Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

My God man, it's basically in the headline of the links! YOU are the one playing the games. What difference does it make if I post the number myself or it is in the link I provide? You asked for the number, I posted the number. If you aren't willing to debate then you should just say so. I'm beginning to realize that you are just using a debate strategy to deflect from the fact that you have lost the debate. Do you accept facts or don't you?
Good, if it is basically the headline of the links then it should be really easy for you to write it down as a direct response to a direct question. Come on, you'll get the hang of straight talk soon enough, I know you can do it!!

What is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
Good, if it is basically the headline of the links then it should be really easy for you to write it down as a direct response to a direct question. Come on, you'll get the hang of straight talk soon enough, I know you can do it!!

What is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
I posted facts. You refuse to even look at the proof I posted. Why are you a fact denier? All you do is try to deflect from the facts that I posted because you can't debate the facts I posted.
I don’t think Tough love and shaming people is effective. I think it is a form of bullying and I think it only makes problems worse… there are better ways to handle it, better ways to communicate to people.
You don’t get it. Azog was a fat little boy and he’s scarred by that experience

He’s disgusted by what he was
You don’t get it. Azog was a fat little boy and he’s scarred by that experience

He’s disgusted by what he was
The sad thing is that he’s 40 and as he ages he’s going to get fat and hate himself even more than he does now
There seems to be this freakish neutralizing force taking place in everything we do lately, a precise mirror opposite reaction to every major action (Bohm and Kohn theorems of cause and affect interconnectivity).
Not just them conciously mirror opposite turning back everything Trump did, but also remember my 20 years ahead of everyone proclamation?
Well Sept 25th will be 20 years since I
geo cached located Bin Laden for the British news group challenge/contest that lead to the Brits taking out his upper military personnel and weapons cache in their early Oct Raid in 2001.
Here we are 20 years later and they reversed that by reinstating their upper military personnel & presence, while also replacing all their weapons through our bizzarro opposite brigade. *Cue the Twilight Zone theme music*
True enough you have always pointed out that if we are not on the right path and we are on a path that is taking us away from where we are meant to be then we will be placed back on the path we were meant to follow rather harshly… Would it not be interesting” coincidence “( as you know I do not believe in coincidence) if hurricane Ida swamps New Orleans again( I feel bad for those who live there if they go through this again )hopefully it will not happen .. Anyways we can see this concept of being on the right path from a movie like the hobbit where the dwarves got off the path and ended up getting confused and walking in circles it wasn’t till Bilbo cleared his head that he could see the right path but the dwarves ended up suffering very much till they got back on the rightful path..I remember when you cached the location for Bin Laden if they had just gone for it at the time it would have saved a lot of time, effort, lost lives and coin but hey no one can tell anyone anything anymore because even if you lead a horse to water and he is thirsty you still can’t make him drink…lol…
True enough you have always pointed out that if we are not on the right path and we are on a path that is taking us away from where we are meant to be then we will be placed back on the path we were meant to follow rather harshly… Would it not be interesting” coincidence “( as you know I do not believe in coincidence) if hurricane Ida swamps New Orleans again( I feel bad for those who live there if they go through this again )hopefully it will not happen .. Anyways we can see this concept of being on the right path from a movie like the hobbit where the dwarves got off the path and ended up getting confused and walking in circles it wasn’t till Bilbo cleared his head that he could see the right path but the dwarves ended up suffering very much till they got back on the rightful path..I remember when you cached the location for Bin Laden if they had just gone for it at the time it would have saved a lot of time, effort, lost lives and coin but hey no one can tell anyone anything anymore because even if you lead a horse to water and he is thirsty you still can’t make him drink…lol…
Confused here put it like this Are not the governments in the western countries that had all the freedoms in the world now not doing the opposite and are behaving like the Taliban towards their own citizens and infringing on their rights .. We have moved along way from the path we were on before as a matter of fact we are heading completely. The wrong direction think about it…
I posted facts. You refuse to even look at the proof I posted. Why are you a fact denier? All you do is try to deflect from the facts that I posted because you can't debate the facts I posted.
I’m happy to spend tome looking at your stuff as soon as you show a spec of respect and give me a direct answer to a direct question. I’m not going to engage with you with all the dishonest gameplay that you’ve been doing. Answer my question and we can proceed to debate whatever facts you want
I posted facts. You refuse to even look at the proof I posted. Why are you a fact denier? All you do is try to deflect from the facts that I posted because you can't debate the facts I posted.
Even though Israel has less than 9 million people, the country is still a useful source of pfizer effectiveness because the vaccinations were available earlier there than USA.

The 39 percent estimation is just that, an estimation. At the time taken, they had less than a thousand cases per day, which makes it subject being a mathematical fluke. Also the 39 percent is for protection against mild cases. Its still more than 90 percent effective for major illness and hospitalization.

More recently in Israel:

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

which shows its worth getting vaccinated.
You finally see what I have been saying. In the end we all have to catch it and survive it. Vaccine or no vaccine
Here is a study you might like to read about...

Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.

Here is a study you might like to read about...

Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.

Yep. One booster. Why do I need two like those who never had the virus? In Europe those who had it only need one. Trust me. I read many studies.
Yes but he recommends Pfizer. Fewest side effects for those who have the antibodies
Will taking the second shot further boost your immunity to catching and spreading it? Do you think whoever is making the rules is just erroring on the side of caution?
Will taking the second shot further boost your immunity to catching and spreading it? Do you think whoever is making the rules is just erroring on the side of caution?
It will not boost it remotely. Pharma companies certainly benefit the most.
True enough you have always pointed out that if we are not on the right path and we are on a path that is taking us away from where we are meant to be then we will be placed back on the path we were meant to follow rather harshly… Would it not be interesting” coincidence “( as you know I do not believe in coincidence) if hurricane Ida swamps New Orleans again( I feel bad for those who live there if they go through this again )hopefully it will not happen .. Anyways we can see this concept of being on the right path from a movie like the hobbit where the dwarves got off the path and ended up getting confused and walking in circles it wasn’t till Bilbo cleared his head that he could see the right path but the dwarves ended up suffering very much till they got back on the rightful path..I remember when you cached the location for Bin Laden if they had just gone for it at the time it would have saved a lot of time, effort, lost lives and coin but hey no one can tell anyone anything anymore because even if you lead a horse to water and he is thirsty you still can’t make him drink…lol…
Or it proves the Kohn and Bohm theorems in relations to time/event manipulations if you try and change a future event eventually the cause effect interconnectivity will slowly spring everything back to where they were meant to be.
Same basis as the secret to "the returning", once the time message changes what destructive path you intend to change, there no longer would be the designer(s) (creator of the messengers) in place as guardian(s) of that path, so there'd have to be a way of acknowledging and returning to that position of authority/the platform to do the work to change, otherwise the event to help never happens and everything eventually springs back to repeat where it was intended to be. =(time manipulation theory)

Without the Mikdash and "Return" the spring back effect or Billiard ball impact by another object effect would explain such odd precise mirror reversals.

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