Various Thoughts on the Issues of Homosexuality

I think the underlying problem was not the gays themselves, but how the GOP has used the "gay issue" to distract from what they've been doing to the country for the last 30 years.

In 2004, Bush ran for re-election (except he really stole his original election) and the economy still kind of sucked and people were getting an inkling that the war in Iraq was the mother of all fuckups.

So, we need to protect the institution of marriage. And they ranted and raved on this issue, like they really thought it was important, and don't any of you dare point out that Cheney's daughter is a lesbian.

The real problem they have now is that people just aren't worked up about it anymore.

So no GOP nominee can win without oppossing gay marriage (even though that battle has effectively been lost) but he can't win outside the Bubba Redneck states spewing that nonsense anymore.

The GOP has allowed the religious right, who Goldwater warned us about, to have major influence in the party.
And that is about to end as the young Republicans are pissed about that.
Watch for the gay boogeyman issue to disappear from the GOP platform and sudden like.
There are two occasions when I focus on homosexuality. One is when some shlub rants about the right of gays to marry. The other is when two hot ladies are doing what comes natural on the porn channel. Other than that...who won the game?

So it is "natural" and OK for 2 ladies to eat each other's snatch out but not to marry?

I could care less if they did it and/or married.
NEITHER affects me or you in any way.
So how many more pages will go by before someone answers as to why lipstick lesbians are attracted to mannish acting/walking/talking/dressing "women" who wear strapon penises?

How many times will you ask a question that is an obvious stereotype and not true? Individual experiences are not universal truisms.
I guess with me it boils down to how I was raised. I saw the people in my family assist and go out of their way to be kind to those that they believed were looked down on in any way.
And when they knew there were gay folks, and sports fans all families have gay folks in them closeted or not, in the family they taught us to accept and love them for having the strength to be who they are.
Now that was hard for me many years in my life where the culture was almost anti gay everything and gay jokes were the norm but we all need a lesson in humanity from time to time.
But as I get to age 60 within a few months I am glad that I set aside all that baggage and live a life of freedom from judging others.
So how many more pages will go by before someone answers as to why lipstick lesbians are attracted to mannish acting/walking/talking/dressing "women" who wear strapon penises?

How many times will you ask a question that is an obvious stereotype and not true? Individual experiences are not universal truisms.

The gay couple I know both women are professionals and look straight.
One is a lawyer and the other is a graphic artist.
And the family the one I know well is as southern as it gets, her father died from cancer when she was in middle school and the entire family has stood by her from when she came out end of her senior year in high school.
But if one was lip stick pretty and the other was Hells Angels I could give a shit.
It was fun watching that kid hit a high long drive over the score board Saturday afternoon and seeing his Mom high five him along with all the other kids as he crossed home plate.
There are two occasions when I focus on homosexuality. One is when some shlub rants about the right of gays to marry. The other is when two hot ladies are doing what comes natural on the porn channel. Other than that...who won the game?

So it is "natural" and OK for 2 ladies to eat each other's snatch out but not to marry?

I could care less if they did it and/or married.
NEITHER affects me or you in any way.

So the redefinition of basic institutions has no affect on you? Your mentality contributes to the sorry state of the culture as we slouch toward Gomorrah.
There are two occasions when I focus on homosexuality. One is when some shlub rants about the right of gays to marry. The other is when two hot ladies are doing what comes natural on the porn channel. Other than that...who won the game?

So it is "natural" and OK for 2 ladies to eat each other's snatch out but not to marry?

I could care less if they did it and/or married.
NEITHER affects me or you in any way.

So the redefinition of basic institutions has no affect on you? Your mentality contributes to the sorry state of the culture as we slouch toward Gomorrah.

I've been legally married for 5 and a half years. My spouse and I filed joint federal taxes for the first time since we've been together as a monogamous couple with children (18 years). Please list all the ways that has affected YOU PERSONALLY.
1. Gay people would not have to ask " why would I want to live this way" if they were not discriminated against by others. That is what that question refers to and THAT is why it is sad. It is not because homosexual people look at their orientation as an affliction of some OCD.

2. It is physically possible for a gay man to have sex with a gay woman and produce offspring. And.....should the need arise....they will. As long as a sufficient number of the babies born in the world are boys and a sufficient number are girls....the procreation part will take care of itself.

3.That whole idea about how we benefit from producing taxpayers was just a little weird. Homosexual men are males. Homosexual women are females. There is no "homosexual aspect" to the joining of sperm and egg.

4. went and suggested, if homosexuality is genetic ( as if that is still undecided ) that we need to have sperm donors declare their sexuality so people know that a gay person is the donor. You therefore suggest that if a gay dude donates spermatozoa......the resulting offspring will be gay. That is disturbingly inaccurate.

5. Is there deceit when it comes to sperm donors? Is there a conspiracy of some kind?

6. Therapy?

1. Why do you think we disagree on this? We don't, I simply think it's sad that they feel this way. But I also stated that those with OCD respond the same.

2. What would the need have to do with it, that's confusing

3. Not weird at all. Homosexuals prefer same sex relationships. They do not procreate within those relationships, that is exclusive to heterosexuals

4. I never suggested it destined an offspring to be gay, it may, pass the genes down the line. I see no benefit in less than full disclosure.

5. There could be, and that should be minimized. Do you disagree in full disclosure? Why?

6. If it is not genetic than we should look into the possibility.

No, procreation isn't exclusive to heterosexuals. Gays procreate all the time. We do it just like heterosexual couples do, with science.

You also need to learn a little something about genes.

Understanding Genetics

If you can prove a same sex couple having sex causes procreation, then you have me. Some heterosexuals rely on science to procreate, the vast majority do not.
There are two occasions when I focus on homosexuality. One is when some shlub rants about the right of gays to marry. The other is when two hot ladies are doing what comes natural on the porn channel. Other than that...who won the game?

So it is "natural" and OK for 2 ladies to eat each other's snatch out but not to marry?

I could care less if they did it and/or married.
NEITHER affects me or you in any way.

So the redefinition of basic institutions has no affect on you? Your mentality contributes to the sorry state of the culture as we slouch toward Gomorrah.

The "basic institution" was blacks in the back of the bus and women can not serve on juries or vote for how long?
Allowing gays to marry may increase your desire for a cock in your mouth and one in the ass but not me.
Does not affect me in any way.
1. Why do you think we disagree on this? We don't, I simply think it's sad that they feel this way. But I also stated that those with OCD respond the same.

2. What would the need have to do with it, that's confusing

3. Not weird at all. Homosexuals prefer same sex relationships. They do not procreate within those relationships, that is exclusive to heterosexuals

4. I never suggested it destined an offspring to be gay, it may, pass the genes down the line. I see no benefit in less than full disclosure.

5. There could be, and that should be minimized. Do you disagree in full disclosure? Why?

6. If it is not genetic than we should look into the possibility.

No, procreation isn't exclusive to heterosexuals. Gays procreate all the time. We do it just like heterosexual couples do, with science.

You also need to learn a little something about genes.

Understanding Genetics

If you can prove a same sex couple having sex causes procreation, then you have me. Some heterosexuals rely on science to procreate, the vast majority do not.

Oh darlin', it's not "some" it's A LOT. From the CDC (and this is just the lady bits)

  • Number of women ages 15-44 with impaired fecundity (impaired ability to get pregnant or carry a baby to term): 6.7 million
  • Percent of women ages 15-44 with impaired fecundity: 10.9%
  • Number of married women ages 15-44 that are infertile (unable to get pregnant after at least 12 consecutive months of unprotected sex with husband): 1.5 million
  • Percent of married women ages 15-44 that are infertile: 6.0%
  • Number of women ages 15-44 who have ever used infertility services: 7.4 million

The boy bits

Many couples struggle with infertility and seek help to become pregnant; however, it is often thought of as only a women’s condition. A CDC study analyzed data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and found that 7.5% of all sexually experienced men younger than age 45 reported seeing a fertility doctor during their lifetime—this equals 3.3–4.7 million men. Of men who sought help, 18% were diagnosed with a male-related infertility problem, including sperm or semen problems (14%) and varicocele (6%).​
I do not understand homosexuality as it is not normal to me.
But I R not homosexual as I fell in love with and was/am attracted to women.
Folks do not choose who they are attracted to most all the time.
Live and let live. Not a hard policy to follow.

Yes, allowing the fundamenalist Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the more pragmatic historical Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the Jew to be who and what he is, allowing gay people to be who and what they are, allowing the traditionalist marriage heterosexual types to be who and what they are, and understanding that because they all come from a different place, they are not inherently evil or have evil motives--that is live and let live.

Not sure it is not a hard policy to follow though as so many here don't seem to be able to do that.

Being a member of the "traditional marriage heterosexual types" group....I can speak first hand to the fact that we have never....not for a moment...been denied the opportunity to be who and what we are. This is where you go off the rail.

Two people who love each other get married......and it victimizes you somehow. Right?

I know....

The only thing at stake by allowing someone else into a club if that the homogeneous nature of the club is put in jeopardy. If you look at the Supreme Court in a certain light, the right wing loons though it was their "club" when John Roberts was appointed as chief justice. He's been much more moderate than anyone thought he would be I bet. So whatever homogeneity (sp?) had was jeopardized by an unperceived threat. Mark Levine (sp?) said that no self-respecting conservative would have dinner with Roberts ever again :lol:.

Anyway, the only threat that is incurred by those wanting to ban SSM is a threat to the homogenity of the institution... It cannot be seriously argued that heterosexual couples respect the institution any more (or less) than homosexual couples. It cannot be seriously argued that the States (50 states) respect it any more (or less) than homosexual marriages--there are drive-through chapels. It cannot be seriously argued that the churches have any role in marriage that goes above and beyond the traditions which are always up for overturning--JOPs, judges, and ship's captains can marry folks. I think there are even 2 hour classes on the Internet that will allow you to perform a legal ceremony...

No, the only thing left is the threat that this poses to the "good old days". We've heard this time and again when the armed forces were integrated, when institutions of higher learning were integrated, when women joined the Congress,....

"There is a threat to the institution" is what we heard. Guess what; the institution got over it and is, today, stronger for doing so.

So how many more pages will go by before someone answers as to why lipstick lesbians are attracted to mannish acting/walking/talking/dressing "women" who wear strapon penises?

How many times will you ask a question that is an obvious stereotype and not true? Individual experiences are not universal truisms.

Yes, it is true . Dykes attracted to Butch Lesbianbs or Bull Dykes is very common. There have been no scientific studies done on the issue that I am personally aware of , but to deny it is a reflection of your continuos ignorance [SeaHag].

Silhouette: Just a hypothesis : Lipstick lesbians and etc... are frequently attracted to Bull Dykes as an offshoot of their natural attraction to men. This attraction was perverted somewhere along the way, perhaps they were abused in early childhood- which a very large percentage of homosexuasl were, perhaps some other factor caused their dysphoria - who knows for sure - every case is different - but what is pretty close to certain is that something occurred in their psycological sexual development which caused them to become mentally and sexually perverted - but a small element of the natural normal human lingers which is the cause of their attraction to Woman that look like men.
So how many more pages will go by before someone answers as to why lipstick lesbians are attracted to mannish acting/walking/talking/dressing "women" who wear strapon penises?

How many times will you ask a question that is an obvious stereotype and not true? Individual experiences are not universal truisms.

Yes, it is true . Dykes attracted to Butch Lesbianbs or Bull Dykes is very common. There have been no scientific studies done on the issue that I am personally aware of , but to deny it is a reflection of your continuos ignorance [SeaHag].

Silhouette: Just a hypothesis : Lipstick lesbians and etc... are frequently attracted to Bull Dykes as an offshoot of their natural attraction to men. This attraction was perverted somewhere along the way, perhaps they were abused in early childhood- which a very large percentage of homosexuasl were, perhaps some other factor caused their dysphoria - who knows for sure - every case is different - but what is pretty close to certain is that something occurred in their psycological sexual development which caused them to become mentally and sexually perverted - However, a trace element of the natural normal healthy human female lingers which is the cause of their attraction to Woman that look like men, and theirfear of real men in a sexual context.
a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

Oversimplified by the simple minded...
So how many more pages will go by before someone answers as to why lipstick lesbians are attracted to mannish acting/walking/talking/dressing "women" who wear strapon penises?

How many times will you ask a question that is an obvious stereotype and not true? Individual experiences are not universal truisms.

Yes, it is true . Dykes attracted to Butch Lesbianbs or Bull Dykes is very common. There have been no scientific studies done on the issue that I am personally aware of , but to deny it is a reflection of your continuos ignorance [SeaHag].

Silhouette: Just a hypothesis : Lipstick lesbians and etc... are frequently attracted to Bull Dykes as an offshoot of their natural attraction to men. This attraction was perverted somewhere along the way, perhaps they were abused in early childhood- which a very large percentage of homosexuasl were, perhaps some other factor caused their dysphoria - who knows for sure - every case is different - but what is pretty close to certain is that something occurred in their psycological sexual development which caused them to become mentally and sexually perverted - but a small element of the natural normal human lingers which is the cause of their attraction to Woman that look like men.

"very large % of homosexuals were abused in early childhood"
How many times will you ask a question that is an obvious stereotype and not true? Individual experiences are not universal truisms.

Yes, it is true . Dykes attracted to Butch Lesbianbs or Bull Dykes is very common. There have been no scientific studies done on the issue that I am personally aware of , but to deny it is a reflection of your continuos ignorance [SeaHag].

Silhouette: Just a hypothesis : Lipstick lesbians and etc... are frequently attracted to Bull Dykes as an offshoot of their natural attraction to men. This attraction was perverted somewhere along the way, perhaps they were abused in early childhood- which a very large percentage of homosexuasl were, perhaps some other factor caused their dysphoria - who knows for sure - every case is different - but what is pretty close to certain is that something occurred in their psycological sexual development which caused them to become mentally and sexually perverted - but a small element of the natural normal human lingers which is the cause of their attraction to Woman that look like men.

"very large % of homosexuals were abused in early childhood"

Actually, a very large percentage of women are sexually abused. 1 in 5. That's a disturbing statistic that should concern everyone.

I have an ex that was sexually abused by her grandfather. She had two sisters a year apart, but grandpa never touched them. She always speculated that he knew she was "different" and that's why he chose her. The abuse had nothing to do with her being gay, but being gay may have "invited" the abuse.
Yes, it is true . Dykes attracted to Butch Lesbianbs or Bull Dykes is very common. There have been no scientific studies done on the issue that I am personally aware of , but to deny it is a reflection of your continuos ignorance [SeaHag].

Silhouette: Just a hypothesis : Lipstick lesbians and etc... are frequently attracted to Bull Dykes as an offshoot of their natural attraction to men. This attraction was perverted somewhere along the way, perhaps they were abused in early childhood- which a very large percentage of homosexuasl were, perhaps some other factor caused their dysphoria - who knows for sure - every case is different - but what is pretty close to certain is that something occurred in their psycological sexual development which caused them to become mentally and sexually perverted - but a small element of the natural normal human lingers which is the cause of their attraction to Woman that look like men.

"very large % of homosexuals were abused in early childhood"

Actually, a very large percentage of women are sexually abused. 1 in 5. That's a disturbing statistic that should concern everyone.

I have an ex that was sexually abused by her grandfather. She had two sisters a year apart, but grandpa never touched them. She always speculated that he knew she was "different" and that's why he chose her. The abuse had nothing to do with her being gay, but being gay may have "invited" the abuse.

She always speculated that he knew she was "different" and that's why he chose her. The abuse had nothing to do with her being gay, but being gay may have "invited" the abuse.

On the Contrary - the Abuse probably caused her to be Gay . And chances are it was occurring b4 she was even cognizant .

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