Vaudeville Tonight —— 8 ACTS 8


Sep 23, 2010
I doubt if Ben Carson is going to drop in the polls because he is running as a spiritual leader. See this thread:

The liberal media is going all-out to convince conservative voters that Ben Carson is a true-blue conservative that liberals hate and fear. What better way to give Carson a helping hand than for the media to attack him over trivial crapola in the age of politicians like Hillary Clinton who lie about serious issues.

Media mouths told us that tonight’s debate is going to be about the economy. That alone should tell the public not to tune in. Every presidential debate about the economy is always a forum for each candidate’s talking points. Democrat Bernie Sanders talked about spending 18 trillion dollars but never told his base where the money would come from. That passes for a debate about the economy in Democratworld.

Talking about the economy will never change until the topic focuses on repealing the XVI Amendment. Bottom line: Any mention of repealing the income tax is blaspheme punishable by death politically and bodily.


There is a one good thing that might come out of tonight’s vaudeville theater. Hopefully, Ben Carson will begin a long slide into obscurity as conservative voters come to see what he stands for.

Incidentally, Marco Rubio already has one foot in the grave over immigration. Tonight can only push him in all the way:

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, has been endorsed by Dr. Ben Carson and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., but the massive trade deal is generally reviled by the anti-establishment conservative base of the party and has been blasted by businessman and former front-runner Donald Trump.

Trump may go on warpath over key debate issue
Posted By Garth Kant On 11/09/2015 @ 7:41 pm

Trump may go on warpath over key debate issue

Economy aside, there is only one candidate in the hunt that the media will not tolerate. That one is Ted Cruz. Every other candidate is acceptable to press barons. Their greatest fear is that Hillary Clinton will have to debate Senator Cruz. If I have it right, Ted Cruz is the only guy who will ask Hillary Clinton to explain where she, or any president, gets the authority to abolish America’s sovereignty? Even if he cannot ask, he can state his position on preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution as the presidential oath requires —— that is something Hillary Clinton dare not do.

Clinton might be too big to jail, but she sure as hell is not too big to explain her first loyalty to the United Nations. This is the one sentence that Clinton cannot deflect with a cackle and a flip remark:

WALTER CRONKITE: To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty.​

Move the cursor to 15:15 to hear Hillary praise the old Socialist in this video:

Let me close with a reminder. The all-important issue of America’s sovereignty has never been mentioned this year, nor in every previous presidential election by any candidate. The evil inherent in the income tax is protected by the XVI Amendment, while silence is the only protection handing America’s sovereignty to the United Nation has.
The dog and pony show was a couple of weeks ago on CNBC. You must have missed it.
The dog and pony show was a couple of weeks ago on CNBC. You must have missed it.
To Meathead: I have never watched a debate in my life. I will not begin with a debate about the economy. Indeed, I seldom talk about the economy because it is a waste of time.

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