Various Thoughts on the Issues of Homosexuality

Jamming The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies {Call them a closet queer} and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Gay Brainwashing Techniques

What's the slang term for avoiding the conversation of why lipstick lesbians are attracted to mannish looking/talking/walking/dressing/acting "women" with strapon penises?

And, what's the slang term for inserting a fake bible thumper into each Gay Agenda thread to derail sacred-cow topics like the one I just mentioned?

Karma? Karmic attraction and repulsion? Opposites attracting to resolve bad karma?
Why do people who hate homosexuals spend so much time thinking about homosexuals?
Well, my opinion on this is the live and let live philosophy. I don't have a problem with anyone being gay and it is none of my business if they decide to get married, have kids, or what they do in the bedroom. I do not believe it is a sin either. I think it is as natural for gay people to be attracted to the same sex as it is for heterosexual to be attracted to the opposite sex or bisexuals to be attracted to both sexes. It's human. We are all human.

And that's really all there is to it IMO.

It's human. We are all human.
And that's really all there is to it IMO

Unfortunately brazen homosexulas are SUBHuman - IMO

Dear Greenbean: the only nonhuman element I have seen in anything to do with humans,
are the demonic, satanic, or occult influences that are coming from outside a person and are NOT human forces.

yes, there are rare cases where demonic/satanic possession takes over a person's will, mind and personality where they lose their humanity and become controlled by pure evil.

the most experienced exorcists will tell you how rare this is.
Most cases of demonic influence are oppression, not full possession.

I think this must be what you are referring to, or trying to,
but not all cases of homosexuality involve this either!

Most homosexuals are like heterosexuals on this level, where ALL people are affected by "karmic biases"
and spiritual influences from past generations. Since a small minority (only 1-3%) of the population is homosexual, wouldn't it follow proportionally
that the % of homosexuals affected by "bad karma" is ALSO going to be less than the heterosexual population affected?

Very few of us, either hetero or homo, are so sick with bad karma that we completely lose control of any human conscience
(as in cases of "full blown possession" where the evil spirits have completely taken over mind and body).

Even in extreme cases of serial killers like Coral Eugene Watts, Jeffrey Daumer, or David Berkowitz
even the sickest people would would call inhuman retain their human personality and conscience and/or can recover from the "inhuman influences".

If you are really interested in the nature and process of evil taking over a person, read Scott Peck's books "People of the Lie" and "Glimpses of the Devil."

This is a real state of mind and spiritual phenomenon/process worth researching so you know what you are talking about,
and don't appear to be spouting off random slams or personal judgments without real life frame of reference.
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I believed the hype and God ruined my life. So where does that leave me? Should I believe harder?
"What's the slang term for avoiding the conversation of why lipstick lesbians are attracted to mannish looking/talking/walking/dressing/acting "women" with strapon penises? "

I think that the slang term you are searching for is, "I really don't give a rat's ass".
Is this how you deal with your closet Homosexuality? By screaming "perverts" really loud?

Straight people who are secure within themselves don't need to do that at all.

Pervert isn't a bad word, it's a factual one - I refuse to be polite and contribute to allowing mentally ill people to feel good about themselves - it's a disservice to the pervert as well as society as a whole.

Faggots, rug munchers and cum guzzlers need to scream "hater" and "homophobe" very loudly anytime someone dares to oppose their agenda.

Gay* Brainwashing Techniques

Ok, so you ARE a closet Homosexual. Got it. Thanks for the advance information.

Oh, [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - another brother about to join the club. Want him, or not?


As a card carrying, toaster oven earning lesbian...I vote "no".
"very large % of homosexuals were abused in early childhood"


Actually, a very large percentage of women are sexually abused. 1 in 5. That's a disturbing statistic that should concern everyone.

I have an ex that was sexually abused by her grandfather. She had two sisters a year apart, but grandpa never touched them. She always speculated that he knew she was "different" and that's why he chose her. The abuse had nothing to do with her being gay, but being gay may have "invited" the abuse.

She always speculated that he knew she was "different" and that's why he chose her. The abuse had nothing to do with her being gay, but being gay may have "invited" the abuse.

On the Contrary - the Abuse probably caused her to be Gay . And chances are it was occurring b4 she was even cognizant .

The facts are contrary to your false assertion.
Personally, I think some give it way too much thought. I suspect that sometimes this issue is thrown out there so that more pressing matters can be put on the back burner.

I have no issues with gays. I attended my nieces wedding - to her girlfriend. They are the most decent, lovable people ever. My niece currently has legal custody of her little sister because her mother is a drug addict. Since the little girl has been living with my niece, going on a year now, she looks healthier than ever and for the first time in her young life, she has a stable home and doesn't have to be in an environment where smoking and drugs are the norm.

I can't think of a single incident where gays negatively affected my life or anyone else's. I think it's a huge mistake to attempt to associate gays with perverts. Perverts are found in every walk of life, every group, every gender, etc. It's a cheap shot to try and lump people together in an effort to paint the entire group as bad. I think it's wrong when the religious right does that to gays and it's just as disgusting when the left does it to Christians.

There is too much talk about this and it's wrong to try and control how people live their lives. As long as a person doesn't hurt others, leave them alone. I say that to all bigots, racists, gay bashers, Christian bashers, dictators and especially to government bureaucrats who try to run our lives for us.
Personally, I think some give it way too much thought. I suspect that sometimes this issue is thrown out there so that more pressing matters can be put on the back burner.

I have no issues with gays. I attended my nieces wedding - to her girlfriend. They are the most decent, lovable people ever. My niece currently has legal custody of her little sister because her mother is a drug addict. Since the little girl has been living with my niece, going on a year now, she looks healthier than ever and for the first time in her young life, she has a stable home and doesn't have to be in an environment where smoking and drugs are the norm.

I can't think of a single incident where gays negatively affected my life or anyone else's. I think it's a huge mistake to attempt to associate gays with perverts. Perverts are found in every walk of life, every group, every gender, etc. It's a cheap shot to try and lump people together in an effort to paint the entire group as bad. I think it's wrong when the religious right does that to gays and it's just as disgusting when the left does it to Christians.

There is too much talk about this and it's wrong to try and control how people live their lives. As long as a person doesn't hurt others, leave them alone. I say that to all bigots, racists, gay bashers, Christian bashers, dictators and especially to government bureaucrats who try to run our lives for us.

Think again!! 40 MILLION DEAD FROM AIDS another 40,000,000 HIV positive and you "can't think of a single incident where gays negatively affected my life or anyone else's." oh really????????????????? BUT THEIR WORST EVIL IS THEY DENY THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD AND clame their sin is not sin!!!= COMPOUND SIN!!!
Probably why 90% is still hetero. :D

Probably more like 95% or better - Only a very small percantage 2-5% are perverts.

Is this how you deal with your closet Homosexuality? By screaming "perverts" really loud?

Straight people who are secure within themselves don't need to do that at all.

Originally Posted by KNB said:
Why do people who hate homosexuals spend so much time thinking about homosexuals?

It's not so much an issue of the homosexuality per se, but of forgiveness.

The people with the least "forgiveness" project the loudest.
This is true on any issue, but how the unforgiveness is expressed (and what issue
it is PROJECTED onto) is NOT always related to the issue the person has internally causing the anger to exude.

I know someone who has a deep rooted issue with criminal abuse in his family (committed by white people like himself) but he projects his distrust and anger over injustice from crimes onto black people and thugs in the news more than whites.

the source and the target of projection is not always the same.
Probably more like 95% or better - Only a very small percantage 2-5% are perverts.

Is this how you deal with your closet Homosexuality? By screaming "perverts" really loud?

Straight people who are secure within themselves don't need to do that at all.

Originally Posted by KNB said:
Why do people who hate homosexuals spend so much time thinking about homosexuals?

It's not so much an issue of the homosexuality per se, but of forgiveness.

The people with the least "forgiveness" project the loudest.
This is true on any issue, but how the unforgiveness is expressed (and what issue
it is PROJECTED onto) is NOT always related to the issue the person has internally causing the anger to exude.

I know someone who has a deep rooted issue with criminal abuse in his family (committed by white people like himself) but he projects his distrust and anger over injustice from crimes onto black people and thugs in the news more than whites.

the source and the target of projection is not always the same.

I dont get why someone being gay needs to be forgiven? Its a utterly baffling concept to me.
Personally, I think some give it way too much thought. I suspect that sometimes this issue is thrown out there so that more pressing matters can be put on the back burner.

I have no issues with gays. I attended my nieces wedding - to her girlfriend. They are the most decent, lovable people ever. My niece currently has legal custody of her little sister because her mother is a drug addict. Since the little girl has been living with my niece, going on a year now, she looks healthier than ever and for the first time in her young life, she has a stable home and doesn't have to be in an environment where smoking and drugs are the norm.

I can't think of a single incident where gays negatively affected my life or anyone else's. I think it's a huge mistake to attempt to associate gays with perverts. Perverts are found in every walk of life, every group, every gender, etc. It's a cheap shot to try and lump people together in an effort to paint the entire group as bad. I think it's wrong when the religious right does that to gays and it's just as disgusting when the left does it to Christians.

There is too much talk about this and it's wrong to try and control how people live their lives. As long as a person doesn't hurt others, leave them alone. I say that to all bigots, racists, gay bashers, Christian bashers, dictators and especially to government bureaucrats who try to run our lives for us.

Think again!! 40 MILLION DEAD FROM AIDS another 40,000,000 HIV positive and you "can't think of a single incident where gays negatively affected my life or anyone else's." oh really????????????????? BUT THEIR WORST EVIL IS THEY DENY THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD AND clame their sin is not sin!!!= COMPOUND SIN!!!

Dear Gismys: how many crimes, abuses, sins, killing and even mass genocide
have been caused by UNFORGIVENESS of past conflicts repeated or projected to harm others? (including but not limited to just issues with homosexuality).

Isn't it telling that the same "divine forgiveness" that brings healing of the anger and conflicts
that cause all sin to escalate from individual abuse to mass murder,
ALSO heals the causes of unnatural homosexuality caused by sexual abuse, AND heal AIDS and other diseases?

Doesn't this show that forgiveness that heals
is more powerful than unforgiveness that kills?
Which do you want to draw attention to by your example and words?

I appreciate your speaking out against ignoring wrongs to raise awareness.
How can the same energy in your thoughts and words
be better directed toward the process of healing and correcting the cause of all wrongs?

Do your words promote forgiveness to bring healing?
Or more unforgiveness and division? Which are you trying to promote more?
focus on the sin, or focus on correction and healing the root causes of all sins?
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Personally, I think some give it way too much thought. I suspect that sometimes this issue is thrown out there so that more pressing matters can be put on the back burner.

I have no issues with gays. I attended my nieces wedding - to her girlfriend. They are the most decent, lovable people ever. My niece currently has legal custody of her little sister because her mother is a drug addict. Since the little girl has been living with my niece, going on a year now, she looks healthier than ever and for the first time in her young life, she has a stable home and doesn't have to be in an environment where smoking and drugs are the norm.

I can't think of a single incident where gays negatively affected my life or anyone else's. I think it's a huge mistake to attempt to associate gays with perverts. Perverts are found in every walk of life, every group, every gender, etc. It's a cheap shot to try and lump people together in an effort to paint the entire group as bad. I think it's wrong when the religious right does that to gays and it's just as disgusting when the left does it to Christians.

There is too much talk about this and it's wrong to try and control how people live their lives. As long as a person doesn't hurt others, leave them alone. I say that to all bigots, racists, gay bashers, Christian bashers, dictators and especially to government bureaucrats who try to run our lives for us.

Think again!! 40 MILLION DEAD FROM AIDS another 40,000,000 HIV positive and you "can't think of a single incident where gays negatively affected my life or anyone else's." oh really????????????????? BUT THEIR WORST EVIL IS THEY DENY THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD AND clame their sin is not sin!!!= COMPOUND SIN!!!

Dear Gismys: how many crimes, abuses, sins, killing and even mass genocide
have been caused by UNFORGIVENESS of past conflicts repeated or projected to harm others? (including but not limited to just issues with homosexuality).

Isn't it telling that the same "divine forgiveness" that brings healing of the anger and conflicts
that cause all sin to escalate from individual abuse to mass murder,
ALSO heals the causes of unnatural homosexuality caused by sexual abuse, AND heal AIDS and other diseases?

Doesn't this show that forgiveness that heals
is more powerful than unforgiveness that kills?
Which do you want to draw attention to by your example and words?

I appreciate your speaking out against ignoring wrongs to raise awareness.
How can the same energy in your thoughts and words
be better directed toward the process of healing and correcting the cause of all wrongs?

Do your words promote forgiveness to bring healing?
Or more unforgiveness and division? Which are you trying to promote more?
focus on the sin, or focus on correction and healing the root causes of all sins?
Some bigots need to be slapped a few times, literally, figuratively, or by being the target of bigotry before they will take the time to give a shit about the plight of others. You can't win em all over with kindness every time for every situation...

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,...
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Is this how you deal with your closet Homosexuality? By screaming "perverts" really loud?

Straight people who are secure within themselves don't need to do that at all.

Originally Posted by KNB said:
Why do people who hate homosexuals spend so much time thinking about homosexuals?

It's not so much an issue of the homosexuality per se, but of forgiveness.

The people with the least "forgiveness" project the loudest.
This is true on any issue, but how the unforgiveness is expressed (and what issue
it is PROJECTED onto) is NOT always related to the issue the person has internally causing the anger to exude.

I know someone who has a deep rooted issue with criminal abuse in his family (committed by white people like himself) but he projects his distrust and anger over injustice from crimes onto black people and thugs in the news more than whites.

the source and the target of projection is not always the same.

I dont get why someone being gay needs to be forgiven? Its a utterly baffling concept to me.

We all have our biases, where we are going to impose our perceptions, beliefs or values on others with or without intent.

We all need forgiveness when this happens. Gays are no exception, either way.
I agree no person or group should be targeted more than any other, but that is the reality of being human with biases in our judgment.

If the focus was against "abuse" in general -- abuse of relationships, abuse of sex, abuse of corporate or collective,
political or religious authority -- then any ABUSE would be equally addressed for correction.

I believe THAT is a better approach, that can apply to all situations. But as long as we have our biases, that's why all of us need forgiveness, because we are going to object or project more with "some issues more than others". This is similar to complaints about people suing and blaming Christians or blaming Muslims "more" than other people. Why are so many people discriminating and targeting THOSE groups more than others that suffer abuses? this happens with any issue, because of personal biases. we will always have those, and this may not be changed, but if we are "forgiving" of each other, at least we can work around our differences and not let that get in the way of reaching an agreement on how to resolve the abuses we are each against.
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Why sinners need to be forgiven?????? the wages of sin is death and hell!! Confess and repent of sin and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior,God will forgive you,wash you and make you clean.
Jamming The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies {Call them a closet queer} and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Gay Brainwashing Techniques

What's the slang term for avoiding the conversation of why lipstick lesbians are attracted to mannish looking/talking/walking/dressing/acting "women" with strapon penises?

And, what's the slang term for inserting a fake bible thumper into each Gay Agenda thread to derail sacred-cow topics like the one I just mentioned?

I dunno - lets invent one - how lipdick lesbians ?

You think GISMYS is a fake Bible thumper ? interesteing !! Berry berry interesting. As ar as Emily - no she's definitely not a fake.

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