Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

Don’t hide behind a headline just state what it is… why is that so difficult for you? It takes more energy to type out “your answer is in the headline” why not just post what it is.

what is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
You wanted me to post the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine and I did. Seems like if you knew anything about the topic then you would already know and wouldn't have to ask. In case you are too lazy to google it, you can find the answer in the link I provided.
apparently you missed where professor Suresh Mittal said that spread duration reduced from 10 days to 3-4 days from vaccinated people.
I didn't miss it. But, it doesn't matter. The most highly vaccinated countries on the planet are experiencing Delta surges.
Look at this Independentthinker here’s a guy that can answer a question!!! Take notes.
I answered the question with proof, which is what you do in a debate and, so far, you haven't been able to debunk the proof I provided. But, I totally understand that. I already knew you wouldn't be able to debunk my links. I did, however, severely underestimate the lengths you would go to to deny science.
You wanted me to post the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine and I did. Seems like if you knew anything about the topic then you would already know and wouldn't have to ask. In case you are too lazy to google it, you can find the answer in the link I provided.
Oh you did? My bad I must have missed it. What was it again?
Are you disappointed with the Biden presidency thus far or is it as you expected? Direct question.
Overall I’m disappointed… Very disappointed with the Afghanistan situation. Disappointed with his handling of the border. Happy with how they are handling COVID from a medical standpoint… think they overspent on the stimulus. Like the idea of an infrastructure bill but let’s see how the roll out goes. Love how much less drama there is as a whole in the political sphere. Trump was way too much of a drama Queen so I like that change. I only want Biden to serve for one term and I hope to god our choices aren’t Kamala and Trump next cycle
I answered the question with proof, which is what you do in a debate and, so far, you haven't been able to debunk the proof I provided. But, I totally understand that. I already knew you wouldn't be able to debunk my links. I did, however, severely underestimate the lengths you would go to to deny science.
What science do you think I'm denying?
Overall I’m disappointed… Very disappointed with the Afghanistan situation. Disappointed with his handling of the border. Happy with how they are handling COVID from a medical standpoint… think they overspent on the stimulus. Like the idea of an infrastructure bill but let’s see how the roll out goes. Love how much less drama there is as a whole in the political sphere. Trump was way too much of a drama Queen so I like that change. I only want Biden to serve for one term and I hope to god our choices aren’t Kamala and Trump next cycle
I appreciate your honest answer.
I didn't miss it. But, it doesn't matter. The most highly vaccinated countries on the planet are experiencing Delta surges.
since the vast majority of those in hospital are unvaccinated, it matters

Oh you did? My bad I must have missed it. What was it again?
If you'd quit making every post about me not providing it you would have seen it. You outright admitted more than once that you aren't going to read the links I provided which state the information.
since the vast majority of those in hospital are unvaccinated, it matters



out of 5.4 million vaccinated people in Israel, there are about 600 hospitalized covid patients currently, and half of those are unvaccinated. The other half are older and/or people in poor health.

out of 5.4 million vaccinated people in Israel, there are about 600 hospitalized covid patients currently, and half of those are unvaccinated. The other half are older and/or people in poor health.

Why do you guys feel it necessary to attack me over something I agree with you on? I don't understand it. I have said numerous times that the vaccines do a great job of decreasing hospitalizations and deaths. BUT, the fact is, they don't do anything to stop the spread. All I want from you guys is to admit the obvious, that cases of Delta are surging in the most highly vaccinated places on the planet because the vaccines don't do diddly to stop the spread. I agree with you that the vaccines do a great job of cutting down hospitalizations and deaths. You don't have to prove that to me. What you have to prove is that due to the vaccines, case counts are falling and you can't prove that because they aren't. In fact, cases are surging, despite being vaccinated. Vaccinated people are spreading Delta along with the unvaccinated.
Why do you guys feel it necessary to attack me over something I agree with you on? I don't understand it. I have said numerous times that the vaccines do a great job of decreasing hospitalizations and deaths. BUT, the fact is, they don't do anything to stop the spread. All I want from you guys is to admit the obvious, that cases of Delta are surging in the most highly vaccinated places on the planet because the vaccines don't do diddly to stop the spread. I agree with you that the vaccines do a great job of cutting down hospitalizations and deaths. You don't have to prove that to me. What you have to prove is that due to the vaccines, case counts are falling and you can't prove that because they aren't. In fact, cases are surging, despite being vaccinated. Vaccinated people are spreading Delta along with the unvaccinated.
the vaccines reduce the time your spreading from 10 days to 3 to 4 days, so they do reduce spread.
Overall I’m disappointed… Very disappointed with the Afghanistan situation. Disappointed with his handling of the border. Happy with how they are handling COVID from a medical standpoint… think they overspent on the stimulus. Like the idea of an infrastructure bill but let’s see how the roll out goes. Love how much less drama there is as a whole in the political sphere. Trump was way too much of a drama Queen so I like that change. I only want Biden to serve for one term and I hope to god our choices aren’t Kamala and Trump next cycle
They were supposed to be efficient and scientific. They told us as Trump was put through the wringer everyday. Trump even had a little of say in black inner city communities which is more then any African American Prog broads do. But those poverty level loving freebies keep coming in and that is cool. Black guys would genuflect to those ladies and do not by how they live in those areas.

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