Various Thoughts on the Issues of Homosexuality

LOL! I HAVE THE WORD OF GOD as to my having forgivness of sin and His promise of eternal life ,you could have that gift too!!! your choice!
No little buddy, you're going to burn for all eternity for rejecting the One True God, God the Father in your case, and following Jesus instead. You've broken the First Commandment. Since I love you I have to let you know, the only place you're going is straight to Hell.

I think I will choose to believe THE WORD OF GOD TO ME and just laugh at you and ignore you!!!OK??? ROFLMAO!!!

...and the lord spake unto GISMYS, saying, "Separate, therefore, from thy keyboard, and thy ass, and go therefor amongst the righteous, for thy tongue doth make weary the heathen and lost brethren."
yeah so anyways this Idea that marriage between one man and one woman goes back to the beginning is a lie. Thats not true. The motives where not for the benefit of the species. is soooooooooooo simple! Can't it be true? Please!

but it is. Its really funny watching these people think their opinion matters on a cosmic scale. When in reality their "being" amounts to less than a grain of sand.
So the Idea gay marriage even really matters is really petty.
No little buddy, you're going to burn for all eternity for rejecting the One True God, God the Father in your case, and following Jesus instead. You've broken the First Commandment. Since I love you I have to let you know, the only place you're going is straight to Hell.

I think I will choose to believe THE WORD OF GOD TO ME and just laugh at you and ignore you!!!OK??? ROFLMAO!!!

...and the lord spake unto GISMYS, saying, "Separate, therefore, from thy keyboard, and thy ass, and go therefor amongst the righteous, for thy tongue doth make weary the heathen and lost brethren."

yeah so anyways this Idea that marriage between one man and one woman goes back to the beginning is a lie. Thats not true. The motives where not for the benefit of the species.

And even if it’s not a lie, it’s also legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

That something might be perceived as ‘traditional’ or ‘historic’ doesn’t justify its continued application once determined to be in violation of the Constitution:

[T]he fact that the governing majority in a State has traditionally viewed a particular practice as immoral is not a sufficient reason for upholding a law prohibiting the practice; neither history nor tradition could save a law prohibiting miscegenation from constitutional attack.


Just as prohibiting interracial marriage predicated on ‘tradition’ or ‘history’ was invalidated by the Supreme Court (Loving v. Virginia (1967)), so too are laws that prohibit same-sex couples from accessing marriage law invalid, where the perception of marriage as the sole purview of opposite-sex couples according to ‘tradition’ or ‘history’ carries no legal weight or value.
Someone else's sexual preferences do not affect me in any way, shape or form.

thats because your so fucking ugly no one male or female wants you LOL

Just a hunch.....but I am guessing that even you didn't laugh when that thought oozed into your head. In fact, that face you made as you typed wasn't a was an involuntary contortion caused by overworking your brain. A lot like when a baby burbs.
Someone else's sexual preferences do not affect me in any way, shape or form.

thats because your so fucking ugly no one male or female wants you LOL

Just a hunch.....but I am guessing that even you didn't laugh when that thought oozed into your head. In fact, that face you made as you typed wasn't a was an involuntary contortion caused by overworking your brain. A lot like when a baby burbs.

it is called a joke you waste of flesh.
Well, my opinion on this is the live and let live philosophy. I don't have a problem with anyone being gay and it is none of my business if they decide to get married, have kids, or what they do in the bedroom. I do not believe it is a sin either. I think it is as natural for gay people to be attracted to the same sex as it is for heterosexual to be attracted to the opposite sex or bisexuals to be attracted to both sexes. It's human. We are all human.

And that's really all there is to it IMO.

Yup, that about wraps it up.

And as for all of us being human, be somehow tend to forget that, don't we? And that includes the trivial color of our skin.

Unfortunately there are too many people who have a vested interest in keeping us divided, and they've been very successful at it.

thats because your so fucking ugly no one male or female wants you LOL

Just a hunch.....but I am guessing that even you didn't laugh when that thought oozed into your head. In fact, that face you made as you typed wasn't a was an involuntary contortion caused by overworking your brain. A lot like when a baby burbs.

it is called a joke you waste of flesh.

Well...I know that you think it is a joke. But it wasn't funny. It was weak. Lame. Childish. It is the kind of thing that a 6 year old person with no creativity might a buddy....when he really just wants to wrestle.

Do you realize this about yourself? That you are childlike?
Just a hunch.....but I am guessing that even you didn't laugh when that thought oozed into your head. In fact, that face you made as you typed wasn't a was an involuntary contortion caused by overworking your brain. A lot like when a baby burbs.

it is called a joke you waste of flesh.

Well...I know that you think it is a joke. But it wasn't funny. It was weak. Lame. Childish. It is the kind of thing that a 6 year old person with no creativity might a buddy....when he really just wants to wrestle.

Do you realize this about yourself? That you are childlike?
I realize you are without humor and need see a therapist .
it is called a joke you waste of flesh.

Well...I know that you think it is a joke. But it wasn't funny. It was weak. Lame. Childish. It is the kind of thing that a 6 year old person with no creativity might a buddy....when he really just wants to wrestle.

Do you realize this about yourself? That you are childlike?
I realize you are without humor and need see a therapist .

OK....let's look at your joke. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is a cancer diagnosis....and 10 is a picture of you with a dildo in your mouth, how funny do you think it was?
I think the underlying problem was not the gays themselves, but how the GOP has used the "gay issue" to distract from what they've been doing to the country for the last 30 years.

In 2004, Bush ran for re-election (except he really stole his original election) and the economy still kind of sucked and people were getting an inkling that the war in Iraq was the mother of all fuckups.

So, we need to protect the institution of marriage. And they ranted and raved on this issue, like they really thought it was important, and don't any of you dare point out that Cheney's daughter is a lesbian.

The real problem they have now is that people just aren't worked up about it anymore.

So no GOP nominee can win without oppossing gay marriage (even though that battle has effectively been lost) but he can't win outside the Bubba Redneck states spewing that nonsense anymore.
Please point it out. If my opinion is disturbing I want to examine that and respond. I think there's plenty in my opinion to be attacked by both the left and the right.

1. Gay people would not have to ask " why would I want to live this way" if they were not discriminated against by others. That is what that question refers to and THAT is why it is sad. It is not because homosexual people look at their orientation as an affliction of some OCD.

2. It is physically possible for a gay man to have sex with a gay woman and produce offspring. And.....should the need arise....they will. As long as a sufficient number of the babies born in the world are boys and a sufficient number are girls....the procreation part will take care of itself.

3.That whole idea about how we benefit from producing taxpayers was just a little weird. Homosexual men are males. Homosexual women are females. There is no "homosexual aspect" to the joining of sperm and egg.

4. went and suggested, if homosexuality is genetic ( as if that is still undecided ) that we need to have sperm donors declare their sexuality so people know that a gay person is the donor. You therefore suggest that if a gay dude donates spermatozoa......the resulting offspring will be gay. That is disturbingly inaccurate.

5. Is there deceit when it comes to sperm donors? Is there a conspiracy of some kind?

6. Therapy?

1. Why do you think we disagree on this? We don't, I simply think it's sad that they feel this way. But I also stated that those with OCD respond the same.

2. What would the need have to do with it, that's confusing

3. Not weird at all. Homosexuals prefer same sex relationships. They do not procreate within those relationships, that is exclusive to heterosexuals

4. I never suggested it destined an offspring to be gay, it may, pass the genes down the line. I see no benefit in less than full disclosure.

5. There could be, and that should be minimized. Do you disagree in full disclosure? Why?

6. If it is not genetic than we should look into the possibility.

No, procreation isn't exclusive to heterosexuals. Gays procreate all the time. We do it just like heterosexual couples do, with science.

You also need to learn a little something about genes.

Understanding Genetics
OK, let us say that I oppose homosexuality and believe them to be 2nd class citizens.
Even if I did, and I don't because I could give a damn who people fall in love with, then the issue of homosexuality would be maybe 177th on my list of priorities.
When we solved the other 176 then and only then would I spend one second of time debating the issue.
Went to a Little League game Saturday where a gay woman is one of the coaches and her adopted son sent one over the center field wall.
What I saw Saturday WAS JOY from all of those kids and no one gave a damn that 2 gay women were raising 2 adopted boys.
One of which is a very good athlete and both kids make straight As at school.
Just a hunch.....but I am guessing that even you didn't laugh when that thought oozed into your head. In fact, that face you made as you typed wasn't a was an involuntary contortion caused by overworking your brain. A lot like when a baby burbs.

it is called a joke you waste of flesh.

Well...I know that you think it is a joke. But it wasn't funny. It was weak. Lame. Childish. It is the kind of thing that a 6 year old person with no creativity might a buddy....when he really just wants to wrestle.

Do you realize this about yourself? That you are childlike?

"...every homosexual I have ever met are immature, the women seem to have a problem with authority and the men act like little children....the man said on his video very immature, sometimes it is like dealing with a 5 year old dealing with [A] homosexual."

Homosexual U.K. Documentarian Says Gay Lifestyle a "Sewer"
There are two occasions when I focus on homosexuality. One is when some shlub rants about the right of gays to marry. The other is when two hot ladies are doing what comes natural on the porn channel. Other than that...who won the game?

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