Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

I don’t know man, maybe it’s because I live in California and Austin but I see healthy foods and exercise and a healthy lifestyle promoted all over the place I think it’s a great thing. It might not be like this in other areas of the country and I definitely support it As long as we are conscientious as to not body shame or fat shame people who are overweight
Maybe some shaming is necessary? We have no issue when it comes to shaming smokers.
If you don’t support tough love then you’re allowing these people to get fat and die from a virus that 99.9% survive if they are healthy and not fat.
I don’t think Tough love and shaming people is effective. I think it is a form of bullying and I think it only makes problems worse… there are better ways to handle it, better ways to communicate to people.
I don’t think Tough love and shaming people is effective. I think it is a form of bullying and I think it only makes problems worse… there are better ways to handle it, better ways to communicate to people.
Maybe. What are they? We are the fattest developed nation in the world.
Maybe. What are they? We are the fattest developed nation in the world.
“They” would be with positive communication. Not negative. Why in the world would you promote shaming and bullying?

How would you feel if your child or niece was overweight and shamed by the government or advocacy group for it?
Maybe. What are they? We are the fattest developed nation in the world.
So you supported Michelle Obama's pet project of getting fatter kids healthier? Eating healthy school lunch? Get up off your feet and exercise?
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They only Jabbed for one type of virus .. The virus mutated to overcome this as is nature’s way.. The new mutated virus makes the old shot obsolete and we are back to square one…Either they did this on purpose or they are really really dumb This new way of life will go on and on and on if we allow the politicians and Pharma companies to continue to hold this over our heads forever..The constantant scaring of the population doesn’t help either..I mean really it is not the first time in our history that we have been threatened by pandemics before and we survived and thrived afterwards without these silly lockdowns and rules….
There seems to be this freakish neutralizing force taking place in everything we do lately, a precise mirror opposite reaction to every major action (Bohm and Kohn theorems of cause and affect interconnectivity).
Not just them conciously mirror opposite turning back everything Trump did, but also remember my 20 years ahead of everyone proclamation?
Well Sept 25th will be 20 years since I
geo cached located Bin Laden for the British news group challenge/contest that lead to the Brits taking out his upper military personnel and weapons cache in their early Oct Raid in 2001.
Here we are 20 years later and they reversed that by reinstating their upper military personnel & presence, while also replacing all their weapons through our bizzarro opposite brigade. *Cue the Twilight Zone theme music*
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HaShev, please continue your English as a second language night school course work. :laugh:
I challenge you to show where is says that woman was vaxxed.
I'll bet you can't. You're a liar.
Here's a much more informative article. All but that one case were crew members who are asymptomatic or have mild cases. The passenger was vaccinated, as were well over 90% of the people on board. This woman had a very bad outcome; it happens. Maybe comorbidities? The article gives no information about that.

Note that Carnival is tightening up their requirements now.

Here's a much more informative article. All but that one case were crew members who are asymptomatic or have mild cases. The passenger was vaccinated, as were well over 90% of the people on board. This woman had a very bad outcome; it happens. Maybe comorbidities? The article gives no information about that.

Note that Carnival is tightening up their requirements now.

MAYBE it's in the food?
Funny how they tried to pin the source of the virus on Food sources from the wet markets, but suddenly that's not even a consideration any more. Go Figure!
MAYBE it's in the food?
Funny how they tried to pin the source of the virus on Food sources from the wet markets, but suddenly that's not even a consideration any more. Go Figure!
I dunno. They say it really doesn't spread by contact much, but then why have us wash our hands all the time? There must be something to it.

I was thinking the crew just hang out in more crowded quarters, so it spread there and a passenger caught it.

Interesting that since the staff wore masks, it seems to have kept it from spreading to passengers, except that one case. Masks do help.
I don’t think Tough love and shaming people is effective. I think it is a form of bullying and I think it only makes problems worse… there are better ways to handle it, better ways to communicate to people.
Of course I want to use your number to make my point. Then you can counter my point if you disagree with it. Instead of doing that in an honest and forthright way you just avoid answering my question. Thats weak. All I can conclude from that is you know the point I am making and you can't combat it so you avoid discussing the specifics and you keep repeating the talking points you've been repeating. Grow up. Do better. Answer the question. What is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
Whatever point you make it has already been countered. No matter how you slice the pie or spin it, the bottom line is ALWAYS that Delta cases are surging in the most highly vaccinated places on the planet. Therefore, the vaccines aren't doing diddly at stopping the spread of Delta. Once you and the left admit that, then we can formulate a plan that may actually decrease cases. When your head is buried in the sand and unable to accept the truth, we can't move forward.

And, I'm more than willing to talk about how great the vaccines are at preventing hospitalizations and deaths. It needs to be talked about and I highly recommend that the unvaccianated get vaccinated due to this factor. But, first you have to admit that cases are surging everywhere, despite vaccination rates, because the vaccines don't do much to stop the spread. We can't beat this thing if you continue to use outdated science.
Whatever point you make it has already been countered. No matter how you slice the pie or spin it, the bottom line is ALWAYS that Delta cases are surging in the most highly vaccinated places on the planet. Therefore, the vaccines aren't doing diddly at stopping the spread of Delta. Once you and the left admit that, then we can formulate a plan that may actually decrease cases. When your head is buried in the sand and unable to accept the truth, we can't move forward.

And, I'm more than willing to talk about how great the vaccines are at preventing hospitalizations and deaths. It needs to be talked about and I highly recommend that the unvaccianated get vaccinated due to this factor. But, first you have to admit that cases are surging everywhere, despite vaccination rates, because the vaccines don't do much to stop the spread. We can't beat this thing if you continue to use outdated science.
I'm just scanning your replies looking for numbers as it is long past time for you to just give a straight answer... But for some reason you are still dodging the question and trying to change the topic by repeating the same stuff over and over again. Sorry, but you're wasting your time typing stuff that nobody is reading, I don't give much respect to people who can't answer a straight question. If you are equipped to counter an argument then you wouldn't avoid questions and topics. Do better. What is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
“They” would be with positive communication. Not negative. Why in the world would you promote shaming and bullying?

How would you feel if your child or niece was overweight and shamed by the government or advocacy group for it?
If the shaming makes her healthier and gives her a longer healthier life, I would be all for it. My kids play a ton of sports and both were gymnasts. So they are blessed with athleticism. But if they weren’t I would definitely push a healthier diet and such.
I'm just scanning your replies looking for numbers as it is long past time for you to just give a straight answer... But for some reason you are still dodging the question and trying to change the topic by repeating the same stuff over and over again. Sorry, but you're wasting your time typing stuff that nobody is reading, I don't give much respect to people who can't answer a straight question. If you are equipped to counter an argument then you wouldn't avoid questions and topics. Do better. What is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
Because the answer doesn't matter. You are asking a question where the answer does not matter. And, the number varies greatly from study to study. The rates are all over the place. You might want to look at these two links:

The vaccines are great at reducing hospitalizations and deaths but do very little at stopping the spread because even in the most highly vaccinated country in the world, Delta cases are surging.

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