOT always related to the issue the person has internally causing the anger to exude.

I know someone who has a deep rooted issue with criminal abuse in his family (committed by white people like himself) but he projects his distrust and anger over injustice from crimes onto black people and thugs in the news more than whites.

the source and the target of projection is not always the same.

I dont get why someone being gay needs to be forgiven? Its a utterly baffling concept to me.

We all have our biases, where we are going to impose our perceptions, beliefs or values on others with or without intent.

We all need forgiveness when this happens. Gays are no exception, either way.
I agree no person or group should be targeted more than any other, but that is the reality of being human with biases in our judgment.

If the focus was against "abuse" in general -- abuse of relationships, abuse of sex, abuse of corporate or collective,
political or religious authority -- then any ABUSE would be equally addressed for correction.

I believe THAT is a better approach, that can apply to all situations. But as long as we have our biases, that's why all of us need forgiveness, because we are going to object or project more with "some issues more than others". This is similar to complaints about people suing and blaming Christians or blaming Muslims "more" than other people. Why are so many people discriminating and targeting THOSE groups more than others that suffer abuses? this happens with any issue, because of personal biases. we will always have those, and this may not be changed, but if we are "forgiving" of each other, at least we can work around our differences and not let that get in the way of reaching an agreement on how to resolve the abuses we are each against.

Wouldn't that be more along the lines of self forgiveness or empathy? For example in the case of GISMYS. Shouldn't that person be rationalizing to him/herself that by transferring her belief system to others and judging them by their failure to live up to it they are sinning? Shouldnt GISMYS be saying 1000 hail marys a day which will promote tolerance and awareness for its own sins and perceived sins of others?
It's not so much an issue of the homosexuality per se, but of forgiveness.

The people with the least "forgiveness" project the loudest.
This is true on any issue, but how the unforgiveness is expressed (and what issue
it is PROJECTED onto) is NOT always related to the issue the person has internally causing the anger to exude.

I know someone who has a deep rooted issue with criminal abuse in his family (committed by white people like himself) but he projects his distrust and anger over injustice from crimes onto black people and thugs in the news more than whites.

the source and the target of projection is not always the same.

I dont get why someone being gay needs to be forgiven? Its a utterly baffling concept to me.

We all have our biases, where we are going to impose our perceptions, beliefs or values on others with or without intent.

We all need forgiveness when this happens. Gays are no exception, either way.
I agree no person or group should be targeted more than any other, but that is the reality of being human with biases in our judgment.

If the focus was against "abuse" in general -- abuse of relationships, abuse of sex, abuse of corporate or collective,
political or religious authority -- then any ABUSE would be equally addressed for correction.

I believe THAT is a better approach, that can apply to all situations. But as long as we have our biases, that's why all of us need forgiveness, because we are going to object or project more with "some issues more than others". This is similar to complaints about people suing and blaming Christians or blaming Muslims "more" than other people. Why are so many people discriminating and targeting THOSE groups more than others that suffer abuses? this happens with any issue, because of personal biases. we will always have those, and this may not be changed, but if we are "forgiving" of each other, at least we can work around our differences and not let that get in the way of reaching an agreement on how to resolve the abuses we are each against.

I generally avoid religous dicussion on these boards , but basically I believe there are two types of Queers

1.] Nasty disgusting revolting and unrepenting perverted Faggots - whose sole purpose in life is sexual gratification and bending others to their will.

2.] Decent respectable human beings - who are afflicted with this sexual dysphoria known as Homosexuality and simply do not know how to escape it, so they remain remain discreet and out of societies face in respect to their dementia.

If there really is a Hell in the classical sense , then group 1 is "Hell-Bound"
I'm a self-admitted ex-bigot against gays. The pro-gay folks tried to sway my opinion nicely many times in many different ways. However, my religion, my parents, my peers had so wired the bigotry into my thinking that I would just use one of a plethora of excuses to wipe away their protestations. I was guilty of following along, and truly thinking I must be right because everyone agrees with me. Why would kind people who I knew and trusted as mentors teach me to be a bigot?

I would say things like... it's prohibited as sin in the old-testament, thus justified; they can get married to someone of the opposite sex like everyone else or be single like everyone else that is single; they can get a civil union instead; they just want to redefine the term marriage, why don't they get their own term; what's the point they can't have kids together, isn't the purpose of marriage to have kids; why don't they argue to fix the federal laws; why don't they instead argue that the feds should not be involved in marriage at all; ... I used all the old tired arguments as personal shields to hide behind my superior position in life over the gays.

I was a bigot who needed to be slapped a few times, literally, figuratively, and by being the target of bigotry before I took the time to give a shit about the plight of many groups. For me kindness was an approach that did not work in and of itself.
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Why sinners need to be forgiven?????? the wages of sin is death and hell!! Confess and repent of sin and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior,God will forgive you,wash you and make you clean.

Forgiveness can never be forced, only taught by example. And received by free choice.

Gismys, whatever fear or unforgiveness you have in your heart about these issues,
I pray that these be removed from your mind. So you can see even more clearly how to remove the same fears or misunderstanding in the minds of others you are trying to reach.

Where we forgive others, we are also forgiven.

Whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven; whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Whenever we remove the beam or bias from our own eyes, we can better see to help our neighbor with theirs. I pray for all barriers and blockages to be removed, that all our relations be made whole, perfect, and new in Christ Jesus where knowledge is unified as one, and agreement in truth sets us all free.
I'm a self-admitted ex-bigot against gays. The pro-gay folks tried to sway my opinion nicely many times in many different ways. However, my religion, my parents, my peers had so wired the bigotry into my thinking that I would just use one of a plethora of excuses to wipe away their protestations. I was guilty of following along, and truly thinking I must be right because everyone agrees with me. Why would kind people who I knew and trusted as mentors teach me to be a bigot?

I would say things like... it's prohibited as sin in the old-testament, thus justified; they can get married to someone of the opposite sex like everyone else or be single like everyone else that is single; they can get a civil union instead; they just want to redefine the term marriage, why don't they get their own term; what's the point they can't have kids together, isn't the purpose of marriage to have kids; why don't they argue to fix the federal laws; why don't they instead argue that the feds should not be involved in marriage at all; ... I used all the old tired arguments as personal shields to hide behind my superior position in life over the gays.

I was a bigot who needed to be slapped a few times, literally, figuratively, and by being the target of bigotry before I took the time to give a shit about the plight of many groups. For me kindness was an approach did not work in and of itself.

Do you now try to deny the truth of God's word????==Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 corinthians 6:9-10
Actually, a very large percentage of women are sexually abused. 1 in 5. That's a disturbing statistic that should concern everyone.

I have an ex that was sexually abused by her grandfather. She had two sisters a year apart, but grandpa never touched them. She always speculated that he knew she was "different" and that's why he chose her. The abuse had nothing to do with her being gay, but being gay may have "invited" the abuse.

On the Contrary - the Abuse probably caused her to be Gay . And chances are it was occurring b4 she was even cognizant .

The facts are contrary to your false assertion.

What facts - you haven't presented any you silly little pervert . :badgrin:
I'm a self-admitted ex-bigot against gays. The pro-gay folks tried to sway my opinion nicely many times in many different ways. However, my religion, my parents, my peers had so wired the bigotry into my thinking that I would just use one of a plethora of excuses to wipe away their protestations. I was guilty of following along, and truly thinking I must be right because everyone agrees with me. Why would kind people who I knew and trusted as mentors teach me to be a bigot?

I would say things like... it's prohibited as sin in the old-testament, thus justified; they can get married to someone of the opposite sex like everyone else or be single like everyone else that is single; they can get a civil union instead; they just want to redefine the term marriage, why don't they get their own term; what's the point they can't have kids together, isn't the purpose of marriage to have kids; why don't they argue to fix the federal laws; why don't they instead argue that the feds should not be involved in marriage at all; ... I used all the old tired arguments as personal shields to hide behind my superior position in life over the gays.

I was a bigot who needed to be slapped a few times, literally, figuratively, and by being the target of bigotry before I took the time to give a shit about the plight of many groups. For me kindness was an approach that did not work in and of itself.

So basically, what you're saying isthat you are a victim of Liberal and Gay Brainwashing . I bet you watch a lot of televison and movies geared to re-program your thought process. My hunch is you are also probably under 40 - so you were subjected to a tremendous amount of brain washing amd mental manipulation in the brave new world of public education.
I'm a self-admitted ex-bigot against gays. The pro-gay folks tried to sway my opinion nicely many times in many different ways. However, my religion, my parents, my peers had so wired the bigotry into my thinking that I would just use one of a plethora of excuses to wipe away their protestations. I was guilty of following along, and truly thinking I must be right because everyone agrees with me. Why would kind people who I knew and trusted as mentors teach me to be a bigot?

I would say things like... it's prohibited as sin in the old-testament, thus justified; they can get married to someone of the opposite sex like everyone else or be single like everyone else that is single; they can get a civil union instead; they just want to redefine the term marriage, why don't they get their own term; what's the point they can't have kids together, isn't the purpose of marriage to have kids; why don't they argue to fix the federal laws; why don't they instead argue that the feds should not be involved in marriage at all; ... I used all the old tired arguments as personal shields to hide behind my superior position in life over the gays.

I was a bigot who needed to be slapped a few times, literally, figuratively, and by being the target of bigotry before I took the time to give a shit about the plight of many groups. For me kindness was an approach did not work in and of itself.

Do you now try to deny the truth of God's word????==Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 corinthians 6:9-10

I realize that men wrote the book, that men interpret the book, and that all men are capable of a great many failings and evils.

I eat pork, and I don't believe it to be sinful to do so even though I understand that thousands of years ago some jewish folk said it was sinful. IMO they were dead wrong. They probably made law to protect people from getting sick. Which would have happened if the pork was not clean and cooked completely.

I don't keep any slaves, even though the good book tells us how to keep our slaves. I believe slavery to be the same as theft, for how can one not steal from another while taking their labor by force?

I view the old testament more as a number of stories told down through the ages, than a book of laws that must be adhered to because god said so and if I don't I'll burn in hell. I look to the new testament to direct how I live, IMO the old-testament was significantly modified by the new testament, showing how some of the old laws may have been... wrong.
I'm a self-admitted ex-bigot against gays. The pro-gay folks tried to sway my opinion nicely many times in many different ways. However, my religion, my parents, my peers had so wired the bigotry into my thinking that I would just use one of a plethora of excuses to wipe away their protestations. I was guilty of following along, and truly thinking I must be right because everyone agrees with me. Why would kind people who I knew and trusted as mentors teach me to be a bigot?

I would say things like... it's prohibited as sin in the old-testament, thus justified; they can get married to someone of the opposite sex like everyone else or be single like everyone else that is single; they can get a civil union instead; they just want to redefine the term marriage, why don't they get their own term; what's the point they can't have kids together, isn't the purpose of marriage to have kids; why don't they argue to fix the federal laws; why don't they instead argue that the feds should not be involved in marriage at all; ... I used all the old tired arguments as personal shields to hide behind my superior position in life over the gays.

I was a bigot who needed to be slapped a few times, literally, figuratively, and by being the target of bigotry before I took the time to give a shit about the plight of many groups. For me kindness was an approach did not work in and of itself.

Do you now try to deny the truth of God's word????==Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 corinthians 6:9-10

I realize that men wrote the book, that men interpret the book, and that all men are capable of a great many failings and evils.

I eat pork, and I don't believe it to be sinful to do so even though I understand that thousands of years ago some jewish folk said it was sinful. IMO they were dead wrong. They probably made law to protect people from getting sick. Which would have happened if the pork was not clean and cooked completely.

I don't keep any slaves, even though the good book tells us how to keep our slaves. I believe slavery to be the same as theft, for how can one not steal from another while taking their labor by force?

I view the old testament more as a number of stories told down through the ages, than a book of laws that must be adhered to because god said so and if I don't I'll burn in hell. I look to the new testament to direct how I live, IMO the old-testament was significantly modified by the new testament, showing how some of the old laws may have been... wrong.

YOU prove my point! SEXUAL PERVERSION IS A COMPOUND EVIL SIN.WORST THAN MOST SIN IMHO. because those living in perversion want to say their sin is not sin thus they sin even more by trying to deny the TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD!!

What facts - you haven't presented any you silly little pervert . :badgrin:

I gave you the facts, you ignored them. Three girls separated in age by one year. My ex was the middle of the three. Grandpa chose the "tomboy" of the three for his "attentions".

Sexual abuse has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

That means absolutely nothing re: which one he chose to molest.

And yes Sexual abuse has a lot to do with sexual orientation - I gave you facts [several times] you chose to ignore them because they refute your assertions.

Please do respond promptly , I just adore the way you showcase your ignorance, you are so fun to bitch slap , perhaps it gives me a sexual titlation intellectually stomping on a pathetic Dyke such as yourself. :badgrin:
"Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 corinthians 6:9-10"

Well, I'm glad that this let's my X wife's granddaughter-in-law off the hook. She is a female prostitute.
I gave you the facts, you ignored them. Three girls separated in age by one year. My ex was the middle of the three. Grandpa chose the "tomboy" of the three for his "attentions".

Sexual abuse has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

That means absolutely nothing re: which one he chose to molest.

And yes Sexual abuse has a lot to do with sexual orientation - I gave you facts [several times] you chose to ignore them because they refute your assertions.

Please do respond promptly , I just adore the way you showcase your ignorance, you are so fun to bitch slap , perhaps it gives me a sexual titlation intellectually stomping on a pathetic Dyke such as yourself. :badgrin:

You haven't provided facts. There is ZERO relation between childhood sexual abuse and sexual orientation.

I was never abused. My spouse was never abused. 99% of my long term partners were not abused. 1 in 5 girls are abused. Are they all gay now you imbecile?
God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. 29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness.They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.
Romans 1:26-29
That means absolutely nothing re: which one he chose to molest.

And yes Sexual abuse has a lot to do with sexual orientation - I gave you facts [several times] you chose to ignore them because they refute your assertions.

Please do respond promptly , I just adore the way you showcase your ignorance, you are so fun to bitch slap , perhaps it gives me a sexual titlation intellectually stomping on a pathetic Dyke such as yourself. :badgrin:

You haven't provided facts. There is ZERO relation between childhood sexual abuse and sexual orientation.

I was never abused. My spouse was never abused. 99% of my long term partners were not abused. 1 in 5 girls are abused. Are they all gay now you imbecile?


Are you into sado-masochism also ? :lol: - you seem to enjoy taking a licking ... uh ...I mean an ass kicking .... figuratively of course that is ..... purely figuratively ... oy vay

In 1999, Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. wrote the following regarding the position of sexual abuse being a contributing factor for homosexuality: “ Many studies demonstrate a sadly disproportionate extent of sexual abuse in the childhoods of homosexual men, suggesting at the least that both homosexual unhappiness and homosexuality itself derive from common causes... ”

In 2001, the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior published a study entitled Comparative data of childhood and adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons. The abstract for this article states the following: “ In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation. This research is apparently the first survey that has reported substantial homosexual molestation of girls.[31] ”

In 1998, Dr. William C. Holmes, M.D. and Dr. Gail B. Slap, M.D. reported in the medical journal JAMA the following:

&#8220; Adolescent boys, particularly those victimized by males, were up to 7 times more likely to identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual than peers who had not been abused (P<.001).
This reasoning seems to stand counter to the idea that homosexuality has a biological origin rather than a social one.
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I'm a self-admitted ex-bigot against gays. The pro-gay folks tried to sway my opinion nicely many times in many different ways. However, my religion, my parents, my peers had so wired the bigotry into my thinking that I would just use one of a plethora of excuses to wipe away their protestations. I was guilty of following along, and truly thinking I must be right because everyone agrees with me. Why would kind people who I knew and trusted as mentors teach me to be a bigot?

I would say things like... it's prohibited as sin in the old-testament, thus justified; they can get married to someone of the opposite sex like everyone else or be single like everyone else that is single; they can get a civil union instead; they just want to redefine the term marriage, why don't they get their own term; what's the point they can't have kids together, isn't the purpose of marriage to have kids; why don't they argue to fix the federal laws; why don't they instead argue that the feds should not be involved in marriage at all; ... I used all the old tired arguments as personal shields to hide behind my superior position in life over the gays.

I was a bigot who needed to be slapped a few times, literally, figuratively, and by being the target of bigotry before I took the time to give a shit about the plight of many groups. For me kindness was an approach that did not work in and of itself.

So basically, what you're saying isthat you are a victim of Liberal and Gay Brainwashing . I bet you watch a lot of televison and movies geared to re-program your thought process. My hunch is you are also probably under 40 - so you were subjected to a tremendous amount of brain washing amd mental manipulation in the brave new world of public education.

No, you lying POS, that is not what I'm saying.

No, your hunches are completely wrong, I'm not even remotely under 40.

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