Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

If the shaming makes her healthier and gives her a longer healthier life, I would be all for it. My kids play a ton of sports and both were gymnasts. So they are blessed with athleticism. But if they weren’t I would definitely push a healthier diet and such.
Well thats my point... I don't think shaming makes people healthier. I don't think it is effective. There are more positive ways to promote healthy behavior. You are lucky you have two healthy and athletic children. Not everybody has that. I can't imagine you would support the government, school or any outside group shaming kids who are over weight. If you do then you have some serious issues
Because the answer doesn't matter. You are asking a question where the answer does not matter. And, the number varies greatly from study to study. The rates are all over the place. You might want to look at these two links:

The vaccines are great at reducing hospitalizations and deaths but do very little at stopping the spread because even in the most highly vaccinated country in the world, Delta cases are surging.
If it doesn't matter then why don't you answer it? You said you know the numbers. So prove it
Yup that’s what it was. You have bed intel with that 39%… it’s 66%, with more protection against severe symptoms. Why are you pretending like that’s a bad thing?!
Hey dummy, there has never been a successful vaccine made for a coronavirus. There is a reason influenza is still around, despite all the “seasonal flu shots” that keep getting pumped into people, it’s a coronavirus as well.

So this WuFlu shit is just going to turn into a new “seasonal” COVID shot that will never be effective in eliminating it, since we didn’t follow the old (pre-2020) W.H.O. plan for a SARS coronavirus type pandemic, which was no lockdowns, no social distancing, no masks. The plan was to let it propagate as fast as possible in order to achieve actual herd immunity.

Instead you idiots are pushing these shitty “vaccines” which aren’t vaccines and thus will never achieve herd immunity even if 90% of the population is “vaccinated”.
Hey dummy, there has never been a successful vaccine made for a coronavirus. There is a reason influenza is still around, despite all the “seasonal flu shots” that keep getting pumped into people, it’s a coronavirus as well.

So this WuFlu shit is just going to turn into a new “seasonal” COVID shot that will never be effective in eliminating it, since we didn’t follow the old (pre-2020) W.H.O. plan for a SARS coronavirus type pandemic, which was no lockdowns, no social distancing, no masks. The plan was to let it propagate as fast as possible in order to achieve actual herd immunity.

Instead you idiots are pushing these shitty “vaccines” which aren’t vaccines and thus will never achieve herd immunity even if 90% of the population is “vaccinated”.
Apparently the level of retard is so high that you are correct, we missed the boat in wiping this thing out with herd immunity because too many hard headed fools refused to be good citizens so COVID is apparently here to stay. The vaccines are very effective in that fight though. They slow the spread by cutting transmissions down by over half and they prevent sever symptoms which keeps people out of the hospitals. Thats pretty damn good.
Apparently the level of retard is so high that you are correct, we missed the boat in wiping this thing out with herd immunity because too many hard headed fools refused to be good citizens so COVID is apparently here to stay. The vaccines are very effective in that fight though. They slow the spread by cutting transmissions down by over half and they prevent sever symptoms which keeps people out of the hospitals. Thats pretty damn good.
Slowing down the virus isn’t good. That’s what every virologist agreed on and that’s why the plan was to allow it to propagate as much as possible.

Severe symptoms can be avoided if we just allowed more treatments to be used instead of immediately banning them because Orange Man mentions them. There are many drugs that other countries are using to treat and are seeing upwards of 85% better chance to live compared to placebo. But of course you lefties have to stop any such thing from happening because then people would realize we don’t all need the vaccine.
Well thats my point... I don't think shaming makes people healthier. I don't think it is effective. There are more positive ways to promote healthy behavior. You are lucky you have two healthy and athletic children. Not everybody has that. I can't imagine you would support the government, school or any outside group shaming kids who are over weight. If you do then you have some serious issues
I ask again. What would you do? So far nothing has worked. Maybe if we put as much thought into Healthy Lives Matter vs Black Lives Matter, we would all be better off?
Slowing down the virus isn’t good. That’s what every virologist agreed on and that’s why the plan was to allow it to propagate as much as possible.

Severe symptoms can be avoided if we just allowed more treatments to be used instead of immediately banning them because Orange Man mentions them. There are many drugs that other countries are using to treat and are seeing upwards of 85% better chance to live compared to placebo. But of course you lefties have to stop any such thing from happening because then people would realize we don’t all need the vaccine.
Slowing down the virus saves lives and protects an overwhelmed medical care system. Do you really not understand that?
I ask again. What would you do? So far nothing has worked. Maybe if we put as much thought into Healthy Lives Matter vs Black Lives Matter, we would all be better off?
It doesn't need to be a one vs the other... As I mentioned, I live in California and Austin which are very health centric places. Its about education and opportunity and culture. Some may make the argument that we are marketing too much sugar and junk foods but then we get into regulating our businesses and I'm not a big fan of that. They do bare much responsibility though.

Shaming people is an old school method that does not work. You act like it is a tried and proven method to get results and thats just not the case. It is an ugly way to treat each other and a toxic thing to promote... Especially when it comes to children.
Holy shit. Did you not even read my links?
No of course I didn't read your links... I told you im not reading your shit until you answer my simple insignificant question. You are wasting your time harping on your diversion. Answer the question and then we can talk about your diversions. You might be surprised that I agree with much of it.

What is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
It doesn't need to be a one vs the other... As I mentioned, I live in California and Austin which are very health centric places. Its about education and opportunity and culture. Some may make the argument that we are marketing too much sugar and junk foods but then we get into regulating our businesses and I'm not a big fan of that. They do bare much responsibility though.

Shaming people is an old school method that does not work. You act like it is a tried and proven method to get results and thats just not the case. It is an ugly way to treat each other and a toxic thing to promote... Especially when it comes to children.
So you only care about places you live? Time is finite. Drop the Black Lives Matter BS, which is partisan. And start the non partisan healthy lives matter campaign for kids.
So you only care about places you live? Time is finite. Drop the Black Lives Matter BS, which is partisan. And start the non partisan healthy lives matter campaign for kids.
I'm not stating what I care about, I'm pointing out what I see in my community. I know you think Cali is a liberal shithole but when it comes to health and wellness they are way ahead of the curve.
Noted, the provided links indicate no evidence that said person was even vaxxed. But let's assume that she was. So what?

Given, a certain percentage of the vaxed will die of Covid-19. It is also a given that a much larger share of those who are not vaxxed will meet the same fate.

Honestly, some of you people are really stupid.
Slowing down the virus saves lives and protects an overwhelmed medical care system. Do you really not understand that?
You don’t understand that “slowing down” the virus isn’t the best way to get though the pandemic. That’s what every virologist says.
Slowing down the virus saves lives and protects an overwhelmed medical care system. Do you really not understand that?
Why are you so obtuse about these things? For many years the propaganda has been going on full speed ahead about people who have the audacity to not vote Progressive Socialist. It is in near everything we do. Schooling, Movies, TV in all ways, magazines and newspapers. A constant brainwashing of the population. We are in a so called third generation extreme feminism. Sent their asses to war zones. They are so tough. Send them to places like Afghanistan. See what happens.
You don’t understand that “slowing down” the virus isn’t the best way to get though the pandemic. That’s what every virologist says.
Of course it is. Especially if there are vaccines in the mix. You are misinformed as usual
No of course I didn't read your links... I told you im not reading your shit until you answer my simple insignificant question. You are wasting your time harping on your diversion. Answer the question and then we can talk about your diversions. You might be surprised that I agree with much of it.

What is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
The answer to your question was in the links. If you aren't literate then that's not my problem.
How about you just write down the number instead of playing these round a bout games
My God man, it's basically in the headline of the links! YOU are the one playing the games. What difference does it make if I post the number myself or it is in the link I provide? You asked for the number, I posted the number. If you aren't willing to debate then you should just say so. I'm beginning to realize that you are just using a debate strategy to deflect from the fact that you have lost the debate. Do you accept facts or don't you?

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