Various Thoughts on the Issues of Homosexuality

Your, dumb ass view, is that being gay is a sin because it's a sin. And you think that's the truth of it because someone wrote it down that way thousands of years ago.

Your view of truth, is what you believe to be truth. IMO you are no better than the best servant of Satan. Why don't you go find a baseball bat and some gays to beat on to prove your worthiness to enter hell.

see!!!!!!!!!! FOR YOU TO LIVE IN YOUR PET SIN OF PERVERSION you must try to deny the truth of god's word!!! thus you compound your sin!!

Are you from Westboro by any chance?

Stop the bible thumper act/diversion. How many times do you have to be reported before it sinks in?
see!!!!!!!!!! For you to live in your pet sin of perversion you must try to deny the truth of god's word!!! Thus you compound your sin!!

are you from westboro by any chance?

stop the bible thumper act/diversion. How many times do you have to be reported before it sinks in?

roflmao!!! Do i hear crying???? Ma ma oh! Ma ma that mean old gismys kicks my fat butt all over the message board!!!! Help me ma ma!!! Tweak!
Your, dumb ass view, is that being gay is a sin because it's a sin. And you think that's the truth of it because someone wrote it down that way thousands of years ago.

Your view of truth, is what you believe to be truth. IMO you are no better than the best servant of Satan. Why don't you go find a baseball bat and some gays to beat on to prove your worthiness to enter hell.

see!!!!!!!!!! FOR YOU TO LIVE IN YOUR PET SIN OF PERVERSION you must try to deny the truth of god's word!!! thus you compound your sin!!

Are you from Westboro by any chance?

I'm sorry for her loss
are you from westboro by any chance?

stop the bible thumper act/diversion. How many times do you have to be reported before it sinks in?

roflmao!!! Do i hear crying???? Ma ma oh! Ma ma that mean old gismys kicks my fat butt all over the message board!!!! Help me ma ma!!! Tweak!

Shut the fuck up you poser. I'm against the Gay Agenda. You're playing at being a psychotic bible thumper to derail the topic. Go back to the bath house and try a new angle. This one is very transparent.
stop the bible thumper act/diversion. How many times do you have to be reported before it sinks in?

roflmao!!! Do i hear crying???? Ma ma oh! Ma ma that mean old gismys kicks my fat butt all over the message board!!!! Help me ma ma!!! Tweak!

Shut the fuck up you poser. I'm against the Gay Agenda. You're playing at being a psychotic bible thumper to derail the topic. Go back to the bath house and try a new angle. This one is very transparent.

POOR little guy! why all the tears??? crying like a baby????
You haven't provided facts. There is ZERO relation between childhood sexual abuse and sexual orientation.

I was never abused. My spouse was never abused. 99% of my long term partners were not abused. 1 in 5 girls are abused. Are they all gay now you imbecile?


Are you into sado-masochism also ? :lol: - you seem to enjoy taking a licking ... uh ...I mean an ass kicking .... figuratively of course that is ..... purely figuratively ... oy vay

In 1999, Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. wrote the following regarding the position of sexual abuse being a contributing factor for homosexuality: “ Many studies demonstrate a sadly disproportionate extent of sexual abuse in the childhoods of homosexual men, suggesting at the least that both homosexual unhappiness and homosexuality itself derive from common causes... ”

In 2001, the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior published a study entitled Comparative data of childhood and adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons. The abstract for this article states the following: “ In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation. This research is apparently the first survey that has reported substantial homosexual molestation of girls.[31] ”

In 1998, Dr. William C. Holmes, M.D. and Dr. Gail B. Slap, M.D. reported in the medical journal JAMA the following:

“ Adolescent boys, particularly those victimized by males, were up to 7 times more likely to identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual than peers who had not been abused (P<.001).
This reasoning seems to stand counter to the idea that homosexuality has a biological origin rather than a social one.

sexuality - Does sexual abuse lead to homosexuality? - Skeptics Stack Exchange

Have you noticed that your "facts" only show up in anti-gay blogs? This is from the American Psychiatric Association, perhaps you've heard of them?

.no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified, including histories of childhood sexual abuse. Sexual abuse does not appear to be more prevalent in children who grow up to identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, than in children who identify as heterosexual

LGBT-Sexual Orientation

And then this:

Childhood physical abuse and neglect were not significantly associated with same-sex cohabitation or sexual partners.

Does Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, or Neglect in Childhood Increase the Likelihood of Same-sex Sexual Relationships and Cohabitation? A Prospective 30-year Follow-up

You can't make people gay. You are or you aren't attracted to members of the same sex, period.
You haven't provided facts. There is ZERO relation between childhood sexual abuse and sexual orientation.

I was never abused. My spouse was never abused. 99% of my long term partners were not abused. 1 in 5 girls are abused. Are they all gay now you imbecile?

99% of your long term partners were not abused. So just how many Long Term Partners have you had

A few. I'm a sailor...had a girl in every port until I met "the one" and settled down.
stop the bible thumper act/diversion. How many times do you have to be reported before it sinks in?

roflmao!!! Do i hear crying???? Ma ma oh! Ma ma that mean old gismys kicks my fat butt all over the message board!!!! Help me ma ma!!! Tweak!

Shut the fuck up you poser. I'm against the Gay Agenda. You're playing at being a psychotic bible thumper to derail the topic. Go back to the bath house and try a new angle. This one is very transparent.

Awesome!!! Bigot fight, bigot fight!!! :lol:
Reading through much of GISMYS's post history, he isn't sincere, and his facade should be ignored. It's one thing to be honestly passionate and upset in debating your personal beliefs, and another to make yourself seem like something you aren't while stirring the pot.
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Is that a hard question to answer?

Would a gay male sailor have to worry about pregnancy when hooking up with one of his " boys" in one of the many port calls?

Remember, it is you that opened this door.

It was a joke...lighten up Francis.

What does pregnancy have to do with ANYTHING?

Not at all a joke. It's common to Naval personnel, and really many branches of the service.

So I take it you didn't worry about pregnancy during one of these hookups? Or if you or any of your partners were fertile or not? Even if they lied about their fertility, or whether our not they were on birth control, it really didn't matter, you had no concern that either you or your partner would get pregnant.

Am I right?

Same would be true to a gay male hooking up with another male I suppose.

A straight male hooking up with a straight female. Is the same true?
It was a joke...lighten up Francis.

What does pregnancy have to do with ANYTHING?

Not at all a joke. It's common to Naval personnel, and really many branches of the service.

So I take it you didn't worry about pregnancy during one of these hookups? Or if you or any of your partners were fertile or not? Even if they lied about their fertility, or whether our not they were on birth control, it really didn't matter, you had no concern that either you or your partner would get pregnant.

Am I right?

Same would be true to a gay male hooking up with another male I suppose.

A straight male hooking up with a straight female. Is the same true?

Not if they used protection. I handed out the condoms as folks left the ship to ensure such a thing.

So what?Again I ask... What does pregnancy have to do with ANYTHING?
Not at all a joke. It's common to Naval personnel, and really many branches of the service.

So I take it you didn't worry about pregnancy during one of these hookups? Or if you or any of your partners were fertile or not? Even if they lied about their fertility, or whether our not they were on birth control, it really didn't matter, you had no concern that either you or your partner would get pregnant.

Am I right?

Same would be true to a gay male hooking up with another male I suppose.

A straight male hooking up with a straight female. Is the same true?

Not if they used protection. I handed out the condoms as folks left the ship to ensure such a thing.

So what?Again I ask... What does pregnancy have to do with ANYTHING?

Does any form of birth control work 100% of the time?

Did the gay and lesbians require any form of birth control to insure they would not get pregnant during a gay or lesbian hook up?

What does pregnancy have to do with it? With two of the three groups we are discussing, nothing. It only applies to one of the groups. Do you agree?
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Forty pages of cons obsessing over homosexuality. That's either a strong desire to control other people's sex lives, or they're latent gays themselves. You guys would feel better about your selves, if you just give in to your urges to slob the knob.
Homos should just quietly go about their business and stop with all the militant shit they pull. They don't need to flaunt it, they don't need parades about it, they don't need special laws just for the them and they don't need to bastardize traditional marriage with it. They don't need to teach it to young impressionable children in schools and they don't need to shove it everyone's face.

If they just shut the hell up and quietly went about their business behind closed doors, no one would give a rats ass who was packing who's turds. Out of sigh, out of mind.
Reading through much of GISMYS's post history, he isn't sincere, and his facade should be ignored. It's one thing to be honestly passionate and upset in debating your personal beliefs, and another to make yourself seem like something you aren't while stirring the pot.

GISMYS thinks he's the second coming of Jerry Falwell.

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