Vaxxed cruise ship gets infected and vaxxed lady dies

"From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).

Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated."

Before somebody bitches about the source, go ahead and read the source document if you want. There is a link in the article.
Not what studies over here are showing.
Catching it only gives protection for 9 months max... Vaccinating a whole population gives aa chance to get rid of it...

Bit more than flu but not something to be feared if not in in a underlying group....

Biggest fear is giving it to unvaccinated..
9 months max? Funny I have had it for 15 months and have been donating my platelets to the American Red Cross. Still positive for the antibodies. My doctor, he is dumb as he only went to Harvard Medical School, believes I may have my antibodies for life.
No where in that article did it say the person who died was vaccinated. Thanks for the big fucking waste of time.

Referencing the WSJ article later in the thread.

If you wasted a little more of your time would have come across this article
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I am not saying ban anything. I am saying promote a healthy lifestyle with the same rigor you promote the vaccines and Black Lives Matter. Bloomberg didn’t ban soda just giant servings of it.
I know what Bloomberg did, I was just curious what your take on it was.
I wear a N99 mask which is comes in sizes, this gives aa far better fit.

The virus has a pretty short lifespan in open air and if it was on the mask it would die off pretty quickly... The other major advantage of mask is how much we touch our face and even put our fingers to our lips or nose... A mask is a great reminder for that... That mean we don't touch our nose (which we all do) and then touch a surface... It also means we don't do the same...

Is it fool proof? No but this about reducing transmission rather than total solution. We could be living with this for aa good while longer unfortunately...

Even reducing by 25% is a major achievement. With Vaccines (which also reduce the transmission rate but not foolproof) and some common sense precautions we can as a society push the R rate (reproduction rate) below 1... This mean an infected person infects on average less than one other person we can see the virus become smaller... Masks like vaccines are just weapons in out fight against this virus, there is no magic solution a silver bullet...

Best to look at places like Denmark which is coming close to 90% vaccinated of over 12... There deaths are getting lower and they keep this Delta variant under control while getting rid of Mask mandates two weeks ago. The general rule in Europe is, if you are anti-Mask or anti-Vaccine you are pro Lockdowns..
Masks need to be changed frequently to work. Even the top of the line masks need to be cleaned by UV machines for reuse if they are not replaced frequently. I have a couple of the N95 masks, but wear the cheap disposal ones on a daily basis changing them during the day now as masks are required where I work.

I've read different data about the length of time coronavirus particles can hover around in the air. Dependent on the size of the particulate, it can be as long as 15 minutes according to a few studies (as I recall without notes). So, I keep this in mind while out and about with "empty" elevators I will still take a pass if stairs are empty. Even then, a person could have released the virus in the hallway and the person long gone...the airborne virus lingers.

The jury is still undecided about whether or not these available vaccines reduce transmission. I haven't found anything to prove it does. There is proof that the opposite is happening now with the Delta variant, that vaccinated status formerly touted as a preventative, soon became not a preventative but reduces likelihood of complications. The only thing it's shown to do is reduce severity in cases.

Why did the US (NIH) pull the funding on Novavax's safer vaccine do you think? The Novavax product is more like the traditional vaccines, a sub unit method less riskier by far compared to mRNA proven by various studies. "The company has faced consistent FDA approval delays which have led to a dip in NVAX stock." Sounds like the good ole' FDA is not a fan of Novavax...I can see why they are hoping to knock it off the playing field in the US. It's going to be utilized in other countries, and the US is at the mercy of the FDA's power play delaying their testing to block it.

The mRNA cells to produce protein spikes that could break off. They are hopeful not many of these created protein spikes break off and they certainly are hoping they don't wind up in organs. Using fat to hold it together is the issue. That still blows my mind. They do not know how long the fatty substance holds together, according to pro-vaccine researchers interviewed, and they don't know exactly which muscles are taking in the protein, just "muscle tissue". It varies from how it was described and depends upon an individual's unique response.

I don't like unknowns when it comes to health measures, particularly untested methods (we cannot even know at this point how long antibodies work from natural immunity versus immunity from the jabs). Reportedly (this will evolve over time) antibodies were found 5-6 months out after natural exposure. Then, as time allowed, it was 7-8 months soon moving to more saying 8 months best estimate. Now? We need more time to elapse. Most likely, in two months testing will show antibodies at 10 months...12 see where I am going here. Best (longest) immune response is from natural immunity, working with B (memory cells), and T "cleaner uppers".

Interesting that CDC is holding off on "approving" boosters, drug companies are biting at the bit to make this a never ending thing. Unscrupulous drug company heads hope that more people begin to believe that our strong immune systems, able to fight off 4 other coronviruses (novel 5th type making it currently radicalized as far as reactions) has just gone to pot. We are all instantly at the mercy of the drug czars (a select group it seems, some aren't allowed by FDA), and their determination that our immune systems, which have enabled mankind to live through all kinds of tragic events, are now null and void Why should I believe that a novel coronavirus with low risk for me (healthy, no meds needed, no existing problems) with wipe out my immune system so I suddenly need to rely on vaccines for the rest of my life to stay well? They NIH, CDC, Fauci/NIIAAD, FDA, government involved officials (gave the okay to rush the vaccines with companies that had never produced a vaccine before) are hoping more come to believe we are doomed without annual injections, multiple injections.

After major factor that's influenced my decision to not accept one of the untested jabs: Merck & Co., one of the top US producers of vaccines failed its own line of a C-19 vaccine. Their assessment? "There is no evidence that a vaccine will be superior to natural immunity". That is a statement, made by one of the top leading vaccine producers of all time in the US and why they didn't proceed. Their tests showed that a vaccine route was not superior to a no-vaccine route. Perhaps Merck did not want to go through a repeat of having a whistleblower and the claim Merck exaggerated protective quality for mumps vaccine during trials. Interesting that is was reported this past June, 5 Indian drug makers are testing Merck's failed vaccine...the same failed product according to Merck's own testing. Wow...desperate measures it would seem. Five Indian Drugmakers to Jointly Start Trial of Merck's COVID-19 Drug

Okay, so I'll apologize for the inconsistent train of thought to the above paragraphs. Your post brought up many good points, but there is a lot more I'd like to share/run by you/compare notes.
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I am very informed but I'm not playing your game. I know what the figures are but, as I said, they are meaningless. The only figures that matter are the figures which show that even in the most highly vaccinated places on the planet, cases continue surging.

Both Israel and Iceland have vaccination rates of 80% and are seeing surging cases of Delta. Stupid Fauci just said the other day that if the US could get up to 80% then we would be in much better shape. What better shape? If our vaccination rate was 80% our cases would still be surging, the same as both Israel and Iceland. That's something that Fauci wishes for the US? Is that the best hope he has for us is getting us to the point where are cases are still surging?

Once I can get you past this point then we can talk about how well the vaccines do at decreasing hospitalizations and deaths but we can't ever get to the point because you can't get past the first point that vaccinations do basically nothing to stop the spread of Delta. We, as a world society, can't make progress on this disease until we admit that the vaccinations will not stop the spread and neither will masks. This is why it is surging under Biden, because he and the left refuse to admit the truth of point one.
If you know what the numbers are then why don't you answer my question and post them? You don't seem to have a problem posting other statistics. You're not a very honest debater are you?
If you know what the numbers are then why don't you answer my question and post them? You don't seem to have a problem posting other statistics. You're not a very honest debater are you?
LOL. YOU are the dishonest debater. You want me to post a number just so you can use it to prove your nonsense. Meanwhile, the most highly vaccinated places on the planet have surging cases of Delta. You ignore what is right in front of your face to make an argument about outdated science. The day science comes out it is already outdated. While the most vaccinated places on the planet at an 80% vaccination rate are experiencing surges, our very own scientists are trying to claim how well the US would be doing if we had an 80% vaccination rate. Isn't that rather stupid? It's not even science, it's simple math. If the highest vaccinated places in the world with an 80% vaccination rate are having surges of Covid, then what would happen in the US if we hit that very same 80% mark? It doesn't take a genius to know the answer to that question.

And, another question. If the most highly vaccinated places on the planet only hit an 80% vaccination rate (and these places aren't even the liberal bastions of Europe that the left love so much), then is it reasonable to think that the US could have or exceed a vaccination rate of 80%? It's just not reasonable. The left would rather spend their time complaining about the unvaccinated than come up with a different plan that would work better.
LOL. YOU are the dishonest debater. You want me to post a number just so you can use it to prove your nonsense. Meanwhile, the most highly vaccinated places on the planet have surging cases of Delta. You ignore what is right in front of your face to make an argument about outdated science. The day science comes out it is already outdated. While the most vaccinated places on the planet at an 80% vaccination rate are experiencing surges, our very own scientists are trying to claim how well the US would be doing if we had an 80% vaccination rate. Isn't that rather stupid? It's not even science, it's simple math. If the highest vaccinated places in the world with an 80% vaccination rate are having surges of Covid, then what would happen in the US if we hit that very same 80% mark? It doesn't take a genius to know the answer to that question.

And, another question. If the most highly vaccinated places on the planet only hit an 80% vaccination rate (and these places aren't even the liberal bastions of Europe that the left love so much), then is it reasonable to think that the US could have or exceed a vaccination rate of 80%? It's just not reasonable. The left would rather spend their time complaining about the unvaccinated than come up with a different plan that would work better.
Of course I want to use your number to make my point. Then you can counter my point if you disagree with it. Instead of doing that in an honest and forthright way you just avoid answering my question. Thats weak. All I can conclude from that is you know the point I am making and you can't combat it so you avoid discussing the specifics and you keep repeating the talking points you've been repeating. Grow up. Do better. Answer the question. What is the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine?
Masks need to be changed frequently to work. Even the top of the line masks need to be cleaned by UV machines for reuse if they are not replaced frequently. I have a couple of the N95 masks, but wear the cheap disposal ones on a daily basis changing them during the day now as masks are required where I work.

I've read different data about the length of time coronavirus particles can hover around in the air. Dependent on the size of the particulate, it can be as long as 15 minutes according to a few studies (as I recall without notes). So, I keep this in mind while out and about with "empty" elevators I will still take a pass if stairs are empty. Even then, a person could have released the virus in the hallway and the person long gone...the airborne virus lingers.

The jury is still undecided about whether or not these available vaccines reduce transmission. I haven't found anything to prove it does. There is proof that the opposite is happening now with the Delta variant, that vaccinated status formerly touted as a preventative, soon became not a preventative but reduces likelihood of complications. The only thing it's shown to do is reduce severity in cases.

Why did the US (NIH) pull the funding on Novavax's safer vaccine do you think? The Novavax product is more like the traditional vaccines, a sub unit method less riskier by far compared to mRNA proven by various studies. "The company has faced consistent FDA approval delays which have led to a dip in NVAX stock." Sounds like the good ole' FDA is not a fan of Novavax...I can see why they are hoping to knock it off the playing field in the US. It's going to be utilized in other countries, and the US is at the mercy of the FDA's power play delaying their testing to block it.

The mRNA cells to produce protein spikes that could break off. They are hopeful not many of these created protein spikes break off and they certainly are hoping they don't wind up in organs. Using fat to hold it together is the issue. That still blows my mind. They do not know how long the fatty substance holds together, according to pro-vaccine researchers interviewed, and they don't know exactly which muscles are taking in the protein, just "muscle tissue". It varies from how it was described and depends upon an individual's unique response.

I don't like unknowns when it comes to health measures, particularly untested methods (we cannot even know at this point how long antibodies work from natural immunity versus immunity from the jabs). Reportedly (this will evolve over time) antibodies were found 5-6 months out after natural exposure. Then, as time allowed, it was 7-8 months soon moving to more saying 8 months best estimate. Now? We need more time to elapse. Most likely, in two months testing will show antibodies at 10 months...12 see where I am going here. Best (longest) immune response is from natural immunity, working with B (memory cells), and T "cleaner uppers".

Interesting that CDC is holding off on "approving" boosters, drug companies are biting at the bit to make this a never ending thing. Unscrupulous drug company heads hope that more people begin to believe that our strong immune systems, able to fight off 4 other coronviruses (novel 5th type making it currently radicalized as far as reactions) has just gone to pot. We are all instantly at the mercy of the drug czars (a select group it seems, some aren't allowed by FDA), and their determination that our immune systems, which have enabled mankind to live through all kinds of tragic events, are now null and void Why should I believe that a novel coronavirus with low risk for me (healthy, no meds needed, no existing problems) with wipe out my immune system so I suddenly need to rely on vaccines for the rest of my life to stay well? They NIH, CDC, Fauci/NIIAAD, FDA, government involved officials (gave the okay to rush the vaccines with companies that had never produced a vaccine before) are hoping more come to believe we are doomed without annual injections, multiple injections.

After major factor that's influenced my decision to not accept one of the untested jabs: Merck & Co., one of the top US producers of vaccines failed its own line of a C-19 vaccine. Their assessment? "There is no evidence that a vaccine will be superior to natural immunity". That is a statement, made by one of the top leading vaccine producers of all time in the US and why they didn't proceed. Their tests showed that a vaccine route was not superior to a no-vaccine route. Perhaps Merck did not want to go through a repeat of having a whistleblower and the claim Merck exaggerated protective quality for mumps vaccine during trials. Interesting that is was reported this past June, 5 Indian drug makers are testing Merck's failed vaccine...the same failed product according to Merck's own testing. Wow...desperate measures it would seem. Five Indian Drugmakers to Jointly Start Trial of Merck's COVID-19 Drug

Okay, so I'll apologize for the inconsistent train of thought to the above paragraphs. Your post brought up many good points, but there is a lot more I'd like to share/run by you/compare notes.
If your concern is “traditional vaccines” get the J&J. It is a traditional vaccine

But please get the vaccine

View attachment 530238

One vaxxed person died.

Compared to the 600,000 non-vaxxed who also died.

Math is hard.png


Cults gonna cult
Well? Do you disagree with me? Maybe Healthy Lives Matter is the slogan we should all be chanting?
I don’t know man, maybe it’s because I live in California and Austin but I see healthy foods and exercise and a healthy lifestyle promoted all over the place I think it’s a great thing. It might not be like this in other areas of the country and I definitely support it As long as we are conscientious as to not body shame or fat shame people who are overweight

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